Unappreciative .. or is it me?
I had a childhood that was far from lavish. I make in 2 months what my father did in a year in the early 80's ($1=$1 forget inflation). I have two SS's 14 and 10. The 14 yo thinks that he is "entitled" or something. The other morning when I got home from work (utility worker) we were having a discussion about money and this is the conversation we had:
"but dad makes alot of money" (his dad my wifes ex)"but most of his goes for child support" (his OTHER BD)
"your dad only pays $636 for her. how much does your dad pay us for you two?'
"thats right"
"but he buys us things, he just spent $100 on each of us. when did you do that"
I look around at this HUGE house and open the FULL fridge "what this isn't good enough for you?"
"yeah but you would have to pay for that even if we weren't here"
I walk away in disgust and go to my bedroom where the wife is asleep and we have a fight over this and she defending him, well at least defending his point of view. She was the same way at his age (self -professed) with having to have all the "name brand" stuff and get money whenever they ask for it. Yes they have choirs but we also have a penalty list for not doing them right. the 10 yo owes us like $70 and the 14yo is about even. There is even a list for extra money, yet they take no part in that! I had a father that owned a business that I could work at from the time I could walk, these kids don't have that and maybe thats the difference. If I wanted something extra I would have to buy it. These kids think that just because I make all this money they should just get things handed to them. I'm at my wits end with this. Its straining my marrige and we've already been seeing a marrige counseler for months about us. With the holidays coming up and only 10 days off for the next two months I have no idea what I can do. This is just the tip of the ice berg with these kids if there is any other info you would like to help me with this, i will do what i can.
Where are the fathers that are in my same situation at? Thanks!
Spoiled generation
Ok, I'm not a dad, but I've seen what you're talking about. I think it's the generation. It's just spoiled. I lived in the big city for a few years & it's really bad over there. The pressure to have all the latest of everything is really high, & if you don't then you are behind. This attitude is bad among adults, so it's even worse for kids. Thankfully I now live in a smaller town now, so the pressure is off.
Do you remember the old lecture we'd get about walking to school, barefoot in the snow? Do you realize our lecture will be that we drove our used cars to school without phones?
I feel you brother. Having a similiar problem here.
In the reverse sense though. My husband pays his ex $1622 a month (on a cop's salary, mind you!). For the past 7 years, his ex has lived REALLY well. We're talking multiple moves with her new husband, new cars, in ground pools, etc, etc. Hubby and I lived pretty darn poor during that time. I was in grad school and he was trying to survive on 29% of his remaining salary. During that time, the ex liked labeling us as poor, "college-y," etc, etc. She also liked telling the kids dad can't afford to take care of them and all this other crap.
The tide has turned. I finished two grad degrees, got a great job, and hubby as moved up in salary. The ex lost her job, works as some dead end secretary, and the mortgage on their 600K house is about to reset. (not great on a cop and secretaries salaries) Suddenly it's all about us having all the cash and poor miserable them. Skids now have a major attitude problem, but of course expect us to fill their all their little requests for "extras." The other day- SS asked me for a $600 PSP3 because I have a good job and can afford it, and then has the nerve to tell me he can't wait to go home to his sanctimonious mother and her husband...no thought what so ever to we busted our @$$es to get to this point.
Penalized for having no cash and penalized for turning our lives around. SIGGHHHHHH.
I agree wholeheartedly
DH and I are on same page with this one. We don't think 13 year olds need cell phones, tons of clothes, expensive shampoo, to be involved with every activity that costs money,etc. I agree with Hipichick that this generation is spoiled! I drove my parents spare car until I got my own USED car when I was already MARRIED. I didn't have a computer or cell phone til I went back to college at 31 so my kids could reach me in an emergency if I was online for school...etc etc...
All my kids friends have a cell phone. What are all these parents thinking? "Well...everyone else's kids have one..." That logic certainly never applied to my parents.
Add in this layer of blendedness. BM buys SD stuff then SD brings it here- gameboy, cellphone. Then SD says, "You can't take it away- YOU didn't buy it- IT's MINE." Not in my house. Better leave it over there.
Then my sons say, "SM's kids have cell phones Dad says we can't b/c you don't think we should have one....StepSister has a new gameboy why can't we have one????" Etc etc etc.....
It's so flippin' complicated constantly having other people's morals and ideals present in your home. Most of us didn't have that growing up b/c our parents stayed "miserably ever after." It stinks to be happily married but a miserable parent!
Peace, love, and red wine
It's you! ;)
KIDDING!!!!! No, it's not you -
I totally understand. For us, if BM couldn't buy it gramma did. We were always the cheap jerks that didn't care. Each child just HAD to have some sort of game (be it PS1, 2, 13, 14;gameboy, whatever), their OWN TV, CD player, Stereo system (not radio, mind you, but system)VCR (and of COURSE, DVD player when that came into fashion), MP3 player, iPods, laptops..... blah blah blah. The list doesn't end.
After CS and our own bills, we're lucky we can afford cable for heavens sake!! So, sorry, you don't get that at our house. I guess you will have to settle for family movie night, and spend time with the rest of the people in the house - funny thing is, we have a good time!!
Some of my favorite memories...
are when I was 20, a single mom and no money. My friends were in college and I was a bank teller and was beyond broke. My dining room table was a card table - with placemats mind you.
No video games and definitely no cable. My friends would come over all the time and great conversation compensated for any "thing" I was missing.
These materialistic brats, and trust me I am living with 5 of them, drive me crazy. I'll tell you what I'm doing this Christmas...our local soup kitchen sections off tables that cater only to families with children. All 5 of my kids/skids will see what it's really like to go without. They will be serving kids their own age that parent's can't even afford a meal.
Your kids all need a dose of reality and need to volunteer their precious time to those who really go without....
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
Here here Colorado Girl
Since my Skids have decided that we are very very bad people and don't want to come over anymore, I've been thinking long and hard about Christmas. You know they will come for at least one day. Presents anyone? I have done a lot of volunteering in my day. I use to travel to South America and Africa bringing clothes and toys to orphans. Those experiences, although painful, were life altering. I have always wanted to share those experiences with my step kids but I realize that will never happen. I can with my daughter though when she's older.
So back to Christmas. I think we should give gifts, but we are kind of broke right now anyway. I don't want to reward kids for bad behavior. I don't want to be a grinch either, but Christmas isn't about gifts, its about giving, right? It's about the three wise men who came to the manger. So our gifts are a commercial entity.
I would love to have the step kids over for Christmas and all of us go to church, sing, and then go to a soup kitchen. Our gift. Love. Think that would go over?
Of course not...
if they come over it's only because they think they're getting presents. Take them to a veteran's hospital and let them learn what true sacrifice and appreciation are.
I hate to say this but I don't really care for your skids. Not only do they alienate you, they alienate their little sister. I know they are just kids but it just pisses me off that they are mean to your 2 year old daughter. What did she ever do? They deserve a big ol' lump of coal in my book....
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
how about.....
Adopt a family type thing. Or even better somewhere they can hand out presents to kids who don't get any. I've been considering that.
Peace, love, and red wine
I would even mention you got the idea from how much they loved their gift from their mom last year! (Evil? maybe...but sometimes we gotta do what we can to survive!)
Peace, love, and red wine
Wierd in our house too
Money has always been a sore spot for me in this blended family. I've had to work really hard not to compare, judge, what have you. When I was engaged to my husband, he lost his job. I bought his house off him for more than the area value so we could get equity and cash. I also paid child support for him until he was employed again. Most recently, he is unemployed again, and I just took out all of my money from my 401k. DH is not a deadbeat, it has just worked out this way with jobs etc. Layoffs etc. (just thought I should throw that in)
I use to be pissed off all the time, that I was not appreciated at all. The kids would try to get me to buy things for them to take home to their mom. They would try to take groceries home to her too. They have managed to get my husband to buy them all kinds of expensive things just so they can take them to their mom's. They act like spoiled privileged brats at our house, but will speak about being frugal and responsible at their mom's.
Has my DH created this by giving in and buying them what they want. By eating out and going to the movies every weekend we have them? Does she say things to them that make the kids think Dad owes them. I'd say all of the above. A couple of Christmas' ago they gave us a list, the wrong one, and had to switch back. One list, for mom was affordable nice things, the other, ridiculously extravagant, and expensive stuff, that they didn't really want, but sounded good. We got the SD all the barbie houses, dolls, clothes she listed, but she didn't want to play with them. She just wanted to have them. They were never opened or played with. Same with the robot etc......
Now they have laptops, Wii systems, games etc. that have gone to their mom's. We asked for them to be returned to this house and they told us that the "children's bill of rights states that they can take their belongings freely" WTF. Where did they get that legal terminology?
I don't know my point with this, I just twanged when I read this post and thought, YEP I know exactly what you are talking about. It's a screwed up thing. I think it might be what father's always get regardless. Their guilt may just enable it too.
From now on tell them any
From now on tell them any game systems or expensive items are "family gifts" that have to be shared as a family. That should do away with the "Children's Bill of Rights". Anything that is bought here stays here, but BM sure will try to compete big time.
What killed me is SS got an expensive lego set at her house, lost the instructions and never completed assembly. Fast forward to a few months after xmas, we gave the kids a big allowance, for helping with spring cleaning. SS insisted on buying the same lego set here, he put it together with help of my boys, and it hasn't been seen since. He just wanted it to have it, so DH and I told him that until he can keep up with his lego toys, he wasn't getting anymore expensive sets. He doesn't even ask for them anymore.
His Xmas lists were outrageous two years ago, we just didn't buy him everything or even really close to everything on his list. His lists now are more reasonable and we do our best to make sure he gets what's on there. He realized that just because he asks for it doesn't mean he will get it. I think it was a valuable lesson all children need to learn.
**How seldom we weigh our neighbors in the same balance as ourselves. ~Thomas à Kempis**
family gifts
We do that sometimes to keep the peace. Only here's a twist. I give my husband something that I know the kids will fight over (got him one of those Atari flashbacks a few years ago for fun since that was the "system" we played with as kids.) When we get the new puppy in the spring it will be for my birthday present. So it's "my dog." Then we don't have to hear them argue over who's it is. And when they are, we can say, "That's Dad's game....that's mom's dog..."- nip it in the bud.
Peace, love, and red wine
You've got to be kidding me!!
A flat screen tv? I don't even have a flat screen tv. I have three words for her. "Get a job!"
A little more info
The boys dad makes all this money and lives at home with him mom in a trailer park. He only comes to our house the weekend he get paid and most of the money he makes goes to his pseudo-wife and pseudo-son. Who both these boys know. How much they know I don't know and I will NEVER be the guy that tells them to confront their dad on the subject. I would like to know how I get these skids to realize how good they have it. All the stuff that got said about cell phones and tv's... yep thats them too!! Vegas ya know
I had the same experience
I had the same experience with my skids when we were rearing them. I was just so amazed at how they expected the stuff to be handed to them. Fortunately, my hubby and I didn't make a lot of money so we had that as an excuse when the, "you don't need it or when you can buy it yourself..." statements fell on their deaf ears.
Whenever you want to effect kids, your first step is to get on the same page with the other parent, in this case, with the BM of your skids, right? Do you two see this the same way? Does she tire of the kids taking their extremely comfortable life for granted? So that's your first step.
Remember that by nature kids are ungrateful. That our society has nurtured a materalistic need just makes the ungratefulness even worse. Not only do kids want, they want more; it's never enough. I really don't think your skids have the market cornered on that.
Taking them to a soup kitchen is a great idea, which they won't like at first, but it doesn't take long for our compassion, no matter what age we are, to surface when you're staring into the eyes of hunger.
Another suggestion I have that may sound really weird, and it would take a huge committment on your and DW's part, but I'll suggest it anyway. Go without some of the luxuries in your life for a few days. Categorize the things in your home into 2 categories: necessities for survival and luxuries. Pretend for a couple of days that you don't have the extra money for the luxuries like:
watching cable or only watch 1 TV at a time
eating more than 3 meals/day; make the food off limits after the meals have been served.
using the computer, cell phone, MP3, etc. (turn them off, put them in a box, anything to get them out of use for a few days)
You get the idea. Eliminate all those extras in your and the skids life, just for a couple of days. By example, by experience they just may learn how good they have it, simply by having some of these things they take for granted taken away. Make it a game, but also explain to them what the reason is behind it.
Like I said, it may sound absurd, but it may make an impact on them enough to realize how special all the extras are that you provide for them.
Not just you!
DH's son refuses to eat the mac and cheese I bring home from the food warehouse be/c it isn't Kraft or Velveeta. He also won't drink the generic KoolAid drinks I bring home be/c they aren't KoolAid brand. He told my DD that it doesn't taste the same. I guess his tastebuds are more discriminating than everyone else's in our home since he's the only one who seems to notice.
For a 12 y.o. boy, he sure is up to date on the latest brandname clothing as well. Hollister, Abercrombie, AE, etc. DH and I had a throwdown about the clothing. If DD and I are Walmart shoppers, so is Precious, especially since his BM isn't sending CS.
I don't get where these kids get off thinking that just because they suck wind they're entitled to rob their parents of every cent that is brought home for their own pleasure and to the hell with the rest of us.
I have ALMOSTgone so far...
As to buy a cheaper generic and put it into the more expensive bottle. A blind "taste test" or brand preference sort of thing. But it seemed like too much effort. I would love to see the look on their faces though when I told them, "Sure we can continue to buy that shampoo, b/c we have been buying that all along. If you feel better with it coming out of the this other bottle though, I'll have to teach you how to pour it in from now on!"
Peace, love, and red wine
Me too!
I was so outraged at Precious's comments and was ranting to my mom one day about his caviar tastes (ha) and she told me to do the same thing with everything I bring home from the food warehouse that Precious refuses to eat! I brushed her off thinking it was way too much effort at the time but would love to find out the results of a taste test! I'm gonna do it! I'll let you know how it goes. Tomorrow: Mission peanutbutter!
I HAVE done that!!! My 2 SS
I HAVE done that!!! My 2 SS would never consider eating home-made waffles, pancakes, casseroles, etc., they all had to come from a box! Every meal their mom has is eaten outside the home...and I've been told that "it isn't fast food if we sit inside & eat it!" WTF?!?!
sometimes I think they just want to be contrary
I stopped cooking when my step kids came over. It was pointless. They wouldn't eat anything I made. One time I emailed their mom asking for her recipes, and still they wouldn't eat it. So it wasn't so much that I didn't cook well, (which I'm told all the time what an amazing cook I am. Who knows), it's that I was not their mom and this was not her house. My husband and I try to eat really healthy. We eat whole grain breads, cereals, pasta etc. They think it is terrible. My husband broke down and bought them white bread, and captain crunch cereal etc. Now my 2 year old wants to eat it too. I'm sorry, she doesn't need that crap and it is my opinion that they will acquire a taste for it if they eat it enough. BTW, SD now eats the kind of foods I use to prepare because she went to a nutritionist for being overweight and that is what she was told to do.
Okay I realize this doesn't sound exactly like the name brand issue you are talking about, but that comes into play too. They are very specific about which kind of apricot jam, and shampoo etc. I finally started giving gift certificates to bath and body to my SD for special occasions. She can then buy whatever she wants.
Yes, I was just thinking earlier on about
giving DH's son a bushel of his favorite brandname foods for Christmas since in our home, we only give gifts of necessity. (My DD's father and her GPs give the luxury items.) That way, he can eat all of the Jif, Smuckers, Kool Aid, Kraft & Velveeta mac & cheese he wants at his own expense.
I completely understand where you're coming from because I don't like that crappy junk food in my home either. DH's son has ADHD and his pediatrician said NO sugar but DH apparently doesn't realize that NO means NO. I try to feed everyone whole wheat pasta, whole grain breads, lowfat versions of salad dressings, sauces, meats, etc. but it hasn't sunk in with anyone other than me! If I quit cooking, it'd be Mrs. Paul's fish sticks, pierogies, frozen pizzas, and cereal every night. Yuck! I'd much rather make a healthy meal and watch them all squirm! Tee hee! }:)
I am completely fed up with
I am completely fed up with my step-kids' sense of entitlement too. My husband seems open to my "suggestions" as to how we can make the children more independent and appreciative, but when the kids complain or it's too hard, he tends to give up. I finally told him the other night that I don't even enjoying being around his children because they take both him and me completely for granted. They expect us to do EVERYTHING for them, primarily because their parents always have. I don't play that way. When you are 10 years old, I believe you should be cleaning up your own toys and yes, even brushing your own teeth (GASP!), but until I moved in, he wasn't doing it. There have been some improvements at our house (I'm not even going to touch the subject of Mom's house....), but I feel like it's not improving fast enough to salvage what little relationship I have left with my step-kids. I just don't LIKE them, and it's mostly because they are spoiled little brats. How will I reconcile this when my husband and I have our own children?!?
I'll pile on one more
I'll pile on one more comment in line with all of yours above. This sense of entitlement thing has been driving me crazy for awhile too. My two stepsons (13 and 17) think they should get everything and they get all pissed off when I say I can't afford to buy them new phones and new computers and everything else they want. Of courase their Dad will get it for them because that's how he plays the game which is be the hero and get them the nice gift while I and their Mom end up paying the lions share of the upbringing. My wife doesn't help sometimes either, she gives in to them all the time because she feels guilty for having divorced their Dad and putting them through it. I'm so tired of it and my money getting spent on things they don't deserve. They don't put forth any effort around the house and expect to be waited on hand and foot.
This thread really hits home
This thread really hits home with me. Heaven forbid my wife or I splurge on something nice for ourselves. SD13 practically demands a full audit of the finances. I'm tired of having to tell her to mind her own business.
This from a girl who just hit me up for $2K for an honors trip to Washington, DC and then proceeded to hand me a Christmas list longer than my arm!!
I just recently found this
I just recently found this forum after looking all over online for a place to see what others might be going through and to vent for myself. After spending a lifetime in New York, I moved to California a year ago to be with my fiance and the three of his children that were still at home at the time (total of eight altogether, the rest are out of the house). I knew him for twelve years as a friend before that but only online and via phone. His wife had been sick for many years and passed away in early 2009, he called me right after that and our relationship changed. I flew out to visit that summer, and everything was ok with the kids but once I moved out things changed. The three at home are all boys, now 19 (just went to college over the past summer), one 17 and a high school senior, and a 12 year old in seventh grade. Fiance is a wonderful and loving man, best person I have ever been with in my life, but I can't stand living with his kids, especially the 19 and 12 year old. The oldest one is the worst. When I moved here I had no job and spent 6 months cleaning up the complete pigsty this place was when I moved here. Cooking cleaning laundry everything, but no help or consideration. Finally got a short term job but was working ten hours a day and would still come home to find everyone parked in front of computer or tv and the house a mess.
I love fiance but he really doesn't know how to discipline his kida and is very inconsistent. He has always worked long hours as a trucker and his wife was in and out of the house in hospitals for years before she died, ever since the youngest was about a year old, so there was no consistent disciplining or rules. I inherited all the chaos. The 19 year old was used to delegating everything to the younger two, which meant sitting on his lazy ass playing on the computer and making them do everything. He did not exactly like me coming in and attempting to instill rules, fairness and discipline. He is passive aggressive, says he will do things but leaves crap in the sink, dishes all over, leaves everyone else to clean up while he spends all his free time on the computer. Would throw tantrums and throw remote controls around when he played video games with his brothers and lost. He went away to college this past summer and got an apt with his g/f, I was hoping that would be the end of it, but he is home for winter break and driving me crazy. In fact it seems every time I turn around there is a friggin school vacation and I have these kids underfoot all the time, really hard sinc I'm not working right now and I have always been a working woman not a housewife.
19 year old hasn't learned anything as far as maturity at college and is being the same old lazy, selfish little s**t he has always been. 17 year old is usually at least helpful some of the time. Got along with the little one before I moved in but he adores the 19 year old and between the two of them they drive me crazy. 12 year old won't study, gets lousy grades in school, eats crap and gives fiance and I arguments every night about studying.
I am 53, fiance is 51. I raised my kids and they are long grown, and I never had these problems. Actually I was a non custodial parent and had mine on weekends so in a way its like I was never married and never had kids. I was never a big kid person, and I have lived alone for many years and treasured my privacy and peace and quiet. Going into menopause since I got here seems to have put me into reverse puberty, it is impossible emotionally to deal with these kids (especially 19 y.o. and 12 y.o.) I go into insane rages when they disrespect me, cursing, screaming, and then sobbing my heart out. Still not working so have no medical coverage to take care of the issue, only unemployment. (Fiance's job has no coverage either). Am not licensed in this state to do my work(mental health) and haven't had the money to take the extra required steps for licensure here yet (catch 22 situation). Miss my kids, my friends, and where I grew up. Haven't made any friends here because I can't afford to socialize, the only thing we can do together is go to church which is fine but I need more. I'm not used to a place (CA) where there is no public transportation like where I come from in NY, kids are dependent on parents till they get a car, they are always home, underfoot and annoying and up adult's a**ses 24/7! My kids and I both were always independent and out of the house but living rurally is like a prison. Don't have money to move at this time either with me being out of work. Wish these friggin kids would disappear and my fiance would move back to NY with me.
I am so upset because I gave up my whole life to come here for this man--our feelings were so strong I didn't really think it would be this bad with his kids. I cried when the oldest came home from college, can't wait till he goes back, it has been a nightmare. I don't have money to move out and get my own place because of being unemployed (though getting my own place was our original plan, till I got my annulment and we could get married). Everything is wonderful when it's just me and him, all our arguments are over his kids. We talk and he agrees to discipline plans, then he gets all wussy and inconsistent. To him I guess they are his kids so he excuses them, but to me they are completely undisciplined, running wild, lazy spoiled and selfish brats that I wish would disappear. Nothing I do seems to work, even when we do present a united front. I'd love to go to counseling too but no money for that right now either. I'm tired of raising kids at my age and resent the hell out of it. Even with little money, fiance and I are wonderful together. If only these kids weren't here...dont' know how I can make it till the 12 year old turns 18! I've suggested I should get my own place till they all friggin' move out but fiance doesn't like that. I don't really like it either but I'm getting emotionally and physically sick from the stress and aggravation of these kids. Sorry but I have to be honest..I came here for HIM and not for them. I wouldn't miss them at all if they disappeared. I'm at a loss to know what to do next. How do I keep this relationship and my sanity?