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so out of OH and SS19...who left the cocaine wrapper...

stressedstep's picture

Ive left this to bubble up and its driving me mental.....but as previous blog, SS19 turned up out of the blue as if all was ok on Tuesday gone (Friday today)...anyway, early hours of Wednesday morning I wasnt well, so was up at 3.30 and then gave up on sleep at 5.30.....anyway, on a trip to the bathroom at 3.30 I noticed something on the side of my bath, but being shattered paid no attention and went back to bed, at 5.30 ish into the bathroom again again I noticed it but this time, I have NEVER in my life touched a drug other than alcohol and cigarettes....anything else is prescribed by my doctor, I have never personally seen the point to drugs, and watched my cousin fall into the depths of drugs at 13 which led to her murder when she was 21 so she was enough to put me off....ive not even smoked weed/spliff/skunk etc...

however thats not to say Im dumb to the whole world of it either....I know what gets packaged in what and how, I know the affects each different was on you...I know quite a few who have dabbled and still do, so Im kinda experienced with it without actually doing any of it, I know OH has struggled with addiction in the past, and he does still like to smoke the odd joint every now and then...I never thought he was doing anything else, up until 6 weeks ago, when after months of really dodgy behaviour, OH admitted that he had been taking cocaine for the previous 6-9 months......I was he had created a debt he couldnt pay (last payment to the dealer is today!!!!) I know, I should have kicked his ass out of my home and told him to do one, especially being pregnant....but I didnt. I talked to him, I tried to understand his reasons (although I dont believe in excuses, when counselling is available)he has suffered with depression and has had suicidal thoughts before all of I supported him, I believed him when he said he had stopped, that he would never do anything like that again, and he told me to control his money 100%.......Now, as blogs say, SS17 is believed to be on cocaine too, or at least has been, and SS19 and SS17 are really close, live to gether and hang about in the same to my problem....

On Tuesday, I found a cocaine wrap....slight whitish residue left, which did the normal burn/tingle and subsequent numb sensation on the tongue when I tasted it (I did spit it out!)....SO WHO LEFT THE WRAP IN MY HOUSE WHERE TWO 7 YEAR OLDS WERE RUNNING AROUND!!!!!!???????

I asked OH on Wednesday, he said it could have been an old one, fell out of his clothes etc....I said it wasnt possible, EVERYTHING HAD BEEN WASHED.....and it was NEW!......its been today I told OH it was bothering me, playing on my mind, and that at the end of the day IT WAS EITHER HIM OR SS19.....his answer?..."I hope it isnt SS19!" answer...."and me....because it was the most dirty, disgusting disrespectful thing anyone can do when two 7 years olds are running around a house, let alone bringing it to somebody elses house to do it!".....

Odds are 50/50...and thats the worst thing.....what doesnt help OH, is that lately he is VERY forgetful....and that's not a good sign.....

I think its time I saw a not sure how much more my head and heart can take.....


moeilijk's picture

It's your house, right? Throw him out until you get some counselling. You don't have to end the relationship - if that were easy for you you would have done it when you found out about him doing cocaine.

But cocaine is very addictive, and you already know he has lied and will lie to you. YOU and YOUR KIDS are more important than his ego.

Please, consider very thoughtfully, why YOU would risk two 7 year olds? You're not addicted to drugs, but by letting him stay, you let the drugs in - either via him or SSs.

stressedstep's picture

My OH has denied its his, he said if he was still doing it he wouldnt be stupid enough top leave a wrapper, given that I was oblivious to it until he told me anyway.............and Im not sure, that after everything if I believe him or best friend is inclined to believe its SS19, given who he hangs with and around etc....but for me, its a 50/50 thing that I NEED to know the truth too...

If its SS19....I NEVER want him in my house again, or around my BD or my baby when born unless he can PROVE he is totally clean....if its my OH....well Im likely to fall apart, literally Sad

stressedstep's picture

The other thing is I dont know he is paying for it, since his wages come to me now.....he doesnt have the only way he could have it is on tap which means he would have to tell me at some point as he wont be able to pay the debt.....and then he will be packed up and kicked out.....

Luckily, neither SS's have keys anymore, nor will they ever.............

kathc's picture

Of course he's just running up a debt again. He's been paying off his dealer, showing him that he's "good for it". So of course he is being extended more "credit".

SecondGeneration's picture

Oh god this is a nightmare. If child protection gets wind of it then theres a whole can of worms opening up.
Did you call the police? To be honest I would contact either the police or an addictions officer and ask them for help.

Your partner has a casual relationship with drugs, albeit weed it is still a drug. (Again Im another who has never touched any drug, I had an uncle who died due to drugs when I was young). And your partner has already taken the step from weed to cocaine, which for many drug users can spell the beginning of the downward spiral.
Now you guys talked and you chose to support him, thats fine and entirely your right to do so. But given that you have other youngsters in the house and a baby on the way, if your partner is truly committed to ending his relationship with drugs then he should be happy to support you and follow advice from the professionals.

Please do not try to handle this on your own, your priority here is to protect the current children and the baby on the way. Ofcourse you want to believe your partner and to be fair he has a point, it would be stupid of him to leave the package out if hes using secretly, but we all know drugs make people do strange things.

stressedstep's picture

OH is registered with a clinic.....they called him 2 weeks ago whilst we were having my 20 week scan!! He got uncomfortable talking to them in front of me and kinda walked away a little...he didnt talk to me about it after, but then I think he wanted me to enjoy my euphoria of finding out the sex of my baby......and in fairness I didnt ask him either......

I said today that ultimately its been in my house with the kids, but mainly the house my BD7 LIVES in...SD7 doesnt live with us.....when OH first told me he said he had never bought it into the house, but he had in the family car...which p*ssed me off too!......

I didnt call the police, I never mentioned to OH that I had found it until later on the Wednesday....I asked my BF on the Wednesday morning, explained what I had found and its effect, she just confirmed my suspicions as hers were the same.....

BethAnne's picture

wow, that is a hell of a lot to deal with, if you feel you need the help of a councilor then that is a great move.

Personally I would confront SS and ask him if it is his and then gauge his reaction. The thing that worries me about your husbands reaction is that he didn't outright deny it, claiming that it fell out of his clothes. That gives me the feeling that he knew it was there but wanted to cover up that he used it recently. But then again with no money you are right to question where he got it. Is it possible it is both SS and DH were sharing??