New User...need much support
Although I have been a step-mother for 15 years, and a mother for 23, I still do not have a cohesive blended family, my step sons are STILL quit a problem. My Husband is a classic co-dependant, enmeshed guilty father. His kids were raised with NO values, NO rules, NO consequences, and a sense of entitlement that I have NEVER seen. Therapy has been on-going for years to no avail.I also believe they all have NPD or, Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I DO love my husband dearly, and we have 3 year old twins together. But I can't deal with STILL being the bad guy, I"m still trashed at every turn, and although I don't want to bore anybody with 15 years of ugly details, please trust me when I say that I haven't come across ANYBODY whose step-children were/are nearly as horrific as mine. In fact, i'm being treated for post traumatic stress disorder. His 30 yr old son, (who we were still supporting and has NEVER has a job), finally moved out of state. HIs middle son died of an overdose, despite how hard I tried to explain to him how troubled this boy was, everything I tried to do to help fell on deaf ears, which I resent terribly to this day. The youngest still has no respect for anybody, and was raised to believe that I"m a "gold-digging whore", which defies logic since it is MY family that had all the money. There mother is mentally ill to say the least, and tried to commit suicide when they were still in grade school. They have been verbally/emotionally abusive to me and my children from the get go, and frankly I don't want them anywhere NEAR my twins, My husband of course is still making excuses for them. He thinks I should just "forget about the past", but how do I move forward when nothing has changed?? I want to "disengage", but then I get accused of alienating him from his children. to be honest, I"m just so DONE with this BS.!!I just want to enjoy the gift of these beautiful babies and have a peaceful "normal" family.Does it EVER stop?? Will it EVER end?? Will any of them EVER change?? I understand that there were ALOT of early warning signs, but he was very efficient at making excuses for there behavior, and I feel like a fool for believing them. We are moving into a new house next month, and I am hoping for a fresh start in life, but it still means having to deal with his abusive boys and I really can't deal anymore, and I'm no spring chicken. Iol, I'd like to enjoy the rest of my life, I am in therapy with a wonderful therapist, naturally my husband isn't, and of course has a perfectly "good" excuse for NOT being in therapy. (too tired, work,time..etc..) To make matters worse, my husband is a well respected surgeon. and although he is excellent at what he does, he feels that domestic responsibilities are beneath him and contributes little to nothing at home. He has been the primary financial support for my bio children so he expects them to respect him naturally despite the fact that he has treated there mother like dog-crap. It is a bizarre and complicated situation and I need as much support as I can get.Any and all advice would be GREATLY appreciated!!! Thank you!!
Oh, you are in it hip deep! I
Oh, you are in it hip deep! I have alot of sympathy for you. But,only you can decide where the line is. A new home is a great start. But, my guess is that you're very very apprehensive regarding just how great it will be. There really have to be clear cut defined rules.
And, you're so right about your husband. My family is three solid generations deep on coddling, spoiling and destroying the success of man-boys. It's rampant in society. They scream, kick, cry, wimper, smile, charm and terrify you out of every penny and nerve that you have.
His ability to bail these boys out of trouble is a total curse. If he had no means to fix their shit, they would stop getting into shit! I wonder about some people. When do they think the switch of responsibility will flip up? Nothing nothing changes.
Girl, only you know what your sanity and peace are worth. I have a sister who's been married to a total ass for thirty three years. She is only forty eight! Every day I ask her if she's finished with it. She bitches about him and as soon as someone else agrees that it's hopeless she defends him. I know the routine. And I know that there's always more to the story }:)
Heres an idea. Make a list of what the marriage does for you? What's in it for you? What are the negatives, and what's the good and bad for hubby too? If all of your answers have dollar signs, well you know.
Best of luck to you. Hopefully that hubby will salvage what's left of his last boy. It can be done. I know, I have two that are 19 and 22. Awesome, awesome men. But I hated their guts just a few years ago. The only difference is that I cut them off. With love.
three solid generations deep
three solid generations deep on coddling, spoiling and destroying the success of man-boys.
I learned this is nearly true of my own husband! He was spoiled (and it shows). He has spoiled his own children. His manchildson is hardly what I would call a man. He is the wimpiest crybaby egomaniac.
And the responsibility switch? I saw an email my husband wrote to a friend of his. Oh em said that he will consider (yes he spoke in future tense despite having soon to be 22, 25 and 26 year old brats...all with bachelor's married and a home owner) his CHILDREN to be ADULTS when they start behaving as such, when they stop asking him for money and advice all the effing time. WTH. No hope here, so I quit hoping! He is waiting for THEM to choose. Hmmmm...let me when they decide you are not the ATM, when they decide they do not want Daddy to call their mechanics for them (that is not even advice IMO, that is coddling weirdo stuff, but yes my husband considers it advice), then and only then are they adults. Sorry charlie, the world considered them adults a few years back.
The irony kills me.
He just doesn't want them to
He just doesn't want them to be held accountable for their actions. And they don't either. Sometimes my kids will ask my advice/opinion on something and I know right away, uh huh you just don't want to be responsible for the outcome. Nope, figure it out yourself buddy! Transparent!
I think on some level he
I think on some level he loves me in his own twisted way, certainly not MY definition of love, but the financial situation is complicated,Yes, he earns alot of money but with the exception Of his IRA, HE doesn't have anything saved, In fact, without my sizable inheritance, he will never be able to retire with 2 little ones (he is 59 today), I also think that if he didn't know this money was coming, he would have cheated on me by now. He cannot and WILL not go long periods of time without sex, which is very typical for egomaniacs, megalomaniacs, and people with such severe narccisistic personalities. We both have SO much invested in this relationship, and I"m more than willing to give him time to go to therapy and begin to resolve his issues, but he just does nothing. He tells me, "oh, I think about it all the time"..great! what the hell does that do?? He already lives in his own head, and believes that what he thinks is reality, when the truth is is that he doesn't know the first thing about reality. I've NEVER, in all my years, seen someone who walks around with there head so far up there ASS!! And of course, his boys capitalize on this every chance they get..when I express the fact that I don't want anything to do with them he fights with me and accuses me of sabotaging his relationship with them! Seriously??The real question I guess is how low does someones self-esteem have to be to allow there own children to shit all over everybody, including and especially himself, his wife and other kids in the family. And quite frankly, my grown kids are sick of walking on egg-shells with him. He emotionally blackmails everybody, and uses money to do it. Its deplorable...I think someone needs to tape MY mouth shut..LOL!!
Oh Please keep talking!! LOL
Oh Please keep talking!! LOL I need help!! I am only 46 and I also have chronic health issues.I was a tennis pro and athlete for most of my life so on top of everything else I"m dealing with chronic pain. Plus, my mother lost her mind when my brother died 4 years ago. We had been very close, and she turned on my and my kids when her dementia and alzhiemers got worse. She is very wealthy, and I am the only heir. I cannot deal with losing my mother, and I can't afford to lose my inheritance. My husband controls all of us financially, and I need the financial freedom. Maybe some space would help!
Yes. Space would give you
Yes. Space would give you sanity and peace. Jeez, take it all back. Men have a really bad habit of taking things from us and then leading us to believe that it's normal. They will seperate us from society so we can remain in ignorance. Then as soon as we act like we're going to rebel, they toss a bone. (new home) You need to go see a good lawyer I think. Please do something, anything. And that pain is mental pain that's manifesting itself in physical ways. My sister came to stay with me for two months. She mysteriously became cured of all her chronic pain and ailments. It will really kill you. Those girls deserve a vigorous mom who can chase after them. Not a depressed, hopeless old woman. You can do this.
Please let go of your steps.
Please let go of your steps. Just not caring whether they thrive or even survive will help. It's not worth caring if they fail or if they succeed now that they are grown. I'm sure your therapist is telling you the same thing. Don't worry if they like or respect you - you are your own person and their opinion does not count.
No they will not ever change. Quit expecting the impossible. Obviously your husband cares for you on some level or he would not still be around. You do not need him to acknowledge their bad behavior. Don't try to get him to admit how bad they are. It is hard for men to admit that they have fathered worthless sons.
But do keep them away from your twins.
Twinmom65 You are not alone
You are not alone trust me and there a a lot of us on this site who will read your post and say, yep I know what she means.
Will it end, will it ever go away, well won't say it will never go away, but the only way it will go is if either you or your husband to something to change it.
My husband like yours found every excuse in the book and then some to defend his children, well I say children but they were in their 20's when I met them and they are horrid. The daughter freely admits she would like to seperate us and see us both dead, now, she means it, truly means it and her BF came her one day with the sole purpose of warning DH that he feared for my safety, he felt that my husband's daughter his GF was capable of really hurting me...........DH thinks he's a liar. So, no need to worry about my safety her BF is just an idiot as opposed to his daughter who as serious mental health issues trust me.
There is no point in re hashing it all, but if it happened to you, then it has probably happened to me also, my life was hell for 8 years. Then she had a baby, born with the sole purpose of coming between DH and myself, that for me was the last straw I could not take anymore. Without going into all the details it has ended up with me banning her from my home forever and I do mean forever. At the moment DH sees none of his 3 children and none of his 3 grandchildren the youngest two grandchildren he has only seen once when they were born and they are now around 7-8 months old. Is he happy, well to be truthful I don't give a shit.
I never wanted this, I wanted a happy blended family, together we have 6 adult children all in their 30's now, and there was no need for this ever to have come about, but for his NPD daughter and my husband's constant and consistent failure to ever say one single word to her about her appalling treatment of him, let alone of me. I am as a human being naturally sorry he has no contact with his children, but I have also recognised that he was allowing his children to completely destroy my self esteem, to destroy my confidence, to take away my sense of self and any pride I had in mysself, he was allowing them to cause me to suffer anxiety attacks, sleeplessnes, and for 6 months I was unable to recover from a chest infection, I was also hospitalised for a short while for basically what amounted to stress. Over the last 8 years I have been a physical and emotional mess.
Last June after the baby fiasco I banned her from my home forever and was by then more than happy for DH to go with her. I too am not young, but I have no young children to worry about so that I guess made it a bit easier to let him go. However at this stage he has not gone, but I do not think it is all over, I am sure it will raise it's ulgly head again, and the moment it does, he will be gone, because I will never, never allow him to treat me this way again, I will not sit back and allow him to put his children ahead of me, and by his silence encourage his adult children to humilate and abuse me. That life I am done with.
I guess you have to come to a place where you think the impact on you, your health and your children (my children are all adults, and they saw what I was going through, this is not good), yours being younger will suffer more, however, as I said, you will in your own time get to that place where you would rather live in the street than put up with this.
You have (as I did) acted like a doormat, you have put up with this, you have never really stood up for yourself and told him your kids are out never to come back and if you don't like it go with them. You as I said have been a doormat and let them all wipe their feet on you, (as I did), everyone needs a doormat, they really come in handy, but, how many people do you know who LOVE a doormat.
Your husband like mine will probably never change, therefore the only way your life is going to change is for you to change it. You will need to say enough, you will need to say, never again in my house, and the new house would be a perfect time if you can muster the strength by then.
The illness you and I and others in our position have are a direct result of this turmoil in our lives, if you do not change this, you may not be around for those twins, and you do not want that, they do not deserve that.
You really only have to deal with one person here, there really is only one person in your life that is causing you all of this grief, and that person is DH. Sort him out and you sort out the SK's. Your DH has not supported you, and by his failure to stop his children from abusing you he has helped them to abuse you.
It truly is not worth it, it makes us too ill. I hope you can find the strength to stand up for yourself and get the SK's not only out of your home but out of your life. You really would be far better physically, mentally and emotionally better off alone than living in this hell.
Just noticed you are only 46, far to young to be living with this shit. You have a long way to go yet and you are really although it does not feel like it in the prime of your life. I know I was 46 once, I thought I was middle aged, I am almost 60 now, I wish I had those "young" years I wasted thinking I was middle aged back. If I can do this at 60 and it is scary, you can change yourself at 46, we are all pulling for you.
Oh, NO heat! You are 100%
Oh, NO heat! You are 100% right!! In fact, thats one of the things I'd like to address. Cause I"m having a VERY hard time with it. He really doesn't have ANY inner strength,its all a big facade.. he walks around like an arrogant peacock, but I know inside he's just a little boy whose looking to be stroked by his mommy. Personally, it makes me sick.Its so easy ( i find), to love somebody, but so hard to respect them . We had a wonderful sex life in the beginning, until bad things started happening. In fact, he uses sex to express his "love", but cant express his "love" outside of a bedroom apparantly.He doesn't understand that it has nothing to do with looks (he always was and IS very attractive!), I don't know how to give myself to somebody who has shit on me for years, allowed his kids and basically everybody under the sun, to shit on me for years. What the hell does he expect??!! I have given him excellent advice over the years, to no avail. Despite the fact that I am an educated, intelligent articulate woman, he treats me like a child. It's like I"m living with my father.He has NEVER, EVER, EVER, listened to anything i've had to say in 15 years!!! If he had, I'm sure his son would still be alive, and the oldest would have been a doctor by now. I've never seen anything like this in my life. He appears to want a stepford wife. You know, be his arm candy, pop out beautiful kids, (and of course maintain a size 6 figure),speak only when spoken to, pleasure him as often as he wants...blah...blah...blah..yeah right!! I feel like I"m only one step above the kids and the pets (if that).all I can say is WTF????!!!!How can I be intimate with somebody who clearly thinks so little of me?? How do I deal with this man with regards to this????
I'm so sorry to hear about
I'm so sorry to hear about your rough start in life, mine was not a bed of roses either, and I"m in the middle of a Guardianship proceeding with my mother who lost her mind after my father and brother died. She turned on my and my children, and acccused me of stealing 1 million dollars, for which I was investigated. The "aid", is an illegal immigrant who brainwashed her and is doing everything in her power to steal my inheritance..etc... what a total nightmare.!!!!!!! And of course, without my inheritance, my situation will go from bad to worse. I'm not saying money is going to resolve my issues with dh and skids, but it will help in ALOT of ways. I am trying to retrieve stepasides message but I can't find it LOL..Am I looking in the wrong place? I'm clicking on where it says "new message"...
Thanks for the kind words...
Thanks for the kind words... the "authorities" are pieces of shit that are bilking my families estate and making sure we are BOTH spending a rediculous amount of money. this has been going on for 3 years, my mother hasn't seen the twins since they were 5 months old. They refuse to make me her guardian, and they have dragged this out as long as possible!! If we were not wealthy people, they wouldn't have given us the time of day. Its a disgrace, our system does not work, I got screwed over royally when I divorced my first husband, if it were not for my parents, (my Dad was alive back then), I would have struggled even more. I was very young then and my mentality was very different. Thats why I REALLY want to take my time, pick and choose my battles, and be patient. I'm going to look, watch, listen and evaluate. If I want out, it sure as hell wont be before I get my inheritance, and the 18 yr. old is finished with college. So unless there is another major event or God forbid tragedy, thats the way I"m probably gonna play it. I would also like to see what DH does in the mean-time. I"m going to go check my e-mail....:))
UGH! It wasn't there either
UGH! It wasn't there either am I doing wrong...??LOL
I have to run, so my comments
I have to run, so my comments are short!
But - I would not count on them EVER changing. All you can do is stick up for you, make your life good. It is not easy. People rarely ever change.
Now how to do that? That's a much longer comment...and I am in the throes of it myself. First step though for me was to NOT count on them for a damn thing and start picking my self esteem out of their teeth...taking it BACK.
Than you ALL SO much!! I just
Than you ALL SO much!! I just want to say that I really didn't take any of this lying down. I really am a very confident person who was in there face (and husbands) constantly, but I now find that none of them are worth my time or energy, I thought that losing a son would wake him up but I guess I was wrong, I'm tired of fighting to be respected, i'm tired of fighting to prove to him and show him evidence that these boys only USE him and don't know the meaning of the word "love", or "family", but of course, I get accused of being the bad guy. His kid are deplorable human waste products, that wouldn't give my husband the time of day if he wasn't a very sucessful doctor who makes a ton of money. He when he DOES ackknowledge any of there pathological behavior, he doesn't seem to care, or is too paralyzed to anything about it anyway. The sick part is, (he is 13 yrs older than me), he has a young (fairly attractive LOL!) younger wife, with two gorgeous children, a sort of "do 0ver" if you will...who would throw that away??? The only area in which I think he HAS made an effort is with my grown children, they were taught to be respectful, appreciative...etc... and he does see the difference with his own kids, He just doesn't want to believe that his kids wouldn't give him the time of day if he had no money (its the only reason the youngest begged us to take him back when he was 16,), and I foolishly gave him another chance, only to find out that he hasn't changed one bit, and trashes me at every turn, the only difference is, is that he knows how to put on a good show and say all the right things IN FRONT OF his father, while stabbing us in the back at every opportunity.. I want to write more but am very late LOL..!! Will be back later....Have a nice day everyone..:)
My adult children have more
My adult children have more love and respect for my DH in their little finger than all three of his do put together, because none of his have an ounce of respect for him at all. He sees this, he knows this, and he at every opportunity will point out what he perseves to be flaws in my children ie:
He had prostate cancer a couple of years ago and underwent surgery, his son and daughter came into the hospital on the night of the surgery when he was pretty much unconscious, and had Friday night drinks by his bedside. His oldest son rang the next day and asked if he wanted him to visit in the hospital DH said no, so he didn't, the daughter rang an hour or so later, same question, same answer NO you don't have to come in...So they didn't. My youngest was in another State she rang him every day, my son was working interstate, and he rang every other day, my oldest lives in Melbourne and she came in every day and dragged a 8 month old and a 2 and a half year old with her.
Husband says some 4 weeks later X (eldest daughter's husbad) who was at our home that day, didn't even ask me how I was feeling. HE HAD NOT HEARD ONE WORD FROM HIS KIDS THIS WHOLE TIME AND HE POINTED OUT THAT MY SON IN LAW HAD NOT ASKED ON THAT ONE DAY HOW HE WAS FEELING.
Yes, I pointed it all out, his kids had not bothered to come to the hospital, had not visited and had not even telephoned over the last 4 weeks,neither had his father, his sisters or his cousins, neither had anyone from work but you feel the need to say this because this one time X who was here doing work around our house for you after working all week and who should have been home doing work on his own home forgot to ask this one time.
Nothing has changed he still feels the need to look for flaws, I think the name for it is JEALOUSY.
OMG, thats EXACTLY what has
OMG, thats EXACTLY what has gone on here.! In fact, my oldest son(23), was the scapegoat for YEARS. He blamed everything on that poor boy. No matter what his kids did, it was NEVER there fault, it was always my sons. Now that he is an adult, my DH has made apologies, but he thinks that thats going to undo the damage that has been done. Again, as usual, of no consequence to him. In fact, he as NEVER required ANY of his kids to apologize to my kids for all of the hateful, hurtful things they have done over the years. Does he really think that those boys will be there for him in his old age? They are parasites who would never do anything out of the goodness of there hearts (cause they HAVE no heart). There always must be a hidden agenda, or something must be in it for them. I think your right, I think they are ALL jealous. There jealous of the fact that me and my kids have a wonderful, appropriate bond/relationship, and they've got an over-indulgent father who acts as an ATM and a doormat that they cant respect. And there Mother, who is a psychotic drug-abuser, who is just looking for her next meal ticket. In fact, my youngest SS is going to dental school in the fall, and since the oldest got kicked out of med school, she is going to use the younger one to fulfill that role, and it is there "plan", for him to take over my husbands practice (if he ever actually becomes an oral surgeon), so he can support his mother,,who is already on welfare.This is INCONCEIVABLE to me. He thinks I"m going to sit by why he uses MY husbands practice and money to support that crazy bitch??!! When HELL freezees over!! He just told me this morning that SS's graduation is on May 20th. I said "have a good time", I"m not going". I refuse to be in the presence of his crazy mother, who, over the years, has said and done things that would BLOW ANYBODYS MIND!! To make matters worse, I"m sure my husband is jealous of the fact that I have 5 AMAZING kids, and at the end of the day, after all is said and done, he will have nobody. One would think that that would motivate him to get better, unfortunatly, he was an only child and raised to believe that he was perfect, In fact, his mom thought he walked on water, and she passed shortly after his son.What a nightmare!! I don't even get a chance to breathe or deal with the things I bring to the table, like my brother dying a horrible death at 46, my father dropping dead, my mother losing her mind...ETC...he keeps telling me to be patient, and that he's "trying", its all bullshit, I hear him on the phone with the boys, lovey dovey mushy gushy bullshit! He thinks, apparantly, that they walk on water too....
Oh okay...I don't know what
Oh okay...I don't know what I"m doing yet LOL....
Hi Stepaside, I saw where it
Hi Stepaside, I saw where it said I had a message, so I clicked on it but I can't find the message..what am I doing wrong??LOL
Well if that is exactly what
Well if that is exactly what is going on at your house too, then it must be YOUR fault because my husband thinks it's all my fault, your's thinks it your fault, they both can't be wrong.
I don't think you should go to the graduation either. I think you should take a giant step back from the lot of them.
On a positive side for you, at least your DH has apoligised for what he has said to your kids, mine denies it.
Quick story my youngest at the age of 27, who was by the way living in her own home which she almost ownes outright, and has never asked us for a penny, came home one day and announced she was pregnant. Yes I did beat her within an inch of her life
Anyway, she came here with her boyfriend 6 weeks off their planned engagement and in tears announced she was having this baby. My DH grabbed his cigarettes and stormed out. My daughter was devasted, she and I discussed it, she said she and her BF wanted to keep the baby, and I said okay then, that is all that matters. I brought DH back inside and tried to discuss it calmly. His response to me was, I don't see how you can chuck a party over this. Fast forward they go ahead with the engagement and decided to move the wedding up as they both wanted the baby to be born into a family that all shared the same surname...their choice. My DH was asked to give her away, he did so all good. The very next day she and her husband came to pick us up as by this time they had moved interstate and we had gone up for the wedding. They took us to lunch, and my husband said to my daughter, well I am not ashamed to stand next to you now as you are wearing a wedding ring. She and I, her new husband thankfully stayed out of it, said our peace.
FF another 6 months and DH father of the year gets a phone call from his daughter, not a visit, a phone call on his birthday, and let me tell you, this is the very first time in her life she has ever remembered his birthday, and she says happy birthday dad, I am pregnant. NOT MARRIED ENGAGED FOR 5 YEARS living with the boyfriend, pregnant and not even the decency to come around and tell dad to his face, no a phone call and she lives 5 minutes away. DH upon me saying, well that will teach you to say things about other people's daughters, how do you feel now, says, well, that is what young people do now. End of story.
In a conversation that took place weeks later and my shameful, sinful daughter who got pregnant because she had the morals of an alley cat was present the subject came up and I brought up this business of him saying in front of her husband the day after she was I can stand next to you.... He, says, I never said that. My daughter was, here her husband was here, we all said, "yes you did" and to this day he still denies it.
That is how he has handled every single situation where he has insulted one of my children, or me for that matter. According to him, he is one of natures' gentlemen and has never said a word or done a thing out of place. He flat out denies every single thing. Now I can only assume there is not enough room in his memory bank to remember everything and it is full up remembering every single slight against one of his kids, like the time his brother in law ate the last crumpet in the house and his eldest son who was 2 couldn't have one for breakfast, eldest is now 36, but daddy STILL remembers that, so as I said, his memory bank is too full up remembering those things to have room enough to remember how much he has hurt people.
Two of my daughters are married, both of their husbands came to us and asked permission to marry. His daughter, well he got a phone call one day saying "I'm engaged". How has the more polite, caring, well balanced children, he does. Mine are all bad, just ask him.
I sincerely hope you think this thing through and do something to change your situation. Nothing is worse than living like this, and the longer you take it, the longer it will go on. He will tell you one thing and his kids another and he will keep this going for as long as you let him away with it.
Yes,this all sounds very
Yes,this all sounds very familiar... I can't tell you the fights (im sure you can use your imagination), we have had over his delusions and denial. I mean, when his ex found out I was pregnant with the twins, she left a disgusting rant on our answering machine (of course he always managed to let her get our number), and wished them to be deformed, retarded, even dead...all without consequence, all I get is that its not her fault, she is sick. I even let this crazy bitch into my home on the day we buried her son, (i of course planned everything, including picking out the Mausoleum where he was to be laid to rest), I never got a thank you from ANY of them,,except DH, thank God he had the mind to do that. Now I"m just waiting for his other druggy son (the oldest), it took over 2 years to get him out but It finally happened. I know DH resents me for it. If he had his way, his almost 30 yr old son would still be living here. His delusion knows no bounds though, as well as his ability to make excuses for there behavior. Its all SO exhausting, I don't want to see him lose another child, but it scares the shit out of me that he doesn't even see it coming, but its draining me to no end. I don't know how much longer I can take this. I love him and I want him to heal. We COULD have a wonderful life together if he would just make a damn effort. For now i'm going to remain disengaged, move into the new house and when things settle down see if he gets into regular therapy and gets his priorities straight. I know its a long shot, but I will have to be prepared to make a decision at that juncture. I"ve taken this relationship and carried it by myself for as long as I can....
You absolutely need to do
You absolutely need to do what you need to do, and do it in your own time. No one can tell you when you should make your move. Those of us who have been there, done that can tell you exactly where it is all going, and I suspect even you know the new house is not going to fix anything, along with the furniture you will take the problems, same shit, different location. That being said, you do need to to whatever it takes to make YOU feel better and you have to make a decision about how to deal with things in your own time.
All I would say as I have said before is this: He will not change, they will not change, and in order for things to change, someone has to make a move. If you all keep doing the same stuff, and handle these issues the same way, you will get the same result. So, given that you cannot expect any change from them, why should they change, they are getting what they want out of this, you are the only who has a problem with it all, so YOU will have to change. That is not to say, you have to leave your DH, but you will have to set boundaries for yourself, and standards that you will or will not accept in your home, and it is your home. DH may have to meet his children elsewhere if that makes you happy, but he, no one can, make everyone happy all the time, so as his wife he needs to make YOU happy, he needs to give you a break from all of this. If he refuses to meet you at least half way on this, and I hate to say it, but don't hold your breath, then you will need to think long term.
Ultimately we have suffered and are suffering abuse, mental abuse, emotional abuse and verbal abuse. If your daughter were living in this situation, even your son who had a wife who treated him as you are being treated, what would you advise them to do. If your child felt as miserable as you do right now, what would you tell them. I pray that you will find the strength to stand up and make a change for yourself sooner rather than later. The longer it takes you to stop this craziness, the harder it is to stop it because it takes away your confidence and your self esteem. I wish you all the very best and I sincerely mean that. Read some posts on steptalk, you will find your situation over, and over, and over, and over again. So at least you know it is not you and you are not alone with this crap. Good Luck.
Thank you for your words of
Thank you for your words of wisdom!! One thing I do know, is that with this move, there will be alot less excuses on his part, as it is much closer to his office. After 2+ tumultous years, I finally got the 30 yr old, to move out of state, I have taken many stands before,believe me, I hope that now that his youngest is leaving for dental school, plus the move etc.. I will be in a better position to put my foot down and redefine the rules. I've made it very clear to DH that HE is the one that needs to make a decision. If he wants to continue his co-dependant,enmeshed,pathological relationships with his remaining 2 sons, he is NOT doing it in OUR house! I also made it clear that if his oldest druggy son decides to kill himself too, this will be dissolved immediatly. I know it sounds a little heartless, but I did everything for his boys behind the scenes, was the glue that held everybody together etc..His middle son still ended up killing himself, another one is on the same path. Everything I have done for the past 15 years was a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME!! I'm much more important things to do with my time and energy. I guess I'll know which road he is going to choose in the near future, and I can get a better idea of what I NEED TO DO.So you are right of course, they will not change, but maybe when he is presented with 2 obvious choices , he will realize that his future and happiness lies with us. If not, then i will know EXACTLY what needs to be done....
When I refused to go to SD's
When I refused to go to SD's house some two weeks after she had the baby because the night we saw baby in the hospital was the straw that broke the camels back for me. She believed she had delivered not only a baby but a trump card, she let it all hang out that night. So two weeks after the birth SD ringss DH at work, he calls me and states (not asks) we are going out tonight the evil bitch from hell who wants you dead (oh, no that's not true sorry), he used her name but I can't it sticks in my throat now
anyway she wanted him (he said us) to go around and see the trump card, and I said, no, never again will I allow myself to be treated like that. I tell him you ring evil bitch from hell (lying again, sorry), and tell her, no more I will not come to her home and be treated the way she treats me. DH says, you can't talk to her I'll ring the BF, as you can see my husband is not in the least afraid of his daughter. So, he rings BF and BF says, SD will continue to treat me anyway she wants, nothing is going to change, and DH needs to respect the feelings of his children. Further to that if DH wants to see his grandchildren then he will have to leave me.
DH and SD continue to communicate via phone during working hours despite what has just been said and DH does nothing about it, except play happy families with her. More stuff goes down when she involves sick 88 year old FIL and causes more trouble. Ultimately this led me to say to DH, look your daughter has made it clear she will never accept me as part of the family, she will never accept our marriage, and she would sooner stick forks in her eyes than be part of my family, she has made it clear that it is me or her. I will never go back to putting up with this so you can talk to your daughter, so, you need to decide where you want to live, not where you will be the happiest because you will never be happy anywhere now, not with me, not alone and not wth daughter, but you do need to make a decision because I will not put up with you living here and being angry with me because I will not take your daughter's shit.
To date he is here, can I guarantee he will be here next month, NO. The less contact he has with her the more settled and happy he is, but he is not happy. Who would be never seeing your children or your grandchildren. However, I have come to realise this:- He and he alone created this mess, he lied to me, he lied to his kids, he told me one thing and them another. He failed to teach his children even the most basic of manners please and thank you, hell my grandchilren could say ta and make a noise like please when they were months old, but worse than failing to teach them manners, he felt they did not have to have manners, they did not have to say please and thank you to anyone if they didn't want to. He taught them to be rude, arrogant, selfish, greedy self centered people and that is all falling back on him now. As a human I feel sorry, as his wife, I feel sorry, but I feel no shame or guilt, any shame or guilt should be and I beleive is fairly and squarely on my husbands shoulders. Where it belongs, he has done tremendous damage to his relationship with myself, my children, his family and his evil brood and he needs to suffer the consequences of that NOT ME.
I am only 7 month sinto this and have a long way to go, if he left next week or next month I would be terribly hurt I know that, but I also know I would survive because my choices are, put up with being abused by him and his children or make a life of my own. A life of my own with confidence and self respect are much more appealling thank you.
I will not say I do not love my husband, because if I did not have some love for him I would have been gone long ago, but I will say this. He was estranged from this lot when I met him, and I fell in love with a man that clearly I have not lived with for years, he was the love of my life, my soul mate a man I looked up to and respected. Now, yes I care, I do not wish to see him hurt, but I no longer look up to him, I have seen weaknesses in him that I do not admire, I certainly do not love him in the same way I once did and unfortunately (well maybe not) I never will, but then again that unconditional love I once gave him allowed him to get away with all of this for years, it was only when that blind love died that I saw what he was doing to me, so perhaps falling out of love with him that way is a good thing. As for respect, well I treat him with as much respect as I would any other human being, even a stranger, but he does not have the respect he once did from me and why should he, he sat back and by his silence was taking part in and encouraging his children to abuse me. He did not care if they hated me, in fact it suited him for them to hate me, that way he tought that meant they loved him....Weird, weird, weird.
I thank God, for one particular poster on this site who messaged me privately one day, and for the people on this site who by their posts have helped and encouraged me, for the strength that I have now acquired. For the friendships I now have from other people on this site. For my friend in Utah who I found on this site, so many wonderful people who have helped me save my sanity, who have helped me regain my sense of pride and my confidence, who have helped me see I was not wrong in this.
I am now planning my future, getting my little ducks all lined up in a row, starting to put money aside for me, for my future and planning for a happier life, with or without him, doesn't matter now. I have the strength to go it alone. With him, if he can respect me and treat me as his wife not as his cleaner, with him if he comes to the realisation that I was not born and bred to be a punching bag or a doormat for his precious off spring, with him if he wakes up and becomes a happier man in himself. Without him if he doesn't, but he does not get to call the shots any longer, I am no longer afraid of upsetting him, of getting him mad, and I no longer feel the need to put up with shit so he can speak to his kids.
You will get to this place, in your own time, I'll keep the kettle warm for you
You'll love it when you get here.
Hi emotionally.. I want to
Hi emotionally.. I want to respond to you fully but am late for a meeting...You say alot of things that sound familiar,,, I will post later... have a good day>>:)
EBU, You say the
EBU, You say the unconditional love is no longer there. We have a lot of similarities - and at one time I gave my DH unconditional love too but shortly after our wedding, I realized that he wasn't giving ME unconditional love. As long as I bowed to he and his princess I was OK to have around - just OK. I have always made more then he does, and for the way he has treated me, I came to the conclusion a long time ago that I came in handy when he was trying to put SD through college, provided a way to inexpensive living expenses, etc. He tells me he loves me but after what I put up with for 20 years I am not convinced. I disengaged from SD over a year ago. Like you, I banned her from my home, and DH has chosen to stay. Every once in a while though, such as the other night he gets angry with me, has an unjustified meltdown, threatens to leave, then changes his mind when I say, "So go." I think this may be partly due to the fact that I refuse to welcome SD in our home and will not back down. So here we are, a few days after the explosion - I am wavering between total disgust and the desire to go on with him. I do not know if I am wasting my time or biding my time.
Been emotionally abused ALL
Been emotionally abused ALL day today!!!! I need to rant about the stupidity that went on today. My DH is under the impression that I'm not going to disengage from his youngest or refuse him access to our home because "he's all that he has left"!! Is this guy kidding me?? He says he doesn't want to celebrate his birthday because he has "nothing to celebrate"!! How OFFENSIVE!! He has a beautiful young wife, a beautiful home, a booming medical practice, and gorgeous 3 yr. old twins and he has nothing to celebrate??WTF!!!!!!!?????? We've been having a texting war because he's lost his middle son to a drug overdose, the other one moved away, and despite the fact that this son is 30 yrs old, he considers it a "loss", and now doesn't want to "lose", the 21 yr old. So I am supposed to continue to be this back-stabbing little pricks punching bag so daddy won't "lose" him?? How does that work?? IF thats not abusive I don't know what is.First off, how can you "lose", what you never HAD?? This boy has been nothing short of a nightmare, for example, when he was 13, he ran home to his mother and said that his father tried to kill him, and that I beat him up..nice HUH?? and of course it came back "founded", ( because the 16 claimed he was a "witness), and of course, his father conveniently forgets all this. WE had never abuseD any of our children, EVER! He was simply doing his mothers work and being a good little soldier. My DH has been texting all day that he can't be happy or go on without him!! How is this love?? What does this say about me and the twins?? This is disgusting! I'm almost embarrassed to even write this..he can't have a co-dependent relationship with me, my grown kids, or the twins, so he is trying to hang on to the last pathological, so-dependant relationship he has, and he doesn't give a shit if it comes at the expense of his wife, marriage and young children. Does anyone else see how sick this is or am I over-reacting? Am i supposed to continue this charade with his youngest, knowing full well what he says and does behind our backs?? Even he admits that he doesn't trust him EITHER! So he has no problem letting people he doesn't trust near his family? This man will throw anybody under a bus to get his needs met, and apparantly doesn't care who he hurts along the way. And to add insult to injury, he is acting like HE is the victim here!!Oh, I"m sorry for the poor dear, his victim is starting to put her foot down and I'm "hurting" him??!!And of course, this speaks volumes about DH's self-esteem, Why would anybody WANT someone like that in there life?? He knows that the only reason this boy is going to become and oral surgeon is because he thinks he is going to take over my husbands practice, so he can support his Mommy. If my husband was on welfare, this kid wouldn't give DH the time of day. I"m so infuriated right now, he continues to imply that the twins and I are meaningless and worthless to him , and that is just NOT going to work.. anybody care to weigh in on this, please do, because I'm exausted and ready to burst right now....
Yeah, thank you.. I'm
Yeah, thank you.. I'm beginning to feel the same way.. It used to bother me that my husband was never home and works all the time, Now, I consider it a blessing. We have so much more fun (me and my nanny),when he is not around. The little shit had the nerve to come to my house this morning and deny all the shit he said about me, despite the fact that I have it all in black and white (i printed it out), he was loud, obnoxious and disrespectful, to put it mildly, Guess what my ass-hole husband did the entire time?? Kept his hands in his pockets and stare at the floor!! The only time he opened up his F*^#KING mouth was when I TOLD him too!! Same shit thats been going on for 15 yrs...and he wonders why his "boys" have no respect for either one of us... unreal..i told both of them that I will never either one of them ever again, I also told SS that when the twins get older and they want nothing to do with him, to remember my words today, cause I meant it. I will NOT let these, selfish abusive people get away with the pain they've caused this "family". I also told him that when his other brother OD"S..don't come crying to me (and I said the same thing to DH), i just want peace....
Joint checking account? Banks
Joint checking account? Banks open on Saturday? Get my drift?
Got it! and yes, but have my
Got it! and yes, but have my own separate accounts, not open on sat... LOL....:)
Sandye21, I guess I am biding
Sandye21, I guess I am biding my time. My DH has his "moments" shall we call them too. I know that he gets mad sometimes for what seems to be no apparent reason, and I am sure that there is a reason, my kids come here and his don't. I love my kids, they are my children I carried them in my womb and fed them at my breast all for around 15 months each, I raised them by myself from 2, 6 and 8 until their 20,s. However no how much I love them, I would never, never allow them to treat anyone the way his kids treated me, let alone treat my DH like that. I WOULD SEE WHAT THEY WERE DOING AND I WOULD STOP IT DAY 1.
My youngest was here one day (22 at the time), she had broken it off a few weeks earlier with a chap she was seeing, and the next morning he killed himself. My daughter was in a very bad place. While she was here an elderly couple who were visiting their daughter down the road, popped in to say hello ( I knew this couple well), my daughter did not speak to them, did not say hello and when they left did not say goodbye.
As soon as I closed the door on that couple I said to her, I understand completely what you are going through and I hurt for you probably more than you hurt for yourself, however, you are never ever to treat anyone in my home the way you just treated that couple ever again. If you were not up to being social, fair enough, leave the room excuse yourself say you are not feeling well and leave the room, but I will not put up with you being rude to people in my home. I saw what she did, I understood she was in a great deal of pain, but I still did not accept her being rude to people. So, can you imagine if she was just plain rude because she wanted to be. I would never let it happen. I guess that is why I am so dissapointed and disgusted with DH.
I don't think there is anything we can do to change them, in fact I am convinced of that. But it doesn't matter to me now, because he killed something in me and now I see my feelings as coming first, I realise there is no compromising with DH or his family, there is no middle ground, no shades of grey, it is all their way or no way. So, as per the old saying, if you can't beat em, join 'em. That is what I am doing in this home, I am joining the "It's all about me club, the I want my own way, and I will not accept anything else' I find I have no trouble in doing that with DH now, something I have never done in my life with anyone and I am almost 60 now, I was not brought up to be a selfish brat, and my parents were alcholics, so if they can bring up selfless kids,who all had manners, why the hell couldn't DH. It's not that hard.
I find now that I have stuck up for myself here not only am I happier here (happier, not happy) but I am far more relaxed and happy in my relationships with friends and family too. So, it is lose, lose for him and win, win for me.
I have swapped the spark and unconditional love for confidence, self esteem and pride, I win he loses and he did it all to himself.
I have also noticed he has pulled back a bit from my grandchildren who adore him. Sure, when their parents are around he is all over the kids (gutless is the word I use for that), but when I have the kids here by myself, unless the kids talk to him, ask him to play, make the first moves with him, he just plays on his computer, these kids are babies, 18 months, 2 and almost 4 and he thinks it's okay to do this. It's okay to use them to punish me. He I believe thinks that if he cannot have his grandchildren here because of me, because I banned his daughter, then I should not have mine. HE still does NOT GET IT, the reason his children and grandchildren are not here, is not because of ME, but because his daughter made a decision to not accept me, not accept our marriage, to hate me before she ever met me, and to say she wants us seperated then dead, separated so he can see what is like to be left, just like he left her mum, then dead because she hates us, she is the one who did not want to be part of this family, she made all the decisions and she called all the shots, she bred a baby to get him away from me, and she then issued the ultimatium, if you want to see this child, leave your wife, and he punishes me through my grandchildren. Yeah right, way to go DH, that'll teach me a lesson, that'll make me love you more, that'll keep me.
I know I am binding my time, and as each day passes I know I am more in control here than he is. I am this year planning my future, saving for me and my future. Because you know what, waiting for them to change, to see who caused the trouble, is wasting your time.
I believe what is meant for you will not go past you, that things will happen in their own time. So, in the meantime, I have warned him to back off and treat my grandchildren the way they deserve to be treated, and to be honest, once he knew I knew what he was up to there he smartened up. But again he added to the list of things that disappoint me about him, and pushed me back another step, well a few steps there, who uses babies to get even with someone who did nothing to you, in fact to get even with someone YOU yourself hurt.
It will all be okay for me I know that, however, he whether he is with me or on his own, has ruined his life and prevented himself from being a very happy man. All I asked for Sandye21 before I finally banned her from my home for good, was for him to ask her to apologise, and he refused............So, here we are. What did I lose, a man who loved his daughter more than his wife, okay no big deal, what did he lose, a woman who adored him, who put him above all others, who pr-empted his needs and his wants, waited on him hand and foot, kept his home clean, had his meals on the table when he came home from work, treated him like he was some kind of God. I guess that was the trouble really, what I saw as loving him and wanting to make him happy above all else, I saw as a woman loving her husband, he saw as a master servant, or perhaps slave relationship, and he took advantage of it, so he lost it all, and I lost nothing.
EBU, Thank you for responding
EBU, Thank you for responding and letting me know that my suspicions are probably correct - DH's unwarranted outbursts are about something other than what he says they are. He is really losing and in the end I win, but in the meantime, I am getting really tired of the meltdowns and the game. I agree - you can teach a dog to have manners, what's so hard about teaching manners to kids? I think it is dispicable to use others to get back at us. At one point, when my family would visit, DH would remove himself to our bedroom, read, campout, whatever while I was expected to fully entertain HIS family - and SD - when they came. I finally told him I would be treating his family the same when they visited. This resolved the situation. The problem is, EBU, we lived with a double standard for way too long. We did for DH what he was never willing to go out of his way to do for us. Like you said, the good thing is I am more invested in me and my future, and this knowledge helps to get through the after-effects of another tantrum. It's just a setback, to be expected. Tomorrow I am going to do something special for me - I deserve it. I will be stronger than today and the momentum will carry on until the next (and possibly final) blow-up. Still, nothing, absolutely nothing is going to change my mind from banning SD from this house unless DH can 'man up' to his responsibilities. Biding my time but maybe looking forward to it.
As far as I"m concerned, My
As far as I"m concerned, My DH just hammered the last nail in his coffin. I knew SS would come up with some B/S excuse for writing such horrible things about me, but i Can't BELIEVE DH is still stupid enough to take his side. He expects me to sleep with him, run this household, raise the kids, and do EVERYTHING (other than his paycheck, he does NOTHING AROUND THIS HOUSE), while he continues to throw me under a bus and side with a parasite, who does nothing but use him, disrespect us, and trash (me), at every turn?? I can't believe at this stage of the game not even survival instincts have stepped in. I really need to learn some coping mechanisms to figure out how to emotionally disengage from it all. Is loyalty too much too ask for in a marriage.?? Its one of the majors reasons I divorced my first husband, (do they ALL cheat?). As far as i'm concerned cheating emotionally is just as bad if not WORSE than cheating physically. He is walking around the house here like he's done nothing wrong, damaging, or innappropriate. WTF?? Never have I seen such arrogance... perhaps he should sleep, eat and dine with his son. He certainly doesn't deserve to do it with me...he is literally making me sick..
It's called narcissistic
It's called narcissistic personality disorder. If he can be arrogant enough, there's a shock and awe effect. Basically leaving you speechless. It's a defense mechanism of some people especially men. Sorry guys.
If I act as if I've done nothing wrong, she will question herself instead of me. Guilty is as guilty does, right? He's got it bad. Deep down inside, he knows that he's not being diplomatic. But he probably thinks that of all the people in the world, you love him the most. Because you care the most, you're least likely to leave him. That translates to you get the brunt of the shit that's rolling, unfortunately downhill on top of your pretty little head. The only reaction you can have with this type of person is to not explain anything and just walk away (leave him). He'll know you figured him out. OR CALL HIM ON HIS BULLSHIT. If you call him on it, you already know that he'll talk his way out of it, walk away and act like you're over reacting and unfair, selfish and demanding. After fifteen years of dishing shit out and you eating it, he has no reason to believe it won't be served up again and again. Been there, done that sister.
Well said, but thats the part
Well said, but thats the part I don't get, He's NOT the articulate one here, He just ends up sounding like an ASS, over and over and over again...And when I call him out on his shit, like I did tonight about his son writing that horrible stuff about me, he just curls up into the fetal position, covers his face with his hands, and falls asleep. Its like being married to a child! He KNOWS that I"m a born fighter, I can out-talk him ANY day of the week, (my father was furious that I did not become an attorney, he always said I would be an excellent prosecutor). I will not let him BREATHE, in fact he tells me that i'm "heartless". he knows guilt won't work on me, All because I won't stroke him, pity him,etc... I guess when he doesn't get his way, he shuts down like a petulant child. Rather than deal with his big, bad wifey.He KNOWS i have him all figured out, for the love of GOD i have a DEGREE in psychology! I've raised five kids and raising 2 more in the process. I think he is a masochist. (does he WANT to be punished??). Or is it that he just HAS to make me the bad guy?? he is also very passive/aggressive, he claims that he can't confront his kids, (or anybody for that matter), but he has NO problem getting in MY childrens face, and on occassion, mine. I just need to find better coping skills myself before these people make me sick, his son is here for the weekend, should be interesting how this plays out...
There are one or two
There are one or two exceptions but this fits my DH to a tee! I have been wondering why I have never been able to have anything but surface level conversations with DH. One time I got too deep for him and he became irate. He has only made consessions to me when it is of a benefit to him, or he knows if he doesn't, he will be history. No wonder SD is so narcissistic!
I have to add that I am
I have to add that I am totally floored by this! I had no idea this was the problem but I knew something was just not quite right or normal. I am so tired of looking like I'm the 'heavy' when i'm not - and it's all about manuipulation. One thing that I've noticed also is he has no friends. Is this also a symptom of NPD? So how do I handle it?
My DH has no friends either!!
My DH has no friends either!! and he blames ME for that fact!! OMG, your right! I bet most of the guys that fit the description of NPD, have no friends. how could they?? I am floored by this as well!! My it is all starting to make sense now. Especially when I think about the past, and things that have happened along the way that I didn't understand then, I certainly do now!! I can't EVER have a conversation with DH that has any substance what-so-ever. We can talk about the moon, the stars and the sun, but you don't DARE talk about reality, or feelings..etc,,then I get accused of "attacking" him. All I can say is WTF?????!!!!!!
This list defines my husband
This list defines my husband to a 'T'.. with the exception of conversation controller. I guess if you look at it from his passive/aggresseve M O, than he even does THAT! I can't thank you enough for this. and He THINKS he is good at reading people, when it reality he SUCKS at it. Everything else was spot on. He even tried to deny what he wrote in HIS OWN text messages!!When I had it sitting right in front of him!!And your right, everyone thinks he's Mr.Wonderful, and that I"M the pain in the ass loud=mouth. God forbid I should stick up for myself. If I open my mouth (god forbid cause women should be sees and not heard), the poor dear doesn't deserve it cause "he works to hard", or "hes' tired, or I'M The one being abusive for stating my feelings, cause i'm not supposed to have any because they don't count anyway...he denied taking his son's "side", despite I had the texts he sent me "ALL DAY"!! and he refused to even take responsibility for that!Then he tried the guilt.."but you said you wouldn't do this because he's the only one i've got left".. seriously?? He though that meant that I would continue to be his sons punching bag??All I meant by that was that there wasn't going to be any drama like the other 2. He's free to go have a relationship with him, BUT NOT IN MY HOME. He admits that he doesn't trust him either, but then doesn't have a problem with this manchld being near me or my twins. How does that work exactly??Before he even confronted his son I knew he was ready to accept whatever excuse he spewed out just based on what he texted me. He thinks I"m SO stupid...I am NOT going out with them to celebrate his birthday. I will not back down from him or his son. I have too much self-respect for that. There are ZERO excuses for what this guy did and said about me. PERIOD. So was is DH fighting with me?? Cause of what HIS son did???? Makes NO sense what-so-ever. I"m so beat up and exhausted from yesterdays drama. He refuses to even recognize how abusive the things he texts me were. He even "attacked" my therapist. And it was very clear from the nature of what he was saying about him that he is VERY threatened by him. In fact, I think he is threatened by anybody who "takes my side" or empowers me. Yours was and EXCELLENT blog !!! I will save it forever, it almost perfectly describes my this what you have been living with as well?? We are both too young for this bullshit, and deserve MUCH better!! ;
My DH inadvertantly accepts
My DH inadvertantly accepts and condones his kids behavior, ALL THE TIME, always has, from day one,They know what he is all about, and they exploit it at every turn. And of course, they get away with it, There have NEVER been consequences, accountability, responsibility, etc.. its disgusting. They are BEYOND innappropriate. Sometimes doing nothing, speaks much more loudly than actions...
My husband is not the
My husband is not the conversatin controller, has not a clue about reading people, but I have to say absolutely thinks he knows exactly what everyone else is thinking,feels and reacts accordingly, but as he has no clue what makes anyone tick that is why he always gets it wrong, and he does not control the money other than that it is him as I have always suspected. NPD and NPD daughter who because she was raised by an NPD and an only child very spoilt gimie, gimmie, gimmie mother has I think crossed the line and is a physcopath.
I wouldn't doubt it. 2 of my
I wouldn't doubt it. 2 of my 3 SS are psychopaths, no conscience whats so ever, ZERO ability to empathize, and no remorse. My DH's father had NPD, couldn't stand the man. But of course, it was MY fault that we didn't get along.My DH controls EVERYTHING except sex, and it really drives him CRAZY. He wants so badly to have an affair, and I think the only reason he hasn't is because he is VERY insecure about his ED. Plus, he knows I WILL catch him, and he KNOWS what will happen. He needs my inheritance if he ever wants to retire, and he knows if he ever betrayed me in that way, it would be the last nail in his coffin LOL, PLus, my son would flip out.. I don't think he would risk it. I'm sure it drives him crazy LOLOLOLOLOL
How in the hell are you gonna
How in the hell are you gonna keep his paws off your money? If you plan to allow him to retire utilizing your inheritance. You've mentioned that he controls all finances. Have you thought about how in the world you're going to pull that off? And, more importantly, can you trust him not to throw it away on his loser kids?
Ask yourself this also...are you waiting for this inheritance so that you can feel the power over him that he's maintained on you? A little revenge perhaps?
I have already discussed this
I have already discussed this with my attorney, in the state of NY, inheritance is NOT shared property, he is NOT entitled to a dime of it (even if we stay married), as long as I don't CO-MINGLE FUNDS!! In other words, some with be rolled over into its current investment account, some will go into an account he doesn't even know about, some with go into a joint account with EACH of my grown children's, and NONE will go into our joint accounts or the twins account, because they are HIS kids, and therefore ENTITLED to the money. My fathers accountants, financial advisors etc.... are the best in the business, i'll open an account in fucking switzerland if necessary, LMFAO, in order to keep his "PAWS" OFF OF MY MONEY!!! As far as revenge, you bet your sweet ass!!!!!!!! Letting him think that he is EVER going to retire after what he has done to me and my kids:PRICELESS!!!!!! Thanx for the food for thought though, if I forgot anything, please let me know...:)
Is it revenge or is she just
Is it revenge or is she just the designated driver of the Karma bus this time
Just have to change my
Just have to change my comment before about DH not controlling the conversation. That is not, now that I have thought about it true, when he is in the room, no one really has much of a conversation, he doesn't like to talk much so no one else gets to talk either. I have had many in depth discussions with family friends, hell, even an hour and a half on the fron lawn with the neighbours husband who had just returned from Afghanistan. Yet when I tried to engage my husband in that later that night, or in any conversation at all really.......nothing, therefore he doesn't want to converse, so nobody will converse = controlling the conversation, or lack of it
Reading people as I said, he does do, but he is so bad at it, it is unbelievable, he has no clue how people think or feel, because he has no empathy at all, that is not sarcasm or nastiness, it is a sad fact, this poor man was born without empathy. Controlling the money is still in though and he will never get control of that. All our savings are in my name, the car is in my name, only the house is in joint names. Gonna have to work on the house 
I hope its the Karma
I hope its the Karma bus...LOL :)xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Just don't waste too much of
Just don't waste too much of your precious years. Revenge really is not as sweet as you'de imagaine. It's sort of an empty feeling, like you only tricked yourself. All the time, effort, money and energy into obtaining revenge...and all for what? Just don't be surprised when it doesn't satisfy you as you expect. I really doesn't. This is from one rightous woman to another, it just doesn't.
Then of course, if the sweet revenge is around the corner, not requiring a whole lot on your part? Well then.. }:)
Don't worry, I"m not wasting
Don't worry, I"m not wasting precious time, I don't even have to look past the nose on my face. I believe in what goes around comes around. I think it happens quite naturally, without any effort on my part. I"m not even going out of my way to achieve it, his narccicism wont allow him to see that he's actually creating it HIMSELF. I"m just going to mind my business and do whats best for me and my children. I really have no empathy for people who create there own problems, and then act like THEY are the victims. Everybody, will get what they deserve in the end. And even if there was NO money involved, no inheritance..etc,,, I would still be the richest woman on the face of the earth because at the end of the day, I will be left with 5 incredible, beautiful children who are all productive, functional members of society, who love and respect me (and vice versa), and he will be left with NOTHING...very sad. But if he is to EVER Learn, he will have to lose it all and hit rock bottom before he does, and even then I"m not so sure....His son came over this morning to "apologize", before leaving for school, what a SHIT-SHOW... DH just stood there with his hands in his pockets, looking down at his feet, while his son engaged in a loud disrespecful juvenile rant about he didn't REALLY trash me after was just all MY "perception"...and my personal favorite, "oh, I was just angry at the time, I don't REALLY believe what I said" yada,,,yada,,,yada.....all while DH DID NOTHING... FLASHBACK to 15 years DONE..
Elizabeth7, When I read a
Elizabeth7, When I read a post yesterday from secondwife64 about relational aggression (RA) this definitely describes what you and your Daughter have been going through. (I really had an epiphany after reading her post.) It is plain and simple bullying with the objective of excluding you and your daughter from their family group, clawing away at any self respect and to ultimately destroying you as human beings. I know - I've been there too. It is so unfair but you are right. To save your sanity and protect your daughter all you can do is separate yourself from them. The thing about bullies, no matter what the age, is when you are no longer in their lives they will find a replacement for you. The 'HATE' you mentioned really has a life of it's own, doesn't it?
Oh Elizabeth7, I can TOTALLY
Oh Elizabeth7, I can TOTALLY relate to your story, and it is DEPLORABLE, especially at your SS age, to be taking it out on an innocent child (your daughter). That would be a DEAL breaker for me, right there!! When I was telling off my SS this past weekend, I made it very clear to him that my twins will find out what he is and was all about, and that by hurting me, he is hurting them. And then I kick it in to "Mama Bear mode".. a whole new level of anger!! I also told DH that he cannot have a relationship with his son, (at least not near me and my children), if it impacts negatively on me and indirectly our twins. its so much easier to disengage, when you think about it from this perspective..:)
My husband CONSTANTLY allows
My husband CONSTANTLY allows his boys to be disrespectful to me...this is 99% of the reason we have a MISERABLE marriage, no fun, no sex, very little laughter.I can't enjoy the company of a man who has such little respect for me. In fact, we are going (once again), to therapy tomorrow, and I"m going to give him an ultimatum. He needs to admit he has NPD, or Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and needs to get help for it...PERIOD! We shall see...LOL I'm NOT keeping my hopes up those..afterall, this has been going on for me (us), for 15 years.... :jawdrop:
TwinMom, my stepsons are 28 &
TwinMom, my stepsons are 28 & 30. Their bio mom walked out on them when they were 2 & 4. I met their dad 3 years later. I was the one who mothered these boys and made sure they had a constant parental figure in their lives. Tehir mother had no interest until she found out another woman was in the picture and then came the claws and she did everything under the sun to get the boys to hate their father, me and my was very ugly and very obvious to me that this women cared nothing about her children, this was all about what she wanted of herself.
The boys were a handful and husband always wanted to please them and so was not a real strong figure. Infact, I think he thought I was unfair in some cases as I would be hard on them but no harder than I was with my bio children. I saw the boys as mine and I cared for them like my own sons. I think treating them differently woudl ahve been a mistake.
What happened though is that the boys knew how their mom felt about me, they could see the weakness in their father and so the blame fell directly on my shoulders. I given the biggest role of anyone to parent these children and told by my husband to make the decisions myself and then was not supported when I did, it was a cath-22 which left me feeling devalued, unheard and worthless. I was on anti-depressants a couple time, probabaly drank a littl too much at times to dull the pain.
A very bad sitaution broke out between stepsons and my daughters as they turned adults and all but one was on their own. This forced me to support my daughters and boy did I have my husband's whole family judging my every move and every word that came out of my mouth. As it turned out I seperated myself from husband's family as well as stepsons. Lots of rediculous, awful things were said, rumors flew about things I supposedly said and did that never took place.
The younger boy and I sort of mended our ways at one point but he had not stopped with his lies and I drew a line with him, this was only a couple years ago. He exploded and told us that we would never see his daughter or know her as our grandchild. He told us what terrible parents we were and have not heard from him since.
Husband and I have gone to couseling as a couple, and I spent 10 months in counseling on my own. What I can say is the counseling was the best thing we could have done. Counselor let us know that the boys were suffering from the abandonment they receioved from their mother leaving and that the things the boys did were typical of this. She told me to have absolutely nothing more to do with them as I could not do anything right in their book. I could ahve done everything by the book and been Mother Teresa but I would have still be marked as the bad guy because they could not face the reality of their situation. They wanted to believe their mom. She encouraged to try and keep contact with the boys to see if they would open their doors to him but helped him to realize he had no reason to feel guilty for the choices they made for themselves.
My health suffered from all I went thru. My husband and I nearly divorced more than once. As I look back now I would never have put myself what I endured had I know what was in store for me to get involved with a step family.
My advise to you is counseling as a couple so your husband can understand where you are coming from and you can both get some direction. I personally would wash my hadns of the boys completely. This is not about you and it is not your problem. Their behavior is about what they have endured and what they have been allowed to do but that doesn't mean they have the right to destroy your life.
My heart really aches for
My heart really aches for you.
It's great that you're in therapy with a wonderful therapist.
I think your husband was probably raised in an era where men didn't do much housework (inside, anyways) and didn't go to therapy. This could largely explain why he won't do housework or go to therapy with you.
What I do think you need to do is work with your therapist on developing an exit strategy for you and your kids. Like another poster said, if anything were to happen to you, your husband would wind up raising your kids. This would give him one more set of kids to screw up. You deserve to lead a happy life surrounded by people who love you, and your kids deserve to have the comfort of knowing that their mom is happy and healthy.
My best wishes go out to you.