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dumb ass comment of the day

Smellissa's picture

"I don't have to financially support my kids because I'm the biological father!" Don't laugh too hard, I was dumb enough to marry this jack ass!


twoviewpoints's picture

Did he manage to get that line out with a straight face? LOL. Silly little man.

Maxwell09's picture

So his contribution consists of giving him life and that's it? Dear God, who else is suppose to pay for the food that goes in his mouth or the diapers on his butt? Oh wait, let me guess the other parent? My fellow tax payers? Government assistance?

Did you laugh at him? I hope you did. He sounds incredibly stupid.

Drac0's picture

Wow, that's just....WOW!

Speaking as a bio-father, The only thing I will not do for my children is look for lost toys. I'll do anything for them, BUT that! Cry all you want kiddo, it's not in my job description. In fact, when I die, you can put it on my tombstone "Here lies Drac0. Loving father but refused to get off his fat ass to look for lost toys."

misSTEP's picture

Who does he expect to provide for them? YOU??

I would have responded, "The way that I was raised - and most everyone where I grew up, the father was the PROVIDER for the family because that is what a REAL MAN does."

Drac0's picture

Stupid Jail!

This is the best idea EVAR!

I can just imagine the prisoner counting off the days by marking ticks on the wall, only they stop at 20 because they can't count past that.