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Toilets and bedroom!

Cover1W's picture

Yesterday I noticed SD9 hadn't flushed AGAIN. Told DP to take care of it. We are having many visitors in August and this will NOT continue. He did nothing. So fine. 30 min later I ask SD9 to come downstairs (her friend was over) and stood there while she flushed. Let her know she HAS to do this every time. This is my breaking point and I'm damn well going to engage in this one.

BOTH SDs walked in our room last night.
To SD11: Do NOT walk in here without knocking first. We could be changing or something (emphasis on something)!
SD11 shrugs, looks smug. DP says NOTHING.

SD9 comes in a little later.
Me: You HAVE to knock first!
To DP (sd9 still there): it's a matter of consideration. They must knock! SD9 is better about it but this is ridiculous. I'll damn well start just walking into their rooms without knocking.
DP: ok ok

Oh yeah, I will lose it next time. And since I am doing laundry knocking.


Last In Line's picture

Right there with you on both issues. I have decided that he is going to have to deal with the toilet issue, and I am still deciding how to handle the bedroom problem. I may start locking the door any time I'm in there.

Actually, what may need to happen is some guest being horrified at what they find in the toilet causing extreme embarrassment. For that to not reflect on me, I need to be out of the house for the Unexpected dental need? Emergency TP run? LOL

Cover1W's picture

Yeah, this is their bathroom but it's next to laundry and hard to ignore. It smelled really bad at one point and I made DP go clean it and watched him until he moved to do it.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Every time they don't flush, go find them and make them go and take care of things. It is the only way they learn.

On the bedroom point, go nuts a time or two and they should get the hint.

Tuff Noogies's picture

"This is my breaking point and I'm damn well going to engage in this one." ok. then raise holy immortal HELL every. single. time. if that doesnt work, i'd put them on a potty schedule and treat them like u're potty-training a toddler. set a timer for every hour or two and make them go through the motions while you stand outside the door to supervise. if u're not home and they dont flush, when you discover it instruct them immediately to scrub the toilet with a toothbrush, because nastiness is unhygienic and can cause sickness.

as far as the bedroom goes, i have this same problem. just make it a habit to be comfortable in your own skin }:) get some pretty bras and panties and wear nothing but that in your bedroom.

if your dh has any problems with this, advise him that if he TAUGHT HIS OWN DAMN KIDS *BASICS* like flushing and knocking, there would be no issues!

Cover1W's picture

Yep, Tuff. This is exactly what I'm doing. I checked the toilet last night and it was ok.
I'll check is as soon as I get home. Guests are going to be over tomorrow and will need to use that bathroom. I am going to be on her like tape. I hear her in the bathroom, I'll be right there when she's done if I don't hear that toilet flush.

I already wear skimpy things to bed...or nothing...and this doesn't seem to stop them.
I'm going to start locking the door and hope the cats can live with it.

The cats are big babies and don't like me on the other side of a shut door. But they also use their bathroom area appropriately, eat their food regularly, get their teeth brushed regularly and don't complain much. So I can tolerate them pretty easily.

notasm3's picture

You are being way too nice. Being disengaged does not mean being a doormat. Time to go ape shit crazy on them.

Cover1W's picture

The entering bedroom stuff is fairly new. They were good about it after we first moved in. It's just been the last couple days they've been barging in. After last night, nope, I'm done with that!

The toilet thing I'm all over after this last episode. She's been told before and DP took care of it before but she's backsliding again. And I'm done with that too!

Interesting that this all is happening after they spent most of July either at BMs or at camp...