My new wife isolates herself and ignores my children when they visit every other weekend. Help
I am a divorced father of two children and this is my first post. I have been remarried for two years with my new wife but we have only lived to gether the last year as she is from Latin America. We have a new born baby 3 weeks old and I have a step daughter 8 years old. My b-son is 12 and b-daughter is 9. The two girls play well together and fight very little. seems to me every time my kids come for the weekend my wife starts some kind of fight for whatever reason and isolates herself in our bedroom most of the time except to eat. When my bio kids leave she returns to normal. She is also mad at me when they are at my house and threatens to take our baby and fly back to South America whenever my kids come. She never attend any soccer games of my kids and does not let me take my stepdaughter to the games, movies etc.. with my bio kids. Seems she is dividing us from being a family. It tears me apart as I am good to my step daughter whom I support 100% as her bio father lives abroad and sends no child support whatsoever. I took her and all the kids to Alaska and she was awful to be around (she was pregnant) She even admitted this to one of her friends that she not nice to be around because my bio kids came. She always says that I put her and her daughter last but this is not true at all. Any guidance / support is appreciated thanks..
See if you can recognize
See if you can recognize yourself in this article (as the biodad with kids from previously enjoyed family); if not then you may have picked the wrong woman to be with:
Thanks I will be sure to read
Thanks I will be sure to read that.
I want to also add to my post that not only does my wife Disengage herself she does this with our newborn by limiting access of the baby to my children while letting my step daughter interact with the baby in our bedroom and down stairs but when my kids come over she keeps the baby in the bedroom with her. One time I took my bio kids to the bedroom to see the baby and asked if we could let my kids hold him her reply was no the baby is not a Doll! OMG I can’t believe this behavior for this is not the woman I met two years ago she said she would love my kids etc...
Hi, My two kids 9 and 12 have
My two kids 9 and 12 have good hygiene and are use to being around babies. They are respectful and well behaved but a little on the shy side.
My wife’s negative behavior toward my kids started after she got pregnant and the more concessions I made of her demands the worse she got. We bought a new car together and she told me she did not want my kids riding in her car. She lets her 8 year old daughter have access to the baby even though she is very immature and constantly wants to pick up the baby.
Then you should consider
Then you should consider asking her to go to counseling. You need to find out what is going on with her. She needs to figure out what is going on with her.
If she won't go, you can go by yourself to find ways to deal with the situation. I wish you luck.
I'm not trying to pick sides
I'm not trying to pick sides at this point. But, have you asked her why she feels uncomfortable with your kids around the baby? I ask because I have a new baby and my SD10 is not allowed to hold her. I cringe inside when she is near her. But when I first had her some things happened that caused this. I say the same thing. My daughter is not a toy. I don't feel like my SD10 has a right to my daughter especially when she can't respect my rules/feelings. My niece is absolutely allowed to hold my baby but I know if I tell her something she will listen. Maybe try to get to the bottom of why she is so nervous. I can tell you it is a horrible feeling to have your child in the hands of a skid you don't trust. My SO doesn't understand because his daughter acts really different around him but he does respect my feelings and he always holds the baby wile he lets them interact.
(have you asked her why she
(have you asked her why she feels uncomfortable with your kids around the baby?) She just says the baby is not a toy. But she does not mind her little girl holding and kissing the baby but when my kids are over for the weekend she just shuts herself in our bedroom and does not let the baby come downstairs. It’s like she does not want my kids to have any relation to our baby.
I'm confused here. Isn't
I'm confused here. Isn't this YOUR baby too? There's NO way my husband would allow me to act this way with our baby, AND I wouldn't want to be holed up in my bedroom for hours at a time. BUT, I have really great skids, and wouldn't hesitate to let them hold, feed, and change diapers. BUT, I had my tubes tied a long time ago, so this will never be an issue for us. I did recently get custody of my granddaughters and the skids are great with them. They help with baths, going to the bathroom, brushing their hair, getting them dressed/undressed, etc.... I'm just picturing myself in your situation and I think it's quite mean of your wife to do this to YOU and your children. I think that there is a bigger issue here than having a new baby.
She sounds like how I plan to
She sounds like how I plan to be when I have a baby. Sorry this is happening to you. I imagine there is a reason though.
me too maux! but still
me too maux! but still trying. damn uterus.
I would prefer skids not be too involved with the new baby. They are so much older and I don't like how they were raised. I plan to have an educated empathic child. Not someone who doesn't take school seriously and makes fun of everything (including the mentally disable kids at school). Appalling values.
Yes of course there is a
Yes of course there is a reason for that and I believe its extreme jealousy.
(She sounds like how I plan to be when I have a baby.) but why would you want to be like that?
She's probably jealous of the
She's probably jealous of the relationship you have with your kids and wishes her family included just you and "her" kids.
Some people are not cut out to be stepparents. It probably would have helped to find this out before you married her.
Why not just ask her if she likes your kids and if it bothers her to have them around?
I think your right she just
I think your right she just wants our family to be her and her kids only. She said when my kids come over her space is invaded but her daughter lives with us and I don’t feel this way about hers..
I believe that honesty is
I believe that honesty is best. You must confront her about her behaviors. If she just chooses to dodge the questions or refuse to answer...or her answer is YEs I don't like your kids..then you may want to think about a seperation or family therapy...don't give up many people give up. Good luck and know that you can always vent on here.
I have confronted her she
I have confronted her she always dodges the questions gets angry and then shuts up like a clam cutting of all communication with me. I feel how she treats my kids ignoring them like they don’t exist is abusive sometimes she will come down cook her daughter breakfast and ignore me and my two kids. She did this many times
It would be important to know
It would be important to know how often your kids are in the house. Are they there half the time, meaning this is an issue for a signifcant portion of your life, or are are only there rarely? If your kids are around once in a blue moon and your wife can't stand them and hangs out in her room, maybe not such a big deal as if this happens all the time.
Also, this is important. I am a SM to a boy about your boy's age. He is an immature, emotionally retarded, malipulative, needy get my point. His father naturally thinks he walks on water and is a perfect, innocent and brilliant little angel. No matter what his behavior, my BF either finds it funny or cute or more likely, the work of a young Einstein. The boy has no chores, no responsibility. His only role in the house is to be waited on hand and foot by his dad (no way in hell will I pamper him like that). Where am I when the skid is over? Somewhere else! I cannot stand skid and I cannot stand how my BF "parents" him. My point is do not mention at all how your kids act around or treat your wife or how you treat your wife when they are there. You mention that she says you always make her and her daughter last. She has shared these feelings with you, so obviously your behavior and actions are making her unhappy. I know what its like to disappear in his eyes the moment his precious angel walks through the door. IT SUCKS! Does your wife treat you like sloppy seconds when her daughter is around? I am guessing not. I imagine that if you were listening (very crucial, my man will not hear it) your wife will tell you or tries to tell you why she doesn't like your kids or what about their behavior (or yours more likely) makes her lock herself in her room. If you listen to her, you may realize that she has a point, and maybe you can even improve your children by listening to what your wife has to say (again, to my bf, his kid is perfect and cannot possibly improve). Maybe there is a reason that your wife feels that your baby is not safe around your children. She has a maternal instinct to protect that baby, so maybe you should respect that instead of dismiss it. 12 year old boys aren't exactly the picture of grace, and I wouldn't want one handling my newborn. Instead of patting yourself on the back for interacting with her daughter, maybe you should listen to what she has to say about your children. If she is being nice and excusing herself rather than giving you an earful about your kids that you don't want to hear, then ask her. She will be flattered that you care about her opinion. Don't be defensive, just listen.
And lastly, about the vacation...the thought of a "family" vacation with BF and skid literally gives me nightmares. Totally stuck, with no way to escape, while he caters to his kid's every whim while I stand around like a moron waiting for one speck of time or attention. Oh gag. If your wife went along at all, while pregnant, and was "awful to be around," consider yourself lucky. There isn't much more stressful than being pregnant and stuck with skids for an extended period of time. It seems that your wife isn't so much the monster you want us to think she is, just a woman with a new baby, trying to do her best in an unnatural and unpleasant situation. I hope you can be her partner and her friend and an advocate for the mother of your new baby by listening to her and respecting her feelings and needs. Work with her, don't just bitch about her.
Forever and me know
Forever and me know whats going on here aye?
'And lastly, about the vacation...the thought of a "family" vacation with BF and skid literally gives me nightmares'. so funny....
Could you imagine....we have taken DH's delingquent children with us a few times before - neva again....they are disgusting...banging on the door in the morning screaming dad take them somewhere...complaining non stop that their needs arent getting met....demanding money....wot a waste of our effort that was.....
Hang on a minute??? YOur
Hang on a minute??? YOur wife gave up her life & country to be with
she has none of her comfortable cultural ways around her,
or the usual foods
She has none of her school friends, family, growing up friends, work friends, cousins etc
She has nothing familiar around her at all,
she propably is still trying to find her way around town/city
and she could be looking at her life right now and wondering if this is as good as it gets?
Throw in the hormones....
She has just had a baby....I had depression from being pregnant, but I would say your wife is post natal affected - meaning she is over sensitive to some situations....its normal...but if she gets worse...look out...some women go real crazy and kill themselves the kids the spouses etc...
so you have no choice but to speak with a doctor about this - in the meantime...try the might work
She needs to be cared for, she needs you to take her and the baby away somewhere special...just the three of sounds like she wants you and her to bond your family dynamics together first, then your kids...MAKE SURE THEY WASH THEIR HANDS BEFORE THEY TOUCH BABE AND THEY HAVE CLEAN CLOTHES ON...MY YOUNGEST NEARLY DIED FROM A GERM TRANSFERED OFF SOMEONE WHO DIDNT WASH THEIR HANDS BEFORE TOUCHING HIM....
Now as for your kids....I used to stop going around or stop inviting some people to my place when my kids were little as the parents wouldnt discipline their child, OR THEY let them run around everywhere, breaking things, upsetting my children and I felt horrible in their presence....
Are your kids welll disciplined for her...Do you tell them to listen to her, not to play up for her, thank her for what she does for them, mention to them that she is the boss of the kitchen/house, or what ever....I would say she feels completly out of control when your kids are over, but comfortable and confident again once they are gone...she is possibly shy to say something to them if they do something wrong....but are you picking up on it...stopping any rot the kids dish out before it gets completly out of control??? Most men dont, thats the thing that mothers do good. And you need to give her the control and access to do it....
You want a happy family,.....then remember, shes boss, in this happy family scenario, she is the general manager, your just the ceo, she calls on you if she cant stop the rot that might go on, and when she tells your kids to clean their rooms, pick up their towels, get their shoes out of the loungeroom, socks off the kitchen table...then they better listen and I think its your job to make sure they listen...cos thats the role of the father....Dont allow them kids to complain....eva....make sure you both decide the shots for the weekend...not your kids...
Next time you get the kids...sit the steps and the bio's down together and give them some rules....your the boss not them....make sure they respect your union with your wife and respect you and her....any grizzling....take away the tv, games, computer, ipods, etc etc...
Oh by the way...the living room tv is for you and your wife,....if kids wanna sit and watch it...they watch what you two watch...otherwise...make them play outside or do something away from the adult areas....(nothing irks me more than kids taking over living rooms and kitchens....)
Good luck...let us know how you went
"You want a happy
"You want a happy family,.....then remember, shes boss, in this happy family scenario, she is the general manager, your just the ceo,"
I agree. I'm not sure what
I agree. I'm not sure what world you are living in, but she should not be the "boss" especially with her bad behavior. Bad behavior should not be catered to or rewarded.
Hey Liks, can you come live
Hey Liks, can you come live at my house for awhile and knock some sense into my BF? In our house, skid sprawls out on the only couch in the living room, grabs the remote and watches what he wants, decides what is for dinner and makes his own bedtime. He is 12. I agree, totally backwards! My BF is such a wimp. One time (only once) I was trying to watch a show, one of those crime shows, violent and not appropriate for kids. Skid somes in and plops down on the couch. BF told him that I was watching something, and that is wasn't age appropriate (three cheers for BF for standing up for me...momentarily). Skid then storms off, crys like a baby, telling BF that we don't want him around. What a manipulative little brat. BF kissed his ass for days after that, to make up for the horrible abuse the boy sufferred by not watching what he wanted on TV and for making him feel unloved. Ugh, do you think I ever got to watch what I wanted again? Now I just go upstairs and watch the TV is my bedroom.
Two sides...hmmm... 1. some
Two sides...hmmm...
1. some women with kids from a previous relationship do marry someone to "take care of their kids" and yet don't want you to take care of yours...
2. I also did not want my husband's daughter touching our son...why? Because before our son was born and once he was born, I was constantly having to remind the daughter to wash her hands after using the bathroom and dad thought I was picking on his daughter...and she was just a if I wans't watching her, it probably wasn't getting done. In addition, she touched her nose all the time and would wipe her boogers on my walls...I too had to constantly complain about that to my DH because when I told his daughter it seemed like she didn't care, even though I had been doing the same thing for almost 3 years prior to me having our son. Which again meant, if I wasn't watching, who knows what she had on her hands. Also, she constantly came over sick. Seems BM was an expert sending her kid sick to my home, especially after we had our baby. Funny, but she didn't do that BEFORE...she tried to keep her kid at home if she was sick...but once I had a baby, the kid had to come over no matter what. No medicine, I had no idea what the kid had, etc...and yet the kid wanted to "hold my baby". Wasn't going to happen.
So, you need to determine what are the issues here. To you, they are all your kids and so maybe it's not a big deal. Believe me that if a kid from the street came wiping his boogers and then trying to touch your baby, you would be having a heart attack. I'm not saying that's what your kids do, I am saying it is one of the major reasons that many SMOMS freak out when skids come and want to touch their baby.
Good luck.
Threatening to leave the
Threatening to leave the country with the new baby is a very serious red flag to me. You might want to consult with an attorney about international custody laws. Meanwhile, you might want to lock up the passports. Keep tabs on her phone and internet use. Secure your bank accounts and monitor your credit reports because she she wont get very far without the funds to do so.
She sounds like how I plan to
She sounds like how I plan to be when I have a baby. Sorry this is happening to you. I imagine there is a reason though.
Perhaps she feels ignored when your children visit.
Perhaps she feels like you let them run wild and do whatever they want.
Perhaps she feels that her needs are set aside when they are around.
Perhaps she feels second rate when they are around.
Perhaps she felt like she was given all the responsibility and no authority for them when they visit and she's tired of taking care of them since they aren't hers.
Just possibilities from her side.
Perhaps she feels ignored
Perhaps she feels ignored when your children visit. ...she does feel ignored but she is not I try to include her but she does not want
Perhaps she feels like you let them run wild and do whatever they want. This is not the case but her kid runs wild!
Perhaps she feels that her needs are set aside when they are around. maybe but I do not set her needs aside
Perhaps she feels second rate when they are around. just jelousy
Perhaps she felt like she was given all the responsibility and no authority for them when they visit and she's tired of taking care of them since they aren't hers. She does not lift a finger for them but i do everything for her kid who is add hyper active and hard to deal with
"She needs to be cared for,
"She needs to be cared for, she needs you to take her and the baby away somewhere special...just the three of sounds like she wants you and her to bond your family dynamics together first, then your kids..."
I have a feeling she would not agree to leave her daughter out of that special family bonding trip.
Yes, you need to hear
Yes, you need to hear directly from her WHY she is behaving this way. I believe that if a woman is unhappy, well then she should open her mouth and say so. I can't stand it when women are unhappy and play the "if you don't know why I'm mad then I'm not going to tell you" game. That's just dumb no matter what your hormones are doing. She should be proactive in trying to make the situation better for herself and for ALL the kids by trying to solve it WITH you. She may feel differently towards your children but she shall not treat them unfairly, ever. You also have the same right that she has towards your baby. So if she says that she doesn't want SD touching the baby, then you can say, "well, I DO want SD touching the baby". This will make her mad but it may get her to scream WHY she doesn't want it to happen.
The fact that you are looking for help is a great start. Perhaps you need 3rd party intervention. Counseling may help. And perhaps you children are not angels, but goodness, that is relative! I've been in a MOMS Club for years listening to women talk about how cute and sweet their kids are and how well-mannered their kids are....blah blah blah while you are looking at the kids thinking they are gross little monsters. I believe this goes for EVERYONE! Tell me how great your kid is and I can probably tell you 5 things he/she could really improve on. LOL (I try to keep this in mind before bragging about my own kids, who are awesome!
I'm really surprised at some
I'm really surprised at some of the replies here, automatically putting the responsibility of everything onto OP. It's very possible that his wife is not stable. Our BM's mental illness came out when she was pregnant with their daughter. It's possible she could be suffering from post partum depression. When did she start avoiding your kids and "splitting" the family? I agree with the poster who mentioned locking up the passports, etc. until you get to the bottom of this.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that maybe this woman wasn't forced to move here, that she chose to. It's possible that she wanted a ticket over here but doesn't want to deal with your kids now. That being said, you do need to really look at how you act when your kids are there. Is there anything you change in regard to her and her daughter? She may be putting you in an impossible situation of choosing between her and your kids. You also need to be brutally honest with yourself about the behavior of your children while you're trying to "diagnose" this problem. What are your parenting styles? Are you on the same page?
I do understand attitudes changing once living together. Mine did, not because the kids are bad, but because their BM is a nightmare. It's very stressful. Are there any issues with the BM of your kids? In my situation, that caused me to draw back a lot. It's one thing talking about loving somebody else's kids, it's another to actually do it. She doesn't know them very well, either, if you only get them weekends.
There's really no way of knowing exactly what the issue is unless she tells you. If you ask her what you or your kids are doing to make her feel this way and she won't tell you, that's a red flag.
You would probably benefit from seeing a therapist together. She may admit something there in a "safe" place that she would not to just you. Try not to get angry with her because this will just shut her down and you'll never get any information. I know it's hurtful for you...step-families are hard. Unfortunately, we don't realize just how hard until we're actually living it. Also, don't talk to her about it while your kids are there. She will be on edge. Wait until she's back to her "normal" self.
I want to add one thing. That newborn is your child as much as hers. Your kids have every right to see and hold that baby. Like the others said, just make sure they're clean, hands washed, clean clothes, not sick, etc. Seriously, these days, everybody and their brother go to the hospital when a baby is born and that child is passed around during the first few hours of life. I think the baby will be ok!
Good luck. I hope you get some answers. Keep us posted.
(maybe this woman wasn't
(maybe this woman wasn't forced to move here, that she chose to.) she did chose to move here we were in love and video chatted every night from 10-2008 thru 7-2010 I made 11 trips to South America during this time to visit my wife. We never missed a night all that time chatting every night.
(Is there anything you change in regard to her and her daughter?) Her daughter calls me Daddy and I did everything I could to make her feel loved but things changed when my kids were introduced we both changed my wife started picking at my kids about small things and I in turn did the same to her daughter well she could not handle seeing her daughter treated the same as she treated mine. So I told her that I expected her to treat my kids the same as she would want me to treat hers. One day her daughter said to me that my daughter would not come to visit us anymore. I was floored I can’t believe my wife would do such a thing. Seems like when we are fighting no one is spared everyone is a target.
(It's possible she could be suffering from post partum depression.) She fits the symptoms for this especial the mood swings and she flies of the handle and gets angry very easy.
BM called a lot bothering us when my wife arrived but since backed off non issue now.
I asked her about a therapist but she does not seem interested.
thanks for your help
I wonder if she would be more
I wonder if she would be more interested in a therapist if she was in danger of losing you. Like another poster said, you might benefit from going alone. My DH's ex has some pretty bad mental issues. They did go to counseling together some, but she usually quit. One time the psychologist fired her. My DH continued counseling alone when his ex quit. It really did help him cope with the situation.
The problem with long distance relationships is that there's a certain "fantasy" element involved because you're not actually in the situation living it. Then you move and cold, hard reality hits. Who knows, maybe it was always her intention to get you to herself eventually, her little family with her daughter and your children together.
Do you really think she would take the baby and leave? If it's a possibility, you might want to consult an atty now. Next time she threatens, tell her have a nice flight but the baby is staying. I hope this is depression, because I do not like the kind of manipulative, childish behavior she is exhibiting.
Do you go with her to her post partum checkups? I would suggest you go to the next one and mention to the doctor that she seems depressed. She'll probably be pissed, but if she is, she needs help. Just food for thought.
(Do you really think she
(Do you really think she would take the baby and leave?)Not sure if she would go but she has threatened it many times. I hope there just threats one occasion she got angry with me and broke the back windshield of her new car completely shattered in front of all the children. She has these up and down moods seems like she wants to start a fight just to make up later... I also think there must be a home sickness and culture shock element driving some of her behavior. We will go to the 6 week check up in a few weeks and yes I always go with her. I intend to mention her depression to the Doc
I have read just the ops
I have read just the ops comments and I have to say that it sounds like you are looking for anything that you might be doing wrong or your kids are doing wrong and you let them. As you keep turning this back on her kid which just sounds like you are resentful of.
It sounds like to me that since you are making it sound like you are resentful of her dd that it is making her resentful of your kids. With every suggestion these ladies are making you have turned it into a reason that it can;t be true but it is true with her dd. I am seeing where you sound like the resentful one not her. That could be her main problem especially of you are a totally different person when you kids are there. But also your kids could be doing things when you aren't around.
If you really want to fix this you better find out what it that YOU are doing to make her feel this way.
Not trying to come across as harsh but some times that is what it takes to get someone to see that perhaps they really ARE the problem. Not saying that you are but as I have read all your comments it seems that you aren't willing to see that you have done anything wrong at all. No one is perfect and every one has something they can work on I just feel that you aren't willing to see that perhaps you might hove done something or lack there of to make her feel that way.
Purple, I didn't see that at
Purple, I didn't see that at all. After reading all the comments, I get the feeling it's her that's the problem. He did admit to picking at her daughter to get back at her for picking at his kids. I don't see where he's resentful of her daughter. I think he's resentful that his wife isn't treating his children the same. He's not claiming to be perfect. I'm just not seeing red flags with him...I am with her. Of course none of us lives there and can know for sure, but from OP's posts, it seems like wifey is the problem. IMHO
( I think he's resentful that
( I think he's resentful that his wife isn't treating his children the same.) yes and how she treats them has driven me to resent her little girl and I know this is wrong and since have corrected my attitude and I hope my wife will follow my example. Now my wife does say I am different when my kids come but gives no details or example. I She says that I kiss there as when they come yes sometimes I do as I feel guilty that I am not involved in their lives as I use to be and they have been very good sports accepting my 8 year old stepdaughter calling me daddy. My daughter wants to come only if my stepdaughter is not in trouble on the weekends so they can play. The do fight some but then they hug each other and seem to be getting closer. This weekend I want to take the kids to a theme park but my wife said her daughter can’t go that she must be with her daughter 24-7. I told she needs to go with the rest of the kids not only will she have fun but she will bond with my kids.
"Now my wife does say I am
"Now my wife does say I am different when my kids come but gives no details or example. I She says that I kiss there as when they come yes sometimes I do as I feel guilty that I am not involved in their lives as I use to be"
This in quotes is what i am talking about you say yourself you feel guilty that is the wrong attitude to have. you can't do guilty parenting that might be the main reason your wife is doing what she is doing. You need to just be a dad and do NOT be a different person when they are there. I bet you money this is why she is doing what she is doing. I'm not saying what she is doing is right but what I am saying is that you need to know why she is doing it and it seems to me from your own words that it is b/c of guilty parenting and that you are different person when they are there. If you would recognize that perhaps you have a few things to work on and present it to her she might say that she has somethings to work on too and you can work on them together.
Hope everything works out.
I think this is some really
I think this is some really good advice.
^^^^I think so too.
^^^^I think so too.
(Seems to me that you two do
(Seems to me that you two do not yet know how to communicate effectively.) This is very true but I do keep trying to talk to her but she clams up. Seems like I am the only one trying. She has told me that we can’t be a family with my kids etc... She basically said we will do everything separate vacations weekend sometimes she even asks me to take my kids out of town for the weekend. She told me to stop trying to force my kids on her that it’s not going to work and we will never be a family. This breaks my heart but I will keep trying because some harsh things she says are just out of anger. I feel that she does not like my kids out of mostly jealousy. I will keep trying to hold things together until she walks out. I sometimes feel this relationship is one-sided. A friend of hers came to stay with us for a month and observed our situation and before she left ( I took her to the airport) We had a deep conversation and she told me that from what she could tell I did nothing wrong and that I am good to my wife and stepdaughter. She said my kids are shy and don’t cause any trouble. She told me I need to be harder on my wife. She said husbands from Latin America are more aggressive and would not put off with her behavior. Maybe she is right I need to be more assertive with her and not give her choices? Maybe that what she wants? I like what you wrote and I will try that approach and every other until she leaves. I do love her and as long as she does not abuse my kids we can do things separately. Like she told me to take to take my daughter to a theme park Sunday and spend all weekend gone if I wanted. Well that what I did Sunday and I let my daughter bring her best friend. Well I called my wife from the theme park and she immediately asked WHO ARE YOU WITH? I said my daughter and her friend. Then she complained that I let the friend go with us. I said well you would not let your daughter go with us so my daughter wanted to take her friend. My wife said this is supposed to be a father and daughter time together and she made me stupid by bringing a friend. She said your daughter will remember her friend going to the theme park not that she had a special time with her Dad. I told her that not true and if it made my daughter happy to bring her friend thats fine with me.
We got home 30 minutes late and she gave me hell about that also for getting home at 840 instead of 815pm which is my normal visitation time. Before I left to go to the theme park that we all have season passes for I asked her if she wanted to go that it would be good for our baby to get some sun. She said no..that he is too young to take out..but I said he will be out in the fresh air then I asked if I could take her daughter she said no that her daughter must stay with her 24/7 always... I offered to take just her and her daughter next weekend so well see if she wants..
I will keep trying thanks to all
Do you have good talks with
Do you have good talks with her, ie. listen...really listen? I was married to a man for many years who sounds a lot like you, he always thought his perspective was right and didn't listen to mine.
Also a woman's home should be her safe haven and if your kids coming over makes her feel like her haven is being invaded then she will retreat to where she feels safe, her room, and take her kids with her. Maybe your kids just drive her nuts. My bf's kids drive me nuts. I spend most of my time alone upstairs in my room or livingroom. They are mostly downstairs in the rec room. For a year when we first met we had a small apartment and I was forced to be in the same room with his kid and I spent a lot of time working, sleeping and finally moved a tv into my room. It doesn't mean his kid is bad it's just his behaviors drive me nuts. I am a compulsively clean person and his kids are compulsively filthy. BF doesn't see it and thinks I over react.
I think her "threats" to move back home are a cry for help. She is obviously not happy when your kids are around. So maybe just let it be. Just don't push your kids on her and the baby for now. Try to teach them respect for her and her home and help when she is around with cleaning, cooking and discipline.
Actively listen to her needs and also realize hormones can play havoc on us new moms.
We don’t have heart to heart
We don’t have heart to heart talks very often. I do listen to her. If she had it her way I would be divorced from my kids not just the x-wife. Thats her perspective she told me they do nothing bad they just invade her space. Whenever she is around they do respect her and never talk back to her on the other hand her daughter is disrespectful to me talks back to me turns many things I say into an argument. I have to bite my tongue. So I been trying to be more loving to her daughter spending time with her and she is getting better. Yes my wife is a clean freak but she only complains if my kids drop a crumb on the floor but if her daughter makes a mess she just cleans it or leaves for me to clean. As far as discipline I am not allowed to discipline her kid. She has behavior problems and many times has to go to time out in class. Anyway I am trying to be understanding. I am hurt by her rejection of my two kids. And I do resent that I put up with her daughter 24/7 but she can’t even pretend to be nice to my kids for one weekend.
Another thing I took my kids
Another thing I took my kids out of the house like she wanted and now she is mad at me for spending time with my daughter all Sunday at Wild adventure theme park I invited her daughter and she did not let her go
To be very blunt, women like
To be very blunt, women like your wife irritate the snot out of me. She needs to grow up. In the end, she chose this life. It sounds like she's not even trying. I know, we don't know what we're getting into until we're there, but she complains no matter WHAT you do. Personally, I would not live as "separate" families. Maybe you do need to get tougher with her.
she's not even trying.
she's not even trying.
That’s correct.. She gave up trying a long time ago..
Sometimes when my kids come over she will come downstairs cook breakfast for her 8 year old girl only just seems like she wants to give my kids the message they are unworthy..That makes me mad!
She did admit that she thought she could handle me having kids and weekend visitation but now says she can’t but gives no reasons. The only thing she says is that I kiss my kids butt and act different when they come over and that their mother controls me...which she does not.. any way I look for her to eventually go back to south America or who knows what it changes from week to week first it was Italy then Portugal then back to Brazil then to Portugal I am starting to get use to this and not let it bother me.. I don’t want my kids hurt. Her isolating herself does not seem to bother her but they do want her to participate with us like going to the movies they will ask in a sweet voice is so and so coming. She has done some things with us but you can tell she does not want to and is forcing herself. Sad situation
Since they baby she is worse does nothing with me and my kids together
She made the comment that my kids don’t care about the baby that’s not true they always want to see the baby but my wife keeps him locked in our bedroom especially when they come for the weekend
one day I asked my 12yr boy if he wanted to see his baby brother he replied in a choked up voice almost to tears he said what’s the point she keeps him locked in the room...
"he only thing she says is
"he only thing she says is that I kiss my kids butt and act different when they come over and that their mother controls me...which she does not.. "
all i can say here is that it sounds like there are two sides of this story. I'm not sure I am convinced this is just her problem.
if she told you the above and you disagree then there is nothing more to do.
What she stated is the EXACT same complaints I always had with my SO. He finally started understanding what I was telling him.
That is what I have been
That is what I have been seeing which others have said they didn't see it I but have to disagree b/c of all the comments he made he never admitted that he might have done something that he didn't realize he was doing or not doing to make her feel that way. He would say it was either her or her kid that did it not him or his kids. He couldn't even admit to one thing he might have done wrong. Not saying he did anything wrong on purpose but most people if the really want to fix it they will at least try to see if there was something they might of done that could be the cause. Or at least see the other point of view.
Yeah, there is more to this
Yeah, there is more to this story. The OP sounds dismissive in just saying he doesn't do these things and she needs to be specific. I'm betting she's specific. He stated she said he is more affectionate with them or something (there were spelling error, so not clear). Hidden is his posts are his offenses.
Hey ripley, I may be a little
Hey ripley,
I may be a little insecure because my wife is beautiful 12 years younger than me but I am not a total push over. I am just giving her a lot of rope. She had the baby 4 weeks ago and her moods swings are nothing like I have ever encountered during pregnancy and after. Seems as though the more I give in to her demands the more control she takes. I never thought she would turn out this way. She is at home now not speaking to me because I spent time with my 9 year old girl and her friend. She is very controlling.. Last December on Christmas Eve we bought a brand new very nice car for her she is paying part and so am I. I took out the loan in my name because she has no credit in the US. Well she told me I could use the car so I dropped and picked up my kids in it from the bm home. Man when she found out I went there she told me my kids are not allowed in her car! I just let her blow of her stem and she eventually went back to normal. That pissed me of and her reasoning for this is that my kids are messy and its new she does not want it messed up. Fast forward we went to the beach in it a few times this summer and she allowed her 8 year old girl to eat in it some greasy fried fish and fries well she dumped the whole thing on the back seat and my wife screamed at her daughter and called her an idiot etc.. (yes I told her not to belittle her kid many times) I asked her why she lets her kid eat in her car and not mine her reply was my kid can she$%**() in it if I want! I am beginning to wander If my wife is BI-POLAR seems to be a cycle of getting angry at me not talking to me for a day or two and then later start being nice and telling me if I were not so cute etc... she would not put up with me.... talking to me like I started the fight... I just don’t get this woman... I am trying to be patient but these emotional highes and lows of her are hard to deal with but without her I would not be happy she says a lot of times she is not happy with me and then two days later I am the best man in the world… She does not want therapy either… Yes I need to be harder on her..
mns67 - if both of you don't
mns67 - if both of you don't get therapy and learn to communicate, then you may as well just throw in the towel. Make the appt and go by yourself. You need more help than a message board can give. Then once you have gotten comfortable with the therapist, invite your wife to come. But don't make the invitation optional. She has to contribute to the success of this relationship. Or get out of it. Life is to short to be in a relationship with someone who is so selfish.
About the cultural
About the cultural differences, and being here alone....I moved here when I was 20 and had to adapt to how things work here.
If this was a man, coming from a place where men treat women in a way that we disapprove of, would we give him a pass for coming from somewhere else? Would we say, oh come on, he's lonely in this country and and he comes from a place where things are different...I don't think so. We'd say, please get it together, you are here now, this isn't a place where you get to continue whatever traditions and habits that you over in your homeland.
Treating a woman with these kind of issue like a delicate little flower that is entitled to her tantrums and selfish/weird behavior, is actually demeaning to us women and sets us back a few generations. Here we claim equality and then demand to be able to act like little kids.
She sounds like she needs some help that OP may not be qualified to give her. She needs therapy and she also needs to understand that talk of leaving the country with OP's kid, is serious stuff and will not be tolerated.
I understand that the cultural difference makes it harder to get some of this through to her, but if it cannot be done, OP is better off getting a lawyer and making sure his rights as a parent are ensured.
I would start writing down all "episodes" and keeping track of the behavior.
Yes, document EVERYTHING in
Yes, document EVERYTHING in DETAIL. This comes from someone who knows. My husband had to fight for custody for his daughter. It's extremely hard for a dad to get custody. That is always his advice to fathers who are seeking divorce.
The only word that comes to
The only word that comes to my mind about your wife-in spanish-
DO you make a decent income? She found an older guy to take care of her, her kid, support her, give her a green card and ticket out-now she can use the baby as the anchor and threaten. Bi-polar, post partum, something...
I lived in Latin America also-men can be often agressive and even abusive. They will not tolerate misbehavior like that 'histerica' persona she's putting off.
And may this be a lesson to you-first of all a long distance relationship is almost always destined to fail, particularly with a blended family. There was no 'adjustment' of REAL life-just the 'fantasy'. You may have married a lemon, an oportunista at that. Get a good lawyer-that's my advice.
My observation (and I could
My observation (and I could be wrong, I am just telling you what I get from your post) is that you are a guilty dad and that will surely piss off any SM, especially one who just had a baby. It gets really old to have your marriage put on the backburner every time the skids walk in the door. My DH does the same thing and we have SD 50/50. I feel like I have a part time husband. It's awful. You say she isn't specific but I am telling you, it sometimes is hard to explain. You just feel DIFFERENT when the skids are there. They aren't our kids. We aren't getting the attention and affection from our husband that we would be getting if the skids weren't there. Regardless of whether she likes your kids or not, OF COURSE she wishes it were just you, her, and your baby together. That's a very natural feeling. I wish my skid didn't exist too. Everyone may not say it, but I bet you almost all SMs FEEL it.
^^^BINGO^^^ You are
You are absolutely right!!! Couldn''t have said/expressed it any better myself!!!
This is the reality OP...that is just how the majority of SM feel!!! I don't expect you to understand as you are not a woman but this is the brutal, God's honest truth...
Your wife has given you signs
Your wife has given you signs , has talked to you and asked you for help. You did not take her seriously and are intent on labeling her as jealous, depressed etc. For a change try to be compassionate, considering, caring and loving. Listen, hold her and tell her you understand her and love her and explain to her how much she means to you. Allow her time to open up and try not to judge her. She needs you and feels deeply insecure, unloved and uncared for. A secure, loved, cared for women does not behave in the way your wife behaves. She is deeply unhappy in this marriage.You have to take your responsibility and let go of your desire to be right and blaming her as wrong and jealous. Try to walk in her shoes and understand how she feels. Judging and blaming her and calling her jealous is what makes her feel the way she feels.
There is no real reason for
There is no real reason for this issue: Your missing something. Sorry - but women just dont lock themselves up, and dont engage without a reason! Maybe your kids are irritating the hell out of her, and she doesnt know how to tell you! Obviously there is something going on with your kids, that isnt visable! I too lock myself away when my step daughter is over. Maybe the way you change when your kids are over (no, you wouldnt notice). Do you become overly friendly? Do you make breakfast when you wouldnt normally? Pancakes... stuff like that. Do you do more "family time" when your kids are over, but not when your kids are gone! There has to be something!
I have isolated myself too.
I have isolated myself too. My stepkids are dirty little ignorant pigs. Maybe you should really take a good look around and see what might really be going on.
Plus your wife just had a baby. Hormones, sleepless nights. Give her a break.
It take time to blend a family and having these types of homes can bring about alot of feelings. \lack of sleep and support does not always help.
Take it from me. My step kids are ignorant and inconsiderate around the baby. they scream and yell and fight when the baby is trying to sleep. I had about enough with them. Maybe she has too.,