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Drama Call From Puke

over step's picture

As told to me by DH...

DH received a call from Puke after work yesterday and she was crying. Evidently BM has been waking Puke up every morning for her babysitting job. Well, yesterday morning BM did not and Puke slept until mid morning. Then Puke's "kid" left early yesterday and BM told Puke that she had to help BM with her "kids" (BM is a daycare provider) since she was late getting up and BM had to watch her. If she didn't, then Puke would lose her "kid" and essentially her job. Puke then said that she was going to get ready to go and find another job. BM said no, that Puke was grounded. DH consoled Puke by saying that her mom was being unreasonable and should have woke Puke up that morning as she had every other morning.

Puke said that in the state she lives she can leave her parent's home at 17 to live on her own and that is what she was going to do. Puke also said that she told BM that she wanted to spend more time with DH. BM told Puke that she was older than DH so would die before him and Puke should be spending time with her now. Puke says that she is doing everything asked of her like not drinking or doing drugs, doesn't stay out too late, and does what BM tells her to do.

He tells me that he knows and WE know that Puke is not an angel but BM is crazy and that Puke is no angel because of it. Then he goes on to say that he told Puke that he didn't know what to do for her since she has chosen to live with BM. He was pretty frustrated that he got this call when he has offered many times for her to come live with us but she won't leave her mom and friends.

I let DH rant saying nothing more than "yeah", "uh huh", and "hmmm" with one suggestion that he read up on PAS. So much more I wanted to say but now I want to get STalkers opinions to see if I my thoughts are on point.


over step's picture

That's my thought exactly. You have a job, you get yourself up. It's called responsibility.

over step's picture

I was thinking that DH is really teaching his kid some valuable life skills. Blame everyone else instead of taking responsibility.

It's like he's trying to be the understanding parent and making BM out to be the unreasonable one.

I have told DH that he needs to tell Puke to suck it up when he gets these calls. But instead he bad mouths BM which is exactly what BM does to DH and pisses him off. I say karma is a total B.

Yet another reason I'm glad I split finances. No way my money will finance Puke's moving out.

over step's picture

DH tells Puke "You know how your mom is" or will agree with Puke, like this time, that her mom is being unreasonable. It always bites DH in the @ss every time because Puke will tell BM.

He didn't always do that but it seems like lately he's doing it to get closer to Puke. I may be way off base on that. Just seems that way to me. I have never said anything bad about BM in front of Puke. Actually, I have never talked about BM in front of Puke.

over step's picture

She's 16 and has it all figured out. She has 7 months to find a job and someone to take her to said job. Then save enough money to move out. And waking herself up to go to a job in her home is her biggest hurdle?

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I bet that in 7 months, Puke can turn into a Spin Professional and start her own gym... Spinning with Puke!

over step's picture

Just had a thought.

What will happen to the pup? Good luck to Puke finding any landlord that will allow pets. And there's the food and vet bills.

I'm sure it will boil down to her mooching off of her friends and BF (and by that I mean their parents). Still, she won't be able to take the pup with her. BM will not keep it either.

Think of the pup, Puke!