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Think I Saw a Pink Pig Fly Past My Window Last Week

thinkthrice's picture

Chef has stopped drinking beer and hard liquor for awhile when he (and others) noticed he was getting "chubby." He actually has a full barreled beer belly that hangs over his waistline at age 46. I've also put on weight (mostly due to menopause and stress that I haven't actively done very much to reverse--which is completely necessary to "keep up.)

He has a small glass of wine like I do in the evenings. In fact he left most of it in the glass last night. He also admitted last week that "I know I'm not the EASIEST man in the world to live with. . ."

I felt like saying "No you're the WORST MoFo I've EVER been with; much worse than my first two ex husbands COMBINED" But I bit my tongue and let him yada yada.


Of course I am not deluded into thinking there is any signification change in Chef's mysogyny. Maybe the alcoholism is finally taking hold of his liver AND his brain?


thinkthrice's picture

It is a warm thought, Mairin! I'm getting warm fuzzies! Which is particularly helpful because it's very COLD here in upstate NY!

kathc's picture

Oh, please please please let it be that he's after someone else!!! I'll jump in the car and head up with a celebratory CASE of champagne if he leaves! Smile

thinkthrice's picture

For REAL!! I fear this job quitting will take him down a peg or two. He's NEVER had to find a job in a poor economy until now. Or over the age of 40 for that matter.