Ask Amy and stepdaughter issues.
I just saw this column and noticed one thing that got glossed over. One of the step daughters was having a "hard time" with her father remarrying 6 years after her mother passed away and had to step out of the ceremony because of it.
Apparently new wife is not not encouraging dad to spend much time with his daughters.
While I can empathize with these adult women losing their mother and even being upset to some point by seeing their father "move on". One of them basically left the ceremony to cry or whatnot.. that has to be a glancing blow at the bride. I kind of understand it. I think that the daughters could have done a better job at apologizing for that.. maybe reassuring her that it wasn't because of her... just that it reminded them their mother was gone etc...
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My guess, and it's only a
My guess, and it's only a guess as what we have to base our opinion on is very short, is that the daughters only want to see their dad without the new wife. My guess, and it's only a guess based upon personal experience, is that the daughters would get to see dad alone sometimes if they stopped excluding the new wife.
I can't imagine the wedding crier wanting to be with dad and new wife. I can't imagine that she slipped quietly out of the wedding to cry and slipped back in with a brave smile on her face. I imagine, that since they were likely seated at the front, that everyone saw her leave.
Dad has probably had it with the crier and her lack of concern for his feelings. Yes, mom died. Yes, her loved her mom. Yes, if she were still alive they would still be married. But, she isn't alive, and although he still loves her, life goes on, and he is remarried. I imagine he's fed up and is at the point of accept my wife or lose me. He is not being held hostage to their memory of their mother.
Amy should have told uncle to tell the daughters to get some counseling to deal with their mother's death and their father's remarriage.
"Apparently new wife is not
"Apparently new wife is not encouraging dad to spend much time with his daughters."
I'm confused. Why would the SM EVER be blamed for the quality of the one-on-one relationship between a father and his children? Aren't they all adults? Is SM hiding all phones, car keys, and email access?
"They told me they haven’t
"They told me they haven’t been in communication with their dad, who lives in the same city, since he remarried last September. According to them, he is focused now on his new wife and her daughters and can only see them if his new wife is present.
He is upset because one of them stepped out during the wedding because she was having a hard time and returned shortly after. His reaction seems unwarranted."
TBH, I'm not certain if the requirement that the "new wife is present" is the new wife's demand or the girls' father.
Certainly it seems like Dad has aligned with his new wife over his daughter's behavior and probable attitude over his remarriage. TBH, I think in some circumstances it might be nice is the SM could be a "bigger person" and try to encourage her husband to reconcile with his daughters, but that also assumes on the daughter's part that they are willing and able to accept his new relationship.
That might have been my focus to the LW. Encourage these girls to reach out and apologize for not being accepting.
I don't much care reading
I don't much care reading 'advice' columns like Ask Amy. There is so little to go on that the advice may be way off. In any direction, good or bad.
I can't say that the daughter who stepped out of the service to cry, didn't attempt to apologize and/or explain her reaction to the bride (OP seems to indicate the SD "should have done a better job", or tried to "reassure the bride it wasn't because of the bride"). I have no clue as to what the SD did or didn't do after the crying.
The SD (id it were the youngest SD) , was what, 16-17yrs old when her mother died. Hard age to lose your mother. Maybe the SD didn't cry at all due to Dad moving on. Maybe she cried because it hit the SD that her own mother would not be at the young lady's wedding. Not help her dress for the walk down the aisle.
I do know I would not like not being able to see my father what-so-ever unless my new SM was present. I'm not saying I'd throw a dinner and invite all the family except the new SM, I mean more alone the lines of why can't Dad meet me for coffee for an hour some morning and perhaps just chat? Yeah, yeah, I 'get it' he's married now, but he and his new wife are not attached at the hip. My father is deceased, has been for a long time. Mom went on to have a relationship with her SO for 22yrs until SO too passed on. But I did lunch and things occasionally with just Mom. I just can't imagine having Mom say 'no, we can't do lunch unless SO also comes'.
I wish the woman would have given more to go on. I just feel these two SDs are going to be judged , tried and sentenced based on such little information. The girls did attend the wedding, so they appear to at least been willing to give the marriage some chance of a go at. We know nothing about whether this SD begged and tried to stop the relationship pre-wedding. Maybe she did. Maybe SD hates the fact Dad moved on. Maybe the SM to be (now SM) is a witch on wheels (evil SMs do exist whether *we* like to acknowledge that or not). Here we have gotten member postings from to-be-SMs or new SMs who want nothing to do with the new husband's children and some of those in those instances have done nothing more than exist.
Hard to say what the case with Amy's writer is. If I were the Aunt, I would keep my nose out of it. Whatever happened, whatever is still happening is, IMO, not something Auntie needs to stick her nose in. Father and daughters will either care enough to come together and talk about it and try again or they won't. No one will send Auntie a thank-you note. For one, I highly doubt the Aunt has heard or knows what all has taken place either.
I agree. I do think Amy gave
I agree. I do think Amy gave good advice. But, this sentence, "They told me they haven’t been in communication with their dad, who lives in the same city, since he remarried last September. According to them, he is focused now on his new wife and her daughters and can only see them if his new wife is present." Reading between the lines, this reeks of self-entitled adult SK double-speak. They don't have to accept dad's wife even a bit, but dad's wife is supposed to unconditionally accept them and let SKs relationship rules run her and her DH's household.
Call me a mean SOB, but I don't think SD cried and left because it was "just" a reminder that their mother was gone. I do think it was personal. My guess is that when SKs were younger, they got away with a lot. Now, that SKs are older, and especially since dad is now remarried, they are not getting away with as much anymore. And, like many adult SKS rather than stepping up to the plate and them sucking it up for ONCE, and realizing that dad and his wife are a package deal, instead they are trying to blame SM for everything, and poor ol' dad and them are just a suffering away. Evil SM is preventing any communication between them by sprinkling her Evil SM mind-control potion on DH's cereal every am. And, you know what is even worse?, most people will believe it. Dad is incapable of independent thought.
^^^ I agree. I notice the
^^^ I agree.
I notice the uncle didn't give the POV of the father or SM- because he doesn't know what really happened between any of them, if anything at all.
"Evil SM is preventing any
"Evil SM is preventing any communication between them by sprinkling her Evil SM mind-control potion on DH's cereal every am."
Oh yes, this is what I do every morning and how I *STOLE* (ss's words) DH away from them.
Most of us are so busy encouraging DH to call skids, invite them over, do anything to blend and make them like us. Little do they know that we're really on their side. I've disengaged over the last few years but still I'm just fine with DH doing whatever he wants to w/skids. He is a free bird, he gets to go, do, whatever he wants. They really don't see each other much even though DH and ss's live in the same town. DH can see them w/out me anytime, in fact I prefer it that way! I have zero zip nadda to do w/their relationship. DH is a grown man and gets to maintain that all on his own. They are grown men too, 26 and 32, so it's all on them, I'm out.
No one can keep a person away
No one can keep a person away from his/her own willing adult children, if they want a relationship. Blaming the SM, an outside party, is ridiculous.
The father can't see them
The father can't see them unless the new wife is present, meaning that if they can't see dad alone they don't want to see him at all.
Sad that the girls cannot at least try to be happy for their father.
Hmmmm, they didn't go to
Hmmmm, they didn't go to college and are making do by working restaurant jobs. Why does this reek of they don't want to see Dad so much as they want to see his wallet? There is so much more to this story.
Exactly!! too. On the too. On the receiving end of intrusive, overstepping grandparents...I can't help but wonder if the LW is the slightest bit entitled when it comes to her precious grandchildren.
Not a lot of info. in that
Not a lot of info. in that Ask Amy piece. That said, let me say first "Oh those poor girls just had to ruin part of dadee's wedding instead of being happy for him." Really, after seven years they cannot try to be happy for their parent and supportive of him. I do like her advice in saying to uncle to not step in any further. In other words, "Mind your own business."
We have a couple of busy body in-laws, who made many comments to DH. He has heard all about how he should try and be more of a family man to his adult children, blah, blah, blah. This comes from some relatives whose own lives are messed up. DH's response is usually the same in that his sisters and brothers, who are aunts and uncles to the adult skids, have no clue on how horrible the skids are to both of us and DH quickly changes the subject. He keeps telling me he is going to tell his siblings to mind their own business one day when they start on him. We shall see. Of course they never bring it up when I am around unless I hear them on speakerphone. Another point DH always makes is that he does not tell them how to run their lives and butt in, so why do they? I know why, and we have suspected this for a long time. It seems the skids encouraged their aunts and uncles to talk to DH when I am not around. It makes sense as the comments come from those who are very close to the skids and we have heard skids have done this from another relative.
Any adult walking out on a wedding is just plain rude. You just don't do that unless it is some type of emergency. YSD and YSS walked out of our wedding celebration party and never returned. Grow up, be happy and respectful of your parent already. After the way they treated my DH, they will never get any sympathy from me.
There is a possibility that
There is a possibility that it is DADDY'S decision to only see his daughters with his wife present....
yep. Although my DH will
Although my DH will happily see his kids without me...and I encourage him to do so...he really likes spending time with me and greatly prefers that I be there. Of course, I prefer he get his kid-time in without me...