I'm back!
December was a hoppin month for us. We left our Morocco assignment, enjoyed the holidays with my family in the States, I saw my brother for the first time in 3-4 years (we can't agree on when we last saw each other), and I returned to the GCC for another assignment.
Most of it was great, some of it was disappointing. I was one of two finalists for a great international role based in Oregon. That had my bride extremely excited since that is where she is from. Unfortunately and against my advice she shared her excitement with her family before I had the job.... I did not get the job. She was very upset by that. I was disappointed but knew I had my new role on the back burner if the Oregon based job did not happen. I don't like disappointing her but... as they say ... this one was not completely under my control. I have never seen her this distraught over anything other than the demise of her grand mothers. Not a usual thing for the woman I share my life with. Fortunately I bit my tongue and did not say "I told you it was too soon to tell your family." My son on the other hand.... gotta love that kid. "Mom, why did you say anything to them before dad actually got the job? And why are so this upset?" :jawdrop:
He survived opening his mouth. If I had said what he said... I would be dead.
I also spent most of my holiday dealing with an abscessed tooth. I noticed it in mid October a couple of weeks after I had another tooth problem dealt with by a root canal and crown. I was not in any pain. I only noticed swelling. I decided to postpone getting it done until I got back to the States to my own dentist in December. I was not up for dealing with it in Morocco. This turned out to be a bad choice. It took a number of days and ultimately a 3D Xray to identify that I had an infection in the nerve of #5 (top right bicuspid I think). I mentioned that I had no discomfort.... yeh, that only lasted until the root canal. Once it was done and the drugs wore off.... HOlY CRAP!!! I was hurtin. Due to the length of time I waited I had bone degradation in my upper jaw. So I spent 4 days doped up on Tylenol-3. Ya gotta love Codeine!!!!!! A week after the root canal I had the tooth prepped and a crown installed. That went great. So, a word to the wise.... don't wait to get a mysterious lump in your gum addressed... even if it doesn't hurt.
So, just after the new year I hopped on a plane and returned to the sand box of my youth for another round of fun in the sun on my career. My bride will join me here on 1-March.
My STalk participation has been sparse due to my bride requesting that I limit my on-line time and focus on her and the family. Message received. I did not even do any work related computer time for 3+ weeks. I never realized how much time I do spend online not only for work.
So..... I will limit my web time to working hours and not even crack it open once I leave the office.... at least I will once she joins me.
Happy 2017 STalkers. May 2017 be a year of meaning and adventure for all.
Sincere regards,
- Rags's blog
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Welcome back, Rags
Welcome back, Rags
It was odd here without you,
It was odd here without you, Rags....sorry the job did not work out, but that usually means something better is to come your way soon. Glad you could visit with your brother!
Sorry about the job Rags! And
Sorry about the job Rags! And the tooth, but welcome back.
Rags. Why can't more men be
Rags. Why can't more men be like u !?! Welcome back!
Best wishes Rags! So glad
Best wishes Rags! So glad your holidays went well
If you're ever in a tooth pain pinch again you can crack open an advil liqui-gel and use the goo as a spot pain treatment.
I hear the timer ticking ...
I hear the timer ticking ... your "voice" on this board is missed.
I especially enjoy your discussions about what it means to be a "grown-ass Man-baby," an entitled leech, and a functional male in our current society.
I have no counterpoint to your descriptive: " My Bride." Calling my SO, no matter how much snow is on the rooftop 'My Groom,' just leaves a taste in my mouth. {Snort. Just reread that line and I will let it stand.}
Welcome back
Lol. Yep, even with
Lol. Yep, even with increasing snow on my rooftop and an increasing awning over my belt buckle she is my bride. I have never considered myself her groom. Just her Husband. For some reason it doesn't have the same flare in the Groom direction as it does in the Bride direction.