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Your kid is sh*tty, accept it and do something about it!

Journey Perez's picture

It kills me that DH refuses to acknowledge his kids' bad/disrespectful behavior towards me. I know it must be hard to hear someone tell you that your kid is sh*tty. Not that I've told DH that but I have eluded to that in a more politically correct manner. But seriously c'mon! His kids are sh*tty to him as well and he hates it so why am I so out of pocket to make the same observation and speak on it?

DH doesn't even want to deal with his own kids, so wtf would make him think I would want to deal with them and their bs?

I guess guilt is really powerful. Strong enough to make you blind to the truth about your kids. It's really a shame.

I'm mortified anytime my son is disrespectful. I correct him every time!!!!! Especially if he's directing it at someone else. Its downright embarrassing, wrong and I wont have it, not on my watch. He knows better than to be disrespectful to me, I taught him early on to not cross me. My kid knows how to take "NO" for an answer and he also knows that I don't budge when I make my mind up. He doesn't bother wasting any energy or any of my time or his with whining or begging me. Anytime I've witnessed my son be disrespectful to my spouse, I always check him. I can't say the same for DH. He has laughed at and dismissed so many behaviors that I considered disrespectful by his son. Which to me, only encourages his kids to be disrespectful. Is it wrong for me to expect him to step up? He failed to meet my expectations on that front and I have disengaged ever since. I'm learning to disengage more and more on different levels. Its a process.

I know DH hates it but you gottta take the good with the bad and we married each other for better or for worse..... so touché my dear cuz what DH comes with is not desirable, warm and fuzzy or even cool.


Journey Perez's picture

Yes DH is most definitely a push over when it comes to his kids. I love this site because it makes me feel empowered. I really want my power back. I think I've wasted too many years waiting for SS parents to do the right thing and parent his lil a$$ but I can clearly see that will not happen. I've also wasted too much time caring about kids that don't give af whether I live or die. I've exhausted far too much time caring what others would think of me if I stood up for myself. WHO GIVES A FK! It is my house and my life. I'm now looking forward to checking that lil punk when he is rude. I know its going to cause more tension between SS and I for sure but its my house and he can go back to his moms!

Last In Line's picture

Definitely a parent problem which, of course, SS takes advantage of.

Have you had a serious discussion (not argument or fight) about how letting the child be disrespectful and rude makes you feel, and that by allowing that behavior you feel like your DH also doesn't respect you or care for your feelings?

What do you plan to do if this continues?

Journey Perez's picture

I've had several discussions with DH about this and how it makes me feel. DH simply does not consider his behavior disrespectful. The things I have a problem with, he doesn't.

He says he sees my point and understands but he's just trying to appease me, blow smoke up my a$$ and give me lip service.

My plan is to now step in and speak my mind directly to SS whenever he does something negative that affects me directly. That goes especially for when he's disrespectful. I'm not going to wait for DH to step it up, I'm just going to handle it my way the way I would with my own kid. I don't give af what Dh or BM thinks about it either.