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Im only the Stepmom!!

AustinTX1119's picture

Is it appropriate for the ex wife to include me (stepmom) in group text messages or emails with issues she is having with him. It can range from money (keep in mind he pays his child support & everything else he is obligated by law to pay) to the fact she feels he needs to spend more time with "their" kids (she finds out through mutual friends that we went on a vaca or just some random local trip & didn't invite "their" kids). I am furious & need help with how to respond in situations like this ..... but first let me vent and give you some insight on where I stand Smile ..............

First off, like I said before, he pays his child support. WHY is it right for her to ask for more money for ANYTHING?!?! The example, if we take the kids anywhere or do anything with them WE don't ask her for half of the expense nor do we ask her for half our grocery bills when we have them on our weekends. Please correct me if im wrong, but isn't that why child support was put in place??

Second, we get the kids on the weekends that he is supposed to and he ALWAYS gets them!! We don't get in her business as to what she does with those kids on her time and I feel she needs to mind her own damn business when its ours.

I usually remain mutual and try to be the peacemaker because frankly its ANNOYING, but now im just getting pissed!!!!!!!!!!! so before I go off and create a hostile environment between her and I and possibly the children - WHAT SHOULD I DO????


MidwestStepmom's picture

Nothing, that is what you should do. Your dh needs to shut her down immediately when she asks for money and info when the kids are with him. He just needs to say no and end the conversation there. Eventually Bm will stop asking because she will know the answer. As the stepmom you should not get involved in this, no matter what.

Maxwell09's picture

Just ask to be removed from the group text and remind them (via group text) they are both capable of handling whatever it is among themselves. You should then block her number so you don't get anymore. It can't annoy you if you never receive it!

hereiam's picture

I can't think of any reason that BM would ever have my number to do this. Block her.

As far as money and what you and your DH do on your time, your DH needs to shut her down.