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Mother’s Day Mutual Admiration Society (Engage Barf Bags—HURL ALERT!!)

thinkthrice's picture

Well before MD, the 43 yr old, 6’ 250+ lbs BM was calling HER BM “Mommy” on FB. As in “I just got this calorie laden, fattening recipe from MY MOMMY” ]
Now a treat once in awhile is good, but the BM clan LIVES on chicken nuggets and double fudge brownies. Not a fruit or veg as far as the eye can see, but I digress.
SD 15 ½, who is crater failing school, skipping classes, reading/writing at a 3rd grade level, posted a glowing platitude to the BM about ‘how she help me be my best” :jawdrop: and “how she protects me’ SD is almost the same size as the BM)
The BM responded: Do you wanna snuggle tonite? (and yes, the BM is remarried)

BM was soooooo proud of her baby dumplin’ as most recently SD won a koolaid chugging contest with a BOY classmate. :barf:


ctnmom's picture

Do we have the same mom Exausted? lol I too spend way too much time looking for a "mother's" day card. Upside: I was a rockin mom to my own 3, or so they say. Wink

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

I think they need to make a TV show about this pack of gargantuan gingers! Seriously. I'd watch it for shock value alone!

misSTEP's picture

:sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

Can we say, "ENMESHMENT"?