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thinkthrice's picture

I'm not usually a wuss when it comes to procedures and pain, but I just got an endometrial biopsy and OWWW!!! They told me "10 seconds of pain" but they never gave me a warning so I could brace myself!!


I'm still sore today!!


thinkthrice's picture

I was thinking because I'm menopausal, my lining is thinner than it would be had I were not so maybe I was just being a baby.

thinkthrice's picture

Well I had it done yesterday late morning and they told me to take 3 200 mg ibu, but I only took two because I was flying trying to get things done and misread the paperwork.


thinkthrice's picture

I too have sensitivity to prescription drugs. I took Allegra one time and the room started spinning!

thinkthrice's picture

I hear ya. The doctor's office was 50 minutes away. It's still sore/crampy today--so far I haven't taken any pain meds yet though. I told Chef that I was taking a "woman's test" but that's it.

DaizyDuke's picture

I had a hysterosalpinogram once (where they blow up little balloons in your fallopian tubes while watching on xray machine to make sure tubes are not blocked) and OMGGGGG!!! They told me to take some aspirin prior, because I would probably experience "period like cramps" WTF? That was the understatement of the century!! I seriously almost passed out, they had to give me juice and I had to sit with my head between my knees for like 10 minutes before I could stand up to get dressed. A friend of mine had the same thing done and she said it was WORSE than childbirth. (I can't compare because I had a C-section) but I believe her!

z3girl's picture

Ouch, sorry. I had that and the hysterosalpingogram. I think the endometrial biopsy was worse because you needed time to recover. At the time, my doctor made a comment about "not wanting to take the time to do it in the hospital like a D&C" and it made me wonder why that wasn't an option. That hurt like hell! I also pre-medicated with both Xanax and tylenol/whatever painkiller I had on hand. I was used to creeping out of that office hunched over. Sad

I've also had many many many colposcopies (stubborn HPV that wouldn't go away for YEARS until I had my children.)

Not fun, but the worst is over!

notasm3's picture

I think it depends on the doctor. The first one I had was from a male doctor. I just about passed out. They actually brought in medicine to revive me. I missed 3 days of work afterwards. I was only about 33 years old.

All I could think of was OMG this must be what one of those coat hanger abortions pre Roe vs. Wade felt like.

I had another one at about 50 from a female doctor. No big deal at all. A tiny bit of discomfort for a minute or two.