Rantings of a mad adult SD.
History - Adult stepdaughter (40 ish) stopped talking to us about seven years ago when she didn't get some of husbands inheritance. Except for numerous adult temper tantrums and name calling over the phone there has been little if any contact with her father over the years. The only exception being whenever she needed services at no charge performed by dear old dad. In our last ( and only) phone call about 4 years or so ago, adult step called me names, told me I was a horrible person, informed me I was nothing to her, accused me of keeping her father from her even after he personally tod her that wasn't true but claimed she had rights to my children at the time because she shared blood. I disengaged and have not dealt with her in years except for peripheral drama she kept causing by her continued attempts to interfere in my children's lives over the years and her and her brothers periodic tirades with their father. I have enjoyed not having to deal with her drama.
SD learned she wasn't invited to my home for an engagement party I threw for my daughter( her half sister) a few weeks ago. Hells gates opened as a result.
Below are the latest texts. I remain disengaged but I don't think SD is done yet and the level of hostility and delusional thinking she shows is concerning. I don't have anything concrete to request a protective order although I do think I need one.
I feel the need to vent so please be tolerant in your replies as I already know to remain disengaged and also know my husband should have shut this down immediately. I wouldn't have tolerated this from even my own children.
SD original text: Hey dad. Hope your doing well.
I don't need anything. Nor am I wanting to argue.
I just wanted to let you know that my girls are my life & I think it's so sad that they are treated like nothing all Bc LSM hates me. It hurts me so bad. And for the life of me, I cannot understand how you could let any of us, much less your granddaughters be treated as if none of us exist.
I will always love My half sisters ALWAYS!!!Regardless of what wedge LSM puts between us. But as usual, I'll do it from a far. Just like she wants it.
LSM won long ago dad. What more does she plan on doing to me & my girls?
How can she sleep at night? Bc whether she realizes it or not, she is hurting Her children too. I'm not a bad person.
No need to say anything.
I just had to get that off my chest. Not that it matters tho.
Husband: (offers to meet to discuss the lack of invitation to party.)
SD: I appreciate your willingness to meet & I'm
Assuming discuss the party. I don't know if that would be productive tho.
Bc I don't want to argue. Nor do I feel up to getting upset or being misunderstood with respect to the whole situation. I'm not mad at LSMs kids. I never have been & never will be. I'm not bad person & my kids should not be punished for stupid petty crap. I've been through enough. And lord knows my girls have too.
Contrary to what some may think, regardless of how old LSMs kids are I'm never going to hold these types of situations against them. I feel it's what they've been taught. Maybe I'm wrong but I know how LSM has felt about me for several years now. And I think it's sad that she's never come to realize how much she's hurting everybody. I also am disappointed in you. Bc I'm your flesh & blood & you have two beautiful granddaughters that apparently aren't worth sticking up for.
Maybe your situation doesn't allow you to. Or maybe you don't want to. Either way it hurts dad. And unless you want to be truly honest with me. I mean completely honest regardless of how hurtful it may be, I don't know what we could possibly talk about.
Husband: SD do u remember I was told point blank do not show up at your wedding and how mean and hurtful with the things y'all told LSM do u really think she's going to invite u to her home it seems like the only time u contact me is when u need something r something likes this we talked when u were doing the house I thought we were doing well it was left u would Call - never heard a word till now this doesn't mean I don't love u and the girls very much
SD: Are you saying that I'm being punished Bc of what happened when I was getting married?
Thought I apologized for that. And we had moved past it. And the mean hurtful things we told LSM?? She needs to grow up & realize that she's far from perfect! And far from being a saint. But at the end of he day.... Maybe she needs to learn how to do what's best for others instead of herself.
Oh & about the call
Again my apologies. I unfortunately since we've been in the house, we haven't had a lot of time
And regarding me only calling you when I either want something or to bitch. My phone doesn't ring a lot from you either. But regardless, I'm a single mom trying to stay a float. I don't ask you for anything monetary. And I never will. All I've ever wanted was to be a part of your life & my sisters.
Guess our past is the answer to that.
I'm not mad tho dad.
I'm too tired to be mad.
Just do me a favor & listen to your heart instead of someone that hates me, your son & could clearly give a fuck about Your granddaughters.
Let her know tho, I don't hate her either. Bc she's the mother of my two sisters. I just think she's not a good person.
And it would be real nice one day if you could speak for yourself instead of saying what she says or wants you to think. Your supposed to be the glue. You allowed this to happen. And don't deny it Bc you've already admitted that before.
I'll never hold the past against you. But don't crucify me when I come to you about my my feelings. It shouldn't be something taken personally. I'm your f'ing daughter, why am I out of line telling you how o feel??
That's insane.
At the end of the day dad, just know you are welcome in my life whenever. If you want to call feel free, if you want to stop by that fine too.
My reaching out to you was never about throwing stones or picking a fight. It was my feelings. And that's it.
Also, I have not talked to My brother about any of this and don't plan on it. So no need to think your going to get a phone call from him or that there's any weirdness between y'all Bc of this. Bc all if that would be the opposite of what I was trying to accomplish.
So remember that please. And tell LSM that I've grown up & choose to not live in my past.
Best wishes to you.
Husband: Sorry been tied up I'll get back to I when u have a chance to read carefully but one thing she is a good person u may not remember how y'all treated her
SD: Maybe I don't remember every single thing dad.
But what I do know is that's a sad excuse to turn around & treat others like shit. And not just any random person, 2 of your children & grandchildren. So Sad that you are even saying this crap! Shame on you dad. And shame on her. If you two choose to live that kinda life then good luck to you both.
Take a hard look in the mirror tho & at least be honest with yourself about just how truly happy YOU are with how your life is at the preset moment. And if you are at total peace with what your saying & doing.
Btw, She's done a lot of awful things as well. But I refuse to live my life holding some grudge against her.
I was married to an abusive person. I will never allow anyone else to mistreat me or make me feel lesser than Bc of their screwed up since of reality. I'm well schooled on those types of people. It's selfish. But worst of all its sick.
And please stop taking up for her by back handing me & your son.
she can call me whenever she'D like if she wants to talk to me about what she's been stuck on for YEARS.
I Wanted to to talk to YOU. Not have a conversation with her writing your messages for you. Bc remember,, I don't exist to her. So she should refrain from putting in her two cents.
Husband: She hasn't seen these text - I'm writing
SD: Well that's even more sad.
I cannot believe the stuff you have said to me in these text messages.
You'd think you were proclaiming shes some Saint & I am some no good POS.
actually I'm YOUR daughter.
Husband: I never said either of those things not sure how u came to that conclusion
SD: Well it's my perception of what you said in the above text.
Maybe it's wrong choice of words. But I don't know how far off it is.
I could make a chart with things you've said about her & things you've said about me..
I treated LSM horribly
I only call you when I want or need something
She's a good person,
Been treated bad, ect
Husband: U saying u never treated her badly u may not remember some of things u said and did
SD: Well refresh my memory then
Husband: No think about it
SD: Why? It's clearly fresh on yalls minds. So just tell me? Or is it so petty & old that it's ridiculous & off base??
And I know your not even going to refer to shit when I was a damn kid. If so then we are all fucked dad. Bc that's some lame ass ridiculous crap that your buying.
Are you able to think for yourself? Do you, only you. Really feel that I've been so terrible that I deserve to be ostracized from my family?
Please just tell me your honest opinion.
If you can tell me. It'll help me a lot. And I will likely be able to close all this down. And not trouble you anymore with my terrible self.
Tell me what I've done to her?
That's the very least you could do dad. I'm not asking for much right now. All I want to know is what it is so I can hopefully understand & move on.
Husband: Read your text every thing u say is derogatory all the nasty things U have called her. LSM has never called u any thing bad. u will u need to apologize to LSM. You can't expect that she would want u in her home with this level of hostility, this negativity is not helping.
SD: I've read my text. And I haven't called her names. I've stated my feelings
Which you in turn basically acknowledged by saying I shouldn't be surprised Bc of the way I've treated her.
I ask you what I've specifically done to her & I get nothing in response.
I have continued to tell you from the start that this wasn't ever about arguing. Your son doesn't even know about any of this. And why? Bc I've learned that in the past it's been counterproductive.
Yes. I'm pissed, aggravated, frustrated & extremely hurt that YEARS can go by & regardless, we are still treated this way.
So maybe some of the things I said above may have been mean or unkind. BUT SERIOUSLY,
Your response & lack there of regarding what I've done to her, is all those things & then some.
At the end of the day dad. I can own my shit. I have may faults. I'm far from perfect. But one thing I've learned these past few years is I AM STILL WORTHY. I am somebody. I have 2 beautiful girls & they deserve way more than what you've given them.
Husband: On many occasions u deliberatey left me out of things for the girls when they were growing up I even recall one time U told LSM u did it on purpose. Daughter I love you, my son and the girls but u cannot blame all of the lack of interaction with the girls on me u did not include me
SD: Dad I acknowledged that there was many times long ago that I didn't include you. I also told you long ago that I regret the way I had handled certain things. And I thought we had moved past it.
I haven't voiced my opinion to you in quite some time. YEARS actually!! I've been dealing with my own crap for the last 5.
So for you to bring up any of those long ago things is silly to me. And makes me realize even more that it doesn't matter what I do or don't do I'm always going to be not good enough.
Husband: Again it's not me u need to apologize to yes u excluded me but it's LSM you were disrespectful
SD: You know I've never told you this before but out of respect for LSM I never reached out to either of her children until they were adults. And when I did, I never said one foul word about LSM. And never will. I would NEVER do anything to hurt either one of them.
All I ever wanted was to know them, be apart of their life & hope that once they did know me & the girls that would feel the same.
So yeah, excuse me if I'm upset dad. I'm so sorry that at 41years old I'm still being punished for shit that I'm not even certain of. And excuse me for thinking that my dad of all people would understand my feelings & help this situation instead of pointing out all the horribly things I've supposedly done, oh wait, but your not telling me Bc I'm supposed to tbink about it.
Husband: U can't acknowledge how crappy u treated LSM can u daughter. I love u and the kids I wish things were different but until u Acknowledge that it won't get better
SD: And me acknowledging that is supposed to make it better? You've never told me that before.
Husband: Well Daughter when u treat somebody like crap I thought u would know that
SD: Ive been treated like Crap a bunch in the last 41 years. I have gone without many apologies. Bc I've learned sometimes it's not about an apology. It's about actions.
Husband: I'm sorry it's late I'm going to bed not all your crap came from here most came else where and I'm sorry about that but I was never told not sure what if anything I could have done but I was kept completely in the dark
SD: That's fine.
Regarding my crap...
No one knew about it. Not my mom or Your son. So don't feel slighted or in the dark. Instead maybe be happy that I no longer live that.
Crazy thing is... I'm always the one apologizing to you.
Good night
Husband: I'm sorry u went thru crap u should have told somebody maybe they could of helped in some way if nothing else not going it alone
SD: Hind sight is 20/20. And until you walk in someone's shoes you never know. Not askin for sympathy tho. And I don't blame anyone.
It's just the reason I firmly believe that time is very precious & to only surround yourself with people that love & accept you for who you are, not where you were (edited to add; we definitely agree on this - lol)
Husband: Sorry just getting back to you been very busy it is due to your behavior in the past that excluded u from the party I think we need to work on our relationship first then work on other issues it might be best if we waited a week r two to let things calm down I really do want to make it work but it had to be fair for all concerned
SD: By the past, I'm assuming your going back several years.
And I recall you telling me the same thing back then, about you & I working on our relationship first,....
So in other words, it's the same thing but 10 years later.
And I can't help but be like wtf? By your comment of "waiting a week or two to let thinks calm down."
Sounds like more of the same. So maybe in another 10 years we'll have this conversation again. ?
And "fair for all concerned." ?
Who exactly are we speaking about?
Thought this conversation was between you & I. ?
Husband: It is but it concerns people besides u and me and no I'm not talking ten years
SD: So you told LSM and my half sisters that I texted you about your granddaughter asking me about party, & how our conversation went on from there?
If not ten years ago. Then I don't know what your referring to.
Bc I haven't been around or able to be around them since then.
Sorry but I'm confused & things just don't make since to me.
Husband: No Your half sisters know nothing as far as I know. U said ten years, I just said no to what u referred to about ten years
SD: So you & LSM need to calm down.
Again, sorry but I guess don't understand exactly what your referring to.
But all I can say is,
I can't beg someone to accept me. Nor can I change whatever it is that has me condemned still. The past is the past.
I won't allow myself to stay stuck there Bc it does no good & it's toxic.
Hopefully one day you'll realize that no one is perfect & holding grudges against family isn't how family treats each other.
If that offends you or LSM. All I can say is sorry but it's how i feel.
Random strangers treat me better.
Husband: You are right no one is perfect I'm doing what I think is best I believe we have to resolve our issues first
SD: This is clearly out of my hands.. So all I can say is
you know how I feel & my number. And i guess I'll talk to you when your ready.
Husband: U will be hearing from me
End of ranting
Since this time husband has invited her to lunch. I am not optimistic about anything good coming from this for either my marriage or their relationship.
- LONGTIME SM's blog
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Well you have a winner
Well you have a winner lol....... I can see Aergia being like this when she's that age...
DH should simply ask her, why she never bothered getting n contact with her half sibs after they became adults?
DH should tell her, oh grow up princess the world does not revolve around you, your sisters hardly knows you cause the age gap is just too big
I hope DH does not give in and invite her to the party, if he does let me know a day before, I will be you super duper bouncer at the door and kick her ass all over the front lawn....
Thanks Sally. The engagement
Thanks Sally. The engagement party has already been held and it was a huge success! Everything went smoothly and was lovely as the adult steps were not invited to my house. However, other parties will be taking place in the future so I would love to have you come and be my super duper bouncer!
WOW, talk about living in the
WOW, talk about living in the land of denial!!!
"it's all someone else's fault - my dad, my stepmom, my ex, my own mom - but I've gotten past what I did so you should get over it too. But I don't have to get over what everyone else did to me, boohoo."
Wow. Just. Wow. I bet dollars
Wow. Just. Wow.
I bet dollars to donuts you take her to a psychologist and she'd be diagnosed with BPD.
After the first couple of lines, I began reading it in BM's voice (who IS diagnosed with BPD). It's articulate but full of shit, and we've received enough emails and ranting calls like this--deflect and redirect blame. Emotional manipulation. Playing the victim. Stressing the importance of something that has nothing to do with the situation (being HIS daughter, like that means anything to anyone when you're a crappy person). Hiding passive aggressive insults while at the same time claiming you are misunderstanding and that isn't what she meant.
The whole shebang.
He should have just told her she needs to reflect on what she did, own up to it, and apologize. End of discussion. If she can't do that, then there's nothing else to talk about. Him trying to argue with her is what she wants, because she thinks she can win by running circles around him (likely how she wins arguments with other people.) So for every response he has, she has another ready to fire.
I think that's what she wants
I have news for her. My children know every time she does this because I feel the need to warn them. They need to know who she really is because they are going to be left to deal with this monster if anything happens to her father or I. I know that she will be there with her handout trying to guilt my children into giving her my property. My daughters need to be prepared for that.
LONGTIME SM, I was reading
I was reading your whole text conversation to my DH while he was getting ready for work at 5:00am, and It really helped him to hear all of that. He said it sounds like the SD was being unreasonable and the DH was trying to be reasonable. After we read the whole post, he really opened up and started talking to me. He said "I put up with that kind of abuse for 8 years from their mother, and Im definitely not going to put up with it with my kids." (your) "SD is just being mean, You can't deal with people like that". He also told me that it sounds just like (my SD's). We also have a SD who while inviting DH to a destination wedding told him "SHE IS NOT INVITED" yes it was hurtful but I insisted he go and walk his daughter down the isle, cause I was such a good stepmom. He again told me this morning "I still regret that I went to that". SD is DIVORCED now so it doesn't hurt so much that I wasn't invited to a wedding that didn't work. and its funny how you get accused of hating her when you just disengage from her abuse-shes just trying to upset you so you will reengage with her madness. you are not her psychologist,
DH and I agreed that we want to be in SD's and SGC's lives any time, but they just have to be not mean.
dear GOD what a $#!tty
dear GOD what a $#!tty communicator that one is. i literally could not follow that conversation at all and had to reread several parts. all that BS by text? PICK UP THE D@MN PHONE.
she is an effing fruit loop. yes your dh engaged the crazy for far too long. but at least he made his point clear - apologize to my wife for treating her like $#!t.
i'm a fan of giving concrete examples instead of generalities. it might be helpful for your dh to sit down and write out exactly the occurrences he has in mind when he thought she treated you so badly. specific instances.
no clever i didnt mean for
no clever i didnt mean for him to share it w/ sd, i meant it for himself. it'll remind him of exactly what it is she has done, it'll be crystal clear in his mind.
she talks in circles and run-ons and repeats, i could see ANY person getting fog-brain when dealing w/ her. it would just refocus him on exactly why he has taken the position he has.
It sounds like she is looking
It sounds like she is looking for someone to tell her she's right, she's the victim, whatever she did wrong is in the past (but she's still the victim of Stepmom's supposed past actions). I agree with Ladyface; it's exhausting to read. She's just looking to open up old wounds so she can play the victim again. It was annoying to read how much she kept bringing you into the conversation blaming you even for the text he was writing as he was writing them. Reminds me of BM when me and DH were first together and still occasionally. If DH does something she doesn't like or he emails her something she doesn't like she automatically assumes it's me talking for him. I'll never understand how a person a person like that can say such horrible things to a person and their SO but also think of themselves so highly that any criticism has to be coming from an outside source. No it's coming from the person you verbally assualted with your ridiculous faux-victim feelings shockingly enough. Next time she goes on a tangent like this he just needs to send back: Have you apologized to LSM for your behavior yet and admitted you were a big factor in why our relationships have suffered?" Then ignore her until she does it.
Thanks. My husband can now
Thanks. My husband can now and has always been able to have whatever relationship he wants with her. We will just have to see how lunch goes but keep in mind he has tried these luncheon dates in the past and she has continued her periodic rants
She couldn't behave appropriately in my home 7-8 years ago when she demanded a part of husbands inheritance and everything since then has shown she has the same hostility towards me, my husband, and even my children. She also displayed the same hostility towards me when I last spoke to her 5 years ago.
If I wanted an invitation into someone's life or home I wouldn't sling accusations or nasty comments their way. As you can see SD did exactly that which shows me that no she has not grown or changed at all.
If I were your DH, I would
If I were your DH, I would have responded to the first text with, "I'm well, glad you are too!"
Your DH can set the tone or follow your SD down the rabbit hole.
I wholeheartedly agree with
I wholeheartedly agree with you but unlike SDs claims I can't control what he does. If I did he would have shut her down quickly and not entered the madness.
So she is basically saying,
So she is basically saying, the things I've done in the past don't matter. I'm over it and you should be too.
However, the things that you and mostly LSM have done need to be discussed and dealt with.
You've done good by staying away from her for the past 7 years, keep it up.
I'd also make sure that your will is ironclad and your DDs know your wishes.
Thanks. Yes I have informed
Thanks. Yes I have informed my children and I do periodically remind them - plus I've engaged family members to come help them in that situation. Everyone in my family knows what she's done and how she is as well as my concerns about her.
Guess I can "look forward" to
Guess I can "look forward" to these types of convos in the future. I can see all three of Chef's PASouts reciting this BS word for word.
What a convoluted trip that
What a convoluted trip that was to read. Your husband's daughter has come up with a marvelous approach to life - poor poor me, only my feelings matter, and I'm not accountable for anything, ever.
DH: Your behavior is the problem.
SD: The past is the past. And your wife is evil.
DH: You owe LSM an apology.
SD: I AM WORTHY! LSM is baaaad. gibberish shdhfyfb bgjfgdfs.
DH: You excluded me from your wedding. That was mean and hurtful.
SD: Thought I apologized? LSM needs to grow up. You mean I'm being punished for THAT? LSM gibberish Ddhcvdvhada mememememe wah wah fee fees.
You can't make bricks without clay, and you can't build a healthy relationship with a toxic person. I especially liked the part where she claimed to have been ostracized from her family - you know, the one she never bothers with unless she needs something and mistreated?
This one is aaaaallllll on your DH.
I could almost see that in my future
"You need to get over anything I did in the past. But anything you ever did is fair game forever." Aholiness personified.
I have NOTHING to do with SS32, his babymamma and their child. I do not forbid DH to see them, etc. They just are not allowed in my life or in my home. I'd be an idiot if I did so.
I am sure there are statements about how I am "ignoring/excluding the precious grandson from having a relationship with his grandfather." No I am not. I just am now refusing to fund anything for the GS. My DH can do what the wants - but I am doing nothing. SS and GF - YOUR actions are what caused me to no longer wish to fund a trip to DisneyWorld for your Disney loving child. I'd still might take him if I could leave your sorry asses at home. The Disney timeshare is in MY name. I owned it years before I met your father. You both still think that you have rights to access MY personal property. Get over it.