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@ the end of my rope's picture

Could somebody please explain what the abbreviations are on here.

I understand the basics but there have been some I don't understand. :?


@ the end of my rope's picture

Thank you

@ the end of my rope's picture

Oh yes! NPD explains most teens. They are supposed to grow out of it but my SD seems to get worse every day.
SD will run into a room and just start talking and talking and if the person she's talking to doesn't listen (usually her mother because SD hardly ever even acts like I exist) because she is reading or watching something, SD will get pissy and stomp off slamming doors or giving snotty attitude like you should always be listening for what she has to say every second of the day.

I have looked up NPD. Thank you for your reply.

sunny_skies's picture

Haha yes me too, I also had trouble with GUBM for a long time?!! (Golden Uterus Birth Mother) I told DH about that one and he was like omigosh that's BM allright! lol