Is being a step parent just too it worth it?
Hi everyone,
Firstly thank you to everyone who commented on my "should I pay for my SS's school fees" post. I cant tell you how wonderful it is to be able to talk to women who are going through the same issues as me. This site is a god send.
This time i have a more general question about being with a partner who has children from a previous relationship. I gues sthis will be more of a relevant question to those, like me, who are childless step parents.
Basically bf (who has a son who is almost 3) is at work at the moment. We were due to go out to dinner tonight. Half an hour before he is due home he calls me in a foul mood telling me that he is not comming home. That he is too angry and will "see me when he sees me". I asked what was wrong (i was really worried) and he said that he had just had a row on teh phone with his ex. Basically he bought his son a fish tank a few weeks ago and the fish keep dying. His ex called him up to tell him to come round and remove the newly dead fish (god knows why the woman cant just do it herself). Then my bf calls his ex's dad and asks him to do it. Then his ex calls him back and says she wants the fish talk out of the house as she cant handle having to look after three goldfish and their son (my god dont get me started!!!). Anyway, to cut a long story short bf is pissed off that his ex wants the tank gone as his son likes it and he doesnt want to see his son upset, which i understand.....but he is so angry and rude to me about it all im now angry myself.
Its not like this is the first time something like this has happened...he is alwats getting angry about issues with his ex regarding his son and im sick to teh back teeth with him taking it out on me and our relationship suffering.
I dont mean to sound selfish but i was looking forward to seeing him tonight and going out to dinner and now im stuck at home on my own (again) while he stays at work all night (he is a fireman so can stay at the station). All because he had a row with his ex over some stupid fish!!!
Arrrrrhhhhh! lol!
Does anyone else ever think to themselves that maybe we would be better off just packing our bags and leaving? Is it really worth all the drams of being with someone with baggage?
Its not all bad but im so tired of dealing with the aftermath of his old so tired and unhappy. All i want is for it just to be us...i know that sounds bad but its the truth (and thats the beauty of this site, i can be honest). Does anyone else just wish the child didnt exist (feel awful writing that).
Are there any women out there who in hindsight wish they had walked away.
So sad sat here, sorry about the doomy post...any replies would be great
first of all...keep the damn
first of all...keep the damn fish at your house and solve that problem. need to tell him that he puts you first.
what i would do is this..i would text him and say "sorry your anger with your FIRST wife is keeping you from spending time with ME. if you look at that you will see it is ridiculous. i am going out by myself on the town to enjoy the evening without you."
is it worth is though? my
is it worth is though? my husband is my soul mate but i wish ever day that his 1st son wouldn't exist to the point i'm also thinking of leaving. i need advice.
He has no right to treat you
He has no right to treat you badly because another woman pissed him off. I would not tolerate that from him. You need to set boundaries and let him know that you will not take the brunt of his ex being an ass. You didn't choose to have a relationship with her, he did and he has to deal with the consequences of that relationship without making you feel bad.
"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"
and seriously...he has not
and seriously...he has not seriously detached from that marriage if the ex is callign for himt o remove a fish and a)he has done it in the past b) he gets in a fight over a dead fish c) he would even consider going there to remove a fish and d) he called his ex FIL to remove the fish.
that would pretty much send me out the door.
OMG I had a good giggle at
OMG I had a good giggle at the "she cant handle having to look after three goldfish and their son".
Yes - I wish I had walked away - sorry. If I had known about this site and been able to come here for advice before marrying a man with children, I would never have married him. Although there are some people on here that are doing okay.
It will NEVER be just "us". I wish for that everyday also. NOT that I want any harm to come to any of the skids or BM - I just wish we could have met before they did.
my ex would do this as well.
my ex would do this as well. when bm or exsd would do something to piss him off, he would take it out on me.
maybe when he is calmer you can bring it up to him (in a non-confrontational way). then maybe he will stop.
The best answer I can give
The best answer I can give to this question is that sometimes it is worth it and sometimes it's not. There are days when things are wonderful and you feel close to your skids and truly believe that things will all work out ok and then there are days that you want nothing more than to run down the street screaming. Days when you feel lonely, resentful, angry, bitter and jaded and wish to GOD that you hadn't gotten into this situation. For me if the good days outweigh the bad ones then it is worth it....
Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin
The fish thing is
The fish thing is ridiculous. I gotta say, though, in the BM's defense - fish tanks are a lot of work. If I were a BM and my ex gave my small son a fish tank, I would be pissed -- because who is gonna have to take care of it? ME!
I'm saying that for another reason, though: your BF set something up that was gonna backfire on him. Now he's pissed. And who does he take it out on? You.
Is it worth it? Yes, IF:
1) You have a SO who puts you first and respects your feelings;
2) You have a SO who doesn't allow BM drama to invade your lives;
3) You have a SO who can think far enough in advance to understand causes and effects and how certain interactions with the BM and her household will impact your lives.
If he takes shit out on you, frankly, that's not a step problem. That's a your boyfriend being an asshole problem. If he takes things out on you, then no, it's not worth it. The BM drama just adds to an already not-worth-it situation and makes it potentially hell on earth. Dump him and find someone who knows how to treat you right.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
I was ready to walk away
I was ready to walk away when I found out I was, it was no trick...I had been told for over 15yrs I could not get pregnant because of a tumor I had...needless to say, DH was not happy that I was leaving...but I had already told him I could no longer put up with I was trying to get ready to get out or for him to find a place, I started feeling sick...I thought it was my tumor giving me problems again and it ended up I was pregnant...I have stayed for my child and yes, my DH is 95% of the time a great person...but had I not had a child, I would've cut my losses and moved on...
Hi Ladycakes, welcome! To
Hi Ladycakes, welcome!
To me.... yes it is worth it. And my situation is not easy or perfect, but I do have the support and love of my SO.
For you, I am only worried because I think this is all so new to your BF that he isn't fully adjusted yet to his life. I do think that the fact that he lets an argument about fish completely get to him to the point where he cancels a date with you... means that he is not fully emotionally distant from his ex. But that doesn't mean that he cares about her. It just means that he is still a little too close to all of that drama to be as "free" as he may need to be to commit to you. Does that make sense? After all, his son is only 3, so he probably isn't too far removed from the ex ... right? Even if he was never "with" her or married to her... they still just went through having a child together a short 3 years ago.
Having said that, please don't write him off as that he WILL be a "guilty daddy" or whatever you may read about on this site. That remains to be seen, as far as I can tell.
My questions for you are:
How much do you want to work at this? How many sacrifices do you want to make? And how many sacrifices can you make without getting bitter toward him or feeling that you "missed out"? How long has he been separated and how long have you guys been together? How much do you want this? Are you ready to give up your freedom as you know it? You are going to have to work around a child that is not yours. And some may say you don't have to.. but that's not reality. The reality is... if your DH is a good father, he may have to break plans with you because his son needs him, or he has his kid dropped on him by BM at the last minute, or he has no money because he is supporting his child. That all affects you and if it is going to drive you crazy, then maybe this isn't the life for you. You are going to have to deal with this man and his child AND HIS EX for the next 15 years - at least.
As much as I love my family, this is the hardest thing I have ever done. My life is not my life anymore. It's okay for me because I have a goal in mind.
(Hugs) girl... best of luck to you. Please let us know what you are thinking!
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
update Morning
Morning everyone,
well im sat here in tears again. Last night after he stood me up he went our for a few drinks with his work mates...then he text me and said why dont i come like a needy ideot i did. It was ok but in the car on teh way home he got angry about the whole fish situation and after i suggested that he was being rather disproportionatly angry over a dead fish he swore at me and said i was an insenistive stupid cu*t! Lovely hey??? All i said was why doesnt he move the tank to ours and therefore probelem solved. He said i didnt care about his son being upset and not having the tank there.....i cant bloody be honest maybe i am horrible...maybe i dont care...but its not that i dont just tired of all this drama!
This morning we woke up. i made him a cup of tea and asked how he was feeling. He went mental again and told me to move out today while he was at work. That he is going out with his mates tonight and i can basically f off! charming.
So he stormed off, drove to work....
so here i am packing my stuff in tears....
i dont know what to do. Do i fight for him or do i just walk away from a two year relationship i have gone through so much to be in.
please help me.
Honey, unfortunately, he is
Honey, unfortunately, he is doing you a favor. Take the hint and leave. Walk away. He is an asshole -- and any man who would call his GF a c*nt doesn't deserve a GF.
For God's sake, why would you want to fight for him? What is there to fight for? You could walk down the street and find a total stranger to treat you like crap any day of the week -- why hold on to THIS one?
Have enough respect for yourself to realize that this guy is a loser and that you deserve much, much better. If you go back to him now, it will only get much, much worse. Why? Because he dumped you and you came crawling back, begging him. So he will know that he can do whatever the hell he wants to you, and you'll put up with it.
Please, please, leave and don't look back. Six months from now you will be thanking God that you're not with him anymore.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
RUN, DON'T WALK, RUN, RUN LIKE HELL TO THE NEAREST EXIT!!! Don't ever let anyone call you names let alone a C..t If this is an indication of what your life will be like... run like hell.... If you can't make a simple comment about a fish..What will happen when you make a comment about his child..
Every one deserves someone that loves them and cares for them, and even thou thank God I have a good husband... Being a step parent is extremely hard at times....
You don't know it now... but
You don't know it now... but you will be SO much better off without him. He is abusing you!!! You merely suggested that he take the tank into your home. But BM calls and bitches him out and he takes it. If you stay then you will be his whipping post for the duration of your relationship.
I would pack up your things and just leave. Don't engage him. When you are gone, he will then realzie that the best thing in his life has just walked out of his life. Let that stupid drunking jerk off be by his self and let him be his ex's whipping post if that is what he chooses!!!
Sorry, but this really pisses me off!!! You just seem like a really good person and you don't deserve that crap!
thanks steve, Thank you for
thanks steve,
Thank you for your reply. I sent him a text asking if he really wanted me to stay or go and guess what. no reply.
im so sad, and im in the process of packing my things. i feel so lost and upset that a man i love so much could treat me like this...i mean how long does it take to send a text.
everyone says what you do...that im better off without just so frightened of being alone. which, is so stupid as i feel so alone even when we are together if that makes sense.
i really dont know what to do with myself....why is he so nasty, when i have done nothing wrong.
Why? Because he is an
Why? Because he is an abuser.
Read up on it. This doesn't have anything to do with you. It's about him.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
For me, yes I would do it
For me, yes I would do it again in a heartbeat and it is oh so worth it.
For you ???????? Not so much. IMHO.
The problem is that your DH is a child who has not grown up and takes his tantrums out on the one person who will tolerate him. In the case of your DH there is probably a reason why he has an XW and has to live apart from his kid. Though I am sure his XW is no gem either.
You do not deserve his crap and he is far from deserving of you. STOP PACKING YOUR THINGS!!!! Just call an emergency lock service and change the locks. That should provide your asshole husband with clarity when he gets home. Let him figure out where to live and you keep the house. He does not seem all that interested at being there anyway.
IMHO of course.
Good luck and best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
if only i could. its his
if only i could. its his place. we are not married. I have just been staying with him at his place.
he just text me and said its over...that im beautiful and young and will find someone that makes me happy but he has had enough (enough of what...ive done nothing wrong!!), oh and also that he doesnt want to ever get married or have anymore kids......fabulous! 2 years of my life wasted on a complete selfish bastard.
excuse my french but im so upset
Cakes, I am sorry to hear
I am sorry to hear that your SO is a prick. Time to go. I know you are hurting. I have been there myself. My own XW left me for a much older Fortune 50 executive. THe good news, her leaving is the best gift I have ever received. Now 20yrs later she is a worn out bitter hag and I am blissfully married to the most amazing woman on the planet.
I saw my XW not too long ago at a resaurant. She did not see me. I was there on business and she came in with her old assed husband, their three kids and my XILs. She looked like crap and had obviously not had a particularly happy life. It was all rather sad. I had married a vibrant, beautiful young woman and she had chosen to be this worn out lemon faced bitter looking crone.
I could not live that way. I choose to be happy no matter what. Interestingly I also ran in to my X SIL not all that long ago. She is 4 years younger than my XW, but is a happy vibrant beautiful woman. According to XSIL my XW is not happy, has not been happy for years, and pretty much wallows in her misery while insisting on sharing it with everyone. I guess that is the consequence of choosing to be an adulterous slut of little of no redeeming character. Though sad, it could not have happened to a more deserving person.
You, on the otherhand ........ will have a great life.
Rag's three day rule applies in this situation. This breakup will hurt terribly for three days. On day 4 you will wake up and feel a little better and each day after will be a little bit better than the previous day. Not to long from now this whole ordeal will be only an intermittent less than pleasant memory.
Just think, you are well in to day one. Less than three days to go until things start to feel better.
Hang in there. You will be fine. Your XSO on the other hand is likely destined to be a very bitter old man.
You too will find a person desearving of you as I did.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
StepAside, then you would be
StepAside, then you would be happy to kow my DH proposed by text.
::giggles:: Guess I should have known then huh?
Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.
pack and go. and maybe
pack and go. and maybe break some of his crap on the way.
My heart breaks for you.
My heart breaks for you. Take Rags' advice. His advice is so right on, there is nothing more that I can add. Please let us know how you're doing. I'm so sorry you're going through this.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
Lady Cakes - Honey -
Lady Cakes - Honey - Congratulations... Now you don't have to worry about making a tough decision - he made it for you. As Belle said, he did you a favor.
Believe me... I say this with all my heart... you will not only move on... you will have a better , happier , more fulfilling life!
When I read your update, I was going to write what I hardly ever write, and that is... GET OUT NOW! But now, I don't have to.
Chin up and lots of hugs and love to you girl. I once was devastated by a man so badly I did not date or sleep with anyone for 2 years. And then.... I opened myself back up to life and it was beautiful.
Think of what you don't have to put up with - the Ex... unsolicited anger... and him being a douche bag to you for no reason!
Yay! So again - congratulations!
((( HUGS )))
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
P.S. Lady Cakes - I thought
P.S. Lady Cakes - I thought of one more thing to add that may help you feel better about all of this.
Remember the way you felt when he stood you up? The way you felt when he called you a c*nt? The way you felt when you were crying and wrote that update?
Judging from what you have written, that is how you are going to feel for as long as you remain in this relationship with that man. IF you feel that you can overlook that despair for YEARS.... well, then honey, you may want to see a counselor.
But if you feel that you cannot live like that for years.. and believe me sweetie, it gets worse, not better as the child ages, different pressures mount, life happens and throws unexpected issues at you... if you cannot have that from him ... then this is the best decision for you.
Please don't be sad. Bittersweet? Yes, you gave 2 years of yourself to someone and it is ending on a bitter note. But you will learn and grow from this !
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Hello everyone, Thank you
Hello everyone,
Thank you all so much for all your advice and support and kind words, it means the world to me that you all took the time to write.
Well, its day two. Yesterday, i packed my stuff and went home. After his last text when he said "yes (did he want me to go) sorry but I cant take anymore of this shit, Im sure you will find someone nice who will worship you and make you the centre of their universe, take care"....i walked. I know this "nice text" was actually him saying to me that i wasnt important to him, that i wasnt the centre of his universe or anything near that. Thig is i never expected to be (although it would have been nice! lol!) probelem was always that I wasnt just second to his son (to be honest i expected to be...i know the child has to come first), i was just always upset that i came second to the BM. Her feelings were always more important than mine.
Last night i went and stayed with my mum...i slept on her sofa and cried a lot. Woke up at 4am after having a nightmare that he had kissed another girl last night (which he may well have done). I felt sick, but knew there was nothing i could do.
Today (day two) and he hasnt even sent me a text or called to see how I am...not a word. Im gutted, but at the same time i dont know what i would say to him if he did call. Im just upset that he will know how much i am hurting and he doesnt give a dam.
Your right though...i have to think about how i felt when he called me a cunt (i am in teh UK but believe me its just as much of a bad word as it is in teh states). How i felt when he stood me up (again) and how ive felt for a long time being in an abusive relationship.
I know its not my fault. I love him very much and wanted to make him happy. I supported him emotionally for two years and he just chipped away at my confidence. I wouldnt let a friend treat me like that so why have i let a partner? Never again....NEVER AGAIN!
The thing is that I am now just feeling so lost. For two years he has been the one i have called, text, spent practically all my time with and now i feel like a part of me is missing. I dont really know how to be without him, he has become my life (i know that is a little sad) but its true.
Do you all think that this really is the end of communication between us...will i never speak to him again? How can he do that? It baffles me!
There is one probelem...i have a lot of furniture round at i just wrire it off and forget about it or do i make contact with him about in after the dust has settled. Its only worth about £500/$800...but i am not rich! lol!
How do i rebuild my life so upset and that is teh stage i am in now...i dont know what i will be like this when i start missing all seems like its not real at the moment.
Whatever you do, don't use
Whatever you do, don't use the furniture you have there as an excuse to contact him. My suggestion would be to wait a little while until you are stronger emotionally, maybe a week or so, then email him or something completely non-personal (like not a phone call) and tell him you are coming to get it. When you get it, bring a friend or someone so that you don't get sucked back in, or start breaking down emotionally.
Then never look back.
Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.
Ladycakes, the best thing
Ladycakes, the best thing you can do right now is to resolve to NOT talk to him again. Because until you are COMPLETELY over him, any contact you have with him will make you start wishing things were different and hoping (completely unrealistically) that he will change. He won't change. You are, frankly, damn lucky that he hasn't called you. Why? Because you are still not strong enough to resist him. Face it: if he called you today and asked to see you, wouldn't you go trotting over there?
You need to stay completely away from him until you have enough strength back to say no to him.
I would wait even longer than TheWIfe says about your furniture. Or, better yet, have a couple of male friends or family members go get it for you. Do NOT make any plans to have any contact with him. If you must have your furniture back, yes, email him, but then turn the rest of it over to a third party to get the stuff back.
About that hole in your life where he used to be: call up some friends. SPend time with family. Go get a pedicure and a new hairstyle. Take up a hobby. You are a smart and successful person. Start focusing on you and how great your life can be if you make it that way.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
LadyCakes... In my opinion,
LadyCakes... In my opinion, it is now time for you to play a game with yourself and to help yourself work at getting past this.
I have done this myself and have also suggested it to friends going through a break-up.
From this point forward, for a while, please don't look at "big picture" future. For example, please don't look at the communication as "never again".
I would like to see if you can try to just get through each day and that is all you will concentrate on ... each day.
Wake up and think about what you have to do for the day, what your obligations are, when you can rest, etc. Take care of YOURSELF. And for every day that you don't call him, give yourself some kind of "reward". It can be anything. Going to bed early, a hot bubble bath, mani/pedi or whatever. You could even put $1 in a jar every day and then take that money after a month and buy yourself a new dress or pair of shoes!!
This is the mind over matter test... and you can do it. Some days will be harder than others, but you can do it. And eventually, it won't be hard at all... !!
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
excellent idea and advice!
excellent idea and advice!
LC, My most ardent hope for
My most ardent hope for you is that in fact you have had your last communication with the POS X. Let him be the one to agonize when you don't return his texts/calls/e-mails. You have a key, when he is at work go get your stuff. Take someone with you so take pictures of what you took and what you left. That way if he gets shitty with you in the future about what is his Vs what is yours you have some documentation/proof to take to court if neccessary.
Hang in there, it will start feeling better soon.
Good luck and best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
Ladycakes, I am so sorry
Ladycakes, I am so sorry that you're going through this - you absolutely DID NOT DESERVE how your BF (now exBF) was treating you. He was treating you this way because you have most likely allowed him to treat you this way in the past, am I close?? You had absolutely NOTHING to do with why he is pissed about the whole fish tank thing. The fish tank & everything surrounding it was just a "symbol" for how things are in his life since his divorce/breakup from his ex - CHAOTIC!!! He seems to just be a miserable person who was looking for someone to "control" since he didn't seem to have much control in his dealings with his ex.
I certainly agree with the above posters when they said your BF was not completely detached from his exW. I think we can all speak from experience about how a man acts & treats a woman that he loves with his WHOLE HEART once he is at that point. I'm sorry to say this, because I know how painful it must be to face, but it definitely appears that your BF was not over his ex. If they were completely detached (emotionally), he would really care less about his exW not wanting the fish tank there. He would've either just agreed to move it to his own house, which would've just solved the problem completely, or found another alternative that didn't involve his exW at all. The fact that he felt it was his place to find someone to remove the dead fish for his ex is a sign that he still needs to come to her "rescue" - she's the "damsel in distress" and he still feels obligated to "fix" things for her. If he didn't care about her anymore (other than just caring about the basic fact that she's his kid's mother), he wouldn't feel the need to "fix" things for her - he would just let her deal with it...and she eventually would've figured out how to remove the dead fish herself (or would've called someone else to do it for her). It's a classic manipulation tactic by a lot of exW's/BM's and your guy fell hook, line and sinker for it.
Then when things with his exW/BM go wrong, he takes it out on you - because you've probably been his "punching bag" (not literally) in the past and unlike BM, you take it and don't give him a hard time about it. Meaning it is much easier for him to risk pissing YOU off than it is for him to piss HER off and have to deal with her wrath.
You seem like a nice person and from your posts, you did absolutely NOTHING to deserve this. I agree with Stick above - try to remember all the things that made you feel unhappy & tired of it all to help you get through this - it will make it easier. Remember EXACTLY how you felt when you tried to help him and he called you a C*NT (totally unacceptable in my book, that's a dealbreaker), EXACTLY how you felt when he called you from the firehouse & stood you up for your dinner date because he had a fight with his ex, EXACTLY all the frustration of how you felt even though you don't DESERVE to feel that way, EXACTLY how you felt when you read his "breakup text" (which, by the way, he's nothing but a coward for texting that - be a man and say it to your FACE...oh wait, that would require him to actually have to FACE a problem and RESOLVE IT or at least DEAL with it instead of blaming YOU for everything).
So I suppose today is Day 2 1/2 or so for strong, keep going. Take ONE DAY at a time. DO NOT CALL OR TEXT HIM about your furniture. Let him wonder what you're doing, if you're going to come get the furniture, who you're spending your time with, etc... Let him simmer in his own stew. RESIST ANY URGE TO COMMUNICATE WITH HIM or you will be "pulled" back in. We can ALL certainly relate to how "empty" and "lonely" you're feeling - we've all been through a breakup & how it just sucks, there's no other way to say it. You may wonder if he's home, if he's at the firehouse, if he's with his son, what they're doing, but DON'T CALL OR TEXT HIM!! I agree with BB that it will just show him that he can treat you like shit and literally DUMP you and you'll still be there waiting for him and you'll take him back. No lesson learned.
I know you feel that you've "invested" 2 years of your life in him & all the drama that comes with him, and that you've tried to always do the right thing, but please don't see that as making 2 yrs. of mistakes. Try to see it as 2 years of a learning experience. We all take the good with the bad. You will learn from this. You will take from this breakup the lesson of exactly how you DON'T ever want to be treated in a future relationship. You will eventually look back and be proud of how you were and understand that the problems were HIS, not yours. You tried to love him no matter what "baggage" he came with, but he wasn't capable of appreciating you. Not your fault.
By the way, I have a soft spot in my heart for you - I, too, am a lawyer (or "solicitor" as you call it in the UK) and I, too, came from a "poorer" background and busted my butt to put myself through college, law school, the Bar Exam (which here in New York is VERY difficult to pass...and I passed on the first try!!). I know how it feels to work so hard for what you want in life. Also, I live with my BF and we live in his house also (dating for over 6 years, living together for 2) and coincidentally my BF is also a firefighter!! They say there are a lot of lawyer/firefighter or doctor/firefighter combinations out My BF was married to BM for 10 yrs. before me and they had 2 kids together (SD15 & SS12). Also, our BM seems to be just like yours - lazy, doesn't work, never tried to get an education or better herself, just lives off CS & leeching off of whomever else she can (I read your post asking if anyone felt YOU should help pay for SS's private education). I don't pay for ANYTHING for my BF's kids unless I want to treat them to something (i.e. ice cream to reward them for a good grade). His kids, his responsibility...and his ex's. If SHE cannot afford to go 1/2 on an expense for kids, I guess they have to do without - NO GUILT. That's called life. If BM chooses to not work or if she cannot afford to pay for something for HER kids, then that's on her, not you. You should NEVER feel guilty or obligated to his kids just because YOU bust your butt and earn a decent living - your hard work should pay off for YOU and you can do whatever you want with your $$$. If his ex won't go 1/2 with him, that's HIS problem, not yours.
I can relate to SOME of the aspects of your relationship because of those similarities, but NOT to the aspects of what seems to be abusive behavior (him yelling at you, calling you a C*NT, blaming you for "not understanding" his problems with the fish tank when you tried to help him, etc...). I think we ALL go through the doubting & questioning of whether or not a relationship will work after 2 years (especially when skids & psycho BM's are involved), and I can certainly tell you I did. But if my BF did any of THOSE things to me, it would've made my decision a lot easier, and I would've gotten out at that point - I would've RUN!!
Good luck & please don't hesitate to PM me if I can help you get through this. We're all here for you!!! Be strong!! I know you have it in you - by going through law school & becoming a lawyer, it takes DETERMINATION AND STRENGTH!! You have it, so USE it!!
Remember the old Milomom mantra: "You will only be treated the way you ALLOW yourself to be treated."
Morning everyone, Oh i had
Morning everyone,
Oh i had such a bad night last night. I was weak and perhaps very stupid...i dont know what to do next...maybe you can help me.
At about 10 last night i got a text from xbf! It simply said "Goodnight x". I was a bit taken aback and then to be honest i went on a total paranois trip about whether the text was actually ment for me or someone else.
So i text him back and said "was that meant for me? you ok x"
He text back and said " Who else woild it be meant for you ideot (knowing him thats him just joking and calling me silly, no mallace) no im not ok really feel very sad to be honest x "
I said "Im very sad too. Im a mess. Do you still not want me?x "
He replies "I just want you to know that I am thinking about you, dont hate you: far from it, just cant keep letting you get me wound up all the time. I know i have issues, who doesnt, but i get annoyed with their (BM and her family) stupidity and you should just let me be miserable for a bit and i would snap out of it x"
I replied "I am thinking about yoy too. I am so upset. I am staying with my mum. What do you want to do x"
He said "we'll have a chat dometime this week maybe go out for dinner one night maybe if you want x"
I said maybe, he said ok, get some rest, take care.
I really dont know how to play this now.
help a bit mentally not able to work out where to go from here!
*putting up road
*putting up road signs*
Do not play this at all. Go anywhere but back to him right now! Cunt is like the dirtiest word I can think of in the history of the English language (sorry, it's even nastier with a British accent), and this person who supposedly loves and cares about you whipped it out on you!
So you exchanged texts...not marriage vows...there is nothing there to be fixed between you two. Look at his text "...just can't keep letting you get me wound up all the should just let me be miserable for a bit". He is projecting his flaws onto you, and wanting you to be his enabler. You're a smart woman, emotionally attached to a boy-man with his anus where his mouth should be. God knows where his heart is...but it's definitely not where it should be, and that is NOT YOUR PROBLEM! Feel bad about this "weak moment", but don't let the guilt drag you farther down, okay?
We're all rooting for you!
Ladycakes: To be blunt, you
To be blunt, you are in for a lifetime of misery if you stay with this guy. This is what is called a "honeymoon phase" -- it is when an abuser, to re-establish control of the person he is abusing, gives her a crumb of kindness so she'll come groveling back. Usade is right: that phrasing "I can't let you keep getting me worked up" is soooo blaming you for his own problems. You did not get him worked up. He has a ridiculously out of control temper. If you go back to him, you are telling him that it is okay for him to treat you like this, and then to BLAME you for it.
It makes me physically ill to think that you might consider going back to this man. Please read up on emotional abuse.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
look at your words!!! "do
look at your words!!! "do you stillnot want me?"
you are groveling for the attention of a man who would beat you when you were down!
what are you doing? WHY???
As a guy who has been through several breakups during my life ........ I know one when I see one.
He is hurting and wants to feel better. But, more than anything he is going through Cake stuff withdrawals and wants a Booty Call.
Do not give back the few days of separation and healing that you have been through. Resetting will just force you to start over on the hurt and grieving when his juvenile crap starts up again. Tell him you are done and move on.
IMHO of course.
Good luck and best regards
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
Hi everyone. hanks again for
Hi everyone.
hanks again for putting up with me and giving me all your its so great to have this are all really helping me.
Today i got the wake up call i needed. Found out that noe ex bf has registered himself on an online "booty call" type website stating that he was looking for a "fun relationship". Im so hurt. While im greiving and crying he is trying to set up his next victim. Its a long story how i found out but sufice to say that i know now what i need to do.
I havent heard from him since last night but i guess he may still want to meet up on friday. I think what im planning to do is advertise my furniture on ebay and state the winner can collect it over the weekend. then go see him at his on Friday and just sit down and tell him that as we want different things and because he cant be the type of man i need then we have to agree that we both dont want this anymore. I dont like being dumped via text...i feel i need that closure. Im going to try and keep it short and sweet and polite...then at least i have my dignity.
what do you think....??
change fridays meeting to a
change fridays meeting to a public place like a coffee shop and you are good to go. no going to his turf.
Agreed. And also, plan an
Agreed. And also, plan an outing with friends for 1/2 hour later so you only stay for 15 minutes.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
Honey, closure is what
Honey, closure is what people who want to negotiate terms say when they don't want to admit the truth. You're hoping he will talk you out of it. You're hoping that something magical will happen and he will agree with you and tell you he loves you and give the worth you think you deserve from him. He may even follow through. And instead of getting rid of him and getting closure, you'll get sucked right back in. You'll lose more dignity by showing up and letting him have the pleasure of seeing that you're hurt and want / need something from him. You don't need closure. You'll never get what you want from him. You want him to admit he was wrong and that he'll miss you. the only way he'll do that is if he thinks that is what he needs to say to change your mind and he'll go right back to being a douche bag and you'll be kicking yourself and then looking for more closure. You could chase that "closure" forever while he moves on and abuses a string of women behind you.
If you want dignity, walk away and leave him to wonder why you never showed up to kiss his egotistical ass.
"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"
EXACTLY what I was thinking. I was trying not to say it because I felt I was being blunt enough.
But it's true, Ladycakes: you're telling yourself you want "closure." We can all tell that's not what it is. You want him to take you back.
Do yourself a favor and don't meet him. Walk away. Be done. Meeting with him again just gives him more power to treat you like shit and feel good about it.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
LC, I think your need to
I think your need to meet and agree for "closure" is bargaining. Take a look at the stages of grief below. Though tailored for the death of a loved one, the stages are the same for the demise of a relationship.
Do some research and learn about what you are going through.
I suggest the following book. It was a Godsend when I was dealing with the demise of my first marriage.
Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself (Paperback)
~ Melody Beattie
Hang in there and best regards,
You will probably react to learning of the loss with numbed disbelief. You may deny the reality of the loss at some level, in order to avoid the pain. Shock provides emotional protection from being overwhelmed all at once. This may last for weeks.
As the shock wears off, it is replaced with the suffering of unbelievable pain. Although excruciating and almost unbearable, it is important that you experience the pain fully, and not hide it, avoid it or escape from it with alcohol or drugs.
You may have guilty feelings or remorse over things you did or didn't do with your loved one. Life feels chaotic and scary during this phase.
Frustration gives way to anger, and you may lash out and lay unwarranted blame for the death on someone else. Please try to control this, as permanent damage to your relationships may result. This is a time for the release of bottled up emotion.
You may rail against fate, questioning "Why me?" You may also try to bargain in vain with the powers that be for a way out of your despair ("I will never drink again if you just bring him back")
Just when your friends may think you should be getting on with your life, a long period of sad reflection will likely overtake you. This is a normal stage of grief, so do not be "talked out of it" by well-meaning outsiders. Encouragement from others is not helpful to you during this stage of grieving.
During this time, you finally realize the true magnitude of your loss, and it depresses you. You may isolate yourself on purpose, reflect on things you did with your lost one, and focus on memories of the past. You may sense feelings of emptiness or despair.
7 Stages of Grief...
As you start to adjust to life without your dear one, your life becomes a little calmer and more organized. Your physical symptoms lessen, and your "depression" begins to lift slightly.
As you become more functional, your mind starts working again, and you will find yourself seeking realistic solutions to problems posed by life without your loved one. You will start to work on practical and financial problems and reconstructing yourself and your life without him or her.
During this, the last of the seven stages in this grief model, you learn to accept and deal with the reality of your situation. Acceptance does not necessarily mean instant happiness. Given the pain and turmoil you have experienced, you can never return to the carefree, untroubled YOU that existed before this tragedy. But you will find a way forward.
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
Success is rarely final.
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
LC, Dear Abby had some
Dear Abby had some advice on her column recently that you may find useful.
DEAR TORN APART: When a man tells you things have moved too quickly and he needs time and space, that is what you have to give him. He may care for you, but unless you give him the chance to miss the comforts you provide him, what you want won't happen. And the harder you try to cling, the more it will drive him away.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
Hi everyone, Happy easter. I
Hi everyone,
Happy easter.
I need one last bit of advice.
I am meeting him tonight for dinner (maybe not the best idea but i feel i need to as i want to say goodbye).
I want to know what you all think i should say to him....i want him to know that this relationship failed bacuse of his attitudes and the way he treated me...when i did nothing but love and support him and want to be a part of his life.
So...what shall i say tonight....
Please help heads spinning! I feel so lonely and i really would love for us to get back together but i know nothing has changed and if i sytay im setting myself up for a lifetime of coming THIRD and never being respected....
"I want you to know that
"I want you to know that this relationship failed because of your attitude and the way you treated me. Nothing will change if I stay and I would be setting myself up for a lifetime of coming third and never being respected. Have a nice life. Bye".
Yes, I suppose say that.
Yes, I suppose say that. But recognize that he won't hear you.
One of two things will happen if you meet him for dinner tonight.
1) He is going to turn on the charm and try to get you back under his thumb -- hence he'll say "Oh, honey, I am so sorry, I've been miserable without you, please take me back" and agree to every thing you say. And if you have given him this opening to say this, then secretly you must be hoping he'll say "You're right." So, please know that you are putting yourself at risk of getting back together with his sorry, worthless ass if you go in there hoping that he will hear you. He won't, but he will pretend to if he wants to get you back so he can start using you again.
2) He will argue with you and say it was all YOUR fault. And if you allow him to argue, and try to get him to see your point of view, well, then, you are fighting a losing battle. So, there, you are just setting yourself up to be frustrated and upset -- you will not get the closure you seek in that case, either. All that will happen is that he'll see you're still upset that you are no longer together, which will feed his ego and leave you feeling miserable.
If I were you, I would cancel on him. You owe him nothing, and there really is nothing for you to gain from this. But if you do feel you need to go, I would not discuss the relationship at all, make the meal as short as possible, and say what you say only at the end. Followed by "goodbye." Giving him the chance to respond will only end you up in one of the two scenarios I listed above.
Good luck on your decision, and keep us posted.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
"Meal"?! LOL It's a sick
"Meal"?! LOL
It's a sick habit some of us have...wanting to have closure. I'm guilty of that, too. I'm guilty of a lot worse, come to think about it lol But I really hope LC thinks long and hard after reading your post...she must know you're right. When I read your post, I think both situations will happen. He will blame her AND tell her how miserable he's been without her...and of course, that will also be her fault.
I hope she walks in, looking fine and sassy, up-beat, says what she needs to say and just walks right back out!
I would say he needs to
I would say he needs to separate himself from this situation with BM. He doesn't need to speak to her if she's going to be so rude and just upset him. He should just not talk to her unless she is going to be decent. He definitely doesn't need to be going over there and helping her get rid of the fish. Let that woman do it herself. Sounds like he is still caught up in an old fight and is not ready for a new relationship.
Hello everyone, Happy easter
Hello everyone,
Happy easter Sunday.
Update on last went well in some aspects and badly in others. The poster who said it would go one of two ways was right...he made me feel like our relationship breakdown was indeed mostly all my fault. Now im confused and would like to think that im not that immature that i cant at least examine his POV.
Anyway, it went well last night in that i walked in to teh bar we were meeting in and he couldnt keep his eyes off me ( i had made abig effort and looked pretty etc). He kept staring and finding excuses to touch my hand etc. Then he kept saying why do i have to be so pretty and beautiful etc....i think he was hoping that i would look rough etc so it would be easy for him to wave goodbye! lol! Anyway, we wnt to dinner and chatted about everything. I told him that i felt disrespected, like i always came third and that i didnt trust him (becise of various things he has done). But to cut a long story short he said that I had a big probelem with Sam (his ex) when there was no need for me to have one. He said that he left her for me (which he did) so i shouldnt feel jealous or insecure as if he wanted to be with her then he would be. I get this but at the same time just because he doesnt want to be with her that does not mean that he can do things relating to her that upset me. Yes he wants to be with me but should that mean that my feelings regarding the fact that he is always running around after her and the fact that he goes round to her place all the time! She still wants to be with him so surely this is wrong.
He said that i was too imature to accept that she will always be in his life because they have a child together. The truth is though, and i admit it, is that to a large part, i dont want her to be. I know she always will be but i dont see why it cant be in contect. If they have something important to discuss about their son then so be it but does he have to be texting her every 5 mins (even if it is about their child) and does he have to still be so involved with her? Im a tad confused.
Today he has arranged an easter egg hunt at teh fire statin where her works for his son and all the other kids of the firemen. So his ex is taking their son down there today. I know i shouldnt have a probelem with this but i dont like it...yet another thing im not included in. Yet another special occasion where its all about his son, his ex and hot me. Then again what would i really feel like a lemon if i was going anyway! Im just upset and more to the point only upset because he only told me about it after testing my reaction and saying "ok, i will tell you the truth about tomorrow"...."she is bringing him down for the blah blah blah".
Honestly i just too imature for all this or is the level of interaction he had with his ex unacceptable as he is with me.
just venting
1) it is unacceptable. 2)
1) it is unacceptable.
2) you are not immature
3) he completely disrespects you
4) he makes no effort to include you in a family life
5) he disrespects you
6) he plays victim
7) he disrespects you
9) you are now officially wasting your time
10) he disrespects you
oh...and please say you did not go home with him. all he values from you is please say you did not disrespect yourself.
"The best answer I can give
"The best answer I can give to this question is that sometimes it is worth it and sometimes it's not. There are days when things are wonderful and you feel close to your skids and truly believe that things will all work out ok and then there are days that you want nothing more than to run down the street screaming. Days when you feel lonely, resentful, angry, bitter and jaded and wish to GOD that you hadn't gotten into this situation. For me if the good days outweigh the bad ones then it is worth it...."
Ditto this 100%
Ugh. Ladycakes, seriously.
Ladycakes, seriously. Stop letting him blame you and string you along. Read my post about one of two things happening: He did BOTH! he is trying to lure you back (and succeeding) so he can keep using you, AND blaming you for all the problems.
Either you will walk away from this toxic man and toxic situation now, and move on in your life to something better, or you will go back to him, and it will just keep getting worse and worse and worse until you leave him 3 years from now, or 5, or 10, having needed that much more time and that much more abuse to convince you that this is not worth it.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
Ladycakes, here is my
Ladycakes, here is my perspective after having been a step-mother for 11 years.
This whole thing is only worth it IF and only IF your relationship with your partner is really really good. It has to be gold; otherwise, no it's not worth it at all. Of course, no relationship is perfect, I know that but in general, the good needs to overweight the bad.
Your partner has to be fully supportive of you when it comes to his kids, he should always be on your side, unless you do something really wrong of course, he should always have your back and he shouldn't allow his ex or his kids interfer with his relationship with you. Ever.
This is what I have with my DH and I wouldn't have it any other way. To be honest, I wouldn't put up with the stuff your fiance is putting you through. If things are like this now, trust me, they are not going to get any better when you are married.
So, if I were you, I would evaluate your relationship with your fiance very thoroughly and decide if HE is worth all the pain and struggle you are about to go through. Being a step-mother is an awful job I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy (well, maybe on a worst enemy I would
and it sounds like you have a BM from hell, so your life is not going to be easy, I guarantee you that.
I don't believe the way your fiancee is treating you is right. I would address it with him directly. You need to be strong; otherwise, you are signing up for a life of misery. You need to respect yourself and value yourself and not let anyone make you feel like you are not important or second best.
And no, you are not being selfish for wanting to spend a nice romantic night with your partner! Every relationship HAS to have that to survive!
I agree with others - this
I agree with others - this is not a step issue. Nobody should treat you this way. NOBODY. It doesn't matter how much you love him, this is unacceptable. You should leave without ever looking back. No matter how hard it is, no matter how much it hurts. This is an emotionally and verbally abusive relationship; it's not healthy. Please respect yourself and realize that you deserve much better than this!