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dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

so get this shit:

bm calls me to see 'how im doin'. i tell her im busy and hang up. not even 5 min later she texts me asking to use my car later tonight to go meet her new boytoy after he gets off work...she will fill my tank and have it back in a few hours. and, she needs to borrow it around 11pm!

here is my reply text:

"because of your daughter, bf's shitty parenting, and your lack of involvement and stupidity, i lost my bf, my home, my privacy, sanity, sense of freedom and independance. i am living in a chaotic environment that fucks with my daughters sensory problems, while u are living on ur own, bf has the house, and sd is not dealing with MY child who she finds 'annoying'. my life has been turned upside down, as has my daughters, and u want me to help u establish a new relationship? oh, please, tell me, how can i make YOUR dreams come true'

lol, no response waiting for it.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

lol, i like to make my point. she still hasnt responded, so i guess she got my point. im done with everyone at this point. i have gone ghost on everyone i know except my sister, who i live with at the moment.

depression and bitterness is a BITCH