Mother of the year strikes again.
SD has had lice four times this year, today being the fourth. She is 13 years old. She lives with DH and I half time. None of the rest of us have gotten it, with the exception of my daughter (one time, the first time SD brought it in the house).
This is ridiculous.
BM takes no responsibility for the treatments, so DH has to take SD in to the nit removal place (costs 225 each time), only to have the kid return to the house after being with BM with lice AGAIN.
Prior to moving in with DH, my 14 year old had never gotten lice. I keep a very clean house, and always strictly warned my kid to never share brushes, hats, take head to head selfies.
I get lice happens. Maybe once or twice.
But four damn times in a year? WTF?
I am pissed.
- carolbrady71's blog
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Tell your SD to spray her
Tell your SD to spray her hair with hairspray after each shower when at her mothers house. Lice have a really hard time attaching to hair that has hairsprayin it. My now 24-year-old daughter got lice a couple times at her preschool in Florida. Once I started using hairspray on her, it stopped.
And yeah, that’s pretty gross and that is a lot of times at her moms house.
I imagine mom is not cleaning
I imagine mom is not cleaning properly, but, I was an elementary school secretary for 5 years and this one family couldn't shake it. It was a single dad with four kids. He finally cleaned out his car and they never got it again. Those buggers were in the headrests.
Tea tree oil in her shampoo.
Tea tree oil in her shampoo. Give her a bottle and tell her to put it in the shampoo at BM's house.
UGH... I have never dealt with lice but have done tea tree oil in my kids shampoo every time I hear about someone getting it in school
Also - my daughter's school
Also - my daughter's school was having a bad breakout of "super" lice some kids that move from Hawaii brought. We are in the midwest. I put tea tree oil in our shampoo and we avoided it. Plus, I just like the way tea tree oil makes my scalp feel.
Super lice from
Super lice from time I have ever heard that!

Me too. I never bothered to
Me too. I never bothered to check if it was a real thing. It was just what the buzz was at the school. Those poor kids couldn't get rid of it for months.
It’s all the Mai Tais and
It’s all the Mai Tais and sunshine.
Makes em super! 
Mai Tais!!!
Mai Tais!!!
I need some Hawaii super
I need some Hawaii super power!
What is the nit removal place
What is the nit removal place that charges $225 a pop? I got lice a couple times when I was in grade school and it went through the school, and my parents just used lice shampoo/treatment on me and my sisters and picked any nits out. Actually my dad did the lice shampooing while my mother went crazy washing everything in the house that could go in the washing machine, and bagging and treating everything that couldn't. Between my sisters and me we probably had half a dozen lice incidents (where we either got it or we got the prophylactic treatment because it was going through the school). The shampoo treatments were nothing compared to what my mother did with all the bedding, upholstery, hats, clothes, etc. In retrospect, that must have been quite an ordeal.
I don't think getting lice has too much to do with how clean a house you keep, but once there are lice in the house (usually brought home from school or daycare), you have to get rid of them. So if the lice are still at BM's house, whether in bedding, hairbrushes, hats, on furniture, etc., you can treat the skids all you want and it's quite possible they'll get them again. But unless the skid is getting them again right away, it seems more likely that they're coming home from school again than that the lice are lying in wait at BM's house waiting to hop onto the skid. When I was young we lived in a very affluent area where homes were kept very clean and there was still at least one lice outbreak a year at school.
There are prescription
There are prescription shampoos (Sklice) that guarantee 30 days of protection. The lice place is ridiculous for what can be done at home.
There is a place called
There is a place called Nitless Noggins that does a treatment/comb-out that gets the kid out the door lice free. Good thing DH has the $ to fork out for that, I certainly couldn't afford to do it four times in a year.
Thanks for the tea tree oil tip, I have some handy and will apply freely!
So frustrating that SD asked her dad this morning, "why do you and (insert my name here) get so mad about this? My mom tells me she is sorry I am going through it..."
"SD, if your mom is sorry,
"SD, if your mom is sorry, then why doesn't she deal with the problem instead of making you go through it again and again? A sorry person doesn't keep repeating the same mistakes. That's not the meaning of sorry."
I hate people.
My mom was/is a very big
My mom was/is a very big stickler on the use of the word sorry. Sorry means you don't intend to do it again. SD's mom obviously doesn't give an F about her kid.
My DH's granddaughter has
My DH's granddaughter has them ALL. THE. TIME. They blame the school but their house is an absolute shyte hole. Lovely people, don't get me wrong, but their house. Dear LORT. So four times per year doesn't sound bad.
BTW your DH can buy far less expensive home remedies and do it himself. Even four times per year and it wouldn't barely cost him $100 for all four...
We use a lice protectant
We use a lice protectant shampoo I found in the kids section of Walmart.
Wonder how much money one of
Wonder how much money one of those nit removing businesses bring in?
Is it possible to make BM
Is it possible to make BM keep SD until she is free of Lice? Will that be a big inconvenience to make a difference with BM?
I fought it 3 times due to BM. She always skipped town those weekends. Pissed me off.