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OT: What do you like to do for fun or in your down time?

zerostepdrama's picture

So Step Parents... what do you like to do for fun and in your down time then vent about your step life Wink


zerostepdrama's picture

Here are mine... not in any order....

Drink (preferably in my hammock)

Play cards (I'm really good at Spades)


Zumba (its more for the exercise but I think it's fun)

Read (preferably in my hammock)

Watch trashy reality

Travel- go and visit friends that live out of town/state


I used to really like to dance, but the older I have gotten the less fun I think it is, and the more painful I think it is. Cant compete with the young chicks on the dance floor. I can't drop it down low anymore Wink

Ninji's picture

Yikes, LOL

I would love a camper. We could take the dogs with us on vacation and not pay for boarding.

We went camping in a tent two years ago and I'll never go again. It poured down rain as soon as we got our camp site set up and everything got soaked. We ended up sleeping in the truck, it was soooo hot. Couldn't roll down the windows because the mosquitos were so bad. About midnight, SD, SO and I decide to try the wet tent because we couldn't take the heat of the truck anymore. All we could hear was raccoons (At least I hope it was raccoons) roaming around our stuff. At 2am we gave up and went to a hotel.

SD still talks about how horrible it was. SS slept through the entire thing. Biggrin

zerostepdrama's picture

Oh yeah... been there...done that...and we still keep camping... we actually have a planned camping trip for this weekend and the weather calls for RAIN!!!!

zerostepdrama's picture

Probably why I love camping so much. Get shit faced. Pass out in tent. Don't even care about bugs, spiders,or whatever because I am shit faced. Wake up. Repeat. Dirol

bearcub25's picture

We had to move to the 'hotel camping' as I call it. My body just cant take sleeping on the ground. After 6 air mattresses, that always lose air, I gave up on them.

zerostepdrama's picture

Oh yeah my back always hurts after a weekend of camping. And agree about the air mattresses. No matter how many different brands we buy, they all suck. LOL

Ninji's picture


Play with my dogs

Watch Netflix

Mess around on my tablet


Go out on our boat


Read recipe books


Unfreakingreal's picture

Binge watch any good TV Series on Netflix or Hulu

Lay on my couch and read a good book

Go to Home Goods & TJ Maxx and browse the clearance racks

Browse Craig's List for amazing super cheap stuff to decorate my house with. You'd be surprised the type of good shit people get rid of. My GB's nursery was almost all from Craig's lists finds.


Have cocktails by the fire pit in my back yard.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Presently, I am watching Orange is The New Black, I'm on Season 2.
These are some of my favorites:

The Following
Game of Thrones
Friday Night Lights - OMG I LOVED this freaking series.
True Detective - Season 1
American Horror Story - Season 1 will always be my favorite
Hannibal - SO GOOD
The Affair
American Crime
American Odyssey

I'm sure there are more but I can't remember them.

Ninji's picture

"American Horror Story - Season 1 will always be my favorite"

Completely agree. Loved it.

omgstop's picture

GoT gives me ANGINA...I LOVE THAT SHOW! True Detective was BRUTAL...totally blown away by Harrelson and McConnaughey. AHS - Season 2 has always been my favorite, although I thoroughly enjoyed the Clown in Freakshow.

Ljcapp1's picture

True Detective!!! I just got episodes 3-6 in the mail. I can't wait. McConnaughey is so sexy and scary and creepy...LOVED episodes 1-3.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Love doing everything you have on your list. Do you kayak in the ocean, rivers or lakes? I have river kayaked in Colorado, lead kayaking tours in Florida and had a surf kayak I used in Hawaii. Love love love kayaking. And cocktail mixing, nerdy documentaries and wine tasting. Want to go on a date? Just kidding....... Wink

HungryEyes's picture

I have a ton of hobbies. I love to read, bake, wine, camp, netflix, and DH and I are big on yard sales, thrift sales, and antiques. We also love board games.

Drac0's picture

Settlers of Catan is our family favorite.

I recently introduced SS and DW to "7 Wonders" and "Shadows over Camelot" and they like those too.

EvilAngel's picture with my puppy (even though he's a little asshole 99.9% of the time)...go to the pool...go out on the boat...hang out with my friends...grill

Drac0's picture

I consider drinking to be part of Maslow's hierarchy of Needs, so including it in a list of things I do in my downtime would be like saying "I like going to the bathroom when nature calls".

So apart from the "obvious" I like doing "geek stuff", which includes video games, RPG and getting into heated forum discussions on subjects that have no real life consequences

"Oh come on! Han Solo was a WAY cooler captain than Captain Kirk!"

omgstop's picture

"Oh come on! Han Solo was a WAY cooler captain than Captain Kirk!"

^This is not okay, Sir.

omgstop's picture

Not in any particular order:

Read, game, design expensive tattoos, documentaries, asian horror, lay around with Sokka, (my puppy), generally remain horizontal...don't currently have a drinking buddy nearby sooo yeah not so much on the drinking.

zerostepdrama's picture

You can get on ST in the evenings and there is usually someone who is drinking there, that way you can drink and not feel alone Smile

mommy0104's picture

I love camping! Also, love to go fishing..and unlike most girly girls in my area, I have no problems baiting my own hook or "manhandling" the fish I catch lol. I like to play board/video games with my bios..and I've recently become addicted to reading "fan-fiction" Smile

Tuff Noogies's picture

i love to read. we enjoy watching tv show marathons together and sitting on the porch talking, grilling, and just enjoying being outdoors. i used to cross-stitch, but i've pulled that out maybe twice since dh and i met.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Spending time with my pets
Equestrian stuff
Home improvement projects
HGTV, history/documentary programs

IamexhaustedSM's picture

Watching funny stuff, comedy, funnest videos, world's dumbest, etc. Makes me laugh and forget all my problems (comedy is my drug of choice).
whipping up some kind of fruity cocktail. I love trying out new drinks.
Yard work. Keeps me focused and busy and the feeling of accomplishment when I am all done and my yard looks amazing Smile
Reading but I do not have the time.
Exercise. I try to get to the gym a few times a week but life gets in the way.
Adult time!

WTF...REALLY's picture

been surfing since I was 14 - have surfed many places. North Shore Oahu, South Shore Oahu, Maui, Big Island, all over California, Florida, Maryland. Love love love it.

rock climbing..did this in Joshua tree, Yosemite, red rocks, northern California, several places in Colorado. So much fun!!!!!

Hiking, kayaking, swimming, free diving, laying in the sun (I know, I know, bad for the skin, but if I could, I would pour baby oil on me and just bake)

cooking, cocktail mixing, reading, being on StepTalk, having lots of fun sex with hubby, getting as many massages as possible in this lifetime, and beating up step kids...just joking.....I think. Wink