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Money, Money, Money

Stepshit's picture

BM and DH went to court for 50/50 a few months ago. BM fought against it, and the Judge granted one overnight weekly visit along with DH's regular EOW and 2day/week visitation schedule that was already in place. Child support was set along with the regular medical expenses that are to be split. No mention of any additional expenses that DH was/is responsible for.

Now that one of the children has reached driving age, BM wants DH to cover half of the car insurance expenses. The opportunity for all expenses to be split was given during litigation for 50/50, which BM refused to, however, now that an additional expense comes up, above and beyond what the CO states, she's demanding the cost be split.

What do you think is fair? Should DH just pony up and pay for half of the car insurance despite offering this arrangement of 50/50 time/expenses previously that was refused, or should DH stick to his guns and refuse to pay since he's already paying what is CO'd?


notmyfirstrodeo's picture

Unless BM is allowing more visitation than the CO ordered, I wouldn't pay one penny more. She had her opportunity to be fair, and she chose a different path. Definitley not DH's fault.

NCMilGal's picture

In September 2012, BM sent DH a laundry list of "upcoming" expenses - car, car insurance, senior photos, class ring, prom, etc, ad nauseum. DH told her he wouldn't be contributing a penny over what was COed.

In May 2013, BM dumped SD-then-17 on DH. We have paid car, car insurance, prom, senior pictures, etc ad nauseum, without asking for a penny from BM (she doesn't even pay CS). It is totally worth it to be able to tell BM that she gets zero input because she quit and doesn't even help support her daughter.

Here's the funny part: I designed a college education path that will get SD18 out of college with VERY little debt. BM was violently opposed because it was community college and not a full university for "the real college experience." All of a sudden this week, BM was receptive to listening - she claims she will be sending a check for 1/2 of SD18's community college tuition before September. (and at that, it's less that DH was paying her in CS every year) We will see if it's yet another empty promise, but hey, if she comes through, it's money that's not coming out of our pockets.

Stepshit's picture

DH has told BM that skid needs to get a job to pay for his insurance at the very first mention made from BM about this. BM states that while she thinks it's not a bad idea for skid to get a job to "help" pay for his insurance, he will not be required to work if it affects his grades in school. Even though DH has told her his opinion on this, she still continues to bring it up. Tonight it was....."I know I didn't get things like this put into the CO, but we are going to have to work something out to pay for this."

TJH100911's picture

No longer a conversation. Sorry BM, at our house, if sk wants a car he pays for insurances. You are welcome to teach whatever lessons you want at your house.

misSTEP's picture

If he can't make enough money working to pay for the ENTIRE car, then he either needs to get a cheaper car or not HAVE a car.

I get so disgusted over things that are supposedly "necessities" just because they are the poor coddled children of divorce.

hereiam's picture

we are going to have to work something out to pay for this

I would tell her, "We have already worked it out. Go away."

She wanted to be custodial, she got it and she cut her nose off to spite her face. Sucks for her, she shouldn't have been so quick to be a bitch.

If he sticks to his guns, this can be a learning opportunity for the kid, also.