OT Tick Meltdown
The first time we spend a significant time outside and there was tick crawling on BD2.
I have researched my eyeballs out.
I figured it was worth a shot to see if any of you guys had any recommendations.
We live in rural New York.
- mommadukes2015's blog
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Look up about how Lyme
Look up about how Lyme disease is transmitted. If I remember right the tick has to be attached for a while feeding on the host ( they actually have like a topical Anesthesia effect when they bite on so you don't feel it right away ) then the Lyme disease is transmitted when the tick begins to regurgitate. Sounds gross. Anyway do not squash the tick if you pull it off either crawling or attached. The guts with the bacteria can get on you. If it was just crawling then you are ok likely. Check for other ones. The deer tick is very small. Always change clothes after being out in woods, put dirty ones right in laundry or leave out in garage in case there are more ticks on them. When hiking tuck pants into socks so they can't crawl up and get to skin. Wear tick repellant if you can. Check dogs too and keep them on tick and flea treatment.
Also Rocky Mountain spotted fever comes from ticks, my BIL had that. He lives in South Carolina with lots of pine trees around.
We are in PA and I pulled a tick off DH on Sunday night. He found it Friday night but I was away and he couldn't reach it. Not quite on topic but do you think he could have asked him adult daughter who is a Cert Nursing Assist to help him out? Nope, just leave the freaking tick on till I got home. I would have asked the new neighbor who is a nurse to pull it off. Someone. Anyone. I digress. Just be careful and if bitten check with your doctor about blood test for tick borne diseases. Usually a certain time after the bite.
I hate ticks, gives me the creepers. Fun fact though, the opossum is the Hoover vacuum of the forest eating the creepy crawlers. So be friendly to opossums!
I know right Echo? I have
I know right Echo? I have pulled one off my own self on my back side area, using mirrors to see the little devil and hoping I could grad it all with the tweeters.
DH has a puncture mark like bruise and redness around the bite. . He will need to get the blood test to make sure as he is on immunosuppressants since his liver transplant in 2007 and getting Lyme would not be good at all.
I am trying to teach him proper yard to house transitions in tick seasons but he still comes in and sits around in the clothes he was in the yard working in.
If they sold tick hazmat suits I would buy one!
I'm also going to work on
I'm also going to work on attracting me a 'possum!
cat food, baby! it works!
cat food, baby! it works!
There are lots of different
There are lots of different kinds of ticks. Dog ticks in the south are common , not sure if they pass disease to humans. However if too many ticks get on a dog or animal along the spine they can cause what my dad calls tick fever. It paralyze so the animal. If you can remove them it might have a chance to recover.
Try to prevent contact. The more you know the better prepared you are. Also in the south there are chiggers to be feared of. And fire ants. And mosquitos with the Ziika virus.
It is not the large things that will get us eventually but the small and microscopic ones!
Deer tick bites & lone star
Deer tick bites & lone star tick bites can cause red meat allergies. Seriously. My sister in Ohio was bitten and has now developed a severe red meat allergy.
Not trying to make you more anxious, but tick bites can be major.
I had lymes. I was 10 and my
I had lymes. I was 10 and my mom noticed that a side of my face was not moving. I had bells palsy. We never found the tick and there was no mark. I remember getting alot of shots. I can at least now do the elvis lip because the muscles on one side are more developed lol
I have had what i must assume is lingering problems. My joints in my legs can hurt so bad sometimes i am laid up on the couch. My knees and ankles seem to be the worst. I just had an issue with inflamed cartlidge in my chest and that shit hurts, thought i was having heart problems.
You can always get a blood test to check, of you are worried and just keep a watch on your baby. Any face drooping or one sided crying go right in.
it's not necessarily, sane,
it's not necessarily, sane, it just *can* be one of the symptoms. like fever and headaches and fatigue can be caused by numerous things, so can bell's palsy.
How can a fan cause it?? It
How can a fan cause it?? It was about 98 or 99 when i got it.
I live in the country and the
I live in the country and the kids get them often from playing outside. The off deep woods works really well.
i'll comment first then go
i'll comment first then go back and read the other posts.
what size was it? deer tick or dog tick? the fact that it was crawling is fine, if it was embedded then it'd be a whole different story. your baby is a-ok.
i grew up downstate. doing a "tick-check" coming inside was a very normal thing. my dad was a landscaper so he and his co-workers even had to do thorough tick checks. the number of embedded deer ticks i've had pulled out of my skin with tweezers - well let's just say i lost track after 35 or 40. i've had lyme's disease twice, two years apart. the first time was ok, the second time was bad.
like i said, if it was crawling, it's all good. learn the difference between deer ticks and dog ticks, and do tick-checks after spending time outdoors. you can also spray your kid's clothes with bug spray with DEET (sounds like she's still too young to put it on her skin). but a good thorough tick check is the absolute best method of prevention. honestly, if you live in an area with a lot of ticks you can't stop them (like a mosquito bite) but DEET and a good eye are your most valuable tools.
Yes it was crawling on her
Yes it was crawling on her upper thigh. It was very small and black. None of the pictures I've seen looked like it, but I immediately started losing my mind, I brushed it off of her and yolked her up and SO grabbed it off the carpet.
I'm going to treat the yard. And spray her down. SO will be cleaning the yard and the easter egg hunt has been moved indoors.
I am not a nature lover. I don't like bugs, I'm terrified of snakes and I'm not wild about wild animals near my house. Before we moved closer to spaghetti land you should have seen the THING that was in our yard-it looked like a giant, mangy fox-it was colored like an orange fox and large like a great dane and looked like it had been put through an incinerator. I refused to go outside other than to walk to the car and went to the mailbox armed the rest of the time we lived there.
I love the environment, I recycle and I respect wildlife, but not in my yard. This is my spot stay nature needs to stay the hell out of it.
EW. i get like that too,
EW. i get like that too, those giant red welts. unfortunately i'm a mosquito MAGNET. there have been times dh and i have sat out back to have a cigarette, literally right next to eachother, and he'll have NO bites and i'll be covered in big ol' red welts. i keep a can of bug spray by the back door and one in my car.
evil bastards.
i've always said, when i die if i go to Heaven, i'm going to ask God himself WHYYYYYYYYY did he create mosquitoes, ticks, and leeches. those parasitic nasty vile creatures have no value to their existence that i can see.
~waves~ Mosquito chum, here!!
Mosquito chum, here!!
I also live on a 80 acre
I also live on a 80 acre complex-my whole family owns/lives on a large chunk of land. My house and yard sit on about 1/4 of an acre. That's all I want. My 1/4 of an acre to be headache free. Wildlife can have at the rest of it.
if you can afford it, try
if you can afford it, try TruGreen for yard pests. they can spray for fleas and ticks.
Thanks guys. My cousin has
Thanks guys.
My cousin has lymes (they first diagnosed him with Bells Palsy too when he lost sensation in his face. It was only when the sensation switched sides that they determined it was lymes).
We have a HUGE deer population around our house. They sleep in the woods behind my bedroom window. My sister recommended Green Mountain Tick Repellent which doesn't contain deet. They don't list what it's made of on the website, so I messaged the company to find out.
I'm also picking up some diatomaceous earth and Bifen IT that my dad is going to spread around the yard. I'm also waiting for a call back from tractor supply about some hens.
I'm not playing with these suckers. Not my kids. Not today. There was a case of Powassan Virus a couple counties over last year. I'm also winterizing the crapola out of the yard this year. I didn't think to do it last year. UGHHH
I'm kind of wonky in real
I'm kind of wonky in real life.
and clumsy. 
The babyganics isn't working?
moving - sorry to say, it's
moving - sorry to say, it's NOT true. they don't exactly bite you, they literally submerge their entire effing head under your skin. theeeeen it's their saliva, as they feed off your blood, that transmits the bacteria. directly into your bloodstream.
Wow, I'm late on this but I
Wow, I'm late on this but I have the same issue. How rural in NY are you? I'm out in suburbia LI an found 3 ticks already. My response? Natural is best--chickens, muscovy ducks, and if you don't mind the noise, guinea hens. If allowed to free range during the day, they'll decimate the tick population (especially guinea hens but you have to make sure you only feed them when they go back in their coop at night because otherwise they're not hungry enough to do much foraging during the day.)