$ above CS - other perspectives needed
Hi Everyone
New to the site but not a new SM. I've had an SS for 8 years and he is now 11y.o. I've been on SP forums before but after awhile I didn't like the one I was on so haven't been on for awhile. Today, however, I find that I need to get the perspective of others. This past Christmas we had a pretty bad situation and I found myself a v strong stance on it w my DH that caused me and my DH a lot of stress individually as well as tension btwn us (it's all good now though we got through it and we had a small win to boot!) I won't go into too many details on that situation bc what I need to gain some perspective on is something that happened today - although I will need to give bkgrd that does tie into the Christmas debacle. I apologize if this gets wordy but I feel details need to be known in order to get the best opinions on the situation. Long story short on the ex relationship - my DH and the BM were never meant to be together and she has a history of nagging and nagging until she gets her way. This resulted in their marriage that he left after 3 months and moved o/s, she still followed resulting in my SS. My DH is obviously not w/o fault here- he allowed her to manipulate him. He was young and weak in that he always gave into her, basically to shut her up. She still uses these tactics today and he as well as I on occasion have given in. She nags and picks until we are too tired to "fight back" and we just give in to what she wants.
We have grown a lot and learned a lot in or dealings w her - we've accepted that she is a "part" of our lives that we must deal with and so we know that we must choose our battles to keep the peace. While we don't always like communicating w her (in fact she and DH can barely have a conversation over 5 mins! They both avoid any communication by phone or by email) we are always willing and open to discussion/negotiation. After all we understand that we must give a little. IMHO she has not realized this and does not appear to ever want to discuss anything - it is always her way or no way.
My SS and his BMs family (she has a defacto partner and a BD w him) moved to a city 1.5 hours by flight away from us. SS visits us in our city so he can also visit w my in-laws. Since he was 5, one of us has flown up to his local airport, met SS and BM at the airport, taken SS back to our city, had our visit, flown him back home then flown back (ie 3x Roundtrip tix) and we've paid for it all. How we got to this arrangement is another story. He is now 11 and she will not allow him to fly on his own as unaccompanied minor (ie airhost chaperone gate to gate). This costs us in tix alone anywhere from $600-$900 (obviously on top of CS) not mention rides to and from airport and the time it takes.
***now to the current situation*** She wants DH to contribute $450 (half the total cost) for SS to go on his 7th grade class trip. Even the way she "asks" for the $ was cold and demanding - "I would llike to see "BS" attend however would require your fianancial participation by way of contributing half these costs."
One should note the last time DH dropped SS off to her after Christmas visit she did not acknowledge DH in any way physically or verbally - no "hi" or nod of the head. She looked right past him. Talk about mature! At the pick up atthe beginnig of that visit, even after the massive blow out we had w her, I made small talk and wished her a Merry Christmas, gave her a card and a mini Christmas pudding for the family. After all of that she had the nerve (although i could tell she was slightly uneasy saying it to me) to say to me that future visits req pickup from her house bc it was inconvenient for her to bring SS to the airport. IOW, we'd have to rent a car or get a taxi to her house to pick up SS and of course allow enough time to get back to catch a flight back! She has not spoken to DH since that last drop off save 3 sentences initiated from a call that DH made to her when a natural disaster less than 2 miles from their house threatened their suburb - she didn't even text to say they were OK. After everything that has happened in the last 8 years we at least give her some respect; she is afterall SS' mom. All we ask for is civility and some maturity in return.
She makes contact only when she wants $ above CS from DH. DH said maybe we should give her $200. But I made the decision today that I will not allow any additional $ to go to her - yes I know the $ is going towards SS but she is not short on cash. She also works for her partners company which enables her to keep her salary to a minimum for CS purposes. I said our response to her should be "Our current arrangements for "BS" to visit me and his family here are costly. The amount you have asked for is just under half the amount it costs us for a visit. If we can discuss other arrangements for future visits we will be better able to consider some contribution." Something to note this exact same situation happened in Oct last year (she req $250 for another school camp) and at that time DH said to BM - if you allow BS to fly at least one way on his own I will be more in a position to contrib $ towards the camp - and she still said no!
After all of that I'm not sure I have a question per say but would like thoughts on the situation from people no directly involved. I know there are some "battles" we have to let go but I always feel we are the ones who give way. I don't want to continue to do that at the same time I feel guilty bc DH gets it from BM who he unfortunately hates w a passion to put it lightly and he gets stressed bc I won't let him give in to her tactics. I in a way feel guilty as well b ultimately I know our decisions affect SS (somehow she continues to fail to realize this). I am 100% sure that he will not miss out on the trip if we don't contribute ad I know she won't be hurting if she sends him. I DO want him to go. It would be easier to seperate from this if there wasn't $ involved but that contribution affects me too. We've cut back on things in order to reach specific financial goals that we have. Buying all the tix for visits is always a challenge but we always look for some way to make it happen so that visit takes place.
I know this is a lot and if you made it this far in my rambling I thank you for "listening". I dont have anyone to talk to - all my friends are Bparents or not parents. The last time I spoke to someone about it i was told to grow up and to stop being selfish, that I made the decision to be in this relationship! Well, that person is now dating someone w 2 kids! It's sometimes difficult to even talk to my SIL about it even though she knows BM and all the bkgrd details. Just writing this has made me feel a little better. I welcome any thoughts - as I said I need some perspective so we can consider our options and the best and most tactful way to respond. Thanks in advance!
BM is delusional. Why is an
BM is delusional. Why is an 11 yr old still getting escorted by a parent on a plane? I know SD15 was flying by herself around that age, but they were direct flights only, which meant an hour or so driving on either end. At 14, (or nearly) she was taking connections as an unaccompanied minor. This year at 15, she won't need to fly as an unaccompanied minor, so no more fees.
I will say that the last time I "met" BM, I ignored her presence and walked right by her. But that's my prerogative - I didn't marry the bitch and breed with her. DH can deal with her.
Stand fast - no more cash to BM.
Not rambling at all! Thanks
Not rambling at all! Thanks for your reply. It helps to hear I am not the only one w this type of situation - of course we all know that's the case but sometimes in these situations one can feel v alone! So I really appreciate your thoughts.
Thanks for the comments and
Thanks for the comments and support! Sometimes I doubt my feelings and think I might be acting selfish. I will stand my ground and ask DH to do the same. He knows we can't do it financially anyway - I think he just wants to avoid the confrontation and the fallout. I can understand that, bc it gets pretty bad but he has to learn to deal w her and say no, regardless of how much she nags and nags and nags (we've even had her partner contact us bc when she couldn't bitch at us further she turned on him!) I am proud of him bc he has changed the way he use to deal w her and I think she sees that and it worries her bc she knows she is losing "power" and her immature actions don't stand a chance against my DH anymore but she knows no other way (learned from her mother unfortunately). She knows that it doesn't work on me so she doesnt like to communicate w me.I only deal w BM behind the scenes and in person on the rare occasion.
I'll update w the outcome soon.
Is it in the court order that
Is it in the court order that you have to pay all the transport? Traditionally it is split. Or did your dh move away from them? Even so, you are paying a large chunk of change and I would try to have something modified here. Either attempt to modify your support since you are paying sooo much for visits or ask for her to pay half, or at least get it in the order that you can send him as an unaccompanied minor with pickup at the airport.
In our area, it only cost us about 600.00 to modify our court order, both cs and visitation. That may seem like too much if you are struglling, but if it saves you transportation costs for many years to come it is worth it. I would seek a free consultation and see what you can do.
As far as 450 for a school trip-first off-WTH? What kind of school does the kid go to? My dd is in 7th grade and is having two trips this year-the first to a local state park that was free and the next is to a city several hours away in which they will stay in a hotel and go to an acquairium and out to eat and such. They did fundraisers for the activities and I think the required cost for a parent is around 100.00. But is 450.00 is half of yours that would mean parent contribution is 900.00? That's pretty steep. Are you sure this is even accurate? I would want information from the school before I would even remotely consider somethng like this. And truthfully, I would still say no (but I would want to know if she was being honest). Your dh pays cs already-that is what cs is for-expenses for the child. My guess is she knew about this trip for a long time-if money was tight she could have been putting back a portion of the cs each week to save for your dh's share of the trip, while of course taking her share out of her salary.
Well........ My dd18 flies to
My dd18 flies to see her dad by herself now. She has flown for almost 5 years- until she was ready to fly on her own we drove and met halfway. I was the BM that said you moved- you pay and you will be on the plane with her not SM and not SF- because if that plane would go down you had better die with her otherwise I'll hunt you down.
I always felt like my support was more than enough but there were times I had to ask for extras. Braces and yes half the 700 trip- actually exh wanted me to go on the trip so he paid for one ticket and I helped DD with the other (we did fund raising as well). The class ring I asked for help on as well.
He does a ton of extra though its always very much appreciated and I've always called to say thank you
As a SM we don't do a lot of extras. For starters its a demand and not an ask. If we couldn't it wasn't an I understand it wqas you are a lousy dad and you wonder why your kids hate coming to see you. We did extras she just didn't like what we did. We did: clothes, Shoes, winter coats, SD showed horses- we had the horse and paid for 99% of that activity.
You have to do what you are comfortable with- but I would look into the legal aspect of the visitation. Refusing to meet you at the airport is stupid and petty
And I was a kid that flew halfway across the country to see the other parent - walking unto that plane was like qwalking into a gas chamber the walk never ended and leaving the NC was very very very hard. And it leaves scars.....
Our orders are actually diff
Our orders are actually diff to what we are currently following by way of visits. They are actually worse but worded in a way that if we can't agree to anything outside if that then we follow what's in the order. They are also worded in a way that put the financial responsibility on DH and BM goes back to that every time. We have tried offsetting w CS but they say that bc it's in the orders we can't do anything. To alter the monthly CS would start a bigger blow up and we've decided it's not worth it. She makes things difficult as it is. We have thought about changing them for better wording for both parties. There is a discrepancy detrimental to her benefit as well and we have pointed that to her attention but she refuses to listen. She's not exactly sharp and let's her bitterness and hatred of my DH cloud her judgement. We'd like to be able to come to some mutual agreement w her and would req mediation to assist w that which we can do on our own but she won't agree to that so we would end up in court and they will order us to go to mediation anyway (we live o/s). But it may v well come to that this yr.
Have just sent an email to BM saying that paying for visits is already difficult so we will not contribute. DH and I always agree on our position and what our response will be bc it does affect me too. She doesn't understand that and hates it. She always gets angry bc she says she never knows who she is "talking" to (we have to always email otherwise there is too much yelli and neither party can spk) but reality is we always agree and DH asks me to write the response that we have agreed upon (bc he is so busy and can't get to it as easily as I can) but I always BCC him in on it. She has a partner but he stays out of all of it until he is forced to get involved. He once said to DH that he doesn't know what she does w CS.
Re the trip - it is actually $900 she sent the form w info and price bc she knows we would want proof. Anyway we'll see what happens. I think this is a good opp for SS to learn about $ and if he really wants to he will need to figure out a way to help w costs - maybe a toy sale. We will tell him that bc she won't encourage him. Will update soon!
UPDATE BM came back w an
BM came back w an unexpected response. I thought she would bitch about how DH doesn't give any money and that BS wants to go on the trip and that he should contribute - like she did the last time. All she said was "Thanks" BUT THEN in the same email she said "on a sepreate note "BS" may require braces in the future. Value is around $5000 I believe. You mentioned you have taken out private health that includes "BS". Can you please advise on what the coverage would be for braces and who the cover is with please?"
I was confused about exactly what she was asking. She's not exactly a wordsmith. So I took the liberty of replying for clarification so that DH and I can discuss later when he is free. I asked if she was looking to get private health for herself and wanted to compare the prices OR if she was asking exactly what our particular plan covers -i.e., when the time comes will she want to use OUR private insurance.
Her reply: "I'm asking that when the time comes that "BS" goes through your private health fund"
I don't believe the premiums we pay are affected in price whether we have SS on it or not. But I think the amount we are given for dental will be affected (regardless of who it is for as I don't think it is valued per person, rather per family) which I'm obviously not willing to give up.