She made it too easy.
DH actually came up with a great idea, he asked Inbred if he could get them a different night this week so that he could go with us to OBS dinner. She agreed but of course she tells him at 5pm that it has to be this night or just don't see them until his next visit. He was rushing to get out of the house and like a dumbass I went with him because he still hasn't fixed the AC in his car.
I told him before hand I was not going into any public bathrooms unless I had to pee.
He took them to a playground, I sat on a bench and played on my phone the entire time and was thankfully left alone.
dPPP said something to DH about her hooha, saying that it's hurt and she needs medicine and all. When we dropped the kids off DH asked Inbred WTF??
For whatever reason the damn bitch decided to stick her head in the window to tell him about it, some type of vaginal infection she has and she has a lottion that she has to put on her.
It was right there.
How could she leave herself open like this?
I tried to stop myself, but I couldn't.
I'm probably going to hell.
"A vaginal infection? You been letting her get in the bathtub with you again?"
DH had a deer in headlights look on his face, and Inbred...if looks could kill.
I'm sure I'll get some backlash for it amused me.
PS, DH called the doctor....dPPP has severe diaper rash, that's what happens when you let a 6 year old sit around in piss pants all day.
- Evil stepmonster's blog
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Diaper rash on a 6 year old!
Diaper rash on a 6 year old! That's some great parenting, right there.
Inbred feels it's much easier
Inbred feels it's much easier on her to let dPPP sit around in a pull up all damn day instead of toilet training and cleaning up accidents. I agree, it's a big problem.
lol..Sorry for the mess.
lol..Sorry for the mess.
Honestly, I feel sorry for
Honestly, I feel sorry for this kid. At best, your dh is a guilty parent. Bm is even worse. Sd knows you don't like her/being around her. Kids can pick up on that stuff.
I think you need to disengage. Let him do his thing with his kids and you do your thing with yours.
Dh needs to document the diaper rash and sds sitting in piss pants all day with bm.
I began disengaging I guess
I began disengaging I guess about a month or a month and half ago. It makes things easier, but I do relapse. I no more give my opinion on the pull ups, or anything as long as they do not disrespect me, my kids, or our house I will be silent and aloof.
She's suppose to get up and
She's suppose to get up and take off her pull up and put on clean underwear and get dressed. We did try not putting pull ups on her at night but she wouldn't quit pissing on the bed, so much that the hallway always smelled of urine and we had to chunk her mattress and replace it with an air mattress. I use to make sure she does it in the mornings and I would get screamed at by her and fits and all so I gave up, DH will do it when he thinks about it, but with her being 6 he just doesn't think of it first thing.
Yeah, especially when she
Yeah, especially when she comes back after being with her mom for two weeks. That's not the worst of it, Redface Magee still pisses his pants, he'll be 10 soon.
I'm at a loss for words - a
I'm at a loss for words - a 6-year-old has diaper rash?
I loved your comment to BM!
...wait... is this 6 year old
...wait... is this 6 year old child potty trained???
When she goes to school if
When she goes to school if Inbred can remember she'll put her in underwear. If she doesn't, or she's home all day she's in a pull up. She won't poop in them but she has absolutely no problem with being in a pee soaked diaper all damn long, even if she's told you really smell bad, she doesn't care, she doesn't feel like taking bathroom breaks unless we're out in public, then she has to sit on every public toilet she comes across.
I do not understand the
I do not understand the fascination of using EVERY public toilet you come across. YSS will want to use any toilet and portapotty everywhere. It's better now that he doesn't have to get totally undressed to use it.
Well, that's just not healthy
Well, that's just not healthy for the 6 year old. The child needs to be potty trained.
You and me both!! All three
You and me both!! All three of mine were potty trained by 3 with no more accidents over night between 4 and 5.
No, she just doesn't feel
No, she just doesn't feel like wearing big girl undies. During her first summer vacation with us, I stayed home with the kids and would tell her every morning put her pull up in the trash and clean your self up and get dressed, she did it for all of two days. Third day I get up and she's laying on the couch watching TV, sucking on her finger in her pull up.
Me- dPPP get that pull up off and get dressed and I'll get your breakfast.
dPPP- No
Me- Excuse me? Yes, go do it now.
dPPP- No, I don't want to. I like my pull up.
Me- I don't, get it in the trash or you will stay in time out until it is.
Turned the tv off and put her in a corner, where she stayed.....all day, until DH got home and she was still throwing a tantrum because she didn't want to put on her big girl undies. Her mother finds it easier to just let her run around in a diaper cause she'll get the hang of it eventually at school.
Seriously, BM doesn't see
Seriously, BM doesn't see that this is an issue with her 9 and 6 yr old not being potty trained? I can't believe that the school hasn't taken action on this.
To the potty training, or
To the potty training, or lack there of :jawdrop:
To living in pull ups :jawdrop:
To your remark to the BM