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Another kitty update

over step's picture

It's been a few days since I posted an update on Ms Kitty so here goes.

After tonight she'll only have to take steriods. Both antibiotics will be finished. She went down to steriods once a day but after a couple days she was doing worse so took her back up to twice a day per vet. Will have to call vet to get more steriods unless vet wants to do something else.

Ms Kitty is scaring me because her back end is having weakness like her front end. She is much more wobbly and falls over more. Slick floors make it harder for her to walk. She just overall seems out of it and sleeps a lot more than. Not sure if it's because the steriods were cut down or not. Going to see how she does tomorrow with two whole days of steriods in her.

She gets upset if we help her. She is hard headed like me.

As hard as it is and I don't talk about it for very long, I'm getting a plan in place and making sure H knows too.


over step's picture

I just hate seeing her struggle and don't want her to be in pain or feel bad. I'm so stressed it's physically making me sick and my brain doesn't work very well.