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Hello everyone

CoupleNeedsHelp's picture

We are a married couple that are having some serious issues with our situation. 36 year old bd and 23 year old step mother to four kids, 3 girls and a boy. We are looking forward to posting...just wanted to say hello!

J and B

Gabriels Mom's picture

Welcome! I just arrived as well and already have gotten a lot of really good advice Smile

AngelEyes's picture

Welcome! I'm new to this site too! I've already learned so much and its so wonderful to know that you're not alone in situations where you think you are.

giveitago's picture

The best part about this site is that I know I am not alone with the crap that ensues from being a step mother to entitled brats and a DH who WAS too passive. I say WAS because he's stepped up to the plate this last year or so.