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Blog Hog Alert: Seems like They've Created a New Alpha Grade for Underachievers

thinkthrice's picture

I've heard of this before but not in this area. Alpha grades A,B,C,D,E and F

They never had "E" before in skid's school district.

Guess there was a need for it. And "E" isn't for excellent. SD, now in grade 10, is already getting zeroes for no homework completed and got her first "E" in global studies.

So we now have "high failing"



Teas83's picture

I hate that mediocrity is being rewarded so much these days. Everyone gets a medal for trying, no one gets a zero even if they deserve one. If kids know they're going to pass everything regardless if their work or effort, there's no motivation. It's setting them up for failure later in life, IMO.

Ughugh's picture

Because they teach kids to be followers, not leaders, to mooch, not take pride in contributing.

Well, I am happier working, parenting, working out,taking care of my home, etc. These moochers end up with depression and addictions. Sad. The world is what you make of it, though.

My hands are tied, because every time I tried to help, I got derided or shut up by the Moochers Clan.

blueorblackink's picture

I went to H.S in Virginia. There was A,B,C,D, and E. No F. But an E was failing.

wth was I thinking's picture

The skids school will still give a 60% for things that are not even turned in. There are no zeros. :sick:

wth was I thinking's picture

I swear, it's true! The skids can barely seem to read or do basic math, I have no idea how they are going to function in higher grades. I have told DH in no uncertain terms that no able bodied adult, skid or otherwise, will ever live with us for a period of more than 6 months in some extreme circumstance. They will not be hanging around MY home. Their mother wants babies forever? She's got it!!

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Yours too, huh? SS15 got a 50% for fourth quarter on his report card last year in Social Studies, and he turned in ZERO homework assignments or projects. Dafuq?? A 65% is passing, so basically all you have to do to pass is turn in a couple assignments. And people wonder why our country can't compete with countries where people take education seriously!

Heaven forbid kids get what they EARN, you know, like in real life. Can't hurt their delicate widdle egos.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

I saw this somewhere, and think the US should adopt it. Blum 3

Asian Grading System:

F-Family Disowns You