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Crazy BM and making things up?

frustratedstepmom101's picture

So last night BM calls my husband and says that their child is severly out of control and she cant handle him. (this has been going on for a while) She then asks him to sign a paper stating that the child is horrible and therefore she cant work and must stay home, but still get paid??? Anyone ever heard of a program like this?? We live in PA.

PeanutandSons's picture

Man, if that's a real thing, I need to get on it too. Lol, get paid to not work and just raise the kids? Sweet, but I doubt its real, or everyone would be doing it.

drsamy's picture

I agree with the welfare idea. Public Assistance or Unemployment would probably require something like that to let her sit at home and collect benefits forever.

Newstep's picture

If only they would work as hard at getting a job as they do at working the system!!!!

Disneyfan's picture

I wonder if she's trying to get SSI for the kid. If so, she'll need more than a letter from dad. Doctors and teachers have to complete forms as well.
I've had several moms curse me out for telling the truth on those damn SSI forms. Sorry greedy ladies, I'm not going to lie about your child's classroom behavior so that you can get an extra check each month.

Isn’t working easier than finding new ways to beg for handouts??

bestwife's picture

I've written many times about my worthless adult SSs.

Warthog the BM used to just "shut down" and toss the kids out. Not even making sure they went to DH. One SS was living in a tent at his high school when DH found out.

DH still defends her and says she was just unable to do more than go to work. How many people here would like to just "shut down" and only do what you want for about 8 hours a day - the rest of the time to just "rest"?