I WAS in a good mood. Thank you SS and DW for ruining it for me.
I was in such a good mood when I left work yesterday. I still don’t understand how I could go from a high and sink to an all-time low.
My evening started when one of the managers here pulled me aside. “Drac0! I just heard from the client. They reviewed the manual you sent out. He said he can’t approve it (engineering has final say) but he really loves it and is strongly recommending that their engineering department approves it.”
This is a HUGE deal for us as this particular client has been extremely picky and extremely demanding. So this was a feather in my cap and I left work with a skip in my step.
And then I arrived home.
SS was outside playing again. Okay that’s fine, but the last few days he’s been going to be late because he plays all evening and only “remembers” he has homework when it is time to go to bed.
DW greets me and I tell her the good news. She doesn’t say anything other than “that’s nice.”
I proceed to the kitchen to fix supper…”Oh could you tell SS since he is outside that the garbage needs to go out in front.” I ask
Now due to the home renovation projects going on, we have a ton of garbage. I’m cooking supper and every now and then I catch a glimpse of SS outside. One moment he is climbing the tree. The next moment he is tossing the ball with the neighbor’s kid. Garbage still hasn’t moved.
“DW? Did you tell SS to take the garbage to the front?” I ask again.
DW says she did.
I serve supper. I call the kids but I tell SS he is to put all the garbage out before coming inside.
SS stays outside for a few minutes. I don’t what he is doing but he is not touching the garbage.
The good feeling I had before is now gone. I am agitated. I mean….What is the big deal? Ten minutes and it is done.
SS walks inside and just goes straight to his room. He doesn't want supper. He says he doesn’t feel well.
Right away, my bullsh*t sensors are going off. DW goes to check on him “He says he has a headache.”
Great! I guess this means I am taking out the garbage.
Before I do so, I want to take advantage of what little daylight we have left and give BS’s room a second coat of paint. DW is busy with the kids, getting them ready for bed. After I finish my paint job, I go outside and take the garbage out to the front.
I come inside, and I hear the whirling sound of my mouse sander. I run towards the noise. DW is sanding a portion of the wall.
“What are you doing?!?” I screech.
DW jumps and says she is sanding a section of the wall in BS’s room because it was “bumpy”.
“DW! I just painted in here!!!!”
In the space of a few minutes, DW just flushed an hour of work I did in the room. There is gyprock dust all over the freshly painted walls.
Great! Now I’m pissed!
I did not yell at DW, but I was absolutely furious. At this rate, renovating the kids rooms will be complete when kids are off to college!
“But the wall was bumpy!” DW says. “I didn’t know you just painted in here.”
I waited until all the kids were asleep and then I told DW that this evening has been nothing but an exercise in frustration for me. I was in such a good mood when I came home and now I am angry.
This is the third time now DW has caused a major setback in what is supposed to be a simple and fun DIY project. The first time was when we tried to clear out SS’s room and DW forced me to put on the brakes because I was throwing out Tall-boy’s precious toys (which he hasn’t touched in 10 years). The second time was over the mouldings. I wanted to reuse the existing mouldings but DW just tore them all up without asking.
“It’s okay, we’ll just get new ones….”
Who does she think I am!?!? Bob Villa with deep pockets!?!?
I told her, without sugarcoating anything, that if she pulls another stunt like that, I am throwing in the towel on this project. I’m done! I told her that I will become EXACTLY like her brother-in-law (who she is constantly criticising). His version of home renovation is buying chickens and pigs for the backyard and drinking a Bud on some furniture made from milk crates (I’m not kidding).
"You have so far added on several hours (if not days) of extra work for me DW without even consulting me. I don't appreciate that. You do that again, you are on your own."
I mean for crying out loud, it’s a kid’s room! We’re going to have to change it in few years anyway. DW is treating this project like we are about to show it off to a real estate agent.
But the wall was bumpy What do she mean the wall was “bumpy”? Is she planing driving on the wall!?!? Is she scared some wayward spider is going to trip on the wall and sue us!?!? WTF!?!?
- Drac0's blog
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LOL at wayward spider
LOL at wayward spider

Congratulations on the manual, that's awesome! Sorry the rest of your night sucked
I'm surprised she couldn't
I'm surprised she couldn't immediately tell it was wet paint. The look, the smell, the feel of wet paint on the sander. :?
I don't know...I guess maybe
I don't know...I guess maybe after the first coat, the smell lingered to the point where you just don't smell the fresh paint anymore?
I should have. That's
I should have.
That's something my Dad used to do.
There are no "bumps" on the
There are no "bumps" on the wall. Honestly I do not know what DW was going on about. Maybe she meant a portion of the wall where the drywall joins? I don't know. All I know is I have to sweep the walls of all that fine dust, pass the shop vac and recoat. Hopefully I will have enough paint because if not, that is another trip to the hardware store.
Yes it's a mixed paint color.
Yes it's a mixed paint color. I have the paint code but I've done enough paint jobs myself to know that if you run short and have to run out for more, you are taking a HUGE risk. Even with the paint code on the can, you still may not get the exact same color paint. Fortunately, I always buy a little extra....What's the engineer's factor of safety? 2.5?
Congrats on the manual!
Congrats on the manual! That's very impressive! Let that manual be your happy thought.
Congrats on the work kudos!
Congrats on the work kudos!
Sabotage? No, I am 100%
Sabotage? No, I am 100% positive that is not it. DW has been talking about this project for the last 3 years (ever since BD was born). Moving the kid's rooms was something we all knew had to be done so I highly doubt she will sabotage that.
It's just that DW and I have never seen eye-to-eye on the execution of the project, how much time and effort it will take, the cost, etc.
Congrats on pleasing the
Congrats on pleasing the picky client!! It's always nice to get that pat on the back too, I'm happy for you!
I cannot believe DW let him shirk putting the trash out. His head was fine to go climb trees 10 minutes earlier! And unless Tall Boy gets the debilitating migraines that require zero movement? He can take the trash out with a headache. *eye roll* DW dropped the ball. Again. *sigh*
I'm sorry she screwed up your painting! Is she terrible at painting, or can you make her do the work since she messed it up?
I really don't know what to
I really don't know what to make of SS. He was super active and then *BAM* headache (or so he says). Was he lying? Probably. Do I have proof? No, so I don't say anything.
Can DW paint? Yes she can, but I do all the prep, the fine edges and the cleaning afterwards. I hate to say it but DW is very much like her father in this regard. She is great for DIY projects but she makes a HUGE mess. Last time she painted a wall (a year ago) she did a good job, but she got paint on the floor, the ceiling and even on the dog.
Unbelievable. And I am sure
Unbelievable. And I am sure she didn't even appreciate all the work you had done.
On the mysterious "headache" I can't tell you how many ailments have struck the SS magically out of the blue when he feels he is not getting the attention he wants. It's so funny that, when his mother is around and he slips or gets a boo-boo, he cries and wails and makes a big deal of it. When these things happen and it's just me, he soldiers on and asks me what there is to eat.
I've actually thrown this kid
I've actually thrown this kid into an ocean. Yes, an OCEAN and he weathered it like a Olympic swimmer. The same day, back in the hotel pool where DW was sunbathing. He jumps in and cries "Oh my God! Mommy!!! It's cold!" DW rushes to grab a towel and smothers him. SS sits on her lap and shivering like a new-born lamb.
This was two years ago and I remember that day vividly because I threw up in my mouth a little.