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Skids + Summer Vacation = Low Expectations

BettyRay's picture

SSons are with us this week. They are both out of school on summer vacation. Monday morning I did the dishes and left them in the drying rack, the usual. The boys were still asleep so I took the dogs out and crated them, then closed all the windows in the house since it was supposed to rain.

I left thinking the following:

A. The house will look like a frat house when I get home tonight, or
B. The boys will do their own dishes and put them away but leave the ones I did in the dry rack, or
C. DH will leave work early in order to beat me home so that he can clean up after the boys before I get home (actually he has been doing this the last 3 summer vacations, but I digress). or
D. DH will be stomping around pissed that the boys didn't do a Dog-Dam thing all day.

Well when I got home it was B and D. DH was so upset that the boys did their own dishes but didn't bother to put away the ones in the dry rack. They also didn't fold any of the laundry, the basket was full in front of the TV in the living room (Granted I didn't ask or leave a note for the boys to fold them but had moved the laundry there so that I'd remember to fold it).

The DH was upset that I wasn't upset, as I had expected it. The boys never help out around the house as DH is always cleaning up after them. I decided last summer to just let it go and stop the ranting and nagging, all it got me was high blood pressure. I don't count on the boys for anything.

Oh and the kicker here - DH asks where one of the dogs was. The boys say they don't know. Well DH found her in the basement, she got trapped down there when they were raiding the pantry. She's DH's baby and he flipped out on them.

Dumb and dumber also sat in the house all day playing video games and were too stupid to open any of the windows. It was one of the first warm and humid days of the year. The house was horribly hot when I got home. They're so brain dead. I opened every window and it finally cooled down by bedtime.

Yesterday was more of the same. DH is getting more pissed off with each day, I've given up and don't say a word. Let him deal with the young and entitled. Tonight should be interesting, I wonder if they'll make it to Friday.



kathc's picture

I'm sorry your skids are such idiots but it's kind of awesome that your DH doesn't just excuse it away.

Grab yourself a nice, cold drink and sit back to watch the show Wink

BettyRay's picture

I've been giggling to myself over and over again.

I know DH is trying but it's too late to get them to change one is 13 and the other is 18.

SS18 is so lazy, he lays awake in bed on Saturday and Sunday mornings listening for when breakfast is served, as DH always calls for SS13, SS18 will meander out of his bedroom and wander to the breakfast table. He disappears right after too - all so he can avoid setting the table or cleaning up after.


IamexhaustedSM's picture

Your DH was probably mad at you for not nagging and complaining. If you are mad, then you are handling it, and he doesn't have to parent.

BettyRay's picture

So true if I'm nagging then DH can deflect and attack me for being "mean" to the boys instead of actually directing his anger where it should be - squarely on the boys. Stepping back and letting go does have it's advantages. Wink


BettyRay's picture

I don't think of myself as being disengaged since there are certain things the boys do where I will step in and handle. Last night after I started washing dishes, DH told the Skids to dry and put them away. SS18 jumped up an declared he had to brush his teeth. As he's walking away DH says, "I don't recall you ever brushing your teeth after dinner, even when you had braces." }:) SS18 kept going.

Twenty minutes later, when SS18 thought the coast was clear he comes into the kitchen for some water. Little did he know I dismissed SS13 from drying duty. I told SS18 to dry the dishes. He did it but he was pissed.

Thank Dog they go back to BM's tomorrow.
