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The Audacity of Dope

thinkthrice's picture

The chickens have come home to roost. Mr. "I can get a job the next day" didn't.

Actually two and a half weeks went by before he got a new job. And guess what was due during that time? Yep, the dreaded CS. Chef is NEVER in arrears. It's quite a source of pride and ego for him. :puzzled:

So yesterday he gets a nastygram from CSEU stating even though he had a downward mod to $185, they are recapturing arrears to the tune of $278 a week till he makes up almost $700 of arrears.

He goes into a tantrum immediately and says to ME "I thought YOU were paying it."

Um excuse me??

Then I remind him that he said, and I quote, that HE would do the paperwork for CSEU.

Chef: "YOU need to call them tomorrow and get it straightened out!"

Me: "I can't, I'm not YOU! The account is in YOUR name!"
(thinking: You were the one servicing this sow thrice, not me)

Me: "I KNOW you're not angry at ME!" (repeated several times)

Chef; "You say that one more time and I'll SHOW you what anger is"

Radio Silence for about 15 minutes

Chef finally realizes he's an ass, apologizes and makes dinner.

Next morning, I make him clean out the cat litter box as "penance" instead of web surfing in his easy chair that he does every morning. He says he will call CSEU and get it sorted out.

Later that morning I text him that I want a new previously enjoyed car (from HIS account of course)

He says yes.


Disneyfan's picture


A threat of abuse, then agrees to buy a car. :? Instead of having him buy a car, why not tell him to stick his money in his ass and tell him to kick rocks.

thinkthrice's picture

Actual scenario as played out:

Walks to the window "Hey Chef? I left the keys in the car. Could you get them for me?"

Chef: "Leave them in the ignition; that's what I do; and if anyone is stupid enough to steal the car, my father's cannon will greet them." (rifle with hollow point deer slugs)

BTW Chef put in french doors as the exterior doors all the way around. If i even dared to lock the door on him, he'd kick the door down and I'd be six feet under.

thinkthrice's picture

OH yeah. Or a tazer. But this is the Peoples Republic of New York. I was watching the Cold Case Files last night when this case came on about a woman who was co-habitating with this guy. When they broke up the guy sued her for all the "sweat equity" that he had put into the home.

She said she merely housed him as her contractor. Somewhere in between the truth lies. Anyway, She ended up putting a bullet in the back of his head and burying him in an old abandoned well on her property.

Got away with it for 17 years until one of HIS family members met up with a district attorney, they reopened the case and with today's forensic technology, dug up the well and found him. She also took out a life insurance policy on him before he turned up "missing."

I couldn't help but think if she experienced the same thing as I have--the MASSIVE ego and entitlement in thinking he was "god's gift" and for the sake of his mere presence and an ability to swing a hammer, that the woman should be in eternal gratitude no matter HOW much baggage he brings along.

fedupstep's picture

UGh! My DH is the same way. He doesn't handle his shit and somehow it's my fault. He puts stuff off to the last possible second and then is angry that everyone won't drop everything to help him.

Most arguments revolve around the same dialog: DH rants about something. I keep quiet. He gets mad because I can't/won't fix it. I am the bad guy. Whatever.