Why do I hate the EX so much
I don't know why but i really hate this woman. She is difficult to talk to she screams and yells and throw things if she does not get her way. (like when she tool my husband back for more money and she was caught in a couple of lies) She then calls and starts with my husband. If i don't push hubby he will not do anything. He just found out the other night the ex and the children have been lying to him about the little guy ( my stepson) going to counseloring. He was supposed to start back in april and only went once. He only found out after i told him to call the counselor and get an update. I could go on and on i have been nothing but nice to her and when my husband was deployed i made sure the child support was sent in and school clothes were bought.
She acts like my frined but i know she is not. I just have so much hatred for this woman. Maybe i am jealous- she gets her child support and she has things pretty easy!!!
does anyone else feel this way??????
I'm sure we all feel the same about the ex, we just hate them to death....I was reading a book and it says that at lot of it is part of jealously....like we don't like to share our husband w/this ex, we don't want him to spend any time dealing w/her. It is harder when they had children cause ex will always be a part of your lives. Not so afraid about your husband getting back w/the ex but its the thought that he has to still talk to ex regarding the children is what bother me and I'm sure the rest of us feels the same. I am too had to deal w/that even today and 6 yrs now into marriage. I just can't stand the fact that he still has to talk to ex. Women are very territorial and emotional so when we see that this ex is in the picture we just get so upset inside. It's a normal feeling, we just have to assure ourselves that our husband is in love w/us and not her. Years will go by and it will be better, jealously will subside because you and your husband has better communication and love each other even more and not to let this ex ruin your lives. For now, just ignore her if can....she is never going to be your true friend so don't count on that. Be cordial when you're around her and knowing that she has a temper problem is truly her problem not yours. Tell your husband next time she yells at him over the phone or in front of him, hang up the phone or walk away.
The ex
I am an ex. I fell in love at 15 and spent the next five years with the man I came very close to marrying. We have a child 12 years old now.
He had a meltdown when I was pregant and was freaking out about getting married so young. We were both only 19 when I got pregnant.
We never saw each other for the first 10 years of my daughters life.
Now the past two years he has been making up for lost time.
Sometimes we sleep together.
And no matter what we both love each other. But sometimes damage runs so deep it can't be repaired. We won't ever get back together. But we are very close now. Talk and email all the time.
He has girlfriends here and there and I also have boyfriends. Right now he is living with a woman. He is 32 and I suspect the timing is right and he may marry this woman.
Marriage is all about timing. It's time. And that is fine with me.
But what is between him and I is there forever. And no doubt we will sleep together again. No i have no guiltiness about that. He is the father of my child and in many ways a husband to me. If the woman he marries is dumb enough to marry him and can't see that then thats her fault. We are already his family.
Not every story is the same. But if a man was with someone for a long time and they have kids together. It's pretty unlikely that he doesnt in some ways deep down love her. And if you believe anything else you are closing your eyes to the truth.
If you have feelings of jealousy it is your instincts that this woman is a threat. And then if you have those feelings quite likely she is a threat.
To: Anonymous RE: The Ex
Wow! I’m sad for you…sad that you don’t have enough self worth to believe that God will bring you a husband of your own and you don’t have to sleep with someone else’s husband to find happiness! His daughter is and always will be his family…you, however, are not! IF he wanted you to be, he would marry you and make you his wife or choose you and make you his girlfriend. All you are to him right now is someone he sleeps with from time to time when his well “runs dry” (literally) Neither of my husband’s ex’s are a threat to our marriage, TRUST ME! But I have at times been a little envious of the bond they share (their child) and I think it is only natural for me to want the same bond with my husband. But ex’es are ex’es for a reason…it is not meant to be…move on! Holding on is a threat to your happiness and i hope you can gain the strenght to see that!
Make a GREAT Day!
Are You Serious?
You have absolutely nothing with this loser. He didn't see you for 10 years or his child? Why waste your oxygen let alone an ounce of time with this cheater. Find a real life, and be a decent person and warn his current live in girlfriend. He may have given her a STD or worse aids....oh and you should quickly go and get tested.
I sincerely hope you seek some help.
It's pretty unlikely
"It's pretty unlikely that he doesnt in some ways deep down love her. And if you believe anything else you are closing your eyes to the truth."
No, you are closing your eyes to the truth. Just because you opened your legs and got pregnant does not make any man love you. It is obvious that if he wanted you he could have you. Why do you waste your time with this piece of cheating garbage anyways? You probably deserve each other. Warn his girlfriend. She is the victim.
"Just because you opened
"Just because you opened your legs and got pregnant does not make any man love you" thats hilarious...good one..
WHAT!?! Where did you learn your morals?
You will very likely sleep with him again? You say he's going to be married but you're already planning this? I believe women like you are a big part of the problem today. If your ex feels the same way, I hope his fiancee runs for the freaking hills.
And whether your child with him is a boy or a girl, nice example you're setting.
dude women dont really know what they want
dude women don't really know what they want they only know what makes them feel safe. shes holding onto the past with her ex and shes afraid of letting go cause it scares her. if shes gonna cheat on you with her ex then let go of her and let her have him back cause they deserve each other.
move on dude.
trust a stranger cause I've been there and had the t-shirt only person you can really rely on is yourself everything else is a bonus
Waiiiit a second.
Ok, I'm trying to keep an open mind on your reply, but it caught me off guard.
Well, what if he does marry this woman? How will you behave then? I'm not saying you're going to continue to sleep with the man, but will you be respectiful of the boundaries? Merely a "what if he gets married". Your thoughts?
hi iwas just reding what u
hi iwas just reding what u have to say and im sorry i dont agree with u he is having his cake and eating it. u are blinded by ur past and u by now off moved on get over let him see the child but u are a adult u should know better
I feel you are selfish and
I feel you are selfish and blind. If you love the father of your child as you say you do, then let him go and have a normal relationship. If you continue to sleep with him and keep him from being able to No other woman his going to accept him sleeping with you. It is wrong. Time has moved on, and unless you are going to marry him, let him go.
Oh My is my reply to you.
Are you serious? You will sleep with him again? You have no guiltness because you had a child with him? Please I don't know who is more wrong you or him to believe that crap. My husband of 20 yrs had an x that sounded like you. Even when we were newly married, she got married right after we did and had another child with her new hubby she called my husband and said that their child together was beautiful and she wanted another could he come up and get her pregnant. He told it was a job for her hubby and broke all contact with her. She never called to let him talk with the child and never wanted him to be apart of his life.
She continued to write and call him saying that she knew in her heart that one day they would grow old together. Do you know what finally broke that camels back? I talked to her and finally told her if she didnt stop calling I was going to send all those letters to her husband and see if he felt the same way. She still lurks and says that one day she will have him back but its not because of the child its because she is sick like you for thinking that. Go on raise that child find a nice new guy that will love you and your child and get over the old creep. He should be more of a man and tell you its over instead of keep allowing it. My husband doesnt even no if this child is his. She never gave him a chance. she was sleeping with someone else and they were not together when she told him she was 3 months pregnant. She had her husband adopt her first two kids that she had with two different men and then was pregnant so her current husband would marry her. Thank god he stuck where her even after all this. I hope you find yours.
It is not the relationship
It is not the relationship that is a threat Ma'am. It is the biological connection to your husband that is a threat. Because you are right, you are connected to this man the rest of your daughter's life. I hope his new love feels secure enough in the relationship and is mature enough to understand your inability to let go of a detrimental and destructive relationship.
But in all this, I hope for your daughter's sake, should her father and his new love have a healthy relationship, I hope she learns the model of a well rounded secure rapport and not the unstable one from which you have set the example.
Anonomous Loser
I'll say to you the things I think about my husbands Ex who keeps coming around seeking attention. You look and sound pathetic. he proved to you you are NOT number 1. You accept scraps of attention, and it gives you some sense of control and comfort. You will never be #1 again, he has made that clear. Move on with your life. Stop clinging to a past that doesnt exist in the present of future. Recognize that you are hurting yourself, him (if you truly cared for him you'd let go) and your child. You are teaching your child unhealthy boundaries, and showing her that you can be used. MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE.
just because
you were his first mistake doesn't mean anything.
and the only thing that came to mind after i read anonymous post was ....what a hoe hoe hoe/.// have some dignity, you're just a booty call.
and about the topic...to be honest i do not feel jealous of my husbands ex, they never got married cuz he didn't want to, she got pregnant just after 3 months of dating, it was both their fault but he stayed with her cuz of the baby(so he says) no matter what i don't feel jealous...they had a baby together what can i do? i feel bad that bm doesn't love her baby enough to call her. i even tell my husband to call bm so sd can talk to her.
i never met her they broke up two years ago and i just met my husband 8 months ago, and even though they broke up a while back i think she still loves him cuz of tyhe the conversations they had knowing that he probably still loves him it doesn't bother me at all cuz im the one married to him and i know he loves me.
LOL ^^^^This made me
LOL ^^^^This made me literally laugh out loud. Get some self respect.
"But what is between him and I is there forever. And no doubt we will sleep together again. No i have no guiltiness about that. He is the father of my child and in many ways a husband to me. If the woman he marries is dumb enough to marry him and can't see that then thats her fault. We are already his family."
^^this is so absurd that you really believe this. Basically what you're saying that is that you've already accepted the fact that you're going to be the 'other woman'. That's so sad... You should seriously seek some prof. help because you're delusional.
So you have no issues in
So you have no issues in being a homewrecker... basically that is what you are telling us. You have no problem, sleeping with a married man, because you have a child with him. That is supposed to make it ok? So, I am able to go back to my exhusband and have sex with him whenever I want to because we have children together? I have 2 kids with him, does that mean I get to have twice as much sex?
Wow... I can't believe that you are this nieve. This man is using you. And you are ok with it. Every bone in my body hopes that your ex is so madly in love with his current girlfriend that he marries her, and kicks your easy tush to the curb.
That is sick, twisted and simply disgusting. Have you no self respect?
Wait, this is a joke isn't it? You got me good! I actually believed that you were serious here. Phew... that was a close one!
Also, if a couple can split up...
If a couple can split up, there is no reason to believe that it couldnt' happen a second time. Everyone has their breaking point and having stepkids just adds to relationship stress in a marriage. So I think some of the insecurity comes from knowing that they divorced someone they once loved...so why couldn't it happen again...reality is, statistics say that for over 60% of couples, it does. That is reality...the reality is scarey and makes second wives feel vulnerable! If it didn't, we wouldn't worry so much about time spent with the exs.
People change
Hopeful, you have a good point. It's true that he left someone he once loved and that can contribute to insecurity that he'll do it again... but I guarantee you he didn't love her any more when he did leave.
Blueberry's Baby
i have to agree
i just read your reply to this blog and i have to agree whole heartedly. my hubby's ex was his first love, first sexual partner and first fiance plus they had a child.s i have many anxieties about how stabel we are together.a lt of my friends say not to worry as he was so young when it happened but it doesn't help. i just hope that time and trust can see us through. heres to hoping
i have to agree
I was the first love of my current husband. We broke up 18 years ago because of a woman who called herself a friend. They knew each other from high school and the timing, our young baby him being involved in drugs and other things just pushed us apart facilitated by this woman, while she was still calling me on a daily basis pretending to be my friend. Just making sure he and I weren't getting back together. When I found out I was devastated. For 18 years she put a wedge between my son and his father, and hated me.
I moved away, went on with my life only called when absolutely necessary and never even took him back to court for more child support. I sent my son when asked sometimes paying the plane fare. But nothing was good enough for her. She had three children with him, a million dollar home etc... but still couldn't find happiness.
I had to go to my high school reunion and she decides, because she is having an affair she wants to rub it in my face. That not only did she interfere in my life but now she is with another man who has a young child. Only this time it is her oldest son's best friend, he her then husband my ex doesn't know for sure, but she wants me to know. So she tells me after all these years she wants to grant us closure.
Well in the fifteen minutes we spent talking openly I found out how many lies she had told him about me, even that I was fooling around on him with his brother etc..
I went home over a thousand miles away and forgot about the exchange feeling bad about all the years of lies but happy we could clear things up. A few months later he called me. Three years of a messy divorce she got everything and a ton of support, but she is still not happy. Of course the young man went back to his current wife and two small children, and now she wants to harrass us. We got married and I am very happy he has done everything to apologize and my son who is now 21 loves having his father around.
My husband does not have communication with her, she has a choice she can deal with me or deal with no one. She set these princples in place and now has to live by them. I said all this to say, do what is right by your husband your children and his children. Life is a mystery and you never know what can happen.
It's been three years and I have a million dollar home etc.. and a husband who loves me and is to afraid to fool around, there lives were miserable together, nothing in common but foolishness. I have not seen the children yet. But I love children and will do everything in my power to make them feel loved. I have decorated rooms in my home, purchased gifts, books etc.. I hope I can handle it.
Can anyone tell me a positive stepparent story I can immulate. I don't want to destroy another generation of children, the way she tried to destroy my son. Because of GOD she failed, and like the bible said GOD took what Satan meant for my harm and worked it to my good.
read your story have a positive!
I dont really get along with my husbands ex-girlfriend they had a daughter together. She is the most wonderful little person and it so fun doing all the girl bonding with her. When she comes we talk and paint our nails go to the movies and shopping. I love her and she tells me she loves me! I think you just have to be laid back and get to know them dont put on pressure dont try and be a mother to them. Just a good friend or mentor. I even talk with her about her mother and her past life when her father lived with them. The easiest way to do it is just see it as a different person try seeing through their eyes. Also understand they might not like you at first because they didnt ask to be brought into any of it and it feels unfair to them. Just look to God and ask for help anytime you may need it. Try to keep a good sense of humor. Good Luck!
I have a very positive story for you!!
Me and my boyfriend have been togter for almost four years. He has a five year old with another woman who in my opinion is pathetic and I really cant stand her!! I have been in his daughters life since she was 2. I love her more then anything and treat her like she is my own! I do feel resentment sometimes not towards my SD ofcourse but towards her mother! She is such a biatch and it drives me up the wall! Me and my SD love each other and have a very close bond! I wish more then anything she was mine, but unfortunatly that isn't how it worked out! Me and my boyfriend dont have any children and sometimes it bothers me, but im praying that I will be blessed with one soon! The only advice I can give you is do not look at the children as a replica of their mothers but as an extension of their father. My SD looks like her mother and for awhile I did resent that but im over it now! When I look at her I see her father and it makes me love her even more!!
It wont be easy but you can do it! Just remeber it is not their faults!
Good Luck!!
Yes, but in this case they
Yes, but in this case they were not married. There was no commitment to break because he never did commit to her. He just accidentally knocked her up. She thinks he loves her just because he screwed her.
Yes, yes and yes
Yes, tes and yes
Oh, do I know how you feel.
Oh, do I know how you feel. My fiances ex doesn't get it that she doesn't have rights to him. I hate her and their kids. The ex is as big as the side of a house and so is their fat,loud and rude son. I hate him having to deal with her. She still lives in the house that he got in the divorce and he stills pays the mortgage until 2008. He also bought her a vehicle, he did this so she wouldn't touch his retirement since they were married 16 yrs. She is one of these people that thinks the world revolves around her and her kids. Everyone is supposed to cater to them. I know this is bad to say but I wish she and the brats would disappear off the face of the earth.I have told him the same thing about when she yells to just hang up the phone. He is a wimp when it comes to dealing with her because she tries to hold the kids over his head. She tells them he don't love them when he doesn't do what she wants. I love him very much so I know I need to find a way to deal with them can someone help, please?
Hey papergirl31128- I was in
Hey papergirl31128-
I was in tears when I found this site for the first time today- what a lifesaver- to know that I am not alone in how I feel. I read your response several times... It made me stop and think about why the ex drives me 'crazy". Thanks for the insight... made me feel a little better
i agree with you
i agree with you TOTALLY!!!!! Everything you said sounds like me.
and if I can add to that? my husband and i have talked about all these
things,and i told my husband straight out,I DON"T CARE anymore if my kids don'tlike you in the picture (liking and accepting are two diff. things)and vice versa with his son.i'm sooo tired of trying to force everyone to get along. the bottom line IS who are the last two people standing in that house when all these people leave and make there own lives,eventually (i hope) the ex will be less and less present in our lives,as these children become adults. i'ts time for them to deal with each parent on an adult level, and the ex should't HAVE to be speaking on behalf of the now adult child. I dread their graduation days, wedding days,grandchildrens birthdays all these things that are yet to come in the future,and my husband to, is one of these men that still kisses her butt and it pisses me off. but yet i love him more now then the day i married him weve been together 5 years and married for one already.we laugh about some of the things she does instead of fighting about it because we both feel like she doesn't have a life so she has to still has to cause problems.she knows we are now in his life and her childrens and she doesn't like having us there anymore then we like her in the picture, she feels threatened with her children and replaced with the ex family members.my ex is'nt around at all and his lives in another state so we have the best of both worlds except for the fact that we only see his son on summer vacations and some holidays, but believe me she still tries to control from half way around the country. i guess what im trying to say is I read some of these peoples problems and mine ar'nt so bad. LAUGHTER really is the best medicine....
This hatred stuff is hard for me b/c I'm really simply not nor have I ever been jealous. Especially of my DH's ex. She is completely nuts, totally has no self esteem and is a miserable human being. That's why she brings out the worst in me (hatred as you put it.) I posted about this recently myself. I'm such a peace-seeker that it just kills me to deal constantly with this irrational person. My thoughts are constantly drawn back to her wishing I could break through for the sake of my SD. Part of it comes from the huge contrast between no relationship with BM as a co-parent to her daughter, and the complete trust and friendship I have with my ExH's wife and SM to my two sons. It sucks to be a really good BM involved with a SM myself, and then to have my SD's BM not acknowledge my existence. It's her jealousy that rocks our lives non-stop. I talked to a counselor (who is also a SM) about this once, and she said, "But you don't hate her. Your not a jealous hateful person. You HATE that SHE hates you...with no reason. No one ever HATES you b/c you're so easy going. So that's what your hating here. And your feelings are just you being human." I do believe she was right.
Peace, love, and red wine
I'm so glad to read this
I'm so glad to read this comment...even though it is almost 2 years old. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Can anyone recommend a good book to help me deal with the anger and jealousy issues??
the step monster from
the step monster from wedesnay martin she is nderstanding where u come from...
It feels like my husband's ex
It feels like my husband's ex is running are lives and causing tension between us. His ex was a girl who he was with for a matter of weeks and then she found out she was pregnant. He didn't love her and even though it was just a few weeks she was in love with him. He knew the relationship wouldn't be a healthy one so he broke it off. I'm not trying to take his side but at this time a was a friend so i got to see it first hand. Shortly after the baby was born he and i started to date. The second she found out she did everything in her power to break us up. For years this girl has caused nothing but problems. She had refused to let him have the baby for weekends or over nights for the first two years of the childs life. The whole time claiming it would all end if he went back to her.She called saying he was sleeping with her. She would ask people to fight me and so on. She would just be evil and it seems like it may never end.After three years my husband and i were married and had a child. We now get my step son every weekend and other times when school is out because the truth of the matter is shes out and about and can't be bothered. Still she causes problems she tells my step son bad things about my husband and i. He's five now and loves his mother so he doesn't want to make her mad. So he says things to her like i just want to stay here with you mommy. which hurts my husband. He has become a problem child at his moms he does what he wants and gets a way with it. She not around much so i think he acts out to get attention. At our house there are rules ,he follows them and for the most hes great. No child is always an angel but for the most part at our house he's good but the second he gets to his mothers house he a different kid. My husband is always fighting with her about this and that. Now i fear it's hurting our son that we have together. My son loves his big brother but when school functions come around my son and i are not allowed to go and to make sure we don't go she won't tell us about the functions until the day of. i've reached a point where i can't deal with her anymore and i just don't know what to do.
I dont think Jealousy is the problem
A feeling of "Jealousy" would mean that the ex actually has something you don't & in most cases I don't think this would be the problem, my personal belief is that the lack of respect for the new sitaution from the BM can lead to feelings of "resentment" towards her - I think it comes from an unnatural situation where another woman is often trying to manipulate, take advantage of & even harbours some resentment towards you & your husbands new life together (this is not always the case of course). This is worsened by the fact that you are actually assisting in caring for her children every second weekend or more often & despite this you are not really recognised or respected for it by her. If there is any jealousy it is probably from the BM towards you - as you do have something she doesnt "a loving relationship with her childs father". It is all about boundaries - my experience is that if there are good boundaries in place to protect all the people involved then the likelihood of feeling so angry at the BM is less. There were times when the BM seemed all consuming in our lives & finally i had to put a stop to it by confronting her & letting her know the damage it was causing & how we could manage it so much better with some boudaries in place (It just got to the point where i couldnt keep it inside any more - & i have to say it helped). It was hard to do that - but now we have the boundaries & my husband put them in place with her which is the way it has to be. We dont have as many issues - but my advice is get some boundaries about what is acceptable & what is not & make them clear, if the BM chooses to ignore them then at least you have the option to DISENGAGE - SEPERATE YOURSELF FROM THE SITUATION - WALK AWAY & SHOW INDIFFERENCE - DONT BUY INTO IT - & if you really want to annoy her "have a good life without an unnatural focus on her or her life - & of course never speak badly of her to the step kids becuase they will end up resenting you if you do that & then you would be just as bad as the BM.Keep you chin up & remember it will get better.
Grrr, every day it is something.....
I swear every day it is something with the Ex. My boyfriend and I have been together 3 years and we are not engaged. He was married for 7 years then she left him 2 weeks before Christmas for another guy or multiple other guys. (They have 2 kids together)I have never hated someone so much as I hate this lady. She is beautiful I will give her that but my boyfriend says she is empty inside. I am sick and tired of her dropping rude comments in my boyfriends ear whenever she gets a chance. For instance, today was field day at school and they both were there. She made a comment about "the half shirt that came to the door". When she came to pick up the kids the other day I had on a shirt that barely showed my belly button. This is the same woman who always has her boobs hanging out and just let her 6 yr get a 2 piece bathing suit b/c she said, "well, she picked it out". My boyfriend told her that is was inappropriate so she saw a chance to take a jab at me and made a comment about my shirt being too short and said I wasn't a good influence on her daughter. This woman wants to be BFF with my bf whenever she doesn't have a guy but as soon as she gets a man she treats my bf like dirt...unless her man isn't around just like today. My bf said she was sweating him and videotaping him with the camcorder. I told him he just needs to stick up for me when she says stuff but he says he doesn't want to start a fight in public. He says he will never go back to her but I do feel like they have a bond that I can't break. How do I get over this?!!! Every time I hear her name or have to see her it makes my sick. I don't want to curse her out b/c that won't help anyone but I am completely annoyed by her. Suggestions?
wow---my life right here ...
wow---my life right here ... me and bf are not engaged, have been together almost 3 years, him and his ex have 2 kids together and he left her 2 weeks after christmas .. ....we were together before they were divorced (during their separation), so thats more reason for her to be physcho and hate my guts i guess....we always know when her and her bf are having problems, because she bugs the crap out of us, or tries causing issues that dont exist. just the thought of her makes me cringe. i am not afraid of him going back to her, but she wants him back so bad, she cant see straight. she doesnt make it to obvious to most people, but we see signs of it all the time, and which she would never admit to it because her pride is wayyyy up there. its funny how she talks about me all the time to everyone except me...shes like a mesquito in your ear...very freakin annoying that just wont go away...suggestions....as time goes by, ignoring her pisses her off more than anything...and really me and the bf staying together beats it all lol. you know deep down inside they would pay to have us break up..because any thought of his ex thinking he is happy with another woman, which she obviously couldnt keep him that way...that just boils their blood lol. he ignores her for the most part which is good...i make it a point to talk about getting married and having a kid in front of the kids because they hear everything...call it cruel, but i try to be the bigger person and not say anything to her or about her ..so she doesnt think for a second i care about what she says or does...as soon as she thinks she is getting a rise out of you, she will continue being desparate and retarded.....oh blah...why do there have to be crazy exs????? and the reason she comments on your clothes is because she is ridiculously jealous.....and i lost it one time and cussed her ass out...which like u said helps none, and adds fuel to the fire...i promised my bf when we got married or had a kid, if she said one cross thing i was going to beat her ass.....im sticking to that lol
I know what hate is
I am so relieved to know that other women feel as strongly as I do. I simply despise my husband’s ex-wife. He pays her child support, and is shacking up with a wealthy man. This woman has had everything so easy all her life. My husband and I struggle to make our marriage work, and right when I think we are going to be okay, the ex will call (to talk about the kids of course) and I get outrageously jealous. I feel that no matter how much we love each other, his ex will always have a bond with my husband, and that really tears me up. I hate the fact that he has ton be nice to her, “for the kid’s sake”. UGHGG! I wonder if I’ll ever get over this jealousy and resentment.
i know how YOU feel
this is my e mail- i cant figure out how to get an account set up.
[email protected] I thought i was reading my own story for a moment.
my husbands ex is a "gold digger" to but yet she made it quite clear that since we got married a year ago she gonna be digging in our direction.she got married 4 weeks ago but told my husband that she will make our lives hell for as long as she can. its not the point of paying support that pisses me off it's the fact that she doesn't have a job doesn't plan on getting a job and her "suger daddy" and my husband take care of this little guy. she honestly thinks she doesn;t have to financially support him at all?? we have a court date coming up soon and i'm scared that we are gonna get our ass handed to us.
i have 3 kids my self, work full time and this financial hit will affect me. My children's father died so they are supported threw ss benefits. They all have a half way decent bank account for when they turn 18 but god i read some of these womens stories and i'm scared to death. Oh ya my husband can't jump fast enough when she calls either
write back to my e mail Tammy
I too am relieved to know
I too am relieved to know Iam not alone. I hate that my husband has to talk on a regular basis to this woman he once loved. She calls and texts him all the time. We have to struggle to make our bills while she is on easy street. My husband is a very good father, she knows that and uses it against him every chance she gets. I hope there is some ease to MY jealousy and resentment someday.
Ex means ex. End it. If
Ex means ex. End it. If he wants to see the kid, do it through an attorney. These bitches who use kids as a means to ruin and manipulate peoples lives need to find some other loser who wants them and their 4 kids by 2 or 3 different guys and let you and your husband have a chance at a 'normal' existence.
Believe me, it's better to pay the child support than to take care of 'her' kids, cheaper too.
I am so happy to see that i
I am so happy to see that i am not the only one that has these feelings. I hate my husband's ex-girlfriend because she uses their daughter as a pawn and he acts like she can do no wrong. This girl has given my husband STD's, cheated on him, the girl that he thinks is his daughter may not even be his because she lies so much. I have told her for the last 4 years to take him to court and she refuses to do it. She calls my house and hangs up if I answer she calls my husband's cell phone and if I answer she hangs up and we were at his daughter's birthday party and she pulled him to the side to talk to him and when i walked over there to them she walked away. He does nothing. I feel that my husband still has feelings for this girl and he respects her more than he respects me. I am really tired of dealing with the situation because I don't know what to do that will change it. My husband tries to blame me for everything but I don't see it that way so at this point what am I supposed to do.
I know what hate is
I feel you. I started to bawl when I read your comment. It's so my life. I am so tired of feeling this way. She never had to work. They were married for one year and did so much damage to him that now he's scared to get married again. We have been together for almost two years and have a daughter together and it eats me that I'm not worthy enough to be his wife, but I support him financially and emotionally through all of this. This female gets everything and I get to work 12 hours a day!! On top of it I feel so invisible. I don't know if it's PPD but something has got to give. I nearly lost it today. Thank god for letting me release my tensions out on the internet.
Evil Exes
Seem like a reoccurring emotion with all of us. I despise the ex-wife, but not out of jealously. My anger comes simply from all of the horrible things she has done to my husband since their divorce. Here's just one example. My husband changed careers about 4 years ago and took a substantial pay cut knowing it would pay off in the long run. He and the ex made an agreement to cut the support according to his new income. They decided it was fair and didn't need to take the matter to court. Several months passed and the ex was upset at my husband because he would not give her more money so she sued him to pay support according to original agreement which was with an income almost 30k more than what he was making and sued his company for the back support for not deducting the money according to the order. He had to contiune to pay her until it was resolved. He was forced to move from his home, he couldn't afford to make end meet and that meant he couldn't even see his children for several months until a new order was drafted. And she had the nerve to tell him it was for the kids. I find it very hard to be nice to this woman and I just get upset when I see him talking friendly to her to. What you just read was one little example of the things that she has done and after all that I think she deserves no more than a one or 2 word response. Let this be a lesson to all of you. The exes are not your friends and can not be trusted. I make sure we document EVEYTHING!
I agree about exs Ginger.
I agree with you about exs, Ginger. Sometimes the husbands seem to be a gravy train for them! But THEY suffer the consequences and still don't want to be upset with the exs. I don't get it.
My husband...same thing....bullied big time by his ex. He refused to stand up to her even when she was in another province. He was always afraid of what she would do. I understand that but is that any way to live your life....always afraid of the ex's next move! I know that I could not live like that but he did and still has respectful things to say about her. When people treat others the way that she treated him and her kids, unfortunately I believe that they are a waste of skin! So there is his ex, living far away, never had responsiblity for her kids, wreaked havoc on our lives, happily remarried, doesn't have to worry about raising kids or having any financial responsibility. The kids don't seem to be upset at all about the things that she did to them. There is my husband now living alone, suffered financially as a result of her antics, moved far away from friends and family here in another province, marriage hanging by a thread...hmmmm...was it worth not standing up to her? I guess that is a question that only he can answer! I don't get it but hey I guess good things do happen to bad people!
Reading your comment, it
Reading your comment, it reminded me alot of my situation. My husbands ex is a manipulative woman. And my husband takes all of it, hook, line, and sinker. She left the kids and him, never paid child support, the list goes on. And my SK treat us like crap, or at least me and my children. And they (my SK) think that she does no wrong. They have told my children that they want to live with there mom. We are the ones that are forking out the money to drive them back and forth to her town so that they can go to school. She wants us to drive them there for activities but refuses to come to our town for activities. And she wants us to pay her future father-in-law for babysitting 4 hours a week every other week, when she agreed to take care of them until my husband got off work. My husband never stands up to her unless I force him to. She calls at any time of the day or night. She will yell and scream at him on the phone she has manipulated him so bad and he is so passive that he is like a little puppy dog dealing with her. I really wonder if my marriage will go anywhere but where she wants it to go. But I refuse to let her run my life!!! I have chosen to let my husband deal with his children and ex wife to where it does not cause heartache for me. It is not my responsibility it is my husbands.
I want to live, laugh and love again.
evil X
The X from hell who continues to drive us crazy after 15 years since their divorce. She took us to court so that we would continue to pay her $1000 a month child support until the child is 21 yrs old eventhough we are paying 20,000 for his daughter(now 18 years old) to attend college. (yes in NJ that is legal) The princess stepdaughter moved in with us, so now we don't have to pay mom,but we are $4,000 in debt and have a spoiled rotten princess living here every weekend. (She says nothing is going on at school, so Dad goes to pick her up and then takes her back on Monday mornings!)
The evil woman calls constantly and harasses my husband to no end. He is so non-confrontational because he is afraid she will vent her anger on the daughter. The woman is a certified psycho.
Ex Wives
OMG this sounds like my husbands ex. The problem is that the more she does to him, such as taking him to court for more money or tell him that her "boyfriend" will be the one dancing with his daughter at a Parent/child type dance, the more I resent his kids. I know how wrong it is but I can't help it.
And until my husband met me he NEVER documented anything, he does now.
evil ex's
I have had many discussions with my hubby about how his ex has treated him, me and my children.....she continues to do it on a regular basis. Hubby's view on things is this....I have to make the effort to speak to her for the sake of the kids. This has turned around and bit him in the ass so many times. Because she has caused a disturbance at our home where the police had to be called and because she is not allowed on our property unless its for scheduled dropoffs, she has resorted to calling 8 & 9 times in a row within an hours time. We now avoid all her phone calls and have just started sending any concerns or things that need to be addressed in a journal sent home with the kids. His boys come next weekend again, so we will see if the journal even comes back and we are preparing ourselves for the venom that will be in it. If I hadn't of started documenting things a couple of years ago, we would have been in a hell of a mess because he never even got receipts for child support at that time. When she took him to court and wanted more $ and said he did not pay, we had proof that he did...she just didn't expect that things would be documented as well as they were. For all of you out there, do not trust them, they will screw you to the wall if they can!
Good for you Ginger
Make sure you document it ALL! We too have gone through the suing process by the ex and in fact are still going through it. Our hearing is scheduled July 18th. Ours come about when my SS turned 18 the ex contacted my husband and told him that she didn't want the time loss or the expense of going through court to just cut the support in half. Mind you, she contacted my husband! Now 4 years later she's suing for back child support! And has lied to DHS Child Support Enforcement saying there were several months he didn't pay her at all! We have documentation and cancelled checks to prove we paid thank the Lord! My SD has also turned 18 but the bitch from hell expects hubby to pay until she is 19. She is not enrolled in school! EX WIVES are EVIL! It seems to be never ending!
Separating step kids and ex
My husband told me the other day that it was hard for me to separate the kids and the ex. He told me several times he wanted to have a woman that loves his kids, but I think it simply can't happen when the kids aren't yours. You can care for them and be their teacher but to LOVE them... hum.. different story. In your mind you try to separate all the crap the ex puts you through from THEIR Kids.. it is very hard at times.
Hard, but not impossible.
There are times I want to positively throttle my skids. But the same is also true of the kids I gave birth to. I can honestly say that I do love my stepchildren. They can be pains in the ass. They can be horribly selfish. God knows they've hurt plenty of feelings in my house. But I do love them. And I mean that.
~ Anne ~
"Adjust on the fly, or you're going to cry."
Steve Doocy, The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook
You all make excellent points
Wow, I could have written some of the stuff that you girls did...
Nope, the ex-wives are NOT our friends and we need to be aware of everything. If we had great relationships with them, none of us would need this site! Thank goodness we have it.
It cracks me up when I read about some of the exes' behavior. Do these women not know what THEY did to contribute to the demises of their marriages? I'm the first to admit, I adore my DH but he would NOT have been easy to live with at the time he was married to her. He did things wrong, too--he admits it. He was too young and they got married too fast--three months after meeting! I also think she looked at him with dollar signs in her eyes. He was a good looking man making about $90k and she was an already divorce mom who had been through a bankruptcy.
Another reason I find it hard to trust this woman is that she's from one of those families who like to throw the word "Christian" around to tout how good they are... yet, they look at other denominations with an air of suspicion. My faith is important to me and I try to respect others'. If I ever hear that she or her family are slamming Catholics (or anybody else, for that matter) I think our relationship will be PERMANENTLY SHOT. Her family also black listed my DH after the divorce becuase they got it into their heads that he "must have been fooling around on her." Well, where would they have gotten that idea??? Yet, these people are "good Christians?" What?!
Anyway, enough spewing from me (for the moment). I offer my heartfelt support to all of you!
Thank you so much for all your comments- i feel better knowing that i am not alone- alot of good points were brought up. I don't hate her b/c of jealousy-i am blessed. I am angry at her for all she has done and what she is trying to do.But i think my husband finally sees she can not be trusted and after every visit i tell him write in your book. no matter how small a detail if she wants to change visitation then write it so it doesn't come back to bite you in the butt. He is learning- I just hate that she tries to pull crap on him and he is such a nice guy and we both try to do the right thing, he is just worried about looking like a bad guy in front of his kids, which i understand but you also have to show that you will fight for what you want. And at this moment it is trying to get our visitation and familty together but it is impossible if the ss does not go to counselering. (She has no idea we are going to a lawyer this week or that we even know that he has not been going!!! ) I told him hang on b/c she is going to flip when she has to go back to court to explain why she is not doing the right thing and taking care of the ss.
thanks again
Ex - Vixon - Is - Loser
Sorry....couldn't resist! I didn't start out hating the ex-wife, I understand that their are two sides to every story. However, the more I have had to deal with her I am amazed my husband never cheated on her (did I just say that?)! She is pure evil when dealing with us. She screams, argues, writes nasty grams for emails, she has even manually changed an email I sent her and sent it to her lawyer asking the lawyer to show the email in court. To her dismay, I BCC all emails dealing with her to my husband and my husband's lawyer. Needless to say the judge thru it out of court and most of her case with it! So, YES, I do hate the ex-wife. For interfering in our home life, for trying to take from my children, for harming the relationship between my husband and his child with her, for all the lies and wasted time!
Boy....that felt good!
I don't get it
My husband and I have been married almost 3 years and he was previously married and had a child with her. The child is now almost 4. Whenever we have his son for the weekend we drop him off and when I see his ex I smile and wave at her and she does the same back . She probably can't stand that I am so nice to her. My husband and I even went out of our way to go visit with her and their child along with her two others kids from a previous marriage I guess so she could get a feel for me. She told my husband I was extremely nice and a keeper. Well the thing that pisses me off is that everytime we drop off the child she is always late and we wait and wait and wait or she will call last minute and say meet me here instead. We have better things to do then just wait for someone. I think she was doing it to feel in control because she is a control freak. Anyways over the 4th of july my husband and I got into an arguement and we were supposed to have his son and we cancelled in the best interest of his son because we didn't want him around while we were in the mood we were. So anyways she gets pissed because we "ruined" her vacation because she had to take her son with them on her vacation with her boyfriend. Well I called and apologized and she accussed me of lying and that we just dont want to take him for the weekend. Which is bull crap. So we have not heard from her in 4 weeks and my husband is not talking to her right now and all of a sudden she is going to get a letter in the mail saying you are required to be in the courtroom on this day and time and I hope she craps her pants. My husband is up to date on his child support and has never been late. She can't withhold her son from his Father. She is just pissed that my husband and I are working things out and they couldnt. This whole thing is lame. She brought this all on herself.
What are your opinions on this?
I was reading all these
I was reading all these comments.. And I like all of you have step children now and deal with an ex- wife.. But I too am an ex-wife. And the way my husband's ex is drives me crazy too. She calls about everything. I am not even kidding. If her and my SD get into it she calls my husband and whines and then when he says what do you want me to do about it. She says oh you just do not care. Recently she wanted support and I am all in favor of men paying for there children, but when you want child support and then 2/3 of all the expenses c'mon. she had requested that he pay 2/3 of her rent for his daughters portion. So since I just went through modification of support for my children I told him that is not how support works. She then told him that it was none of my business. I of course laughed. To me it is her last ditch effort to have him be that man in her life.
But I have to say that I am an ex-wife an my ex just recently started dating a girl I grew up with. Which I am really good with. Because we know each other. The only thing I asked of her is to take care of my kids. Now my daughter has mixed emotions about all of it because she does not want another mom. I tell her you will always have 1 mom but she can be a big part of your life as well and I am ok with it. I could not think of being a "nasty" ex wife. Just because I have been there well this is the second time. My kids dad was married before too. His 1st ex and I hated each other but eventually got to be friends with one another because he finally let me stand our ground. We fought a few times without the child present of course but I told her I am here to stay and you are not pushing us around. I am done. In so many words. The final straw was when she told me I should have asked her son when he was 6 if I could get pregnant with my daughter. I went off. And needless to say my children and I have spent time with her. But the new wife needs to be able to talk and have a say too. Because we are a part of it. I think if you want me to take on resposiblity in other areas I should be able to 100%.
Let me know if I have helped..
So true
"But the new wife needs to be able to talk and have a say too. Because we are a part of it. I think if you want me to take on resposiblity in other areas I should be able to 100%."
I LOVE THAT. What hurt me the most from my BM/SD is to be told it is none of my business what they do to my husband and to our household. You cannot take only the good things from the SM and not expect to give anything in return.
And to say, don't give the good things is something that is non-negotiable. Any kid that stays in my house I am going to hopefully help them in some way!!! whether anyone, likes it or not, in my opinion you are just being selfish and not thinking what is best for the child.
My small vent, I have never been able to identify, until now - thanks!
"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil
dumb ex
Hey ladies,
Good GOD ex-es no matter how good the situation, are a pain in the ass!! My husband was married to this retarded woman for 5 years. Last year of their crappy marriage, they had a girl. Shortly after, it was STILL not working so they divorced. I met him during the mess and gave him emotional support. we started seeing each other throughout. She has been nothing but a pain in the ass since. She doesn't fight with him at all but its the lack of allowance of him in his daughters life that annoys me. She does what ever the hell she wants with the kid without asking him. She up and moved 3 hours away and he begged her to stay local for the girl's sake but no she wanted to go live with her mother in a trailer in this podunk town where the nearest walmart is 45 minutes away! The child has been coming to see us since she was 6 mo old and STILL can't adjust. she cries and hates coming here. The mother always acts like she is cool but we suspect she and her mom are saying negative things about us to the kid. She chopped off the girl's hair shorter than my sons(we have a son now). It is ridiculous. My Hub told her not too but she did it anyway. She NEVER puts on any of the outfits we buy the girl despite requests. He has had enough and has decided to not have the kid come visit anymore because its just one disappointment after the other. the girl doesn't even hug him. we are considering therapy for her. the EX acts like she will cooperate but yet she walks in to my house to drop her kid off to us and doesn't even acknowledge me unless i speak to her first! I look at her and say HIIIII!! just to annoy her! GOD SHE IS SOOOOO STUPID! i know she hates the fact that we had a baby and my hd is CRAZY about him and the baby is nuts about dad too!
I can relate to what your saying. We were in the same situation. I suspect your husband may not have bonded with the daughter since it didn't sound real planned. Its a sad fact of life, and if she hates comming over then why force it.
Sometimes its just not meant to be, and theres many children that grow up hardly knowing their divorced parent. In the end you just have to move on.
Oh the ex...I call her the Queen
My husband's ex lives in another province and we had all of our children, but one, living with us all of the time. She was foot loose and fancy free and only came to visit periodically. I called those visits "the Queen is coming to town" because no matter what she did or said, everyone in the family would cater to her schedule. (My husband transferred to this province for her work promotion and a few weeks after he arrived here, she announced the separation. He stayed here and she moved back to the province that they used to live in, with no responsibility for the kids at all!) We met and married 8 years after their divorce. She made an incredible income and paid no child support. My ex does pay support and I have a great job. She really managed to create a lot of turmoil from so far away. I felt a bit intimidated by her connection with my ex just from the perspective of their sharing of the children's lives forever. That is something that you don't have do adjust to in a first marriage.
I hear ya
I just want to say (((HUGS))) to you. I know your feelings all too well. I won't get in to my long list of WHYs now..but will in the future on my own rant LOL. I just want to say your feelings are more than normal. And you are entitled to them.
Right now I am doing a lot of reading on letting go. A buddism way of thinking. I am trying to let go of anger and all those negative feelings that are only hurting me, not her. All these things are boiling up inside of us...making us sick - both figurativly and literally. It is wasting our live's time. So, hopefully I can master this and go through the rest of my life at peace regardless of BM's behavior. SERENITY NOW!!! LOL.
that's the way to go
Hey Cheers...i really appreciate your comments and know that in the end finding serenity is the only way we will make it through this life with ex's and step children...if you happen to pick up this reply can you offer some suggestions...readings?? etc...I am desperately seeking peace
all the best
I truley hate her aka IT!
I have delt with this woman for 11 years. I have seen it all and herd it all. Name calling, you'll never see your kid again, nasty comments about MY husbands hair cuts or clothing ect...ect.. and just think they were never married. I am his first and only wife, but they had a child together. So in the courts eyes on paper it reads in the matter of the marriage of for all child support documents. I tried to be nice to the ex-girlfriend same as the rest of you and it is really hard to be nice to such a fake person.
I love my SD with all my heart and we have a great relationship. She is now 10 years old and feels guilty about her feelings for me. Why? Because her mom won't allow her to wear clothing bought from our family or have any pictures and she told my SD that she is to never call me mom and that is because I am stupid.
My husband and I have two baby girls ages 2 and 3 years old. We also have my son who is 15 from a previous relationship. Since the birth of the girls I can't find it in my heart to be kind to this woman anymore. She told my SD that the girls are her HALF sisters and stressed that she is to refere to them as HALF sisters. Also she told me in a nasty reply e-mail (where I had kindley asked her to send the medical bills promptly instead of chalking them up for 6 months) that to keep my f****** nose out of it and my children are nothing more than a bi product of their previous relationship. (her and my husband). I have had many fights with my husband an nearly got divorced over his not going to ruffle her feathers attitude. He would meet her for drop offs and they would have lunch together and he was talking to her alot on the phone and told me I was jealous of their friendship. The only thing was I wasn't included in the friendship. I didn't think he cared about my feelings and how I couldn't stand there and watch this woman degrade my husband and my children and my life.
Thank god for myspace. LOL! She has a blog now where she tells everyone all about everything and you bet your sweet cheeks that I am getting a good idea of how she really is. One word Nasty! She tells all. When she has sex, takes a shower, complains about my SD, it's something else. So now that I can view this stuff I call my husband into the room so he can see for himself the things I have had to deal with. She wrote a blog last night about Him. It was hairy and full of lies about him never paying child support and his daughter has to go with out everything and she was his FIRST born and so on just one big pitty party!
Here is the thing. My husband owes $2,000 in back child support from when he lost his job during 9/11. He is paying it back through his check. We recently put our house up for sale and she has a lien on the property. She doesn't want the monthly installments on the back support anymore she wants it all at the closing of our house. This is fine and I wish she would have just told us that instead of posting it on the internet and suggesting that if she wanted to she could put my children in the street and she could force them to live in poverty. My god...all the power she thinks she has just boils me over! I am tired of crying and felling so helpless. This woman has my babies and my husband on her tongue when ever she wants and it hurts me to the core. I won't allow her in my house around my children anymore and I want to ask that my husband meet her somewhere in town for pick ups and drop offs but I don't know if he will do it. I truley hate her and will this ever end?
If I were you...
Unreal, If I were you, I would be making copies of those "My Space" pages and keeping them on file. You never know...they might come in handy some day.
Just a thought...
Ok so I want her myspace..
I want to see how nasty she is.. I am on a roll today.. Anywho..
I am so sorry for you..
How old is she like 16? My heavens.. What is wrong with people now days.. Your husband is way out of line her. Above all you should come first. And all of your kids are that little girls brother and sisters irregardless of who's they are.. In the bible it says we are all brothers and sisters.. So what is she thinking...
You are obviously more grown up then her.. And just keep loving your SD and supporting her in the end she will see the light and see what her mother is truly about.. Smile you are a great person.
BUt I think your husband needs to re-think where he is at and who he is with.. That is you and your children (especially the ones you parent together)...
This sounds like my bf's EX!
Seriously, all the things she's said and done are an exact duplication of my bf's ex, straight down to the Myspace! She loves to tout how "powerful" she is and all the things she could put my bf through if she had the inclination. Don't you know he is only living now because she is generous enough to let him! People like this disgust me!
What I am doing is teaching myself to ignore the bad and be suprised with the good, but not let it win me over. It's really hard to do this because you are a good person and when she does or says something nice you like to believe that maybe it's the beginning of a different era, but it's really not. She is a miserable person and is only saying these things because she gets reinforcement from you that it bothers you. You have let this woman have a huge impact on your feelings for over a decade. It's time to take over your life and your marriage! Don't let her have power over you, EVER! If she wants to be petty and tell her child to refer to your children as HALF, so be it. I know it hurts but don't let her see that. Let ALL of your children know that you love them and you are a family. Don't let them see that she is bothering you. They will only play a part in her antagonism if you let them or her know that it bothers you. You have to be the bigger person and meet her nonsense with a smile. The only people who listen to and support her are people who will never know you or the entire story. Try not to let yourself be obsessed with tracking down and reading every bad thing she says about you. Trust me, I did it for a while, it does nothing but stress YOU out and will take a toll on your marriage. She wants you to do this! You don't want to give this woman victory over you! You have to make the decision to rule your own life, and realize that she is not important. Once you've made this choice, things will be much less stressful. I know how hard it is to keep tongue-in-cheek when she is blathering crap about you for all to read or even to you personally or her child that is blatantly not true, but ignoring her would really be far more productive than participating in her pathetic pity party (how's that for alliteration?). It won't work overnight, but eventually after her efforts toward hurting you have proven futile she will get the picture and back off. It sounds to me not so much that your husband is friends with this woman, but that he knows what she is capable of and will do whatever he has to to be in her good graces so that maybe he doesn't have to deal with a lot of the things that you are dealing with. Trust me, I know from experience that he will be sincerely relieved if he sees that you are making an effort to minimize her impact on your life and your feelings. This will help him to be confident in his dealings with her as well.
Good luck and hugs from a woman going through exactly what you are going through!
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
Things I'm learning
I didn't know that could be done, how scarey. Your husband was still having lunch with her, and talks with her? I feel really bad for you, and hope somehow you can talk sense into your husband and distance yourselves and family from this horrid woman. My husband finally decided he wasn't going to be held hostage, and didn't want to go on any longer like we were. Maybe you can have a heartfelt talk with yours because sounds like shes wrecking your lives. surely he must see that. My story is
When I married my bf he had a son from basically a one night stand.(actually paternity was never established, another issue) but Looking back I thought I could handle more then I could and didn't foresee a lot of stuff that was to come. His ex gf was rotten to the core no matter how nice, workable we were. Whatever anyone thinks I knew this whole thing wasn't going to work especially after we had our own child. The son became just like the bm as he got older and i just couldn't take him anymore. neither could my husband.
Thank God I had the chance to transfer jobs on the opposite coast and made more money then my husband. In truth if I had to quit my job and move I would have, and husband was ready also to get away and continue our new life.
I'm pretty certain if we didn't do something drastic we could have ended up in divorce or would be in the same rut for years to come. Today,
Ex fruitcake is one unhappy customer because she is not able to get her thrills at our expense anymore. Why did we even let her? I think her only purpose in life was to try and be a part of ours, truly pathetic.
But one thing i've learned you can be unhappy and complain or DO something about it. Life is good now, but we did allow a lot to be done to us. Stay strong and yours will turn around too, good luck.
I have issues with the X,
I have issues with the X, but never disrespect, get a hold of your self and next time she talks like that be a REAL BITH ABOUT IT. bills? let her pay them, Ok you love the daugther but hey you have two of your own, worry about yours and not hers. She dont want her daugther to wear anything you buy? GOOD, better for you, buy it for your own kids. I wish that what my situation.
i agree
I agree, print off the pages of MySpace...you just never know if they will be needed one day. We save EVERYTHING! We also plan on showing the kids when they are adults so they may understand why we did things. She puts us down constantly and lies non stop to the kids and we are always looking like the bad guys, when we seriously only want the best for them. She can answer their questions in another 10 years or so.
Good Luck!
I don't understand how husband's can be so insensitive...
I don't understand how husbands can be so insenstivie and disloyal. He has a commitment to you through your children as well. I would bet that he was more than supporitive BEFORE you married! How does she think that your children are a by-product of her marriage to your husband....that is a tricky one! I would love to hear her explanation of that one....somehow that means she was involved...Yikes!
It sounds as though your children are at risk of suffering the financial impact of the ex's venomous attitude. Is this acceptable to you? If not, how do you create resolution and peace for you and your children. Why does your husband not stand in your corner united with you regarding these issues? I guess that is the $50,000 question and one that each one of us ask about step situations! I certainly empathize with you. I know that I wasn't strong enough to deal with all of these issues. I wish you peace. Take care.
Quit empowering her! Sit
Quit empowering her! Sit down with your husband and tell him in no uncertain terms she is not allowed to call. I've done this so I know. Agree to a pick up and drop off time, otherwise just minamize any contact with her. If you TOTALLY ignore her she will finally give up! When my husbands son was visiting we forwarded the mothers calls. She was NEVER allowed to call. She got her child support, but that was it because we related everything to the kid and instead of her he would call.
Its really that simple but too many people LOVE the conflict. Get off that cycle.
My therapist said the same
My therapist said the same thing stop giving her the power. Start controlling your own thoughts....easier said than done. I am trying though.
I think if more husbands handled the situations better than we would feel better. I spoke about how the ex had SD's pc on a dating site, along side some provacative pics of her. Totally inapproriate. So it has been a couple of weeks and finally my husband spoke to his lawyer who suggested an email to her (documented). During the past two weeks DH and his ex have had conversations about the SD and I hear him talk to her..."Have a nice week etc" and I can't help think how can he be so friendly with her knowing those pics are there. Oh I know it is for the cause so he can get what he wants later (50%) but I couldn't do it. Can't he just say goodbye. He fights with me about it but can't say boo to her.....can't figure this one out.
X-wife dillema
My husband divorced his wife 3 years ago and she blames me for the demise of her marriage. The truth is, the marriage was over before it began and by the time my husband initiated his intent to divorce, she announced her pregnancy. My husband decided to stay until the baby was born and filed for divorce. That's when I entered the picture....The bottom line is she is a miserable person, mean, introverted and has no friends. Unfortunately their son who is 3 1/2 is now telling me 'mommy doesn't like you.' Now, my husband is recommending counseling with him as he is only concerned about the negative impact on their child and he wants her to hear firsthand, what this can do to a poor innocent child. Are there any books or articles out there that anyone can recommend on how best to deal with one's ex-spouse's spouse and the impacts of feeding children with negative information has on a child? Any help is much appreciated!
go to counseling!
This impacts of a child living/hearing negative comments are so strong, that I firmly believe a therapist is the only way you will be able to combat this.
For years, my ss heard only negative things about dh and I. Anytime we did something nice for ss, bm was there to tell ss why he shouldn't appreciate what we did for him. Now, ss is 13, and he automatically dismisses everything we do for him w/o anyone telling him to (it is so bad, we plan vacations w/o him b/c he refuses to like anything we do with or for him-he makes going for a bike ride miserable! I know it's sad, but I can't/won't spend money to travel, while all I hear is how miserable a person is, or how stupid everything we do is). He is 100% negative, undervalues everything, and can NOT trust anyone. I wish we had access to a counselor a long time ago. A counselor will give you ideas on what to do, or what not to do, and maybe also bring bm into a session or two to let her know the harm she is causing her own child.
Good luck.
I hate to be negative...
I hate to be negative, but if your husband's ex is anything like my fiance's ex, she feels totally and completely that she is the victim, that she is in the right, that all of her problems are other people's fault, and unfortunately no amount of counseling will make her see that she is damaging her child by always trying to "prove" that you guys are horrible people.
In our case, SD11 was in counseling and her therapist has said to all of us - SD, her parents, and me - that since Daddy has moved on, Mommy needs to learn to accept that. The therapist said to BM point blank - you will suffer terrible backlash from your daughter if you continue behaving in this manner. She will grow to resent you and will end up distancing herself from you, so even if you think that badmouthing the other side of her family is justified, you are damaging your daughter - and YOUR relationship with her - by doing so.
So BM pulled SD out of therapy. She is hopeless! I really hope that you have better luck. The sickness of it all is that BM really thinks she's right and she's doing right by her daughter.
Psycho Ho's Beast X Alert!
I have a story for you all! Gosh where to start isn't that amazing! Ha! I have very similar thoughts as you guys. I am just shocked about all the stories I've read. I have been together with my man for 3 years now and we just got married. He has been communicating with the X for his son since I met him and it has been so dramatic. She is jealous, retalliates, tries to make him lose his only son, and constantly trying to screw him over w/ child support, flips us off when she sees us and plays all sorts of head games and purposely is late on pick ups. Tries to put evil thoughts into my husbands head about me, calls and harasses him constantly, tells the kid bullshit lies all the time, and is into drugs, nocked up 2 other times by previous man. Funny thing is he says he is used to it and has no umph anymore about even fighting with her, he's like emotionally dead about it and almost loses sight and doesn't care after a while to where I feel he would lose his son. She uses him as a pawn, the lifestyle is way outta line, and I feel so bad for my step son he's the one that is gonna hurt the most outta it all. She badgers his son for information just to use against him. Tries to pry into our life constantly. She seems to me that she has nothing better to do but be dramatic in her own little miserable head that is so gone about whatever is that she smoked away and needs to seek serious mental illness help! Catch my drift.. Can someone possibly be so low to the ground like that that they have to try to bring everyone to her level! When it only makes her look like a bug that needs to be squished!! Don't know what my husband ever saw in her but dam makes me really wonder if he's any better...hmmmmm Good point ladies? He seems as though he has learned really bad behaviours and relationship skills from this, trust BIG ONE, self esteem, anger, resentment, no romance, sometimes he just sits like a bump on a log in some dream land off somewhere, I think that he doesn't know how good he has it and I don't know how much I can tolerate this situation people, its wearing on me A LOT , when to call it quits!?? Do I deserve this situation just because I'm with him, I married him , not his past problems, any suggestions on what i've said here cause women i'm sure you know where I'm coming from, I feel sometimes I would be better off with out him just to have PEACE for the sake of me and my kids. There are so many fish in the sea and if you are willing to put up with this bullshit for however long it takes then you can't get upset over it and deal with it, but if you can't GET OUT NOW you don't deserve this drama in your life! Thats what I'm battling, the stay or Go feeling, constantly fed up with this nonsense! Think to yourself is HE really worth the head ache his past brings to you and makes your relationship suffer, until the child/or children in the home is old enough to take care of themselves..?! Advice from anyone.. greatly appreciated.
That is what we signed up for when we meant our BF or husbands and decided to stick around.
I really truly hate his ex but i think right now i hate myself more i have let her control my life- i am going to take some advice i got off of here and detach myself from her and the kids- for some reason the kids don't like to come to our house so he goes and gets them and he takes them to his moms or someplace else. That is why the son needs counseloring to see what the problem is and how we can get where we once were. It is stressful for all of us but i know it is hard on my husband and i hate it each week he walks out the door and have to see the ex it is always something with her. so to save myself i have been detaching myself from the situation- and letting him handle it until it comes to paying something out- then i will step in or if he wants to talk. By hating her and trying to catch her in lies or trying to figure out what her motive is takes a lot of energy and time- time i could use and did use this weekend to clean take down my decorations and take my life back. I need to worry about my kids and let him worry about the ex and the skids right now- and when we do take her back to court and take stepson to counseling then i will be involved when needed. My position is to be supportive (which is hard b/c we all know how vicious and vendictive women can be ) but i guess i have to trust him to handle her- it is hard though because she lies and he is so naive sometimes- okay detaching now- lol
thanks for listening and thanks for the great words of wisdom.
x-wife advice
My boyfriend of 4 years has been divorced for several years. Needless to say his X-wife hates me. We live about 5 miles from his X. He hasn't asked me to marry him yet but we have discussed it over the years. Here's the problem - my boyfriend is terrified to tell her that we will be getting married. His greatest fear is retaliation from his X-wife and using their son as a pawn. Additionally, he is fearful that she will move closer to her brother as a result- which is 50 miles away from us.
The truth is, she is still in love with him. Any advice on how to handle this?
my husbands ex....grrr
I just found this site. For the longest time I had been thinking it was just me. My husband was married for 12 years to a woman he says he was never happy with. They had a son. My husband pays $960 a month support. I think that is allot, but he does it. The mother still calls him a deadbeat. We were decorating for Christmas at my in-laws and she calls to ask for directions to take their son to an Ice Cavern. I was annoyed. Was it wrong of me to get annoyed? It isn't like she doesn't have friends or mapquest, that can tell her where to go. Then she spends an hour on the phone with my father-in-law to tell him how upset she is with my ex because he gave her the news of wanting a divorce the day before Thanksgiving. That was over 3 years ago and it was just this past October that she did that. What do I do. I get so mad that I want to leave....
I have one better than that
My husbands ex-wife actually asked him where to buy a "toy" if you know what I mean. How inappropriate is that???
Re: I Have One better Than That
My boyfriend's ex-wife tells us about her "friends with benefits" - like we really care who she's with!
Note to the Seconds
You are all just seconds.
Grow up send the men back where they belong.
Any woman who dates a man that already has(had) a wife and kids is breaking down society.
Men (while there are some good ones out there) tend to wander and stray. But on the whole they have a harder time than women being faithful.
If women stuck together a little more and refused to sleep with or date men who already have families things would be much better.
You all have good reason to be jealous. We were there first.
We have the right ...And you .....do not.
So move on to someone that doesnt already have a family.
Thank you for saying that, I am an ex and a BM and you are so right today it is hard enough to make a marriage and family work, without dragging the past into it. Relationship will last and they will fail, but to balme the next person for the faults of the first is horrible. My husband's ex has not had a date since the divorce 13 years ago, she trys to emulate whoever he has been with, now it's my turn and he is a better man because we have a realtionship based on honesty, trust and love, oh yeah did I mention that I didn't have to get pregnant to get him to marry me??? What about those first families that started off with baby first and then the wedding? Was that a marriage that was going to work? Maybe maybe not, no one can predict what will happen, the sad thing is those 1st who do not know how to move on and think that they have some magical bond that cannot be broken. I personally tolerate my ex because of our child, not because I was the 1st, in fact I was so happy when he moved on I had a party!!! So I agree, sounds like typical 1st manipulative behavior, let me try one more thing to get on the 2ds nerves. How grown up is that? Annon I hope you don't have a daughter that is learning how not to grieve and move on with life, what an injustice to all women. Fearless thank you for being fearless.
1. Sounds like your (ex)husband cheated on you. That is not our fault and certainly is not our problem.
2. The divorce rate in the US is near 50%. Try to find someone to date that has never been married. Refer to #1.
3. Having been married before does not take you out of the dating pool forever. Refer to #2.
4. Not all first marriages work, and therefore are not meant to last forever. Refer to #2.
5. Funny that you mention moving on, but you came here to basically tell us that either you haven't moved on from your first marriage or you believe that no one should ever move on from their first marriage. Refer to #4.
6. You will not be able to scare women away from him forever. Refer to #5.
7. Many of us here (and step-parents worldwide) have already been married as well. Why is it OK for a woman who already has a family to remarry but not for a man? Refer to #2.
8. If the men "belonged" there, they'd still BE there. People are human. Humans make mistakes. Marrying someone does not make them your soulmate or ensure that you will be able to even stand each other for the rest of your lives. Refer to #4.
9. In a perfect world, marriage would be permanent. However, this world is not perfect, and marriages are often made hastily or between two people that do not function well together as a couple. Refer to #8.
10. Dating or remarrying after being divorced does not make a man unfaithful. You're divorced. It's over. Refer to #9.
11. It is pretty obvious that you are a first wife who is either divorced or in the process of getting divorced. Maybe your husband cheated on you. Maybe you don't want him to leave you. Maybe you're doing everything in your power to make this as difficult as possible for him. Try to envision something - this may be difficult to do. HE IS NOT HAPPY WITH YOU. Regardless of how badly you may want him back, want him to stay, wish he hadn't cheated, whatever...it's just not going to happen. Accept things for how they are and do a little of that moving on that you talked about. And try to look at things from the outside for once. When you walk into his work and make a scene, it's not him that looks bad, it's you. When you call him a million times screaming and cussing, you're the one that is making the effort to make things difficult. When you call his new woman and cuss her out or call her a whore to everyone you meet, you're the one who looks like a fool. People are used to people who are divorced. It's pretty much the norm now. Yeah, it sucks, but no one is going to pity you for making an ass of yourself, and no one will respect someone who repeatedly goes out of their way to make their ex husband and his new woman's life hell. Playing the victim won't help, either. There are plenty of women who have gone through exactly what you've been through and have made it out fine without throwing temper tantrums or dragging out the process in court as long as possible. Refer to #1.
I really sincerely hope for your sake and the sake of your children that you find healthier ways to heal and move on than coming to a support forum for people trying to make their lives and the lives of their families better, and begrudging those people with your own frustration and helplessness. I can tell by the way that you word things that you probably blame everything on your (ex)husband, which is sad. I could imagine you probably say bad things about him in front of the children, too. Regardless of how you may think that they won't care what you say about their father, or maybe think that they agree with you, you are hurting them. Keep that in mind.
Knowing what I deal with on a daily basis out of a woman whom I can very conservatively say is probably 100 times worse than you on the psycho-ex-wife-scale, I can say with relative confidence that you will probably not absorb any of the comments that have been made here and utilize them for good. That's fine, just keep on with your pity party and temper tantrums, but please take it somewhere else because I have no patience for it. After 3 long years of dealing with the worst first wife on the planet, I have neither the time nor the inclination to sit and listen to the same garbage over and over again.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
applauds to your response to the woman who told us to stay away from men with families.
The bitter woman sounds like my husband's ex who "became" lesbian after their divorce and blames him for that,plus her terrible relationship with her daughter and the fact she is overweight and diabetic. The author needs some anger management
anonymous i am assuming you misworded that.
i would like to assume somehow i agree with on the point that woman shouldnt become involved with men who have "current families"
altho thats a moral issue, to which personally i support, however as we know not all woman do. then there is the possibility that men lie and say they arent married when in fact they are.
personally i screen my guys i check their backgrounds before i sleep around....however....again...not all woman do that.....should we really have to? i mean, there should be a certain level of trust i think........however....my ex did this same thing, .and i hated the mistress with a passion for being a homewrecker...but...who's to say she knew the truth.
who's to say he didnt tell her we were done, on the rocks, or he was single?
i agree with that....i would never date or even entertain a man in any form looking for love that has a wife and children at home..wife alone....in fact...however...
a man who has them in his past who has cut the ties and moved on..is fair game. otherwise that would mean your off the market forever as well.....
i would like to think i agree with your statement as i have reworded it, but perhaps you misworded it, with your obvious emotion...
because your statement as it reads is a bit far out there.
giving you the benefit of the doubt, perhaps you were misunderstood?
if that is in fact the case, i am sorry for the way you must feel after the groups posts, however, if in fact you meant it the way you wrote it, i think your on the wrong site. this is a place where people try to share and support each other. Not judge or bash each other.
Thank you for being nice.
I'm sure I said some things that were inappropriate or unnecessary, and I didn't even give thought to the idea that she might have misspoken or I misunderstood her point. It really irks me to have to deal with someone who operates so far outside reality every day...and then come here to my safe haven from all that drama and have to deal with it here too?? I don't think so!
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
Ok, if it were all that simple. However, theres many situations and frankly you just cannot make someone stay with you, kids or no kids. Many divorces are mean't to be.
I agree if your talking about women dating married men, I think thats low and deplorable. (maybe thats what you meant) Even if their seperated, their still married and no one should let children witness that. But if your talking about people getting together who are single, I'm not following you. I know we laugh when we talk about our ex's, and how silly we were to get mixed up with them!
So maybe I'm not understanding your post, but in reality if a man does cheat he was never yours to begin with. Actually cheaters are never with anyone, they only fill their needs. When a relationship is over, a healthy person moves on, they don't spend useless time dwelling or being angry. A normal person anyways.
Hope you never get divorced and end up with issues with the ex.
Your little fantasy is ridiculous. Are you from the 50's?
Who's to say YOU may be the first or all the other ex's, but they are not the last!!!!! That means something, why are these people divorced, it is not always about men cheating, my husband never cheated on the evil woman he was married to and I am not sure how he did not when she completly cut him off sexually.
My husband married this woman ONLY because after one month of dating she was pregnant and he did the right thing and married her after knowing her only three months. He was never happy, now he is.
Re: Note to the Seconds
You are no longer a family if you have split up...
The comment from anonymous was kind of funny...
If there were no second wives, these men would still not want their exs back...the marriage died for a reason. Personally I was a first wife and anyone is welcome to my first husband...no strings here! Sometimes relationships are just not meant to be. If women and men stayed away from people who have had first families...well, with the rate of divorce in this day and age, there certainly wouldn't be very many people with a chance at life long happiness! But...hey, you are entitled to your opinion...it doesn't bother me in the least.
couldn't sign in fast enough....
I am sure I have read your spiteful comments here before, as well as many comments afterwards telling you where you can take your thoughts, and stick them up very far!!
My question is WHO THE FUC DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? Or perhaps you have been left by your 1st and he is happily married with his second without looking back??? What's wrong you can't handle it??? Find a site for first wives then BITCH! And so that your ass can burn a little more....I happen to be the third "wife" in The first wife was a slut who cheated on her husband more than one time resulting in an abortion because she didn't know who the father could be, and the second wife could was not what most would call "sane" . Thank god for me, x#2 was smart enough to find the help she needed to go on to raise a healthy child to date, and overcome blended family issues to make sure OUR FAMILY succeeds!!!!! Ya that is right, not my most favorite family member but there it is, the x is part of my family now!! And by the way, I am also a bio who gave my husband the children he can raise at home 24-7, a happy marriage and a happy life, without worry of a cheating vindictive bitch taking his child, his money, and his happiness away!
So final question....is there anything good in your life today? I am guessing not!!!
Girls, girls, girls...
Didn't we already have the discussion that "anonymous" is synonymous with "coward" and decide to ignore such posers? (Oops, I mean POSTERS.)
Besides, we all know that the first marriage is the practice marriage, anyway... the second one is the real one. And we all know why our husbands are not in those marriages anymore.
Don't be too mad at this ridulous anonymous poster. We should welcome her! SHE'S PROVING OUR POINT!
~ Anne ~
Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)
I choose not to condemn either marriages...
I do not think that my first marriage was a "practice marriage" anymore than I agree with the anonymous poster. Perhaps she has reason to have the feelings that she has. Nonetheless, my first marriage happened for a reason and my children from that relationship are a positive result of my marriage. We also learn a lot from every realationship that we are in and I really hope that both my ex and I are wiser for having experienced those years together. So why does anyone have to condemn anyone else's relationship. I am in a second marriage and I don't for a minute have the naivety to think that my husband's first marriage didn't have some positives. Let's not get too cocky...remember, a large number of us will not make it "til death due us part."
Cocky?! Nope, not me.
I'm the one with the Plan B running in the back of my head for the past three years.
What I meant by "practice marriage" is that you learn from it how a marriage should look, how a couple should relate to each other, how problems should or shouldn't be handled. That's the one that teaches you what NOT to do. You take those lessons with you into your future relationship(s) and, hopefully, don't repeat mistakes made in the past... whether it's poor choice of partner or something else. It's practice in the sense that it is experience that prepares you for what lies ahead and helps you to avoid repeating your less-than-wonderful history.
I made a bad choice when I selected my first husband. My fault. I chose better next time. My husband also feels that he made a mistake with his selection of his ex-wife. Neither of us regrets any of the children in our family, and we consider them all well worth the hells we were each put through during our first marriages. But we've learned since then. Our prior marriages crystallized for us what exactly we wanted and helped us avoid pitfalls we weren't experienced enough to avoid the first time around. We learned from our mistakes. And they were mistakes, otherwise, we'd still be married to our respective exes.
Everyone is entitled to their feelings, but the anon poster was out of line in attacking second wives when this forum is supposed to be primarily for stepparents who need to vent. She's not in the right place. I'm sure there's an ex-wives club somewhere that would welcome her and her caustic views.
The JUDGMENTS need to find their way off this board before a few bad apples ruin the whole barrel.
~ Anne ~
Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)
But don't take it personally...
My first marriage wasn't a mistake at the time...hindsight is always 20:20. Fair enough if it is for others to feel differently about their own relationships. I do agree with your interpretation of "practice marriage." But I also feel that it is often used to make us feel like our marriages are more worthy, that we are more important or valued because we are the second wife. I certainly regret the choices made from the perspective of the suffering that my children have endured as a result of their parents divorcing. I will always regret that.
Sounds like bitterness to me!
Dear Anonymous,
You won't get me riled, but I will say...it sounds like you were just practice. Please get help so you won't take your bitterness out on your children, and punish them for your insecurities and inabilities to handle stress or life on your own.
Please look into their eyes and remember everytime you want to be vindicitive towards their father for no longer embracing a marriage to you, that they don't deserve to have adult issues through into their lap and tormented with adults fighting. They deserve the best childhood you and their father can provide them. That doesn't include trash talking their father or fathers' new gf. It doesn't include denying their dad the right to see his kids. That doesn't include telling them horrible things about their father. They are innocent victims of the divorce YOU AND THEIR FATHER brought to their family.
Even if your husband cheated on you, you should have done everything to keep that man wanting to stay at home. Chances are you chased him into another womans arms.
fyi...not all men have children in marriages. sometimes these kids are products of one night stands, but they don't cut and run. they man up and take care of their kids regardless of how they were conceived.
note to seconds, thirds and beyond
For those condemming the by product relationships after marriage, i would wonder what rock you crawled out of. altho i may be labelled for saying this, yes i was married once, and now in a second, but..honestly those are just the ones i married. i had lots of relationships in between. I dont call them failures, i call them learning experiences. If we become an ex, its for a reason. many factors involved but anywoman whom thinks she had no part in the failure of a marriage is living with her head up her behind.
if a man cheats, its for a reason. a need not being met, if he loses interest its probably cause we were a nag, if he becomes dispondant probably for the same reason or overwhelmed at what he got himself into. I married in 95 for all the wrong reasons. I didnt know who i was, i was being led and a follower. as i developed, it became clear that we were not suited. he eventually cheated. is that my fault...well...half...the first reason because i didnt end it when i knew it was destined for failure, or maybe sooner for not being strong enough to back away in the first place. i thought i was being selfish. huh, do you think if i asked my ex today if i was being selfish to call off the wedding after 2 kids and thousands in legal fees and fighting he would say ya, i am a selfish b...probably not.
when you think to blame someone else for your troubles take a hard look at what your own contribution was. if you think you had no part in the cause of the marriage or relationship demise, your sadly mistaken. this is how we learn. the more you take responsibility for your own actions, the further you will succeed. the more you realize what you dont have control over and worry about your own actions the less conflict you will have. one cant fight along.
its all in perception and if you dwell on the glass is half empty thats the way it will be for you. if you can find a way to turn it around for "yourselves" you will feel strength and wisdom you never though possible. less ulcers, less headaches and your kids will learn what they live. we all read that book right?
i am not perfect nor is my situation i have a bm that makes me crazy, but its not personal. she would hate anyone with her ex. so, i try to look at it that way. i talk a good talk today, cause i managed to calm down from her episode yesterday, but thats to all of you, i have renewed my strength again. try it...it really does work. draw on the strength of others to help you when your low.
if you want change to happen, change yourself. they have no choice but to deal with you differently.
I just have to say, your so wrong blaming a woman when a man cheats. Your blaming the victim here, its the same as saying a man who hits a woman was asking for it. There is never a reason to cheat from either spouse, theres counseling, compromise or divorce in a marriage. Cheating is another from of psy. abuse and should never be condoned. Those that cheat ALWAYS play the blame game. Those woman who go with a cheater get just that, a cheater that makes up the story about how bad the wife is. A decent person goes through the process of divorce and then dates period!
shocked mom your right.except
your 100% right to add those comments and clarification. i was speaking more from my own situation. i do blame myself for part of it... there are choices we all make and it is ultimately a mans choice if he cheats. But the main message i was trying to get out, was that we cant always blame the man...in some cases woman. i have actually been on both sides of the fence...and when i cheated on the guy i was dating it was out of desperation for something more i felt i needed rather than have the balls to be honest with the poor guy. it will haunt me forever, in my ex hus case...probably a bit of both as well out of something he needed cause i wasnt hearing him, or his morals or lack thereof... its a moral issue but sometimes circumstances and where we are in life contributes to our inability to do the right thing. its ultimately about choices...and personally i have made some good ones and bad, and learned from both. i just hate it when woman get all up downing on men....who are no different in the same situation. its not right......to cheat....and it feels crappy to be on the receiving end.....but rather than to blame...its important to look at what "we" did as the recipient to contribute to the breakdown...cause usually it doesent come out of the blue...your right, its the wrong choice, but most of us wish we had more balls to do what we should...usually its hindsight...
i truly believe its all in ones personal growth and altho i feel i have come along way, i know i still have a long way to go. i appreciate your comments and setting that straight. you are right. i just couldnt say enough fast enough...my mind races and my fingers dont got that fast....especially when i get passinate about the subject matter. thanks for adding that.
"change occurs within"
I don't know if labeling is really proving anything...
for anyone. The lady who did the post above is absolutely right...cheating is wrong...no excuses...period. And when someone does it in a relationship, there is more risk of it happening again. It is always better to substract before you add when it comes to relationships. It is interesting how these topics get everyone so fired up, but would you want your partner cheating on you? Doubtful...so relax...let the lady be upset about her ex her cheated on her. If you fit the profile of the lady who cheated with him, it may sting: if not, ignore it and just support her feelings. Perhaps she is a step parent too so why make assumptions!
A decent person, huh?
A decent person keeps their children out of the middle of things. A decent person swallows their harsh feelings about their ex and his new woman and is supportive of the transition that their children are going through for their children's sake. A decent person can kick, scream, cuss, yell, and be difficult all they want in private but they put on their happy face for the kids.
A decent person goes through the process of divorce and then moves on. They don't see themself as a "victim" at all and don't use every chance they get to claim themselves as such. A decent person understands that a failed relationship is a learning experience and takes what they can from what happened to make the rest of their life better for having gone through it. They don't keep dragging their ex back to court at any given opportunity to rob them for more money. A decent person lets their ex have time with their children and doesn't hide the children from them or hold them hostage to get what they want. A decent person doesn't use their children as weapons.
So let's please not get into questioning decency and ethics because regardless of what you've been "put through", there is NOTHING right about making your children suffer because you feel that you have suffered. Just because one person cheated on the other does NOT make any of this previous outlined behavior justified. A DECENT person understands that and MOVES ON!
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
Thank you Nymp for pointing out the obvious
I have sat and typed many things here in the last couple of weeks and not posted...therapy for myself maybe, but true feelings none the less. What I have finally come to after it all is this....life happens, shit happens, and your life is what you make of it. Should you choose to get married, i truly believe when you say I do, that is I do choose to be loyal to you(the one you marry) should you choose to have a child with someone, you choose to be loyal to your child...with that comes loyality to raising a happy child regardless of the situation that results afterbirth. Should you choose to be with someone other than you child's parent...that person should choose should be willing to be a parent to your child, reality says they will not suffer from more love. I have.... I have chose to marry a man with two children, I have chose to accept my ss's mom'S will be a part of my life for the rest of my life, a part of my family...like it or not. And now even the family member I don't speak to!!! I have chosen this...I have chosen to love these children as my own...amung many others..my best (singlemom's) friends children who think of me as more than "an aunt" my relatives who rely on my for support....WE ARE FAMILY that is it...THAT IS LIFE when you choose to join a family. And let's face it, when you choose to be with someone with kids....we are joining their families....not breaking them, even building a stronger family but none the less we are becoming part of a family. Our children are innocent blessings that in the end will make our world! Shouldn't we be giving them the best we can???????????????? Even if it means we all get along????????????
Heaven forbid we all get along! Some people act like it's impossible but I can't believe that. I refuse to. I have more faith in people and I believe in myself too much to think that any two given people stand no chance of ever getting along for the sake of the children. I don't care how despicable you are, I can get along with you if I have to, and if children are involved than I have to do whatever I can to make the best of the situation.
That's why if BM was to come to me tomorrow and say "Hey, you know what, we've not gotten along in the past but I've realized that it's in SS's best interest for us to swallow our hard feelings and try, and I'm willing to make that effort if you're willing to forgive me and work with me while I figure stuff out," I'd help however I could and be as understanding as propriety allows. I don't care who you are, if that child is living in my house and I'm taking care of him, and his father and I are a couple, we're a part of the same family at least in that child's eyes however hard that is to admit.
I guess that's why I've given in to BM time and time again. I just refuse to allow myself to give up on her. It's becoming easier as time goes on, because I've begun to understand that not all people operate on the same plane of reality and some people are just too far gone to come back...but as stupid as it is, I still have hope.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
well nymh thats why i am here so you can rub off on me
hopefully you can rub off on me. i admire your faith and hope, but i dont feel that these days, altho i am only three years into this, this woman is so insane i throw my hands up in the air...the same woman who attended my home yesterday to pick up her girls after 4 days with us. on the second day we had them she was emailing us with excuses why she had to have them back early, so they can unwind and eat supper etc. my ex brings my girls back at 730 at night after visits we manage, she picks hers up at 5pm. call me crazy but if i can do it she can too. so by the third day we are saying no, pick up is 5pm, she pull, well the older one needs to do birthday invitations and where is my check..i want a replacement one, cause the one we mailed hadnt arrived by friday....we said its in the mail. we began mailing them after the last scene she caused in front of all the kids mine and hers. fighting with my spouse. so, after she sends the kids to the door twice after we said our goodbyes and i say to the oldest hon, this isnt your biz your mom has other options if she wants to speak to dad, she can email, or call her lawyer, the second time kid comes back saying mom says to get outside now .....i say honey...your not a messeger...mom proceeds to scream at the top of her lungs pounding the door for replacement.
my god...how do you have hope for people like that, my kids are watching out the window at hers crying...mine are freaked out, like, how to you come back from that. it was so shocking and out there, my other half says you should email her and try to talk to her, because he finally realizes she is off her rocker, i said no way, i am not getting involved in that, i have tried to reason with her before about experts say short visits, to avoid conflict in front of the kids blah blah blah and she tells me to butt out mind my own business, and threatens me with a restraining order. i am scared shitless to try to reason with her. the lastest is she has been out for coffee with my ex. they met while all our kids were in gymnastics, i told her to stay away from him, i have had a long sordid past with my own trouble, i swear she does it cause it peeves me. my only defense is to stay far away and have no communication.
its not what i wanted, we started out i was inviting her to thanksgiving and xmas dinner. i invited her to all family functions she came a few times, but it must drive her nuts, cause she cant stop with the lewd and crewd comments to my other half, which also drives me, like why cant she just go with the flow.
ugghhh i am truly hoping some of you can rub off on me and somehow i can learn, or gain some insight to help me....
anyone else have this kinda crap? thats only this week...i could write a fricken book on the petty crap...it gets worse and worse..
"change occurs within"
The masked seeks attention
I am sorry I have to respond to the anon bandit. I notice how you popped up in the first round, got minimal response and then when everyone had totally forgotten you, you pops back again with more spite and nasty things to say to get some attention.
You are just the kind of person we are all talking about in our posts...the wounded ex who can't accept that he has gone, moved on and forgotten her, a word of wisdom for you, a roll in the hay isn't love nor does having a mans child give you the right to control him for the next 50 years.
I suspect you get some perverse pleasure from knowing he is not being faithful to his new GF and I suppose that you also poison your child against whoever that maybe. She has been without a father for 10 years and all of a sudden he is here and sleeping with her mum again. I assume she is feeling enough confusion without a small vindictive mother such as you adding to her pain.
This what I love to say all of the time
HATING me won't make you PRETTY!!!
"Be there for the joy. Be there for the tears. Be there for each other."
(Step-Mom the Movie 1998)
Husband Cheated with Ex Fiance...
I need some advice...here's my story...
I am 24, and have been married for over a year and a half to my husband who is 30. When we met he had a daughter who was nearly 3 years old and I had a daughter who was 2 1/2. We now have been together for 3 years and his daughter is nearly 6 and mine is 5 1/2. We have a 9 month old baby girl together who was born last June as well. Anyways, Last July (when our daughter was 1 month old) my husband cheated on me with his daughters mother (his ex fiance). He told me he was going up to his boss's cottage for the weekend and he is a terrible liar and I basically confronted him when he got back to see if that was where he really was. He was actually at his Ex Fiance's house all weekend and they had sex 4 times over the course of the weekend. My husband hadn't even reached our 1 year anniversary yet and our baby was only 4 weeks old...I was completely crushed to say the least.
My husband went back and forth for a week saying he wasn't sure if he wanted to stay with me or get back together with her...etc etc. Then finally decided that he wanted to stay with me (I basically said you choose or you get out NOW).
Anyways...it has now been 8 months since this has happened and the circumstances have changed quite a bit in that time. His ex ran out and met some guy off the net 3 days after she slept with my husband and she just got married to that guy a few weeks ago. So his ex is now married, which you would think is a good thing. She just drives me absolutely crazy...I can't stand it anytime my husband has to talk to her, even if it is just about his daughter. I get angry at myself because I want to trust him, and he has done nothing over the last 8 months except try to prove himself, but I just CANNOT get rid of that feeling.
I don't want to get too hopeful about my marriage in case that he will do something so devestating to me again. My heart was literally crushed and I just cried for weeks every time I saw our new born daughter. I hate his ex and he seems to roll over and do whatever she says. In which most of the time she orders the most ridiculous things, and she is always trying to get rid of her daughter when it is her scheduled parenting time. She is vindictive and just plain cruel. She threatens people, and plays her daughter as a pawn to get what she wants. She uses her to get to my husbands heart and makes him give in. When it seems all she wants is my husbands attention for herself. I can read right through her.
It was hard enough dealing with her BEFORE he slept with her 8 months ago, now I am finding it even MORE difficult and I love my husband very much and want everything to work out! I just don't know how I can handle the next 12 years of this nonsense and her disrupting our marriage!
Why Are You Angry At Her?
Not trying to be harsh, I want you to think about who holds the most responsibility here. Your husband should have been 100% committed after his marriage and especially after choosing to have a child with you. Its nothing to do with his ex, had it not have been her it would have been someone else. I also noticed you look to his actions to validate your marriage or his actions will determine the outcome. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say, but he has already ended this marriage and the longer you try and stay in it is a mistake. You'll always wonder where he is and doubt him, if this is how he acts right after marriage I can tell you it won't get better.
I think you should take the steps right away to divorce him and move out. We all make mistakes and many of us ignore the signs of a cheater or someone who has poor values. I dated someone like your husband once and the signs were all there, he didn't come from a good family and his ideas and values I ignored. I didn't make the same mistake the 2nd time around and its hard to admit when we've entrusted our future to a creep but a lot of us have been there. I just hope you get out now before you waste too many years. good luck
Put your children first!
The things is, when you've shared quite a strong bond with someone, whether you were married, had a child, or just dated for a few years. Sometimes it's always difficult to see that they have moved on and that can be for a number of reasons. Whether it's because they seem happier, you're lonely, they moved on before you, etc. It's not always easy but the fact of the matter is, that it's over. It didn't work out. You must move on.
Holding onto the past is just selfish, especially when a child is involved. If nasty BM's put as much effort into their child as they do trying to control their ex-husband and his current wife, their child would probably grow up to be a wonderful person! But instead this poor child/ren are caught in the middle and used as tools of manipulation!!
It's sad that the parents lose sight of the bigger picture!
EVIL EX !!!!!!
Sometimes I look at my husband and wonder WTF did he see in her? I am nothing like her at all...She left my husband for another man...And she left all three kids for my husband to raise on his own...So I am not the first wife nore the second I am the future triple X(a joke between me and hubby).I have tried to be nice to her and it all backfires in my face. There youngest is a girl and she was 9 when we met and we became close and the ex couldnt stand it..She made up stories about me and my girls to the daughter to get her to stay as far from me as possible.Well now the daughter is almost 14 and is the most hatefull evil child I have ever seen.One year ago sd cussed her father out she wanted to go live with her mother.So my hubby said FINE YOU GOT YOUR WISH!! You would think things would have gotton better right? WRONG!!!!The last visit was so bad.Sd did it again to her father. (cussing him out)Then at the pickup she tells EX that I wont let her come back for visits with her father!!What can I do ? The brickwall is starting to really hurt..My hubby backs me up on everything and I do the same for him .(a united front)But I have to say I LOATH my sd very much!! But back to ex: we live in panamacity she moved to pensacola 3 hours away..And she only paid $50.00 a week for three kids!! Fell behind for 2 years they took her drivers license and the state told her she had to pay in full to get license back..So she did the tells all three kids that they get to split the money!!can you beleive that?Oh well life goes on weather we like it or not..I guess I am asking for a little input..Thank you Beckilou
I commend you.....
Paper girl,
I can't really say..But I commend you that your obviously taking a look "inward" and inventoring yourself...That takes bravery and self honesty..Some of it could be jealousy because he loved her first and they share the bond of a child together..
I am both a bio mom and a step mom..I have never been remotley "jealous" of BM..I resent her for not being a mother to her daughter..but I don't hate or dislike her..BM and I went to high school together and I liked her fine then..The BM in my situation is actually a very "sweet soul", she would never purposly set out to hurt another human being..She is just soooo messed up with mental problems and drug problems that she can't be a parent...So I got stuck with one of her three dumplings...I resent that about her..but I have never felt any jealousy of her..
My ex husband and I have been divorced for 7 years. In that time he had a few girl friends (before he married the Aunt) and I never had a problem with any of his girl friends..My main issue was that any woman he was with treat my girls decently and fairly..And for the most part they did..I got along with them just fine and them with me. They were always welcome into my home, as a part of my family, and to come to me if they were having difficultites with one of my girls . If they felt comfortable, I would always sit down with them and the child they were having conflict with and help them try to resolve their issues. (Cuz I know that my girls are no always innocent angels and being with my ex husband isn't a cake walk either..LOL)
My ex husband got out of jail five years ago..And we got a call from him one day out of the clear blue sky to inform myself and my girls that he had married my ex best friend and his ex sister in law three weeks previously..Long story..And she has always treated my daughters and me crappy and done all she could do to poison my ex husband against us..It finally worked and he has had nothing to do with our daughters or me in two years. (He and I were good friends before she came into the picture)..
EX husbands mom and family, who I am still close to, chalks it up to her knowing our history, knowing how much he loved me, and being jealous of that as the cause for the reason she has lied and done the things she has done to cause divison..(Not saying that's what your doing in your situation)..
But I just think that some STep moms are insecure and jealous of the first wife..I also thing that some situations and due to that jealousy the step mom dislikes the Bio mom automatically. It also doesn't help that DH will tell the new step mom only HIS SIDE of the issues that brought about the divorce with his first wife. The truth of the matter is that it takes TWO to make or break a marriage. And if a divorce takes place BOTH PARTIES are at fault.
I also think that sometimes step mothers really over step their rightful place and get involved and interfer in area's between the bio parents and the child rearing and custody issues that they should just stay out of...And yes that can cause a bio mom to "flip out"!!
My advise is basically that you don't know what really went on between him and his first wife..He will only tell you HIS side, which will always be painted to make him look good and it's none of our busines anyway..If she is decent to you and your decent to her..then that is where you responsibility in the issues between Dh and bm and their divorce and child custody issues begin and end..
If she flips out on DH that is between HIM AND HER..It's only your business if your brought up in it or accusations are made against you.. In that case, you address BM personally and resolve your issues between the two of you..But don't interfer inbetween her and DH...
I guess what I am trying to say..Is that their are two sides to each story, BM has her side also that you may not be totally aware of..
Well said...
Everything that you have to say is excellent advice, especially the part about not interfering with the problems between your husband and his ex...that is theirs to work out, not yours to work on his behalf or both of yours to work out against her. Deal with that you can and leave the rest to hubby to work out his own issues and be their to support him.
I need help!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi my name is Lilly and I have been married for 5 years and have a son from a previos marriage. My husband also has a son from previous marriage. This is the situation, his son is 8 and is the kind of kid who cries for everything, even when we tell him to pick his clothes from the bathroom. That has been very anoying for 5 years and more so, because my son is 11 a I,ve teach my son to be a little and dont cry and whe he sees that my husband pick his 8 year old son, takes a bath with him, clean his behind when he is done in the bathroom and feeds him, my son thinks and that I am being unfair with him. I've spoken to my husband about it and all he says is that every thing he does with his son bothers me. But the worst part, is that for example, right now I am pregnant I have my son, his son and our baby with me all the time. When I tell him that he should talk to his mother and keep him one weeken and he stays with us the other weekend he says that his sons bothers me. He lives with mother, but not really because he is with us EVERY WEEKEND, every holiday, every birthday, every mothers day, the whole two months of vacations, and when I talk to him the only thing he says is that I dont love his son. The clothe that he wears I buy it, we provide tranportation for school every day, we are his baby sitter(well me) and besides that he gives her money every week. She should be paying me for taking care of him. She has another daughter by a previous marriage and the girl lives with her father in N.J we live in Boston. She sees her once a year. So you could see that she dont care. Every thing I do for my kids I do for him too. and is like the boy is ok when you buy him stuff and toys but when I say, dont do this or dont do that, then he acts like if I treat him bad. I can't let him get away with every little thing he does, when I have two other boys at home. I do every thing for my kids, why cant she do the same. I dont make my husban do anything for my son. Just so he could gat the message that is how a mother should be. All I asking for is free time at least from him, and my husband dont understand that what I trying to say is that he should tell his mother to be responsible and try to be with her son more often, spend time with him. The only x-mas she spent with him was this last one because the boy wanted to be with her and we had to call her, because she does not even call. every time school starts she calls to say that he doesnt have clothes (she cant even do that) and I have to go and buy it. Every thing I do with my kids I have to do for him to, not because my husband ask me to but because I feel like I have to just so the boy wont feel left out. I dont think I a bad woman, I dont treat him bad, I dont beat him up, but I feel like Shit whenever I talk to my husband and the only thing he says is that his son bothers me. Last night was my last try, we argue because he just wont take it. I am not jealous of her is just that she gets everything to easy and my piece of shit husband lets her get away with it. I NEED HELP. Maybe i am wrong and I dont know how to deal with the situation. PLEASE HELP ME!!! I want to leave my husband just because he wont tell her to keep him every other weekend and be a fit mother. I am tire of this situation.
I need to know what to do about my husband's ex wife. He has three children from her and they live over 13 hours away from us. We only been married going on 11 months. It's like I don't know if I can take this drama with his ex. She want things on her terms and don't want to compromise with my husband. She thinks because he has a wife he should be able to travel, and give money outside of child support when she wants. I haven't met his children yet, because we haven't had the funds to go and get them and it's been hard. I want to meet his children one day soon. His ex would call him and text his phone with nonsense, or calling me out my name. I stated to my husband starting now that he shouldn't answer her calls, or text but allow me to communicate with her so this confusion can stop. Can someone help me understand because I didn't think it would be this hard being with a man who has children outside the marriage before me. I told my husband this can really affect our marriage whether he believe it our not.
Funny how every ex is CRAZY
I find this so amusing, that nearly each one of these posts paints the EX to be crazy and evil all the while the poster is normal, sane, and innocent. HA.
I am the "crazy ex" and my husband has a "crazy ex". Come on ladies...get out of denial...it comes down to jealousy and insecurity and loss of power. The ex still has some pull over your man and we can't stand that! We don't like the ex getting snappy or demanding of OUR men and how it imposes on our happy life and finances. The way the ex's seem to think THEIR kids should take PRIORITY over ours and how OUR man should bend over backwards just ticks us off, but it's all about being jealous and selfcentered. Something women are great at. The evil ex RAISES the child and sees that child as THEIR child and just who are we or the husband to THINK we know best for that womans child cause all we do is give money and have the kids on a visitation basis. We are on the other end of the spectrum behaving the same way about our own kids. It's easy to pick apart the EX, but because our lives get interupted by them wanting their way(our selfcentered behavior) we get on the " crazy ex wife soap box". It's like oil and water....new woman is insecure about the old woman..." Ex woman is picking apart the new woman...sizing her up laughing at the "loser" the new man has.It's all INSECURITY. No one wants to see the GOOD that was what attracted the exes together in the first place, because the good makes us scared that if we acknowledge it MAYBE our man secretly feels the same way and what if we are not as good as the ex...blahblah blah,so it's easy to paint her as a psycho and remind your man all the time of what trouble she is and how crazy she is....it's the thing little girls in school do when they are jealous of the other good friend that your best friend has...they SABATOGE....some/ most never seem to grow up out of that. Nearly everyone has attractive qualities whether they are physical or personality....get over it!! She's a person...your a person and your resentment only hinders your relationship with the step kids and your husband and yourself. You can't be happy if your hating someone.
The best thing you can do for your own happiness is GET OUT OF THE MIDDLE OF IT...let the husband deal with the EX WIFE...it's their kids...HIS responsibility, and stop trying to control your man...he's in the bad position because he has 2 ticked off women coming at him...he's afraid to move....Let him deal with it and if it's UNREASONABLE then discuss it with him. He laid down and got her pregnant.....we didn't. We all need to learn to take our place...only then can we stop being in bondage to this hate that destroys our happiness and family!
Hey more power to you if that worked in your situation.
Myself and hubby decided his ex's and my ex's would stay in the past, and yes we did move on! WE were the parents when the child was visiting and SHE was solely responsible to parent on her end. We did not communicate with her and if anything changed (pickup, time ect.) the child would call. We didn't bad mouth her and there was never any jealously on our end although apparently she didn't like being 86'd but we didn't give her the choice. We simply didn't want any relationship with her, and everyone has that option. I do agree in most of these cases the real problem is with the man, but my answer to that is if he wants his ex's too then let him have them, period. Same as if you end up with someone who cheats, let them have those women but move on. Don't whine, or dwell but find someone that shares you goals and values. Something many on here could benefit from.
Stop trying to control "our man"? Give me a break! The ex's don't want to control OUR husband's, they want to control our husbands, and OUR lives as well. I am sick and tired of that disgusting woman telling my husband what he should and shouldn't do. The fact he was at one point married to him does NOT mean that she has ANYTHING good about her...Actually, my husband married her very young...18 or so...and he had left her a couple of times...Sadly enough, my husband was raised by his crappy mother, who is divorced and made him think that all women are helpless and men are evil...and when she cried and said that her dad beat her, or anything like that, my stupid husband felt sorry for her...In addition, as an 18 year old, most stupid men will sleep with any idiot that spreads her legs, and she seemed to be an expert (probably the reason her dad beat her)...So, don't even tell me how we are jealous...I'm not jealous of any of his other ex-girlfriends, much less that piece of trash...
By the way, on trying to "control our husbands", why don't you worry about your own husband instead of trying to control your ex? Now, that's a novelty!
He actually FINALLY got the idiot to stop harassing him...Last time in court she told him "you need to stop drinking"...idiot she is...he does drink, none of her business, he's not a drunk...we have friends, we have parties and he has some drinks...she just thinks she's above everyone...but you know, that crap has finally stopped...because just like she harassed him for "you need to put your child first, that's your first priority, not your new wife or son, blah, blah..." Well, doing my digging on the internet, after the last court date, I found out that HER CURRENT HUSBAND has two child support liens for 2 other children for which SHE continues to hide him from the CSE office, yet they actually just purchased a brand new house even though he couldn't afford his child support...In addition, I found out HER CURRENT HUSBAND has a DWI in Texas as well...So, after court was over, the next time that piece of garbage called to harass my husband and attempted to tell him what to do, he told her "why don't you instead make sure that YOUR HUSBAND pays HIS child support, so that they can take that lien from your house that was foreclosed on, just so you wouldn't have to pay child support for HIS TWO CHILDREN that came before you and your kids together...and by the way, make sure he doesn't drink and get another DWI!!!" NEVER again has she DARED tell him what to do.
I just found my husband's daughter's myspace webpage...lovely 12 year old, posing as a 14 year old...with a picture wearing makeup...and the words "I DON"T GO TO BI..ES, BI..ES COME TO ME, FU.K MA BI..ES!"...ah yes, my husband's child support check at work...She logs on every day, I now check the account...and is 12 (will be 13 in September) and is in 6th grade...failed last year...HMMM...wow! Those darn wonderful ex's!
So, next time you feel the need to tell all second wives how we are jealous and how those women were obviously wonderful, otherwise, our husband's wouldn't have married them, think again...and speak for your specific situation...which obviously, is not the situation for many of us...
Wow...well said whoever you are!
I feel that exact same way and I am an ex and my husband has an ex! I am a bio mom and a stepmom and I agree completely! I know that you will get shot down quickly...denial...the great defender! Nobody is an innocent bystander in these situations...except for the kids...they are vicariously traumatized by the nonsense of divorce. People who say that they have a history of divorce in their childhood that didn't impact them are kidding themselves...that stats prove otherwise!
Sorry, disagree......
I think ex and current wife is being a little black and white in very grey areas. Take me for instance, I am an ex and a SM, so if you think this is so black and white answer me these questions please?
1. Why do I get along with my BS's father and his wife and always have? (12 years now)
2. Why does my DH's ex use the kid to hurt him? (separated 10 years)
3. Why did I (and still do) get along with my ex BF's ex and SS but not my current DH's ex and SS?
4. Why does current BM abuse Dh to SS but we don't ever say a word about BM to SS?
5. Why do I speak civil and encourage Dh to speak civil to current BM, yet DH can't stand her and tries to avoid her and if they do speak they argue?
I think you put up a very half-assed arguement and use a huge generalisation of each persons situation. My SS's Bm is a self-centred, rude, abusive woman with a trash mouth. She values money and social stance before the welfare of her son. I put nothing before my kids.
My DH is not afraid or me or her, he is interested in the welfare of his son and his family. This website is not specifically to bag the crazy ex's but to get off your chest the unexplained reasons BM treat Dh and SM like they do and the people hurting the most are step-kids!! Perhaps you speak for yourself but you don't speak for my situation. I'm not in denial, perhaps she is...?
*Mean People Suck*
The Ex-Wife
I do hate the ex-wife - she's a waste of oxygen who should never have had a child!
Here are a few reasons why...she takes her vacations WITHOUT her daughter 'cuz "she needs a break", the whole reason why you go down South (to vacation) "is to get laid and you have to have a different bathing suit for every day you are there", she bribes my boyfriend with money if she has something to do and wants him to look after their daughter, she has been heard to say she can understand why some people want to kill their kids, need I go on?
She is manipulative, very ignorant, self-centered and the sad thing is...her daughter is picking up these traits - and she's only 6!
My husband ex,KM, had put herself in our marriage from day one. Actually she interruped when we were seriously dating. Their marriage of 6years down the drain. She was one of those spouse that lied alot and made a little nonsense bullsh** into something that is not. KM attempt suicide to get attention from him when they were together. Tried to miscarried their youngest son by hitting herself in the abdomen and try to tell the court that I was the one. Km told the court that he tried to smothered her with a pillow on several occasions when she was pregnant and sleeping. When she got a flat tire she accused me. When her car got all scratched up, she accused me. She called the police several time throughout their marriage that when the police officiers came out to take a report they already knew the story. She hit herself til she bruised and photo her body indicating that he done it. Talk about self manipulation. I know my husband had tried very hard to mend their marriage then until one day she went psycho. She called 911 and told them she was held at gun point by him. The cops came as usual- they advised him to pack up and leave. That was the last night she hand a husband. She must of been furious. She had lost this time around. I remember that night so well. He had called me around 9pm- told me to get a room. We met up at Motel 6 an hour later. He told me what happened. I was actually happy he left KM. KM had moved all his personal belongings into the garage. Shortly after that we moved in and in a few months later we got engaged and married. Even after that KM wouldn't leave us alone. She promised him that she would make our live miserable and challenge lives. Til this day she kept her words. She kissed up to me and talk nice to me informing the world that I was the evil one that STOLE her husband. I had told her that she was the one that had tossed him out. I practically picked him up and took him home. And if she was to make rumors about me make sure they are true!! I hate this woman. Sometimes I wish she just pack up and move far far far away.
KM has a hard time accepting that I have to modify my schedule around when she unannoucely drops the kids off. She rarely allows her 13year daughter BL to stay over unless if it is christmans eve or when she doesn't want to deal or have anything with disciplinary. Just the last month KM had dropped BL over, clothing and all because she spends too much time on the phone and is aware of it, but still leaves her home ALONE at home. Talk about stupid. SO I tell my husband that KM cannot do that. She just cannot dropped her BL anytime assuming you will fix the problem and pick her up two days later. How is the poor girl suppose to learn from ther mistake and her mother to realize that this is not helping if she continues to punish her by dropping her off and telling her to go home 2 days later?!!! It's not good for BL. How frustrating. BL and myself, the step mom had a long conversation one day when her father and her step siblings were out. I had asked her if she knew why she was here. She replied yes. We talked about her boyfriend, school, and that she needed to changed her priorties in life. And most important she needed to regain trust from her mother and father and it wouldn't be easy. She went home the next day. Her mother calls back in a flash saying I have no right telling her kids how I feel about her and have no right in teaching right from wrong when I was a bad role model. That pissed me off! I told her yes I have every right next to her father, my husband that when she is in my household I can coach her and at the same time lecture her. If I didnt I didnt care and love BL. And that I never take her to the store, never give her money, etc.... I told her that I do not ahve to give money or materialistic things to show my love and appreciation towards her daughter. Told her I was not like her every little thing bribe the girl with money and material things. To show love I can tell her that verbally. Km contines to scream in my ear saying she know I do not love her kids that why they she does not come over. She started to bring up the past with an old boyfriend. Told her to stop being so immature and I didnt have the time and day to talk to her she was treating me another child instead of a step parent. I hung up on her because I didn't need this bullsh** of lies. I was mad. She blew my coversation with BL out of porportion. This won't last long. A few weeks later she'll do the same thing again. She'll drop BL off at the front door with her clothing.
When i first came to town, my now husband was divorced to the ex, and separated for over 2 years. The ex ranted around the whole church that i was the woman he had had an affair with, i didn't even know hubby then as i lived on the other side of the USA!, this was her 1st plea for sympathy and attention.
From day one she has tried her ploys and her tricks to make me and my hubby break up, 3 years ago we did break up and within 2 weeks she tried her hardest to win him back to no avail.
We share custody of our little boy of 8 years, he is the only reason we deal with her and her plots to make me miserable.
The weekends are when the real fun starts (to her anyway). When we pick up our son she once didn't wear a bra in her van and when hubby tried to help our our little boy from the van she bent over purposely to make sure my hubby got a good view of her boobs, i nearly threw up.
She loves to give us intimidating looks so we started pulling up the car at least 5 feet behind her car when pulling up but she caught on quick and ensured she had her hand on the driving stick to do a swift reverse or a desperate 360%degree turn.
I wish she would move away and leave us alone, she has told more lies than in a dictionary, even her own Pastor said in a public church address "If we sent ****** to the Iraqi war she would probably win it", this sent off some snickers in the audience including me because he was right........he knows......in a strange but true way he knows........
I am reading this form and realizing "hey i am not alone",
Its good to vent to people that you can trust, here i can trust all i want, my name is anonymous, my call isn't on anyones caller id, my conversation isn't at the local coffee house to go back to their sister in law and then back to the ex which is the norm for us. Any type of venting on our parts has always got back to us somehow.
Like people keep telling me "hang in there", your hubbby's ex is just a miserable soul, she has no one, no one wants her, every relationship she has had in 4 years has lasted no more than 2 months or a week, guys just can't handle being yelled at like they are being yelled at from a woman that sounds and looks like a lory driver from the louisianan swamps that walks and talks like a lory driver.
I hope our boy grows up ok, he is only 8 and sadly i already see him talking loud and obnoxious like his mama, i hope he stays the gentle way he is and has the courage and the ambition to leave this miserable wench some day.
I know exactly how you feel!
I wouldn't know where to begin to tell you all the horrible things my husband's ex has done not only to us but her own children. I too go to church and they say you must love your enemies....thing is none of them have ever really had an enemy. Try it. It is easy to forgive someone who repents and never does it again. Try forgiving daily. Every day is some new drama. She lives 5 minutes away from me. I bump into her a the store. We have common friends. I am so tired, and no one seems to care what I go through. My husband is a coward when it comes to her. I'm the one always fighting back. Anyway, I'm waiting for justice that never seems to come.
i never thought i could hate until now
My husband and I have been together for 16 yrs. It has been a long and strenuous struggle most of those years after I learned thru a hang up call that he was cheating and she was pregnant while I was pregnant too. This happened after 4 years of dating and eventually moving in together and buying a house. I was 8 months and she was nearly 7 months pregnant. This other woman was a friend on his sister, only 21 and repeatedly came to my home while I worked at night. I have two other children from a previous marriage and they , thank god, did not interact with her because they were very late visits. Apparently, this woman and my then boyfriend continued on every then and again (I never did get the whole story because it kept changing) and I was played a fool of by everyone. Everyone knew but me towards the end. I ended the relationship for a short time, but he begged and begged for forgiveness. We continued to work on the relationship and after the birth of his other child things became even tougher. She sued him for support which she totally had the right to do, I would have done the same. He pays 650 monthly, always has, still does, and provides medical coverage. He is court ordered to do so. So after the years of no contact with her or the child, which he never wanted to begin with, I contacted her to try to set up a meeting. I thought it was the right thing to do. Her and I talked on and off. You know that saying keep your friends close and enemies closer? She eventually wanted more child support, demanded it, at first we agreed and then found out his rights; she is now fully employed, has a second side job, married, etc. We told her no. She now seems to think he has to fully support the kid, etc. She is a homewrecker, money grubber and always wanted to be a part of his family. Everytime we hear from her I get sick because its always about money. She even reported a false report against me and that was the last straw. Women like her are wannabe's. These women want what they see, they set out to get it (anyway). They act as if they are some one they are not. I feel deeply sorry for the kid who is basically the black sheep of the family. I have always been even minded but when it comes to her, I try to stay a step ahead. You have too! If you are a woman, who has been cheated on and stayed with your man, who has to deal with a homewrecker; I wont even call her an ex, she is not, just used for sex..toughen up, get smart, always think ahead and for god's sake put your own money away! By the way, she is a total slut. Not only did she sleep with my husband, but with my husband's cousin, her current husband and his brother, my husband's friend and some dude immediately after she gave birth. Total LOSER and HOMEWRECKER!!!!
Its me again. As another
Its me again. As another writer wrote that when its quiet for too long, you know somethings ups. Sure enough, like clock work, usually every 3 months or so, she emails. Again wanting money she says my husband owes. We know the court order like the back of our hands but for some reason she doesn't get it. We decided to ignore her emails of wanting more money. She gets plenty of child support, medical and dental coverage we pay out of pocket and she thinks that he is obligated for total support of this child. Child support is not total support, but support PHYSCO!!! That is what we call her now, PHYSCO!
Ex-wives suck!
My husband has the ex-wife from hell! She is fat, lazy, and ugly. They had three kids together and the kids are the same. She has no morals and uses her kids as pawns to hurt my husband. She tells the kids I'm nothing but the babysitter after I bathe, feed, and clean their clothes. The day of our wedding we went to pick the kids up and they had rub on tattoos all over their arms, neck, and face. She has her own business, so she lies about her income and we have to pay more child support. She makes the three kids sleep on the floor next to her bed because she says she can only afford a one bedroom apartment because "daddy" doesn't pay enough child support. We have gone to court three times to try to get full custody but the courts are biased towards the mother, even a bad one. The oldest daughter is now 17 and "good-time" mom buys her cigarettes, beer, and has let her drop out of high school. There seems to be no justice in this world. I have suffered much these last seven years. Oh, I forgot, she knows I hate the smell of smoke, so naturally when we pick the kids up for visitation they reek of smoke. So bably, she would have had to blow it all over them for hours. What kind of mom is that? We wanted the youngest to go to a private school. She said okay as long as we buy everything. She won't even buy him a pencil. I have never known hate until I met her, and I had never known evil until I met her. Anyway, thanks for the vent. No one really understands until they go through it. My Christian friends tell me I need to love my enemies. I tell them....try it! Have YOU ever really had an enemy?
Ex wives suck!
Not love your enemies, just keep them close!! I hate my husband's daughter's mother! Not an ex, ex wife or whatever, just someone he screwed and she purposely got herself pregnant 2 months after I found out I was pregnant. Women do evil things. Why, because of men! Think about it. At some point in our life, we lie about something for a man. The ex, my enemy, emails when she wants money, papers signed (which we would never do for her), for everything! My story is above yours and let me tell you, this spiteful woman plays his parents like fiddle because of the child. I am catholic, try to be, but this one subject boils my blood.
I think a lot are just bitter
My husband's ex is still angry after being divorced 10 years, I think that is weird. We cannot even talk to her because she rants and screams and talks about sex and other inappropriate things in front of her child, I think she is a mental case and so do all her other exes.
She claims my husband beat her all the time but she still wants him there so he can spend more time with his child, but now she has turned the child against us too and broken my heart. Why would you want your child to spend more time with someone who supposedly beat you? Because it is not true. She undermines his role as a dad and says I have no right to tell her child the child is not allowed to disrespect me or her dad. She has also tried to tell me to shut up in my own house, so how am I jealous of her, insecure of her? I think it is the other way around, but you keep telling yourself that.
She is a fruitcake but it is funny that the more she tries to keep the strings on him, the more my husband tells me, thank God for you (me). It is so sad, she needs to just find someone else and be happy herself instead of living in the past. But meanwhile the child is being twisted by the mom and I pray she will not become like her mom. No one wins in this bitter war that never ends.
In regaurd to the orginal
In regaurd to the orginal post. I hate my DH ex with a passion. I am not sure why but she also screams, yells, lies, manipulates. She sure likes to swear too. I don't get it. DH and I have been together 11 years, married for 9 and I think she is jealous and holds onto the past. It is so hard to bite my tongue when I am near her or have to talk to her on the phone. We even started to tape our phone conversations just so we could play them back for her. She is in some kind of other world.
We affectionatley refer to my husband's ex as The Source of All Evil ~ because she IS. They were divorced for 2 years before I met him ~ I had been divorced for 14 years. They have 4 kids, now ages 22, 20, 19 and 15. My daughter is 21. I lost a son 2 years ago at the age of 21. 3 days after his funeral she calls and leaves a voice mail saying that I deserved what I got with my son dying. She has been remarried for 2 years. According to the older kids, she hates her new husband and is miserable. She will continue to try and make US miserable because she can't stand to see her ex-husband so happy. It's a constant war with her. My husband has primary custody of the 15 year old, but we have worked it out that she lives with us 2 weeks and her BM 2 weeks. The kids are all actually nice kids and they see their mom for what she is. If it's too quiet on her end for any length of time, we know something is up and BAM. There will be a knock at the front door and a process server will be there with her latest lawsuit (always, always about money ~ she had to start paying child support this summer on the 15 year old and now wants custody back so she GETS child support). My husband pays all of this child's medical bills, clothes, braces, cell phone, etc. He also pays the older kids car insurance, college expenses, etc. She pays for nothing. SHE rented a house on the beach (this is why my SD wants to live with her 2 weeks at a time now ~ what 15 year old wouldn't want complete beach access??? I know I would) and now thinks because SD is there part of the time, we should help pay for that house. I can't afford to live on the beach ~ if this is what she wants, she needs to pay for it herself. She has been known to call me a freaking (but she really uses the other "F" word) golddigger, whore, bitch, etc. in front of the 15 year old. In fact, she was screamed this at me in the gas station parking lot a couple of months ago when we met her to get the SD from her. I sat in the car and ignored her when I really wanted to ask her if she was trying out for Jerry Springer.... There was NO WAY I was having a public confrontation with her, which is what she wanted. She drinks, she is hateful to everyone. We live in a small town and our kids went to school together, so we both know all the same teachers, parents, etc and NO ONE has ever said to me, "Oh, she's such a nice person". What they HAVE said to me is "OMG, you have to put up with HER?". She was a nightmare to the teachers at the schools the kids went to. So, do I hate her? Not really. I feel sorry for her. She actually has a very artistic, talented side, but the bitterness she feels towards the world makes her a difficult person to be around for anyone. So, I feel that she is pathetic and her own worst enemy.
I do not like this woman on a plane, I do not like her in a trai
I won't say that I have an especially high opinion of the first wife. We have really different values and it shows in the choices we make, but I definitely have no use for the second wife.
My husband thinks of the second wife as a rebound relationship and avoids talking to her at all costs. I have zero fear that he wants to or would ever get back together. Part of what us new wives may be reacting to is the emotional and territorial behavior of the ex's. The may be divorced but that doesn't always mean they have let go. If anything will bring out the wacko in people, it's a messy divorce, so yes we REALLY do see a lot of nutty behavior and it's natural to be put off by it.
My husband's ex introduced herself to me by accusing me of being a prostitute and every name in the book she could think of. She also tries to poison the kids, hers and my husbands kids from prior marriage against myself and my husband. She wants the financial support my husband offers through CP, but doesn't want him to have a relationship with his own daughter. I am not terribly charitable towards anybody that intentionally makes a baby with someone and then tries to use the child as leverage in a petty quest of revenge. Revenge for what no one knows because she left him, but why let reality get in the way of a perfectly irrational resentment.
I do not like this woman on a plane, I do not like her in a train, I do not like the ex wife and ham. I do not like her Susanna I am.
OK, I've vented enough, but it will probably get lost in the shuffle of this mamoth post.
"One breath at a time is an acceptable plan."
Ani DiFranco
My husbands ex just took us back to court for more support. But not before we did a DNA test. SS is not my husbands, but since hes been his father this long(10 yrs) he still has to pay. Welcome to North Carolina!!!
She calls constantly wanting my hubby to get off of work and come to her aide when shes having problems with SS. I not so politely told him no!!! When SS asked who his real father is she told him she was drunk and don't remember. What kind of a mother is that????????
To top it all off, she grills him every weekend (SS) on where we went, how much money we spent, etc.
I just read one womans post and if I understood her correctly, she said she was sleeping with her ex- husband that was about to be married. What kind of a monster are you?? How would you feel if it was done to you?? Regardless of you having his child, you have no ties to him whatsoever. Furthermore, if I was the fiancee, you probably would be completely out of the picture until you learned that that type of behavoir is unacceptable. All I can say is that the ex in my world knows that there is a new @#$%^ in town and its not her!!!
why i hate ex so much
my husband and i have been married 2 times , the first marriage his son and his ex caused me so much pain, ex always showing up at family's house, she didn't want to be in the family, slept with his brother and his friends, didn't let him see his kids for 8 years and the when she found out we were getting married she dumped the kids in our yard, we ended up divorced for 4 years and now have been remarried for 12, you better believe she better know better than to ever show up where iam , i will never be disrespected again, i will never let my oldest step son cause me trouble again either, i will never go to his house and i don't have to
child's best interest
I dislike my husband's ex too. When my now husband moved in with me, I invited his ex to my home so that she could see where her son stayed every other week-end and meet me, the person who often cared for her toddler so that his dad could study. She called me every name in the book. Then her three-year-old called me a skanky c#nt. I could not believe it. It has only gotten worse. This past summer, my step-son refused to touch me because, according to his mom, I have "germs." She has taught him that I am "a sinner" because I am not Christian, and that Hitler should be admired. This is after I though I was beginning to break down the wall of lies she has spun to prevent her son from liking me. She has done at least 75% of the things other spouses who married a divorce have stated above (lied about child support, denied visitation, travels without her kids & without telling anyone where she is in case of an emergency, denies phone visitation, etc.) I dislike this woman because she is mean--to me, my husband, and unwittingly, to her son. Because of her, the son has been unable to meet his great-grandparents or any of my husband's family besides my husband's parents. If she would just act rationally--in the child's best interest--I would respect her. I don't want her to like me, that is asking too much. Similarly, I don't think I will ever like her. But, if she promoted a relation between her son and his father and to stopped trying to poison my husband's son against me, him, and my extended family, I would respect her. She had a hard childhood and her life is not easy. i know that. I just can't stand the hatred. It poisons everything!
I am soon to be an ex
I am in the middle of a divorce. My husband is having an affair with his business partner. I believe they will finally come out as a couple when the divorce is final. He has replaced me in my children's lives with his girlfriend. I'm sure he'll marry her. I hate her so much I can't stand it. I know it's not Christian, but I do. She broke up our home when my kids were babies. They are 4 and 6. They know I don't like her, but they don't know why.
Is anyone here now the wife of a man whose marriage and family was broken up by his affair with you?
The Wicked Brunhilda
Things with my husband got so bad that I bought my own house!!! I now live separately with my girls----away from his children (4) and his demonic ex's continual influence and interference. She continues to manipulate him and he willingly takes it all. It is hard to respect a man that is so spineless. He is so worried that he will lose his kids. Yet he has truly lost their respect and I could not stomach watching them disrespect him on a continual basis (with her thoroughly egging the kids on). Moving on to my own home was the best solution. Now he is at my house sans children when they are away and I can focus on my girls, who I want no where near the influence of such immorality. It is clear to me that he is simply biding time until they are raised and he can move on. very, very sad.
Thought i would check any
Thought i would check any new posts. Im sorry you had to make the move you did. I too have those feelings when it comes to my husband. We have 3 children together. He cheated on me when I was pregnant, that woman got pregnant and he made the decision to stay with me and our new born. It was difficult for many year 1. because this woman was his sisters friend, 2. we lost 650 a month to child support 3. struggling with doing the right thing and seeing child. Well I finally agreed to see her ( the child) after 7 years of talking with mother off and on. We had a civil respect with regard to situation and my husband not seeing child. When we finally agreed to meet child (11 at time) we couldnt agree on specifics of meeting and she flipped out. Wouldnt let my husband see child at all, so we filed visitations. This mother is completely denying him visitations to his child who he pays support for all of her life because we didnt agree to her terms and says he is trying to reduce support, which we didnt even ask for. But behold she sends him court papers yesterday for more child support, etc, filling her child head with false information. Sometimes women do really idiotic things dont they? I too wish sometimes I could remove my family from her drama and I also think the same thing about biding time for the age to move along faster! I thought I was doing the right thing in trying to get my husband to see this child and get along with the mother and now her true colors are shining thru...not that they didnt shine thru when she was sleeping with my husband. I hope all works out for you and your children..make them happy!!
I am both an ex-wife and a
I am both an ex-wife and a step-mom. As for my ex-hubby, we get along okay and keep the hatred and bad memories to ourselves. I get along with his new woman, and I assure her that I NEVER want my ex back and this boosts her confidence in their relationship and with our children.
As for my new husband (DH) and my wife-in-law (BM), they were okay for awhile. I would set up most visits, scheduling, appts, etc... for their daughter (my SD). While we were dating, they did fool around once and he even moved back in with her for the summer! I didn't have any insecurities about her until that happened, but the cheating and brief break-up served a greater purpose. It made me appreciate my new husband, and respect him and his prior relationship for the sake of my SD. I even tried to make amends with the BM and become "friends", just to make things easier on everyone. She assured me that her feelings for DH had ended and that there was absolutely NO attraction to him whatsoever. Hmmmmm...
A mere day passed after we had announced our engagement, and I was being threatened, demonized, and verbally assaulted by the ex-wife. She said I had better be prepared for an ass kicking! She demanded that I stay away from her and their daughter unless I wanted to have my face rearranged! Further, it was only a month after our wedding that she filed for sole custody and claimed DH was a drunk driver, a drug addict, physically abusive, a convicted felon, etc... and that I was psychotic and abusive toward SD! (none, of which is true) Without an attorney and no money to retain one, my husband stammered through each hearing and motion review, trying to counter all of her lies and deceit to a judge who wasn't interested in listening to a pro se litigant. Needless to say, she won full custody and has terminated all contact between SD, my DH, and me. No visits, no phone contact, not even pictures!
Although we continue to file motions and request new hearings, it has been to no avail. We've tried to request help from court services, CASA, and social workers, but they all side with the ex. Kudos to my wife-in-law for putting on one hell of a show! My DH says he will wait until SD is 18 and then he will resume contact. In the meantime, SD thinks that DH hates her and BM doesn't hesitate to feed into that.
I am scared for how my SD will be as a teen and adult! She's only 8 now, but given the separation from her father, the BM's permissive parenting style, the "alternative lifestyle" BM now claims to have and BM's renewed interest in drugs, alcohol, and the bar scene, I can only imagine what sort of young lady SD will grow up to be. IF anyone has older step-kids who have been through this already, is there any reassurance out there for this worried step-mother?
speaking from our situation,
I can only tell what we went through, if you read my entries, you will get jest of what I have had to live with, and ultimately my family. We had primary custody of both SD and SS, SS is wonderful, but I now see a little chink in his armor, and it scares me for his own sake, he is now 25 years old, first his mother "betrays" him, then his fiance, and now he stuck his head out again to only get it chopped off by another girl who professed to love him.So,now I see a little attitude forming! SD is (and always will be, her mothers daughter)I have given up all hope for her, basically. I'm now worried for my SS, who I claim as my own. I guess we will see how this all plays out for him.I'm sorry that I couldn't give you the answer you need to hear, but maybe you do have a chance, our situation stems from the "abandonment" issue, mother to daughter.Maybe your SD will have her head on right and actually "see" her mother for what she really is, and ssek out her Dad, you didn't say what state you live in, but here in Texas, the child has the right to choose who they want to live with at the ripe old age of 12.So, don't give up hope, it might just work out for the best!
Good Luck!
Is there a definition for these feelings? I can't call them jeal
It has been nearly a year since we have seen my SD. I managed to find the ex on myspace and get a hold of some pics of my SD to see how much she's grown. Unfortunately, the majority of her myspace pics were of her getting drunk at the bar.
I miss my SD SO MUCH! My husband is complacent, you know, stoic; doesn't want to talk about it...
Again, the lack of funds ($3,000 just to get started!) for a family law attorney have prevented us from fighting for her. We send cards, sneak little gifts between in-laws to her; I know that none of this is enough. My SD thinks that her dad hates her! The last time we received a secret phone call from her (again, she's only 8-yrs-old) she cried, saying how much she missed us, wanting to know how her step-sisters were doing, then she suddenly had to get off of the phone. That was the last time I heard her little voice. :,-( I feel like I have lost my own child.
I can't imagine how horrible the pain must be for my SD! Her daddy was ripped away from her by a vindictive, petty, hateful woman. She is so sensitive; there is no amount of toys, electronics, clothing, etc...that BM can buy her with that is going to take that pain away. SD is still young, now,but, oh, what horrible things will befall her in these coming years?
I don't know if we'll see or hear from her again until she is 18, as my wife-in-law has taken sole custody and completely alienated their daughter from us. I managed to get a school picture from my sis-in-law last month and I nearly cried! My SD has grown SO MUCH! My thoughts and memories of her are in my head each day. We became so close in the 5 years DH and I have been together. I think of her as one of my own, even when she was a brat.
On another note, I have read SO MANY great books on how to deal with ex-wives. I could recommend the Wife-in-Law Trap, by Susan Shapiro, I think. That helped a lot.
Glad to get that off of my chest.
I loved my ex-wife. But we
I loved my ex-wife. But we did so much damage to our relationship, it became irreparable. She and I are angry with each other, because the breaking point came to past and we did nothing to save it. We have 2 children together. I plans were to spend to the rest of our lives together. But because of pride and immaturity, we both left voids in our hearts.
I since remarried and has move forward with my life. The marriage caused me problems with my children, of course. They have taken the road to not speak to me anymore. And a part of me is ok with that, for I believe that God will intervene with this present situation and reopen the door on the kids and I communicable relationship. Although, the other part that I shield from my new wife, I'm saddened that I can't hold on to the closeness that my kids and I had when I was still married to there mother. But as the saying goes, " Time moves on".
I have chosen not to talk to my ex-wife. She has not been a friend of mine. She hasn't made the transition easy. And maybe it isn't suppose to be easy for either one of us. But since this life is temporary and that each second of a day is questionable, I'm choosing to live for a pursuit of happiness. My new wife has shown me how to do just that. The saying, "You only live once and you're not coming back", is a living testament of my decision making in this life. And as much as I hate to admit it, but leaving my ex-wife was not due not loving her. That is the reason I chose to stay in the marriage for as long as I did (14 years), when after 7 years, I saw that the marriage was doomed. My reason for leaving was, we stop growing together. Sex became ultimately important to sustain. We stop talking. We were strangers in our own bed. And as hard as it was for me to vacate this life I had became so comfortable with, leaving caused an I immediate sign of growth. I receive a promotion from my employer, my parents and I reestablished a wholesome relationship and I found a true love in my life. So as much as I can say, "I hate my ex-wife for not fighting for our marriage", I can also say, "I love her for choosing not to fight, for the betterment of our lives and allowing us to grow".
I thank you all for listening.
Pray for them
I've been dealing with the same kind of crap everyone in this site is dealing with. It is really sad to say that these exes doesn't know the meaning of the word "moving on" or even have the slightest idea that their marriage had ended for a reason. Whether it was their fault or their partners fault; the fact that they got divorced simply mean one thing; the relationship wasn't meant to be. They can't accept the fact that their ex will somehow, sometime find a replacement for the love that had lost in their lives. Why they can't just be happy and find their own happiness too. I can't believe there's a lot of people who experienced this kind of problem. I've been an ex too but I've never been a problem to my ex-husband. Before he remarried, he even asked me how's that going to affect me and I told him I'm happy for you. We got divorced because it didn't work out and I had moved on and have no reason to hold on to him because I already have a new life and new freedom. I don't understand why these exes are so vindictive? What do they think they can gain out of this? I know it's not going to make them happy in the end but are they aware of this? I have been reading a lot of articles and have read that there's a lot of women have been dealing with evil exes for years! That's outrageous and at the same I feel for them! Good luck to all and just pray for evil exes because they are nothing but a living being with a dying soul.
the ex
I too live with a man that has an ex wife. She is actually very nice to me and him but I still have the occasional burst of jealousy. She is doing well on her own and has a good paying job. What upsets me is that her son comes to our house with new toys all the time while my 5 year old son gets a new toy on xmas and birthdays only and her son will NOT allow my son to play with them and his father doesn't see a problem with that since they are not his. I want to tell him to leave his toys at his moms if he cannot share. My son has to share his toys with his brother. I expect him to. I realize that children do not need lots of toys to feel special but it hurts me to see my son get nothing compared to his brother. And of course, her son wears nothing but name brand clothing. I know these things shouldn't bother me but they do. Any advice out there? I do talk to my partner about this but he acts like I am just being a jealous bitch. Am I?
Perhaps you could use this
as a positive lesson to your child. I don't think you are being a jealous bitch I think BM is being a selfish bitch not to teach him to share. Continue to let your son share his toys with his brother and show him the joy out of doing just that. When you have alone time with your son, talk with him about his feelings about it and how it makes him feel when his brother won't share with him.
Show your son that love is so much more important and obviously by your SS being spoilt he has also been taught not to share. When your son sees that being a good person is more important than any toy, he may just teach his brother a thing or 2. I think it's weird that your DH reacts in that way. My Dh and I have 3 boys, one mine, one his and one ours. He would be livid if SS came here and did that the other children as I would be with mine, situation reversed.
Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*
I need forgiveness
I have been with my finance for 2 yrs. He has a 9 yr old daughter and will not stand up to the ex. The ex treats him like a child and doesn't think he knows how to raise their daughter at all. I can't believe any man could not stand up to an ex. This was all so new to me. She has not allowed his daughter to come see him in the past. This is because she thinks I am mean to the daughter and I'm sure she brainwashes the poor daughter into believing it. A month ago I was feeling really insecure and excluded from my fiance and the sd. He had his daughter all weekend and I was not asked to participate in their fun. I asked them to go to church with me on Sunday and He looked at the daughter and she said no. I asked him if he wanted to go and he said not if she doesn't want to. When I got home they were watching tv and I set down and mentioned that we as a family need to start doing more things together....all of us. My finance says we will talk about it later (which he says when the daughter is present). I wanted to discuss it with all of us in the room. I wanted to see how his daughter felt about the idea. They would not talk to me. He said he was taking his daughter home now because she had a birthday party. I asked if I could ride along with them. He said no I don't want you around. This hurt me and unfortunately made me furious. Anyway he rushed his daughter to the car. I grabbed him a bag and threw it outside saying why don't you just stay somewhere for a few days. He didn't call for a few days. I called him and said I'm sorry, I was just so upset and hurt. I said please come home and let's work this out. I said I would apologize to his daughter and let her know I'm human and I made a mistake. He says he doesn't love me anymore and he is not coming back. We just bought a new house which he knows I can not afford. I have two children of my own who live here as well. I think he could not stand being in the middle of the ex-wife, his daughter and me. He did not choose me. I love him so much and begged for him to come back home and let's get some counseling. He refuses. I'm so hurt! Do you think he will ever come home and stand up to his responsibilities here?
He said....
No you can't come and I don't want you around...Why would you want him back? I know when you want someone and they don't want you back it can be very painful, but I don't understand why you would apologise to him for having a spit at him for what he said. Please have more respect for yourself. This man clearly doesn't love you or respect you much to speak to you that way, especially in front of his daughter.
Sell the house and run as fast as you can in the opposite direction. Big hugs, as this is a hard road. Good luck, oh and if he changes his mind and does come back, it will be for the wrong reasons and by backing down you have opened the door for him to walk all over you and your precious self esteem.
Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*
let him go
What kind of husband could treat his wife that way, what kind of friend even? I know it hurts but it is good to me that you see the way he is now, before you are legally bound to him. God sees this too. Let him and the house go, you deserve better honey.
I hope things get better for you.
Most Evil
"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil
I only thing I see here is that you did the right thing, the guy is a jerk and shouldn't treat you that way. You begged him....imo the only thing you need is some selfesteem and pick someone that will put you first and your relationship.
File papers to get him out of your life, and off the deed. Meanwhile get a few roomates and be happy they're gone.
golddigger and labels
I have 3 wonderful SD....I've known them for 1 1/2yrs now. I originally met my now husband while he was going through a divorce. And although he made the decision of divorcing her before he met me....she calls me a homewrecker in front of everyone to hide behind her failure of the marriage. What broke the camels back was that she abandon him when he got accepted to med school at another state and she decided not to go. She rather stay in her million dollar house and see him once a month with the girls. She is a self centered, uneducated, unconsiderate gold digger. She promised him that if he went through the divorce she was going to find someone else that had more money then him to take care of her and his daughter. And she has, poor guy. What is sad is that she got pregnant to trap him and told his mother that she was going to be well off being a doctors wife. His parents never got along with her. She almost drove him to bankruptcy because of the extravagant lifestyle. Everything she buys has to be name brand. She's teaching her daughters to be that way too. I...who come from a well off family and a doctor don't need to buy Brand names to make me feel important. I purposely didn't buy them name brand clothes for Christmas. I take that back. I bought one item for each girl(shirt from Limit two and Hollister). When we picked them up for christmas they were so excited to open up more gift at our house. They bragged of how they mom got them a wii (which was hard to get and over $400), an Itouch (which cost $300), Ughs boots (which rarely anyone has because they are so expensive and cost over $200), and name brand clothing. I almost felt bad that I didn't buy more....but I decided want to join in what their mother is doing. I realized that the kids were excited about what they got and wanted to express their excitement but putting price tag on what they got....that's their mom's doing. I laughed when one daughter told us Santa Claus must of spent a million dollars.....I muffled yup....your dad spent a lot on you guys:) I only said that because all three knows Santa is dad. Although we had alot more christmas gift under our tree than their mom per one of the girls....they seemed to expect more expecially from Santa. I guess more name brands or electronic gadgets....they made fun of my Jcpenny/Sears boxes:) Although some items were from Dillards or other stores. Any suggestions on battling the name brands?
Wow.... at first when I read The Ex's post, I wanted to throw up. It hit so close to home. I found this page because of my fiance's ex and the emotions I am dealing with because of her. I thought I might be able to find someone who could help me deal. Then I see that post, and it was like it came straight from HER. The BM from hell. That is EXACTLY her stance and how she acts/talks, except for the "I will sleep with him again" part. She is completely off her rocker. They have a 9 year old daugther together and admittedly had many one night stands, but outside of the bedroom all they did/do is fight violently and consistently. She dated as did he, but they always got back together because of convenience and availability. Now that fiance and I have settled down, he proposed and cut off his ties with her, she is spewing the same garbage. "I knew he didnt want to settle, and its fine that he's ready now and going to do it with you, but he will always belong to me, i have his blood daugther and have known him for 10 years" she txts him all the time telling him how he is a shitty father for living with me and my kids and how he needs to spend more time with his "REAL" family... even though before he met me, she refused to allow him to see his daughter unless she was going to get a lil action at the same time. So... in closing... "The EX" ... you are freaking ridiculous. He is not yours. Your child is his family. YOU are not. You do not have his name, sleep in his bed.. he does not wake up next to you in the morning, run his hand across your cheek and tell you he loves you... he did not get on his knee, profess his love and ask you to marry him. Did he? No? Didnt think so. You need to wake up and smell reality. Am I harsh? Damn straight I am. You are so quick to inflict pain on your ex's fiance to make yourself feel better... so if you can't take the heat sweetheart, get out of the kitchen. Your CHILDS FATHER does not want you for anything more than sex. You created the one person that he will love unconditionally forevermore, that is where the line is drawn. Get a life of your own. And to all of you that responded, thank you, because I was about to go screaming into traffic after reading that crap. Glad I'm not the only one who can smell a psycho thru a computer post.
great book....
No More Baby's Mama Drama by Ayesha Gallion. I've read it..I have over a dozen stepparenting books...I still hate the ex with passion..but it helps put things into perspective.
Ok ok I, can't take anymore
So I have read through numerous posts about hating the ex's. Let me tell you a story. My husband of 19 years goes off with an 18 year old girl (who was also trying to be with our 18 year old son). We have three children together the youngest being 9. The husband and I divorce and he married the girl. None of the kids want to see him (1. because he is verbally abusive) (2. because he is with this girl). Was I angry yes I was. Two years later they divorce because she cheated on him. He comes back into my picture (yes like an idiot, I forgave him, but my children are still guarded and don't trust him) with good reason, seems like he has been talking to both me and the girl. Three months after thier divorce, he is up here with me and the kids "spending time as a family", but then I discover (by accident, a few days after he left that he remarried her. I know she hates me (because I'm the ex) and I can't say I like her much. But if this woman knew all the mean and hateful things he said about her (I'm sure he has said it about me to) she would be furious with him. Some men (husbands) are just evil. My point, not all ex's are bad - some of them may have reasons.
I am going thru alot right now. I am engaged to a man that I love. Everything is good except his cousin tries to start trouble with me and my fiances ex. She tells me all the time that she wants him back. His cousin backs stabs me all the time with his ex. My fiance did try to get back with his ex when we first statred dating. He realized she wasnt for him.What can I do. Im sick of the drama!!!!
My husbands exwife is not in reality
It's so nice to know that other people understand where I am coming from. This ex is so "out of it" that I wasn't allowed to even be around the children , without her present (even though my husband was there) for six months after we married. She stopped his visitation when she found out he and I were expecting a son because she only has girls with him. She has a son from a one night stand and for a little while during his and her marriage he talked of adopting him, but the kids real dad showed up. So she was so jealous that my husband has a true biological son.
She says she is calling to simply talk about the girls but then she rants and raves about how she doesn't have a social life, not our fault. She makes promises that she won't dump her problems on my husband and she does. She pitched a fit when I wouldn't let her in my hospital room after my csection. She became angry when I told her that my son is not her family, because she kept telling the girls that she was kind of his mom too!!!! I don't know what else to do with the crazy woman and because my husband doesn't deal with her harshly enough, she continues to call him at work or get angry when I answer the phone at my house.
There have been times that I was ready to leave my husband because I felt that he was allowing her to manipulate him so much and I was tired of it.
I honestly dread the weekends when the girls come because they want to make comments about how much fun it was when they (the ex and my husband) would go here or there. Sorry, but I'm putting myself through college and raising my son and working full time, so we don't have a lot of time to take trips. My husband has spoken with the girls about respecting me, and it's getting better but I feel like a maid when they are there.
Okay, I better quit venting or you people will think I'm the evil stepmom but I'm not.
Just any suggestions how to deal with this crazy ex? What do I do?
my email is [email protected] and please email with any suggestions.
I know why we hate the BM!!
We hate the ex because she's a constant reminder that your man, the one you love, had sex with this woman....had naked, sex with her. She reminds you that there was a time when he loved her. And the more psycho she is, the more you can't fathom why he was with her in the first place, then you think "how could you possibly have loved this woman, then treat me (as normal as I am) badly at times".
We hate the ex because she had a child with your love, and not only do you want to be the mother of this children, you can't stand it that you will never be the mother and as shitty of a BM that she is, the SKid will always favour her, because...."she's her mother".
We hate her because our man has to agreed to pay child support, alimony and 100% of the child's expenses, even though we have the child 50% of the time...and to top it off...we hate her because she negotiates her way out of taking the child as often as she can.
I hate that my love will refer to her as a "selfish c*nt" one day, then two days later, I have to hear him exchange recipes and be nice-nice on the phone with her. I hate it when she threatens him for more money, I hate it when he blasts her to me....and I f*cking hate it when I hear him be nice to her a couple days later.....oh, and I hate every moment when he defends her in any small way.
whew.....that felt goooood.....
Not one, TWO psycho ex wives! Why am I here?
My husband has two ex wives. I can't stand the way they feel they deserve respect just because they opened their legs and got pregnant. My husband and I will not be having children together - why does that make me a second class citizen behind the ex-bitches? Why is it that the ex's can badmouth me behind my back but I should 'show compassion' as I was told today? Why does my normally strong husband give in to every demand these lazy cows make? Why is it that I am working hard and putting my home on the line to save my husbands business so he can keep paying them child support they never spend on the kids? Lets get this straight BM's - the ability to procreate does not make you an extra special princess!
Ditto. I could have written
Ditto. I could have written this word for word. Finally some reasons why I hate the ex... I couldn't figure it out -- knew it wasn't jealousy but what? Your post hit all nails on the head.
I met my ex-husband when he
I met my ex-husband when he was in the navy in 1961, we got married had 4 children (the very best thing that came of this marriage was the children). We were married for 32 yrs. some of the time was good, and some of it was unbearable, but my children made it livable. He was pretty much of a womanizer, but never open with it. Then around year 31 he went "stupid" The children were all on their own and out of the home. We were traveling alot and showing Quarter Horses, and for the first time in years, what I thought was a really good time. Out of the "blue" and hit me right between the eyes, was a 23 yr old truckstop waitress. younger than me youngst son. She had a child and was pregnant.....not his. But they were having an open affair, yes I got a divorse. and for the past 6 years he is still acting like this has been my fault. I will not ever take the blame for his actions. For awhile I was so bitter, and constantly tried to figure out why he did such a thing. Now my life is so good. I have remarried, and live life the way it should be done. But because of the children this ex is always there in the background of my life. He is a total slug. My youngst son resented his Dad for years, and I did everything I could do to help him through his feelings, telling him, he didn't get to pick his Mom and Dad, and we were the only ones he would have, so try to repair his damaged feelings while he had a chance. Believe me that was hard to do, because I could care less. Even though I have a wonderful life now, I still can't get passed my resentment for all the years I "wasted" with my "ex"
I hate her for being a whore
I hate her because she makes the kids sleep with her boyfriends kids on a mattress on the floor
I hate her because she hit her 3 year old son
I hate her because she tried to have my husband's life ruined
I hate her for hurting 5 young children, 2 families, in-laws & subsequent children
I hate her for giving birth (I don't hate the kids, just her for having children with someone she was using the entire time, when she could have had the kids with his best friend, who's she with now anyway)
I hate her for coming to my door acting like she's something special when really she's not
I hate her for living, her own mother doesn't even like her
I hate her for trying to take the kids to dangerous countries, not realizing she has no chance
I hate her for looking like trash, not cleaning her house, and that nose (*ugh)
I hate her for having been married to my wonderful husband, because she didn't deserve him
I hate her for cheating
I hate her for breathing in our planet's oxygen
somebody slap me before i self destruct
okay girls i need some help. i have the ex from hell all of the above describes her, this is the one who tried to get me charged for her showing up on my doorstep (last years post "i could get a criminal record")
so, after my own long drawn out battle of my own, things with my own ex smoothed out.
she searched him out on facebook and added him as a freind just to piss me off.
tell me how i can not let that get to me.
i called my ex and tried to speak with him about how she is and what she is capable of, and well, he is about as evil as her at times, so this is a deadly combination.
my dh is going back to court and she has been searching and seeking ways to make us look bad, and drag up crap. she is getting low now as she hasnt got much to work with.
i need some words of advise cause i feel like i could grind her face to the concrete about now. (thats not a threat its an expression of how i feel) just so we are clear....god knows we dont need to be charged for uttering threats....
when will it stop. i take the high road i stay dis connected i have no contact i dont see her face to face EVER dh does the dirty work, but she hates me so bad, she just cant lay the axe down.
"change occurs within"
Biowhores abound
I love the story about 'douche'. Now THAT's a real wack-job ex....but that story is so funny to read. Good thing that stepmum is able to have a sense of humour about such a crazy psycho! It totally comes close to my situation so I believe every word.
I personally do not care if MY husband's ex hates me. She's an ex, and he divorced her for being a cheating, lying, horrible insult to the human race. I don't care if she hates me. In fact, I welcome it. Bring it on! We are both bio-moms and stepmoms but she's not good at either job. The difference is that she's a 'biowhore' (in all areas) and I'm not. Nuff said.
Definition of a 'biowhore'
Just read the last comment....
Just to point out - "Biowhore" is actually a word, according to Urban Dictionary (slang)...scroll down for the bottom defintion. I think this will enlighten many members
Here is the link: Just so you know - now THAT is even funnier! Found it soo long ago and sent it to a friend but I was waiting for a really good chance to use it! Thanks!
Remaining anonymous for this one
Yeah, I'm with you. I HATE her for what she did to her kid. I love the kid, most of her bad behavior is not even her own fault. I hope to God she grows out of the evil crap her mother taught her.
too much drama!
Between my wife's exes, her insecurities, my insecurities, and the kids, I'm in a constant state of frustration. Here's the quick low down.
1 exes- from the begining her exes and her poor boundaries have lead to headaches. Continuing email and calls (He even called on our wedding night!) This plus a Springer-esque past has left me feeling very insecure.
2 her insecurities- She focuses on things I'd consider trivial. And is very controlling
3 Her kids hate me because I have had run ins with their dad when he's drunk/high. And they have so many issues (psychological) that I don't even want to be around when they are home (70% of the time)
I want this marriage to work but in the past few months it is so overwhelming. Doubt there is any advice out there. probably just wanted to vent
Its ssoooo great to find
Its ssoooo great to find such a support group!!THank you so much everyone for sharing all your stories...it really helps me feel less isolated...
Ive been with my husband 3years, we have a 10month BD and a 10yr SS. I love my husband and my step son ALOT- its just 'her (the ex)' that i cant stand!!! She doesnt know how to communicate anything and her only way of talking is yelling!!!!she looks down on me and I really really cant stand the thought that she's going to be in the picture for the rest of my life/marriage...!!!!
We are struggling sssooo much financially because my husband is self employed but the greedy woman wont stop nagging for more child support!!Her new man and her drive a four wheel drive and live in a nice suburb but she still wants to squeeze every cent off us to a point we cant even afford basics after paying rent!!!
I HATE HER!!I HATE HER!!I HATE HER!!!! she has said the most hurtful things to me that i cant even write them down!!she moved SS an hour away and the deal was we'll meet halfway for our weekend visits- now she's changed everything and the story is- if hubby wants to see his son, he has to pick him from home and drop him back!!! its RIDICULOUS!!!!the horror stories are endless...i just wish he had never met her and i was there first!!
anyway it felt really good to vent !!!
Frickin Ex-Wife
Her current husband divorced her, citing his complaints about her grossly co-dependent relationship with her daughter (my husband's daughter). So she kicked the daughter out of the house as a last ditch effort to try to get her hubby to take her back. Stepdaughter is 17 years old and had only 3 weeks left in her Junior year. So we got custody of her and now she has to go to summer school to make up all the classes (that she was getting As in) that she didn't get to finish because the mother has this crap drama with the hubby that she created. The poor girl is so brainwashed, she makes up all these excuses for her mother, even though the problems with the hubby are entirely the mother's fault (lying to him, cheating, manipulating him, etc. etc.). But the mother's fine with the daughter believing it's all her fault. sick, sick, sick, sick. I could go on, but man I HATE that EVIL vile sick woman. I HATE her for what she's done to her kid. Her kid is SO screwed up in the head and now we have to try to help her and deal with her, pay for counseling, etc. etc. etc. I am happy to do that, but I just HATE the woman for what she's done to this poor kid's life. This isn't the only issue, just the latest. And on top of it, she LIED to her daughter and told her she was only going here for a week, so all she had with her was a week of summer clothes and a swimsuit - nothing appropriate for school. And the mother absolutely refuses to mail any of her clothing, shoes, toys, games, CDs, etc. NOTHING. So my husband supported this child fully financially for 17 years (because the mother worked under the table and claimed she had no income even though she was making more money in cash than my husband was clearing)... and she won't do ANYTHING to support this kid by just sending her things she ALREADY owns. Sick, evil, vile hateful woman. ARGH! This is just the latest in years and years of emotional neglect and abuse she's created with this kid.
OK, I'm done.
I dont hate the prostitute.
I dont hate the prostitute. We laugh at her together and get loads of enjoyment out of it. I dont hate the fact they share children together as he never planned them with her like he is planning them with me.
Sure we dont like her, and the kids are selfish retards but they will not affect our life together. I know he would never sleep with it again as it is fat and old and he never liked her to begin with. It was a teen romance and they met up again in their twenties. He was about to throw her out so she accidently got pregnant whilst on the pill. What sort of a threat is that?!
I knocked on her door two years ago and saw her silhouette in the window. I thought she was pregnant, and when she opened the door she could not look me in the eye. She is older than me, single and struggling with money. I have a husband, a nice home and a nice life. Whats to hate?
"Dispute not with her, she is a lunatic."
I hate my husband's ex wife.
I hate my husband's ex wife. I tried so hard in the beginning to be nice and make this work and she just wouldn't let me. She is mean, overweight, and 10 years older than me. She is also a crappy mother in my opinion. Not bad enough to lose her son, but bad enough that it makes me wonder if she's crazy.
She never cooks, she has no idea how. They only eat fast food all of the time. This is one reason why she's so fat. This makes it impossible on me to get my stepson to eat anything remotely healthy. I am of average weight, but have to work really hard to maintain it. I run almost every day and eat healthy and it kills me to see people not even trying. She's fake and is always at church. When she leaves church she takes the fake off and becomes the real evil witch she is. I hate two-faced people.
I never see her anymore, but when I did she would try to copy me. She tried to get her hair cut like mine and tried to dress younger, she just ended up looking like an old fool. Every time we have my stepson she makes it hard on us. She loves to not be home when it's time to take him back.
How are you supposed to not hold a grudge on a child when his mother makes your life hell? When your nice life is interrupted by a child that wasnt raised ANYTHING like you would raise one? He has no interest in anything but video games. I try to get him interested in other things, but it never works. I have just given up. Sometimes I wonder how my husband married such a piece of trash and then married the total opposite years later. I just don't get it but every other weekend I end up miserable.
The Ex who uses her son as a pawn
Let me tell you, I can so relate to much of what I am reading. I have been with my fiance for a year and throughout our relationship his ex has been guilting him thru their 12 year old son. She says I am the reason they did not get back together. He had no intention of going back with her. She shows up to pick up their son wearing revealing clothing and flirting. She constantly tries to make small talk. I have been very good to my stepson and love him as my own. It is hard to build our relationship when she keeps making me the villian. Now she has new tactics trying to keep her son from my fiance. In turn he feels guilty and will do almost anything to appease her in order to see his son. I am finding it extremely taxing and I think she is a wing ding and I wish she would find a man. I am at my wits end now trying to deal with my stepsons resentment towards me. When he visits he causes nothing but trouble. I believe she talks to him about adult issues regarding her relationship with my fiance. I am curious to know if anyone out there can relate to my circumstances.
Finally.. Some relief?
I never knew until now I wasnt alone.. Ive got great friends, they are simply blessed to not know nor understand the situation I currently find myself....
My husband && I knew eachother along time ago.. Oh, what a time that was... But with life, we went our seperate ways.. && I truly believe we fulfilled a destiny, we were meant to live.. It was at a time we both so desperatly needed eachother that we came back into our lives.. Almost 6 months to the day of our chance meeting, we were married... I have one son, and he has two children, with a woman he spent over 10 years with.. I dont like to dislike.. but gosh, i have tried, for far tooooooo long! Ive done everything I can to dodge her self righteous, selfish, pathetic attempts, at splitting us up.. and doing everything she can to hurt me.. starting with the kids && ending with him.. I simply do not know what to do anymore!
More than life, I love him... I know that we were meant to be.. I dont know how to handle all the drama, the hate, the selfish ways of a woman, who gave us his children after hacking his emails to find out we sometimes argued about their wild ways.. I love them as they are my own.. Ive never favored any of the kids over another, and have always gone out of my way to make them feel at home when they were only coming half the week... Now they are here full time, with only a three or four window of visitation she chooses each week...
Totally honest: I honestly believe she only visits the kids because it is her way of keeping in touch with him.. I tried everything to be nice to her.. invited her into my home, ignored her insults and sarcasm... yet with her its never ending... I know he loves me.. but when will I actually be able to enjoy my hubbie && kids when she does everything she can on a daily basis to intrude? Am I being totally selfish in wishing her away? I want her to see the kids, I do.. I spend the majority of my time with the kids, as I was asked to quit work to stay with them.. && make sure to do whatever I can to let them know their mom loves them && does miss them, although I often question it myself? What good mother would totally give custody of her kids up? But know this.. Through it all.. the good ole state revenue office is still deducting a ridiculous amount of child support to assure the kids are cared for?!??! How is this when we have them?
I simply want to feel as if I am part of this marriage too! Instead of a stranger formely known as me.
re: the ex post
You have a child with a man, he bails for years and years then comes back and you sleep with him?
WOW!!!! you certainly have no respect for yourself.
This is typical baby momma syndrome! They SWEAR that because they had a child with a man it gives them a backstage pass to play a role in the mans life forever and ever. If my husband told BM to open her legs SHE WOULD! Because in her twisted little mind it would mean he loved her.
Sad...Truly sad...
OP just has no respect for
OP just has no respect for herself, holding onto to something that never was and never will be. It bothers her that he has a GF and its not her. She hopes the new GF finds out, just like many women on this site hope the X finds their myspace or FB. Its all about reaction, its all about saying hey I got your man and I'm happy booohooo to you@@
Just as I told my X's GF at the time when she said "I won him". Seriously what did you win? A man that disrespected his family, and a man that supports you in harassing me..whooo hooo where do I sign up? Do I need to take a special class? LMBO.
This is typical baby momma syndrome! They SWEAR that because they had a child with a man it gives them a backstage pass to play a role in the mans life forever and ever. If my husband told BM to open her legs SHE WOULD! Because in her twisted little mind it would mean he loved her.
Sad...Truly sad...
I can't believe "Anonymous!" Maybe this is why we hate the ex's? Hmm, in my world, sleeping with a married man is immoral and wrong. It really sounds like this creepy loser is justifying being an "eff buddy" with her ex. So, this man is dating other women, and has a serious girlfriend that he might marry, but deep down he loves his ex that sleeps with him with no commitment? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha It sounds like you are a hooker, my dear.
We stepmothers are very aware that the jealousy is coming from the ex, not us. For whatever reason, the men are married to US because they love us and are in love with us. The bald truth is that they chose us over you. When you hand a child two pieces of cake, one chocolate and one vanilla and he chooses chocolate, does he secretly really want vanilla and is just a sadomasochist that likes to be miserable? No, he just really wants the chocolate cake. Do you get my drift?
I also think it's hilarious when Bio moms claim that because they share a child with a man, that somehow means the man loves them "deep down." Uh, I hate to break it to you, but women don't get pregnant because men love them, they get pregnant because men have SEX with them. In case you didn't know, their sperm fertilizes your egg and presto! nine months later you push out a baby. This is a biological process, not a declaration of eternal love and devotion!
My husband's ex has told me many times that my husband will always love her because she had his children. My husband thinks this is hilarious. He is the first to acknowledge that it was a huge mistake and at the time he tried to talk her into an abortion (he is against abortion now though). He loves and adores his kids, not the womb factory that made them.
What on Earth could we possibly be jealous of? Your stretch marks from pushing out kids? Our husbands are in love with us and we are not the ones on pathetic dating sites listing ourselves as "single moms who enjoy long walks on the beach and champagne." We are at home in our husband's arms because unlike you, our husbands are with us because they love us, not because they are forced to be tied to us because they got us knocked up.
Get a life!
"A lot of people are afraid to tell the truth. That’s where toughness comes into play. Toughness isn’t being a bully, it’s having a backbone.” ~Robert Kiyosaki
It can be a pretty hard
It can be a pretty hard situation, but hopefully the love of your relationship will overpower it. You can sometimes talk it out, and sometimes it will just be something you willh ave deal with and your strength will come from within. For me, I wanted my ex back and used The Ex2 System Review as a guide. Hopefully this problem goes away as time goes on. Cheers
anyone else have this issue-
anyone else have this issue- my bf's daughter is 2- and apparantly they talk to eachother on the phone a cpl times a week (he works nights, so its in the eve when he aint home) but on the wknd he never calls her when i am around (obviously he has to call her mom cuz she is 2) but is that a bit odd? Could be that he dont want to deal with me having jealousy issues, because he cheated on me with this woman and had a child. I dont know. I find it very odd. He says he dont call that much, but according to BM they talk a cpl times a week, or she says "she calls her daddy a cpl times a week to chat"
you are kidding me?>he
you are kidding me?>he cheated on you/>and he had a child????and u put up with that
wot is wrong in the society?
wot is wrong in the society? i see women constatly struggle with exes and kids,that should be past and stay in the past why to marry somebody who is like married already?why ladies put up with all that shit?u ruin really the market. cause in the end gets normalized to accept shit for the shake of the kids!!!sorry but people have to think wot to do for the shake of tha marrige, cause if marrigge is weak more children in trouble and more new wifes and that keeps on going!!u did not marry his kids or the ex and that inpplies mean u have to keep them all happy.if they complain dont feel guilt they did choose to divorce.
i cant take tha bullshit no more , the best interest for the child would the parents stay married,thats the best interessed. if you divorce and you remarry you have to consider the best interest of the marrige and i am afraid kids od previous marrige is far from best interest of the marrige they are a burden and nothing than trouble. raising kids not ur own is like you water the garden of your neighbour(and not any random neighbour the exes one!!)its like u work and u get no money and if you say why u dont get money they call yo ucrazy for asking moneyon top of it! my goshh!really it should be child support for second wifes!for being in that living hell!
but but instead again exes are rewarded!and with wot resault more divorce!!!cause those women get rewarded (as cesar milan sais reward your dog for his behavour and he is gona keep on doing) thats what happens with the ladies they get rewarder by divorcing ,moderns laws are reinforcing divorce they are not preventing it. i refuse to live this way for you guys who manage i admire you but i am glad i dont have to be through this.good luck
I know this is an old forum
I know this is an old forum but I just have to vent. My hunsbands ex is awful!!!!! I honestly wish she would just pack up and fly to a deserted island and get stuck there! She doesn't want to parent this wonderful little boy until she is in a relationship where she is happy (and then, only if the guy wants to be around SS) and when she's not with someone, she drops him off at DH's grandmothers house (bc until 4 days ago, we lived 300 miles away for DH's job) she calls my DH all. The. Timeeeee for stupid crap like when she can't get SS to behave so he can scold his son via phone and then when DH calls just to talk to his son, he's always 'busy playing' or 'not home' or something random an she proceeds to try to talk to DH like try are BFF's. He is civil to indulge being civil but he can't stand talking to her. ( DH is even edgy when he gets off the phone for a bit bc she puts him in such a bad mood). Oh ad I forgot to mention that she told several people that she used to be married to my DH. They dates on and off and she got pregnant while they were having break up hook ups. Big mistake for all ladies that have those 'meetings', can I get an amen?! My main thing though, is the way that she uses SS against DH to control him even if only a little. Like some twisted "Haha!! I've still got you by the kiwis" move. It's sick! And her little bf/fiancée thing that she has a new baby (less than 1 year old) with ha lots of money so even if we take her to court, we will end up getting screwed out of the very basic tiny bit of time we have with SS now on top of her waiting til DH gets a new job to try and squeeze more child support out of him so she can CONTINUE not working and milking food stamps even though her bf (as prev stated) has loads of money. She tells SS all sorts of bad things abt his dad (my DH) including calling him 'sperm donor' strait to SS face. Did I mention the child in question is only 8?!? She somehow found out we are married and having a baby before we told SS and proceeded to ask us when we were due (with ulterior motives so SS would just HAPPEN to be out of town or something) ugh!!!!!! Sorry for the long post but I just can't cent anywhere else. I can't stand this woman for personal reasons also but mainly because of what she puts my DH and my SS (HER BS) through. Some freakin' people!!!'
If he isn't being faithful to
If he isn't being faithful to the woman he is with now-and cheats with you, do you really think he was 100% faithful and honest when you were together? (Not really a question though, just something for you to think about).