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I love it when she thinks she can tell me what to do......

mommadukes2015's picture

"MY house means MY rules. <-See that period? That's the end of the sentence and this discussion."

So BM hasn't seen or spoken to SS in over a month. All summer long she would pick him up for about 5 hours, dump him off on a family member or return him home every 30 days give or take.

Last week, he called, left her a voicemail and she didn't even bother to call him back or contact SO-or me by proxy. She has not spoken to, or exchanged texts with SO since our court date at the end of August where she gave us primary custody.

Last night I get a message: "Can you have SS call me either tonight or tomorrow". It's about 1/2 hour before SS's bed time. I tell him his mom texted and wants him to call her either tonight or tomorrow. He opts for tomorrow.

He hasn't spoken to or see his mother in over 30 days. He's not exactly jumping at the opportunity, in fact he seemed upset by it. He spent the remainder of the evening complaining.

I messaged her back and let her know that he opted to speak to her tomorrow. I asked what a good time for him to call would be. She told me 8:30. I informed her he had plans to visit her sister this weekend. She said that "her sister is helping her so that he sees his family until she's done working crazy hours". Yeah. Okay. Spin it so that she's "helping" you. SHE'S NOT DOING THIS FOR YOU SHE'S DOING IT FOR HIM. Spin it whatever way helps you sleep at night. He was 2 minutes from where you're currently crashing and you couldn't be bothered to stop in for a hug two weeks ago-so really? You're not fooling anyone but yourself.

She also had messaged me at the end of last week giving me her Hulu User ID and Password. Today she asks if I had given it to him....


SS has Autism. SS needs to build life skills, social skills and everyday coping skills. When we watch TV it's together, we talk about what we're watching whether it's a lesson in a Disney Movie or the Presidential Debates or Survivor we watch TV together. We cuddle and eat ice cream and watch TV together.

His tablet time has been a little more free lately because we're moving out of spaghetti land officially on Friday. He is not allowed to have internet when we're not home (he is able to stay for a few hours-my family lives in front of, next door and behind Spaghetti Land so if I'm leaving I have someone come check in with him and he has a list of phone numbers, the phone and he knows his safety rules-no toaster, no microwave, no stove, no science, no answering the door or the phone if it isn't a number on his list. He knows that if he does pick up by accident, Dad or I are "in the shower" or "mowing the lawn").

SS will also, if allowed, choose to play with his tablet over engaging with other children and socialization is a struggle for him. He also does not like to go outside or run or do anything other than sit on the tablet. He's been doing more of those things lately because my niece, nephew and cousins have been around. His drawings are happier scene's, there's color in them, he writes stories on the computer and is recording science shows on the TiVo. Limited (although it's more than normal) tablet time is a good thing for him.

So I told her no. I didn't give him the information, nor did I hook it up. For the above reasons and because my parents (the owner's of spaghetti land) pay for the internet and I use it for work while we're still here so I can't have it bogged up streaming shows we have on DVD. Nor do I need another reason for him to stick his nose in that thing and never come back out.

Her response to all of this: Well he's the reason I'm still paying for it. I bought it for him, he should be allowed to have it. Well BM, he can have it at your house. OH WAIT, you don't have one, not that it matters anyway because you see him not at all. His immediate response to the news of her request for him to call was to cuddle up with me on the couch.

That first line is how the conversation ended. My phone is blowing up. As soon as I'm done writing this her ass is ***BLOCKED*** done. I am completely done.


mommadukes2015's picture

She refuses to respond to or contact him. I haven't blocked her on my phone because in the event SS does go with her and there's an emergency both phones need to be available.

SO tries to deal with her. I've been dealing less with her. I haven't been responding to her messages and I had SS the phone and literally go all the way outside until I know he's off of it.

I'm in the process of removing myself from contact with her. But I don't want to deprive SS of speaking to her in the rare event she remembers she has children so I still facilitate that until SO is done with the house at the end of this week and is home more consistently. Then I'm completely done.

Acratopotes's picture

you should've blocked her ass long time ago ........ she can bug DH....

}:) seeing you have her hulu account, can't you max it out and watch porn or something....

mommadukes2015's picture

OMG I was seriously considering streaming Pretty Little Liars.....I'm so far behind.

lintini's picture

That's a lot of stress for you Mommadukes....I can't really relate but I think DH needs some more involvement and you need a break.

*edit to add that your early response wasn't there when I typed this, blah

mommadukes2015's picture

Poor SO is trying. We're almost done renovating our house, it's been one delay after another since April, but we're moving in on Friday. Because he's done almost all of the repairs alone, I've been alone with the kids a lot.

But-in 3 days that's going to change *happy dance*

mommadukes2015's picture

Thank you! It does!!!! Smile It's a cheap 30 year double wide tub and one of the only things we didn't replace but it's been minimally used, and you know what? I'd take a horse trough at this point!