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DH talks a good talk

over step's picture

I asked DH last night if Puke is or isn't coming this weekend. He said he hadn't heard for sure but was pretty positive when BM found out he wasn't letting the dog come she wouldn't drive Puke to drop off spot. He goes on that he wasn't going to lose any sleep over it and not letting BM dictate what happens in our home.

Now I still believe it's Puke and not BM. DH is completely convinced that he and Puke are the victims.

Just on a side note...Puke asked DH if he would give permission to have her septum pierced. He said infaticly no. I guess BM is saying no too. Puke said that she'd just have someone not licensed to do it. DH said that is real smart. Puke said well just give your permission. DH told her when she is 18 she can do whatever.

Then DH started talking about CS and if Puke doesn't go to college it will stop when she's 18. He doesn't think she will even finish high school. And if she doesn't, he's saying he won't shell out money to Puke for anything when she turns 18.

This all sounds great but he's not one to follow through.


over step's picture

She is telling him that mom says I can't come if I don't bring the dog. I honestly don't think it's BM but an excuse so Puke can stay at her mom's to see her BF and friends.

notsobad's picture

Of course he does. So would you if it was your kid. No one wants to believe that their kids doesn't want to see them. It is so much easier to blame the BM.

Not that some of them don't deserve the blame, most do try to keeps the kids from Dad but I can see why he wants to blame BM.

over step's picture

I assume she is coming on her scheduled visit unless i hear differently. I've told DH that if we have something planned when Puke isn't scheduled to come they are solid and won't be changed. I have changed plans for my birthday before to accommodate a change in the schedule just to have her cancel. That's when that all stopped. We don't live around her schedule.

over step's picture

And it's usually last minute like a day before. It's my normal I guess. Don't love it as I like to know for sure way in advance.

hereiam's picture

This reminds me the time my brother got both of his ears pierced. My dad had told both of my brothers that while they were under his roof and he was footing their bills, no piercings or tattoos.

My brother was in college, came home one weekend with his ears pierced. His mother told him, "You better not let your dad see those." My brother said something like, "What's he gonna do?" and left them in. My dad is pretty laid back so my brother figured he'd get over it.

My dad saw those earrings, said, "that's fine," and very calmly told him what he would do, or rather what he wouldn't do. No more college tuition, no more rent for his apt. at school, oh and the car you have, that's in MY name, I'm gonna need that back. And he was very serious.

My brother pulled those earrings out of his ears quicker than lightning and I've not seen them in since, even though he's now out of college and on his own.

I do wish your DH would open his eyes about his daughter.

over step's picture

DH told Puke no on a nose piercing a couple years ago so she told her mom he said ok and had it done. The girl doesn't understand no. I think in this case, mom doesn't want it either and is why puke asked for dad's permission.

robin333's picture

I hope you made lots of plans for this weekend that don't include DH. Too bad, so sad if he ends up alone this weekend. You shouldn't schedule your life on a maybe visit.

over step's picture

I do have plans but he usually hangs with me when she's here because she's in room unless he takes her shopping which isn't much.