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H family won't go to SD show

hatemyhusband's picture

SD has a show and H sister and family won't attend because they only gave their availability 3 days before and tickets sold out. His 23 year old daughter won't attend because she thought the shows were in Febuary and and she has plans. Basically all exscuses. And he would have paid for the tickets.

These are the same people that posted on facebook in response to my H publicly and on facebook saying I was the "hater of an 11 year old girl" and a bunch of their nasty things. They responded how much they loved SD and complimented. Well when he needed them to show support, not one could come. SD has been rehearsing for months, twice a week, about I think 4 hours each rehearsal. There are 10 shows over 2 weekends. So in all that time, these people have plans?

How hurtful, for poor 12 year old SD, to have these people who claim to love ,can't even bother to come to your show. And that's what she gets for being a vicious bitch for years, and H for allowing it. Where are all your facebook friends now asshole????? Hahhahahah. He's going all alone to the shows. Boo fuckin hoo.

Me and my kids attended her shows for years. She would either ignore us or insult us. Afterwards, when we'd give her flowers. I guess my H raised a girl who doesn't know how to be gracious and polite and thank others for coming to her show. I guess he raised a rude bitch who either ignores or insults others who,have come to watch her show and support her. Now no one from H side at her show!!!!.


hatemyhusband's picture

Oh I don't even give a shit anymore. It's just another Friday night for us, what they do has no bearing on our plans and routine. But I know what you mean, thanks.