Everyone has a nickname for BM.....
"Everyone" has a nickname for BM.... now thanks to a fellow SM here, I too now have a name for BM- Mrs Claus!
I really think Mrs Claus is too sweet of a name for that wrench, but since that is what she looked like on her wedding day (just photoshop in grey hair) then that is what she should be called!
So let's do a recap of the name you call BM and why......(so we are all on the ame page )
- zerostepdrama's blog
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I used to call BM twat waffle
I used to call BM twat waffle but that name is taken here. Douche nozzle and chameleon I have also used.
Oh.. funny story, when I moved in SD's called her bobber. I never thought anything of it, I though it was a pet name or something so I never questioned it. DH brought it up one day and it was actually a name they used to make fun of her even when they were an intact family. SD's were 4 and 5 at the time.
Cuntzilla, Gold Digga, Home
Cuntzilla, Gold Digga, Home Wrecker, are just a few.
blind stripper.. That is what
blind stripper.. That is what the people at the jail, the courthouse clerk's office and the child support office refer to her as. hahhahaa
LMAO! Love it! She
LMAO! Love it! She seriously did look like Mrs Clause with those dorky glasses, "coifed" hair and santa suit dress thing she had going on.
I honestly don't have special nick names for either BM.... I'm feeling kind of left out
Your moment will come...
Your moment will come... LOL....
Good idea! Let's get me some
Good idea! Let's get me some names!
BM1- 5 kids, 3 baby daddies, only has one kid in her possession, pays no CS, has no job, no house, no car, can act like a raging, psycho lunatic, cusses like a sailor, fist fights with her family, generally looks like a meth head who just rolled out of bed in the trailer park.
BM2- 40 years old, married to a 23 year old who she started dating when he was a 19 year old bus boy at the restaurant that she PT waitresses at. Goes to some cult church/class thing like 3-4 days a week, but acts like an asshole 7 days a week. Thinks and tries to pretend she is something special, but is pure white trash. She has beady eyes and when she smiles you can see all of her gums.
hmmm. your bm1 sounds like
hmmm. your bm1 sounds like HoBag.
bm2, either ratface or cradlerobber.
BM2 IS "ED"!!!!!
BM2 IS "ED"!!!!!
MOTY said with a VERY
MOTY said with a VERY sarcastic tone. We also call her BFF, she uses the skids as her best friends, way too much information given to them about her personal life with her man of the moment. }:)
used to be Dipshit. that was
used to be Dipshit. that was back when she was still a semi half assed custodial parent but could be dingy as a shithouse rat.
since the began her downward spiral, it morphed into Dumbass. kinda self explanatory.
Fruitcake or Fruit Loop
Fruitcake or Fruit Loop
I call her MOTY -
I call her MOTY - sarcastically
DH calls her a lot a names but Ding Dong is the only one he can say infront of the kids LOL
I call her "Windy" Because in
I call her "Windy"
not due to her drinking problem or her need provide 100% support to non-working boyfriends...OH NO, it DH's fault!
Because in her last e-mails she reported she had to sell her house and move back with her parents and nearly had to file bankruptcy, and of course she reports this was all DH's fault...poor victim
And she reports we live a "lavish" lifestyle because we own our home and take the kids on vacations, and that its her suffering that has provided this for us, not our hard work...
So since she claims she is the "wind beneath DH's wings"
I call her
Sasquatch - but you guys
Sasquatch - but you guys already know that. }:)
Would Mrs Claws be more
Would Mrs Claws be more suitable than Mrs Claus?
Yeah that would fit too! She
Yeah that would fit too!
She has her claws in DH's money, claws in what goes on at our house, claws in how DH should communicate with his grown children, claws in the kids turning them into Claws Jrs.
DH calls her dipshit, stupid
DH calls her dipshit, stupid or dumbass
I enjoy calling her BS2C - BAT SHIT CRAZY CUNT
Lazy McCrazy
Lazy McCrazy