I found this about the Officer...
I found this article.... the officer in this article is the officer that lied to the court regarding my dh and I....
Kevin Hawley, 37, Duvall police officer
During a fight with his wife in their Monroe home, Kevin Hawley grabbed his handgun.
"I'm going to blow my (expletive) head off and you're going to watch," he said. Then he put the gun barrel in his mouth and pressed his cheek against hers.
That's how his wife recounted the March 1998 incident six months later, in her petition for a domestic violence protection order.
"He is becoming more violent. Incidents are increasing in frequency where he cannot control his rage and he precedes to smashing things," she wrote. "I no longer feel safe in my home. I fear for my children."
She described five years of abuse. On different occasions, she said, Hawley pushed her to the ground during a fight about money, punched his fist through a wall and threatened to burn down the house if she got it in a divorce settlement.
A Snohomish County court commissioner approved a one-year protection order that required Hawley to stay away from his estranged wife, her 10-year-old son from a previous marriage and the couple's 2-week-old son. She filed for divorce a month later. The protection order was later modified to allow Hawley supervised visits with his son.
PRIOR PROBLEMS: Hawley took a leave of absence after the 1998 incident, and received psychiatric treatment and counseling for stress and depression, according to reports filed in the couple's child-custody case. He acknowledged strife during their marriage, but "denied that it could be characterized as abusive on his part," according to a 1999 court record.
UPDATE: Hawley, a 13-year veteran, is now a detective who heads the department's D.A.R.E. program, which educates children about drugs and alcohol. He did not return calls for comment.
That Doesnt Surprise me
My childrens BF was a police officer. I know this for a fact. They are a tight knit community and will cover up for each other. All they will do is send them to a therapist for evaluation. All within the same unit.
You might remind this guy of his ex. You never know what is in his head. i can't believe he is still a police officer!!!!
Cruella is right, and
Cruella is right, and believe it or not they have the highest rate for DV ... Choco ... You've heard of the Brame case down here in Tacoma right?
~ Katrina
Yeah I have Mocha....
The Seattle PI began investigating 'crooked cops' following the David Brame murder... that is when they found a group of police that had been involved in Domestic Violence, and low and behold, the officer that investigated us and LIED, was one of them.
I shouldn't be surprized.... but it was a shock to see his name pop up for that when I googled it.
I Have Also Seen
That the Judges stand by the officers no matter what. That is how they get away with so much. I am afraid that the cards are stacked against you Chocoholic. If you take CPS and the police officer back to court then you will be seeing a Judge who will stand up for the officer. I dont' know if you will get a fair investigation in your region. I hope you can do something about it. At least take BM back to court for lying.
Ladies, dear friends,
Lovers do not finally meet somewhere, they were with each other all along.
While I will agree that domestic violence is prevalent in regards to Police Officers(as well as alcoholism, depression, suicide) and that yes, there unfortunatly are those who are"crooked", that overall the cases you speak of as they do warrant being exposed, are believe it or not the minority not the majority. Yes, we as a family are very tight(can you blame us, we spend 70 plus hours with each other, rely on each other to protect one another in any hostile situation, stand at the bedsides of our fellow officers injured in the line of duty, and stand at their coffins when killed in the line of duty.) Yes, we are brothers and sister's in a world that more often than not, the average person never has to see or even know exist's. Further,each of our families become the others families, they are never forgotten by us should they lose their mother/father,brother/sister,daughter/son. Yes we protect each other(for as much abuse on the officers part that is exposed in the news), there is three times the amount of abuse towards us that warrants us using force,at rare times, in the extreme to protect ourselves as well as other's and then we have assailants and their attorneys screaming Police Brutality and not only placing us under investigation but placing us in a position of losing not only our career's but our pension's, 401k, insurance, retirement and all because we did exactly what we were trained to do. Everyday we walk out our front doors, we pray we walk back in later that evening or the next morning, our families pray we walk back in later that evening or the next morning. We spend more time on other families domestic abuse call's(often risking our lives during these call's) then can ever be found in any one given department. We are taught to leave what we see behind, but as any one person with a heart can tell you that is often easier said than done.(yes, we do cry, we do become angry at the injustice we see and we become frustrated because we are limited in what we can do to stop it.) We are taught to find alternative ways to handle the enourmous amount of stress that we carry daily, and the majority of us do this very well with understanding and supportive partners, families and churches ect. While I have every respect in our soldiers who are off fighting wars, Please remember we are the one's fighting the war's here at home. It pains me when as my children have grown up, how many times I have heard other children make comments like" I hate cops", OFTEN repeating what they have heard in their own homes, and yet who is the first you will call if some knife weilding or gun carrying person breaks into your home,takes your child, or God forbid, threatens to or kills your loved one. We do not know daily what we will be called to do, but we do it freely, this is what we have chosen. Yes, while their are plenty of officers who's actions are less than admirable, these same less than admirable people are your Doctors, your Soldiers, your children's Teacher's. They are your next door neighbors, they sit next to you in church or perhaps even are leaders in your Church. Does that make the majority who are doing ever thing that can to PROTECT, HEAL, TEACH, bad as well? Judges do often take the word of an officer over the average citizen, why? because the average officer IS as law abiding as the citizen and more so, upholds those same law's with pride, dignity and integrity. Do judges stand up for the Police officer every time, No! I have seen many officers recieve suspensions and terminations due to cases that were not handled in the appropriate manner and were placed under investigation themselves. Believe me when I say that we are no more above the law then you are. I have seen many a judge make what I felt to be a wrong or diminished decision in many a case...(even in my own personal,not professional life). So please take into consideration that a judge hearing a case (regardless of who is the defendent or plantiff in the case), basis his/her decision on the information provided them as it applies to the law and then there is their own personal veiw/opinion that unfortunatly comes into play at times as well. My point? I am truly sorry for any person whose life has been affected by one of the less than desirable men/women in uniform, However, as officers, there are more good than bad, there are more who care, than do not, and there are more that are there for YOU, than you know...and even with all the crap we recieve, all the b.s in life that we have to do,all the risks we have to take and all the bad opinions the average citizen has of us, we continue to serve and protect to the best of our ability within the limits of the law, go home and thank God for another day. And btw, we will be back in uniform patroling and responding to call's agian tommorrow. Thanks for hearing my side ladies.
S. is right ... my EX was a
S. is right ... my EX was a police officer too ... and she hit it on the mark ... the crooked ones are far and few between (the minority) and unfortunately ... those are the ones we hear about the most!
~ Katrina
It was Not My Intention
to slam police Officers. I am talking specifically on the crooked ones. My apology if that is what it sounded like I am a former Police Officer's Wife an have seen a lot of things both bad and good. They are for the most hard workers and very low pay for what they have to do. But the Officer who handled her case has a record of domestic violence and obviously got away with it by being able to keep his job and is obviously lying in court. My ex husband remarried and actually hit his new wife and only wound up with a few counseling sessions so i have seen this for myself. So I guess I have experienced the flip side of things. My Ex once handcuffed me to a chair AFTER the divorce and pointed an emply gun(I didn't know it was empty) at me because I didn't agree with something he said. He said he was joking but I didn't think it was funny. I never reported him but I do know first hand the power trips my then husband had and his abuse of power.
Yeah, I have to agree too..
There isn't much I can add, but simply that I agree. You certainly can't judge all officers by the acts of a few... that would be like evaluating all us stepmoms off of the wicked evil stepmom of Cinderella. It's just not simply the case for all of us.
It is true that many form somewhat a 'band of brothers', but that's with everything... take us for example. Here you will see that when there is an obnoxious poster ridiculing someone, we all step in on the defense. It's only natural and the same concept.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
Cruella, my post was not because I felt we as Police officers..
Lovers do not finally meet somewhere, they were with each other all along.
were being slammed. It was more in my own disgust at the officers that take their badge as a symbol of their own PERSONAL power, rather than seeing that the badge we wear is one that was placed upon us in TRUST, in CONFIDENCE that we would do the right thing always, in RESPECT for our assumed integrity and fortitude. No we do not get paid anywhere near what I believe we desearve, but neither do your firefighters and Paramedics(I did this for almost 8 years as well). But we knew that when we chose our professions.Again, my post was not in defense of what you or anyone else posted, it was posted in defense agiants the actions of the less than desirables that do show themselves and make a bad name for those of us who truly give a rats ass about the truth and justice that we were sworn into our positions to represent. What you Cruella or any other person has had to experience at the hands of a any officer with a "God Complex" is unacceptable, further for that person to go unpunished is a failure of our justice system(and there are so many failures in so many area's). But please believe me about one thing, though your ex did the horrendous things he did to you, though this other officer was abusive and lied in court..We know...As I said earlier, we are a tight knit family and though we still must work with the officers in question, we often know the truth as much as you do(and unfortunatly are in no better a position to do anything about it without a great deal of proof to back up our words)without risking our very own careers. Unfair, yes, but on our end, we no longer hold trust in these fellow officers,they are no longer our comrades, they have placed those who they work side by side with in a position where they must always look over their shoulders,making their jobs even more stressful. As I said earlier, I am truly sorry for anyone who has had their lives affected by these particular men/women in uniform, but just know that we are no more approving of their actions than you are.
You Are So Right
Sorry I had like 2 hours of sleep the night before last and was not understanding much of what anyone said to me. My ex was a pompous rookie when he did what he did to me but we became friends again and we still are to this day. To tell you the truth the only reason I didn't turn him in is because at the time I was a single parent and needed the little bit of child support he gave me for the kids. Turning him in would have meant making him lose his job and that would have hurt my children. He did grow up and became a good officer and got out of that power trip.
My brother and Aunt were both Deputy Sheriffs and I have cousins are NYPD Officers. One of them was at the World trade Center when his comrades went in the building and died. All of my family members either went into the military or somehow got involved in the justice system some how. My son is in Iraq now. They are all wonderful people and hard workers and dedicated to thier jobs. What you said about the officers war at home is soooo right.
I have a deep respect for those like you who honor your badge and commitment. I wish there were more officers with your commitment and honor. I really do. You have a tough job. Just looking at all of our posts and all of our domestic situations just here on Step Talk I can't imagine having to be on the front lines and witnessing all that you do.
For Chocoholic I would address the situation with the Judge. Show your proof about the lying and clear your name in this whole situation. Let us know how it goes. We are here for you!!!!
I agree too....
I don't think the majority of officers are 'crooked' I am not trying to imply that at all... I am saying saying the Officer Hawley is crooked.... he lied in our case and has a history of Domestic Violence, which considering how he conducted his investigation with respect to DH and I, I found his history interesting.
My children however have always been taught to respect and admire officers, as I do believe that the majority of officers are not like Officer Hawley.... the bad ones are few and far between (thank God).
I don't know about where Y'all are from, but...
The Buffalo, NY, PD is WORSE thane the Local Mafia. Yes I Did associate with the "Real Family" not Poseurs. I grew up in the Suburbs and Baltimore MD, and knew a lot of Decent cops, including a Guy I Was Best Friends with from Diapers through Elementary School, when I left town, and stayed friendly with when I came Home for visits and after I moved back to the area. From Stories I know from Cops and Their Families, in general about 1/3 to 1/2 of Cops are "Dirty" to some extent. I've seen Good Cops run out of the force, seen Friends as well as Personally been Hospitalized by Cowboys with badges, twice, and seen MANY other Abuses, on and off the "Job" by cops.
The Truly Good Cops are Rare, most are just putting their time in, calloused by the problems they see every day. I doubt I could be a Cop, because I KNOW I'd Deal JUSTICE, not "Justice". If I busted some fool for certain things, I'd be REAL tempted to give them a Beating, but at the same time, I wouldn't be so "OVERZEALOUS" that I would nail someone to the wall for a minor infraction.
Sorry if I offended some people, but Most Cops aren't there for the reasons we'd like to believe they are, the average Cop and Military Person are generally VERY different types of People.
I didn't feel like signing in, but it is Me...LOL
Sorry Steve, but I dont agree.
Lovers do not finally meet somewhere, they were with each other all along.
I cannot debate with you what the NYPD is all about or how corrupt their Police departments are but what I do know is that I work side by side with some of the most trusting, loyal, and big hearted people you could ever meet. Yes we all get our asses chapped at the b.s we have to deal with but what makes it worse is the general attitude that we are dirty to some extent. If that is your honest opinion than so be it, however, I would say that one should never judge until you have walked in their shoes. Me, personally, I have been chased with a baseball bat, I have been shot at, I have been stabbed twice in my left leg, I have been involved in trying to restrain multiple men and women, have lost two teeth(yes I have had them replaced) and come home with bruises where I never knew bruises could be...And not one of these incidents occurred because I was protecting MY FAMILY MEMEBERS, I was protecting someone elses. And Please let me remind you as a child of a great man killed in Vietnam, we are not so unlike soldiers as you proclaim, as the men that did come home came back to a country that called them "baby killers" ect. We, the Police and the men and women in the armed services overall take our responsibilities extremely serious and would lay our lives down for you...How many everyday citizens would say the same??? Yes, some good cops get run out of the force, some bad cops get away with b.s, but I believe in the system, I believe in the thin blue line we walk everyday and I believe that the majority of Police Officers are people that not only should, but desearve the utmost respect for what we do, what we tolerate, and moreso for the way we are judged and yet still preform our duties.
I agree...
Believe me, my husband isn't in it for the money... it's not seen as just a job... in fact, it takes a very special breed of person to be able to contend with the 'duties' that many a 'civilian' would coward away from. My husband has been stabbed, attacked and he's the first person in the line of fire... to protect all those behind him. He'll put himself in harms way, even if it's justs to protect one person... that one person could be you.
Personally, I think that NYPD is glorified because of all the shows we see on TV... misconceptions.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
I can see two sides of this and I have a very strong opinion on
what I see as justice in the system. pesonal experiences are as follows.Keep in mind this is all in Buffalo New York.
The person who molested me for 4 yrs was a friend of a cop and member of the mafia. He himself would state that the organizations were exactly alike other than one was legal and one was not. BUT if you knew the right people you could have the best of both worlds. I was stalked and burned out of my home and left homeless with 8 kids and no posessions because I accidently offended the daughter of a police officer and was a "thorn in their side". I have proof and witnesses of this. I have friends and family in the fire department that responded to the call and knew the officers responsible and saw them do it but were too afraid to testify. In a rush to have a place to live I moved me and the kids to the other end of town in hopes of getting away from that district but keeping my kids in a good school. I was harassed, vehicles damamged, child protection called, B/F arrested, beaten and hospitalized for looking suspicious while walking down the street. One good Lt in the new district was willing to tell me that I was targeted because of the crap at the other district and he told me how to LEGALLY defend myself.....HE WAS REMOVED, NO FURTHER INFORMATION GIVEN.....
I lost all faith in the legal system of this city and became paranoid and depressed.My obviously pregnant cousing was beaten and lost her baby, once again thank you Buffalo police offiers I sold out and moved to a new city. The house I bought was from a Buffalo cop who was more than willing to be friendly and tell me stories of some of the shit they pull on the force and for and with eachother.
I am now in Cheektowaga for 3 yrs and couldn't be more pleased with the officers here. On the few occasions that they have been involved in our lives it was for the protection of a helpless woman, to protect my kids,to say hi and check up that everything is going ok, to stop and talk to the kids when they are walking down the street just to make sure they are ok, to diffuse and advise a domestic violence situation, to diffuse a teenage gang that was starting to get "a little rowdy" before there was trouble, etc, etc, etc, ....
I have nothing but respect for these wonderful officers and would gladly lay down my life for them as I know they would do for me.
So to finally end this very long opinion....there are both good and bad and I do not discredit anyones opinion, but I do believe that a system gone corrupt is unbearable and undefeatable. I also think that before the whole system goes corrupt there should be proper action taken against the few "bad cops" and that they should not be supported or covered for just because they are "one of us"! And no , there is not one bit of this that comes from T.V. viewing or heresay. These are real experiences in my life.
Sorry if I offended anyone....
have a wonderful day!
Lisa Dawn
Lisa Dawn
Lisa Dawn