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Update to "Daddddyyy I want 2 costumes!!!"

onstrike's picture

So as I posted in my last blog,dh almost bought sd8 another costume,even though she already has one,but sd8 misbehaved in the store,so he didn't buy it. Fast forward 2 days later. I got home and sd8 is telling me all about her new costume dh bought her today.WTF?? She now has 2 cheerleading costumes. One at her Bm and the other one here. This is assanine to me.Why on EARTH does she need 2? What do you think?


IslandGal's picture

Your DH is a spineless jellyfish. He is spoiling her and setting her up to fail as an adult, where she'll expect everything to be given to her just 'cos she wants it. Just sad.

MissElphaba's picture


hereiam's picture

The fact that she doesn't need two costumes comes second to the fact that she got what she wanted, even after misbehaving in the store. Sure, he waited 2 days but.....what did she learn?

"If I'm willing to wait a couple of days, I can act like a brat and not really suffer a consequence."

twoviewpoints's picture

Lesson learned for next year. Don't take a child into a Halloween costume store when you know she already has one. Save the adult costume shopping for an evening SD is not present...much quitter and more pleasant of an outing anyway.

As for your DH? Silly man. What until she's a teen. What he's teaching her now is going to stick with her. Hmmmm, I'll only get grounded for two days if I totally blow off my curfew. Meh, two days. cool. Totally worth it,

You're husband is really going to regret this down the road.