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BM Boyfriend Fired - Happy Friday

CLove's picture

Well not really.

You see, I was the one who recommended the boyfriend (I call him Tweedle Dum) to my friends who own a business. He was making really good money, able to contribute to BM's household financially, and my friends BOTH ABSOLUTELY LOVED HIM. They told me that he was always there for them when they needed someone to cover, the clients loved him, he was very responsible and very friendly, and very nice. (you would have to be extra nice/controllable to put up with BM...)

So BM texted SO, who texted me, and the story just doesn't make much sense.

But, I am worried, naturally. I worry because BM is one of those women who just always needs a man around to take care of her and help out. She makes decent money as a teacher of autistic children, and gets fabulous retirement, and benefits, etc, but still its tough here in our community to make it on what she earns. So I am predicting that soon, she will dump jobless boyfriend. She is also one of those women that always has the next guy(s) lined up. She meets them online or social media and then, one after another they come in and out of her life. This was before Tweedle Dum. Before him, she had sex with every man she went on a date with, as long as they bought her drinks (dinner was optional). Oh, your in a wheelchair? No worries, that's what the knees are for! It was a very unstable situation for the children, all these creepie crawlies.
So that is one worry.

I also worry that she will start harassing SO for more money, and he will give it to her, for the children of course (yay, SD17 is almost 18!!! And graduating soon!!! Get a job loafer!!)

I worry that Tweedle Dum did something seriously bad, and that maybe I should ask my friend, however I am not certain as to liability there.

I am worried that she will start thinking my SO looks mighty cute (he makes twice what she does = good provider), perhaps he would like a reconnect? I mean, hey they have kids together right? It would be so easy. So I worry she will start sexy texting him again...will need to watch that b!tch like a hawk.

But at the end of the day = not my problem.
Happy Friday - going to an art show and then some live blues/rock.


hereiam's picture

So BM texted SO, who texted me, and the story just doesn't make much sense.

What is the story she told your SO?

I worry that Tweedle Dum did something seriously bad, and that maybe I should ask my friend, however I am not certain as to liability there.

What or whose liability? I'm not sure what you mean by this statement or what liability has to do with asking your friend the question.

CLove's picture

The story was that a client had him do something, and the bosses said he should not have done that thing, and they just fired him for it. It sounds like they were just paying him too much, and are having cash flow problems.

CLove's picture

No - not SO - the ex wifes boyfriend - I got him a job, and its been over year, but they just laid him off. I think it was because they were paying him too much.

CLove's picture

Sounds unhealthy.

I am definitely staying out of BMs boyfriends business. He is on his own!

Acratopotes's picture

maybe the guy caused more damaged then what you know, and please do not ask friends, this has actually nothing to do with you....

yeah I know we are female, we work on need to know basis, and we need to know everything lol....

BM flirting with your SO again - he will not fall for it, so don't even worry about it

Livingoutloud's picture

I wouldn't stay with a man if I worried he'll go to his ex. It means either lack of trust or he simply isn't that into you. Is he allowing her flirting? It never occurred to me to even entertain a thought of DH going back to BM.

CLove's picture

No, he isn't but I am super sensitive these days. Not feeling very secure in my relationship right now.