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The weekend went off (almost) without a hitch!

nengooseus's picture

After refusing all contact with DH since July 2015, SS 6.5 was with us for a full visitation (4 days) this weekend.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not thrilled about having him back in the house because he's a jerk,even on his best day, but DH is thrilled, which is good.

There weren't any hitches until yesterday afternoon when BM called the kids for BS reasons. Both kids made it clear that they didn't need to be talking to her, and that her reason for calling was contrived, at best, but the boy got upset afterward. She just *had* to remind him that she's in charge...

A couple of realizations from the weekend:

1-SS needs *constant* attention. He literally is incapable of playing by himself, so he's up his sister's butt or DH's the entire time he's there.

2-I really think the kid has some sensory processing issues, at minimum. That would explain him biting himself last week, as well as his on-going proclivity to put EVERYTHING in his mouth. We saw it with sounds (DH using a non-electric handsaw to cut wood, and Skid is covering his ears like it's a power drill) and textures (lumpy hummus was too much for him and he made himself puke over a grilled cheese sandwich), especially. His handwriting is still HORRIBLE and so is his coloring/drawing.

3-BM is trying to not play fair (shocker) on the custody issues we're dealing with. She's telling the kids that she'd *rather* they stay with SD when she deploys in July, knowing full well that SD will try to please her. We alerted the GAL to that manipulation, but God knows what she'll do with it.


kathc's picture

He sounds like he's got autism with the sensory issues. Your Dh really needs to INSIST he be screened. Where the hell is this kid's pediatrician that this hasn't been looked into already?

The sooner he gets therapeutic assistance the better the outcome for him. Seriously. Could be the difference between it being a totally manageable thing for him as an adult and not being able to function on his own. This is NOT something to ignore.

That being said...if your DH won't push the issue, you're sadly out of luck.