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BM is a great teacher

nunya1983's picture

BM has many flaws, but she's a great teacher. She teaches SD so many things. She tells SD how to do things and even takes the time to demonstrate to her how to do it. SD is showing signs of learning these things very clearly.

The problem is, these are things we don't want her to learn.

She's teaching SD how to lie. She's had SD lie about little things like how old her brother is so that he can go on fun rides. She has had her lie about her own age so that she can get in cheaper to parks and restaurants. But she's also told her to lie about her address so that she can stay in a school that's not so crappy. She's demonstrated this by telling so many lies I can't even keep up. About her "cancer", about EVER studying. About things that just never happened. About "looking for lice" and her coming over completely INFESTED

She's taught SD how to seek attention and pity. She's told dd to tell people that she has a broken nose (never went for x rays, but never had any signs of the nose actually being broken). She's told SD that she had a broken eye socket after falling on her face and having a mix between a bruise and a rug burn (again never had x ray or a doctor's visit). She's told SD to tell people that she had a ruptured blood vessel (again no doctor's visits, no signs of this). Again the whole "cancer" thing. Always calling dh and spending excessive amounts of time on the phone (yes dh could just hang up). How she has to out do us in everything. How she stands outside her house until dh pulls up in the drive way to drop SD off, s soon as dh pulls up she bends over to pick imaginary weeds.

She's taught her how to eat junk, geting Chinese take out and kfc every night. SD has gained an enormous amount of weight in this past year. SD is now diabetic thanks to BM (and dh, yes I attribute this one to both parents).


carriedear's picture

I remember you posted about BM doing the weird weed pulling bending over thing before. How desperate is she for attention?

zookeeper's picture

She's probably trying to cause trouble in your relationship or make you jealous. My skids BM put her arm around my DH once and the poor man just FROZE. I knew exactly what she was up to and we had a laugh about it later.

twoviewpoints's picture

I might be getting BMs mixed up, but isn't the BM in your life like pretty large and quite heavy? Bending over to weed for a free peek? I'm surprised Dh and you didn't burst out laughing.

Have you ever did a rural back roads drive and seen those 'crafty' wooden cutouts of a heavy lady and overhaul old farmer guy bent over placed next to the veggie garden? Maybe not, but those things were around here in the Midwest not too many years ago. Always cracked me up. Very tacky.

nunya1983's picture

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