I did a bad thing...or not?
So last night my SS13 called to let us know when his "fall concert" at school is. (It's next week...thanks for the advance notice, buddy.) My husband wasn't home, so he talked to me. The concert is at noon on a weekday, so I looked at the calendar and sadly, my husband is out of town on business and I am working that day. I told that we couldn't make it and why. He asked, "can't you guys just take off that day?". I explained that most people have jobs that aren't that flexible, and that in the future he should try to give us sooner notice so we can try to rearrange our schedules or take a vacation day. He then asked me why we always had to work when his mom didn't (BM has no job and lives off of child support and welfare). So I foolishly decided that it was time that he knew about child support. I did my best to explain that his mother takes 25% of what my husband makes and that the state of Wisconsin gives her charity. Numerous times I told myself to stop (in my head) but I was on a roll, and kept going. He asked why all of his friends with single moms didn't just stay at home and do the same as him mom (seemed like a pretty sweet deal to him), and I then launched into lazy vs. responsible and that some dads don't make as much as his dad. 25% of $100,000 is more than 25% of $30,000. He seemed to finally understand, and then said, "no wonder Dad hates Mom so much." I wisely decided not to expand on that statement and ended the conversation and hung up. I feel as though I have done wrong, and crossed a line that is not only not supposed to be crossed, but certainly not talked about by me. Opinions? Don't spare my feelings...I really need some input here before I tell my husband about this.
Yeah probably wasn't the best
Yeah probably wasn't the best thing to do and his dad should of been the one to do so. There will likely be backlash from BM big time tell DH asap it can't be undone so be prepared. Next time something like that comes up tell him to ask his dad or mom.
You know what? Who cares if
You know what? Who cares if bm is mad-it sounds as if everything you said is true. He is 13-surely he was aware that mom receives some sort of support for him. kids tend to figure out a lot of this on their own as they get this age and you just gave him facts, correct? I would think you stepped over the line if you called his bm a lazy, no good whore-but if you just said she collects x amount of child support and receives govt assistance then all you did was state a fact.
I remember when ss was about 12 and made some disparaging comments about the selection of food we had in the house. Not taht we didnt have plenty, but just none apparently to his liking. I popped off that we cant cater to his needs all the time because food is expensive and not everyone receives food stamps. He knew, I was of course, talking about his bm. Then I launched into the whole wastefulness thing as he was very wasteful with his food-which apparently is ok if you are receiving free breakfasts and lunches at school and are on food stamps at home. Oops. But I didnt say anything that was not true and I did not specifically say anything bad about his bm.
Way to go hismineandours. I
Way to go hismineandours. I have kind of the opposite situation regarding wastefulness. BM is very tight with "her" money and makes the kids feel horribly guilty when she has to buy them new shoes when they outgrow theirs, or if they ruin something that has to be replaced. I remember feeling sorry for ss13 and sd11 when I discovered that the pj's we have at our house hadn't fit them for a while. I asked them why they didn't say something to me (they know I do all the shopping) and the said they didn't want me to get mad about having to buy new ones. How awful! I know that neither myself nor my husband have ever balked at buying them any necessity. I'm not about to buy them a whole new wardrobe for their BM's house (that's what cs is for) but they've always been well provided for by us. Ugh.
that was my mom. infuriated
that was my mom. infuriated any time she had to spend a dime on my brother or me. plenty of times we wore shoes falling apart and clothes too small because she just refused to spend her welfare money on us. going to bingo every week was far more important.
thank you. i can't say that
thank you. i can't say that what she did to me as a child has affected me as an adult, because i think i'm pretty normal
, but i definitely have no respect for her. especially after having kids. i didn't understand how a parent could be that way before i was a parent, and now that i am, i'm even more baffled. i could never treat my kids with the coldness she treated us. we were burdens and we knew it. my kids are blessings. she's 54 and has 3 gk's, and is missing out on everything because she'd rather be drunk all the time. oh well. it's her loss. certainly not ours.
Probably should have let DH
Probably should have let DH handle the CS talk but if your delivery was pleasant and matter-of-fact then maybe the backlash won't be that bad. I'd tell your DH ASAP, before BM or SS13 tell him. Just explain to him what happened and ask forgiveness, nobody's perfect. I envy you, there are so many times I would like to explain to my skids how things really are
My DH had this conversation with SS15 & SS10 a couple of years back when SS15 complained about how BM was spending all "her" money on an activity for SS10 and it wasn't fair.
DH shot back that it was his money that was paying for it and that SS15 should stay out of it because BM also let him (SS15) do a lot of expensive activities as well. Then DH explained how CS works. They come to DH with CS questions occasionally but BM has never said anything to DH, so I don't even know if the skids said anything to her about it.
Maybe your SS13 won't mention it to BM.
Ok... I completely understand
Ok... I completely understand this.
SS asks us all of the time why we can't just "call in sick to work" so we can stay home with them. Many times we have told him "responsible adults work, and they GO to work every day. I can't lie to my boss and say that I am sick when I am not sick. What if I lose my job? Then who would pay for baseball, and our house with a pool".
Never did I say "your mom is lazy" or "she NEEDS to be at work but chooses not to, and that's why she lives in a shit hole of a house". I just give him very NON specific FACTS. How are our kids supposed to learn that you HAVE to work, when their mom's don't unless we TELL them? Especially for us where BM's BF doesn't work either, oh and BM's adult brother that lives with them. They all sit at home and collect of the government. It is OUR responsibilty to raise our kids to be responsible tax paying law abiding adults.
At 13 he's old enough to
At 13 he's old enough to understand why and form his own opinion. You're probably right to think that it would've been best for his dad to tell him about it, but what's done is done and the bottom line is now he knows the reality of the situation.
Facts ARE facts, dammit! I
Facts ARE facts, dammit! I was careful not to outright insult BM. I think I will just call my husband and tell him about this, but I will ONLY apologize for the fact that it was ME having the CS conversation with ss. Even though the opportunity THREW itself at me, that should have been something that dad handled. I won't lie and say that it didn't feel totally awesome and empowering at the time though. Hopefully ss will learn from this and be super careful in his choice of a wife someday. Be careful young man. Someday, if you make the same mistake as your father and marry a no-good lazy whore, you will shell out a quarter of your paycheck too!
Ok. I am going to say this.
Ok. I am going to say this. I haven't read any of your blogs but this 13 year old boy calls to invite his father and you to his fall concert that must of been important to him and you lecture him!!!
He wasn't asking anything from your husband or you but to attend his fall concert.
Do you seriously think that a 13 year old played over in his mind about all the aspects of asking you and DH to take a day or a few hours or maybe just a long lunch from work???
Maybe you could have said I will talk to your father and see if there is some way possible we can arrange it but we do have responsibilities. Then let his father explain about the whole CS, mom's working not working, etc.
Just sayin...
But if SS is asking these
But if SS is asking these specific questions, is it a lecture? Or is it her answering his questions? I didn't really feel like she was lecturing him.
^^Agreed....I don't think it
^^Agreed....I don't think it was a lecture...he was asking questions and she answered them. She explained why she couldn't go and told him that she needed more advanced notice.
^^THIS^^ Kid calls to invite
Kid calls to invite you and his dad to an event, and you unload on him, lecture him, and tell him that his mother is lazy.
Again, THIS is how evil stepmothers get a bad rap. Sometimes, saying nothing is better.
A long lunch at noon is easy to do in many positions. At the very least, you should have kept quiet.
I hear what you are saying.
I hear what you are saying. But I have two counterpoints: 1) I don't feel it was lecturing because everything I said was in response to a question that he asked. 2) If the concert were that important to him, I would think that he would have mentioned it before last night. I know kids can be forgetful, but he has always given us plenty of heads up when it came to stuff like basketball games and birthday parties.
I concede that I am not the one who should have had the cs conversation with him, but I don't think I jumped down his throat and lectured him.
Did you lie? No. The truth
Did you lie? No. The truth hurts and although perhaps it should have been your DH to explain it, the opportunity was there, it sounds like you explained it matter of fact - good for you.
13 is old enough. I had my first after school job at 13. He is not a moron. You didn't explain anything that wasn't true.
YOU say you feel like you
YOU say you feel like you crossed the line so I would go with my gut feeling.
Sometimes it isn't always in what we say but our tone of voice or the emotions behind what we say that says it all.
I know!! I am 31 and it was
I know!! I am 31 and it was the same way when I was a kid. I work three 12 hour shifts, so I have two days off a week. As a result, I am able to make it to school events about half the time. My husband, however rarely gets to go, so I usually attend and bring the camcorder with so hubby can see too. I hate it when BM comes up to me and asks where dad is. You know he's at work, slut! Go away!
"You know he's at work, slut!
"You know he's at work, slut! Go away!"
Haha I know right! Why do they always come up and ask where the dad is? Like you said, you know why he isn't here! Just making it a point to point out that he isn't here? Go away bitch!
I don't understand why we are
I don't understand why we are expected to pussy foot around the truth. Kids need to learn what life is about. That is why this world is going to the crapper. "Oh, don't tell little Johnny that's he's going to have to WORK when he is an adult, and that it isn't ok to just call in when ever he wants to, we don't want to scare him, and hurt his widdle feewings" Puh-lease. Maybe some of these kids needs a good dose of REALITY so they don't end up like their lazy ass BM's.
One of the most respectable men I have ever met in my life was DH's Grandfather who passed away in August. That man had it together. I tell you what, he did not pussy foot around the truth. He would tell you how it is, and DH LOVED that about him. He took his advice and RAN with it. MIL hated this about her dad, he was "mean" and "expected her to be perfect" no, he expected you to be RESPONSIBLE and TAKE CARE OF YOUR SHIT. And he wasn't afraid to say so. MIL is currently a complete CRACK HEAD. Loser, addicted to pills her husband is in jail, she is trash... DH who excepted grandfathers advice and put on his big boy panties and LISTENED to the TRUTH, is successful and respectable. And grandfather was very proud of him.
I for one refuse to raise a loser. I will NOT let SS think that staying at home and collecting tax payers dollars is an exceptable way of life. It isn't. And if widdle BM gets her widdle feewing hurt by what I say, then TOO EFFING BAD.
>>>sorry, no way a stepmom
>>>sorry, no way a stepmom should be having this conversation with a 13 year old.
I disagree. I woudn't say there is NO way...I think it has a lot to do with the relationship between the kid and the stepmom. I have raised my SS from age 1, I don't see anything wrong with me having these kinds of conversations with him. He comes to me for EVERYTHING. Even though BM has 50% custody, he still comes to me.
And it is in the delivery, I am with you there. I think there is a tactful way of saying "that is not an exceptable lifestyle" without saying "your mom is an effing loser and a piece of shit".
I agree, Old Dart. Whether it
I agree, Old Dart. Whether it is the truth, or some version of the truth, does not matter.
What matters is what the 13yo's takeaway is. Here is how i see it:
As a step-child... if it was *my* SM telling me things about my mom that made me cringe,
i would feel deep shame and deep allegiance to my mom. Even if i had been conflicted
about her being all good/all bad, the SM - an outsider - pointing out her faults would trigger a knee-jerk reaction to protect my mom from this assault. No matter how much i might like to rebel against mom, when she is under attack, i would rise to her defense. Hardly the effect you wanted.
"No wonder Dad hates Mom so much" makes me squirm.... It's the kind of statement that would tear a child apart. This boy is a part of her - how can dad hate her - doesn't it mean that he now hates the child too? He is likely to have adjustment issues down the road. Try therapy for him?
I also think that it was really nice of him to call to invite you both to the concert. My steps never do that. Even when we found out there was one last spring, the SD told us there were no more tickets. We never went. Later we found out from her teacher there were plenty of seats. I think she was trying to prevent her mom from being in the same room with us - because she hates my DH so much. You are very lucky that he wants you BOTH there - give him credit for caring if you show up, not for the minor slip of calling too late.
icanttakeit--- I don't see
icanttakeit--- I don't see any problem with pointing out the obvious as long as it was kept in general terms. I had a simular discussion several years back when I was raising my DH's 11 yr. old grandson. He asked why his friend had every electronic gadget a child could want. Why did his friend have such great vacations, toys,clothes,and everything in life was noticeably better. [ and why was he not getting the same]
Did not feel one bit bad about clueing him into the facts of life. The friend's parents had made different choices then his own mother. They were college educated, professional people with good paying jobs. They chose to only have one child. They waited to plan a family after they were financially stable, It all came down to the choices his parents made.
He was already aware that his own mom never married, had 3 children with 3 different guys. worked minimum wage jobs , had not finished high school. Although he had a better life with us then his mom, it still didn't hurt to let him know the choices adults make will determine the childs lifestyle. At the time if his mom had made better choices then his life could have been different.
Although you feel guilty, the
Although you feel guilty, the kid thought you guys were CHOOSING not to go. You explained the facts and logically laid it out, and he understood. I'm sure he does not think less of BM, but now, he does not think less of you two for missing his school events.
A person who is able to work,
A person who is able to work, but makes the choice to collect welfare instead, is lazy.
I don't think the OP should have told her SS that his mom is a lazy ass.
See I just disagree with all
See I just disagree with all of this. IMO, anyone who is on welfare is my business to some degree, as a taxpaying citizen I am assisting in supporting these folks-so it IS my business. And yes, dad wuold have to pay child support, but if he were not paying 100% of care for the child, then it would be less correct? If the bm had a kickass job and earned more than the father, dont you believe his child support obligation would go down? At least in my state it would.
As far as no kid having any business knowing their parents finances, well why not? I agree that a 6 year old shouldnt worry about how mommy is going to pay the electric bill-but my bios know some things about our household finances. It's not a secret-and if I kept everything a secret where would the opportunity come to teach them about money and budgeting. My kids know I have a good job. Because I went to college. They dont know my exact pay, but they know it is enough to live comfortably. They know my dh gets VA benefits, a pensions, etc-they know they get social security survivors benefits from their bio father-again-exact amounts not so much-but yes they have a general idea of how money comes into our household and what kinds of bills are paid and how much things cost.
My ss14 has known for years about child support. When he was about 9 or 10 we had a custody change and he went to live with bm-she told him exactly how much cs she got for him. Why? I have no idea-but dh nor I cared. He also knew she was on food stamps. He went to the store and saw her buy things with them. He knew he was on the free lunch program at school. How can a kid not know those sorts of things? And why is it wrong for them to know that their father contributes to their care fnancially and that their mother receives help from the govt. If there is nothing wrong with that, then why hide it?
We spend way too much time pussyfooting around our children now a days. I never knew my parents financial status down to the dollar, but I knew they both had good jobs. I had a friend who's family was quite poor. It wasnt anything that anyone could hide-it was really no big deal. Kids need to know how the world works in order for them to make good decisions.
Yep. I always giggle to
Yep. I always giggle to myself when SM's go on and on about how BM should work (I agree, BTW, that both parents need to support their kids!!) without realizing that BM working could actually INCREASE dad's support obligation.
Because many states use an income share model. The combined income of the parents is used to calculate how much CS a child deserves. The higher the combined income, the higher the amount for the child.
Yeah... I'm pretty familiar.
Yeah... I'm pretty familiar.
Yes they do put both parents
Yes they do put both parents incomes together, but one parent is no longer required to pay 100% of the care. For example if one party made 60,000 a year and the other party made 40- they would configure, based on joint income a standard of living for the child- what it supposedly takes to support the kid. The party making 60,000 would pay 60% of the cost determined to take care of the kid. Allowances are made for amount of overnights, health insurance premiums, etc- I think it would be really difficult forces to go up based on a bm getting a job. In face in all the years I've been coming to forums I've never heard of anybody experiencing that.a
I understand where you were
I understand where you were coming from.At the same time I am receiving some child support from my ex husband for my three children and I am working and running my own business.I supported my ex for so many years when he pursued his University carreer while trying to combine work and looking after a young family.He is therefore on a much better wage.Both of us were left with some financial obligations to pay and the little CSA and the money I am making helps with mortgage payments and all the basics for the children that I have most of the time with me.
The other day my daughter asked her dad if he could contribute a little bit to her driving lessons, too, and he gave her a talk about the CSA he pays to me and I should pay for all of it.I of course pay for all their needs and hobbies , but I just can't afford to pay all the driving or even a car for her!!!Thanks god my daughter is earning, too and we go half with her lessons now. But the way he talked to my daughter makes me look like the bad guy though she has no clue how expensive everything is and how much I struggle to do my best ever day.
Ok-what teen daughter or son
Ok-what teen daughter or son doesnt ask their parents for money? All the ones I know sure do. The daughter should not have to feel as if she CAN'T ask her own father for money because he pays the mom child support. I didnt get from the post that the poster made the daughter ask her father for money, but rather it was the daughter's idea. Yes, he may not be REQUIRED to pay for anything above cs, but as a bio parent I am not required to pay for anything above basic needs either-it doesnt mean that I never do.
Not saying that I would ever pay for ss to have a car at bm's-but I dont necessarily think it was wrong for the girl to ask her dad for some help. Even if it's just to help her put gas in the car-that's not really helping out the other parent with their investment.
When my BS18 was around that
When my BS18 was around that age(12-13) he used to constantly tell me "well dad gives you $XX.00 a week!" when he asked for something I couldnt afford.
Apparently his dad decided he should know how much he gave in support,. I tried explaining to him how much his health insurance, football camps, football gear, school lunches, books, gas to get him to all his events, food, spending money while at the events, monthly prescriptions, clothing, shoes, etc cost about 3 times a week in what his dad was paying in CS. But my kid really didnt get it, even after all the explaining, My kid actually thought I should give him the $XX.00 each week to pay for what he wanted! Now of course he understands and he started to get a clue at about 15 or 16. But geesh, I wanted to wring his neck at the time
You said you felt like you
You said you felt like you had crossed the line with him, so you probably did. Only you know exactly what you said and how you said it, and let's be honest. You were mad at the time. I get it. The frustration of these situtions builds and builds and you just let fly because the opportunity presented itself.
I disagree that 13 is old enough to be told about family finances, I think the ins and outs of finances are adult business and children only need to know if you can or cannot afford something end of story.
However, as I said I get why you would do what you did, and we all have a breaking point. I would definately tell your DH before SS says something to BM and she gets onto your husband. Better it comes from you. It was definately up to his parents to decide if they wanted him to know about CS not you.
That being said, what's done is done, so best bring your husband up to speed on it all. I am not trying to critisize you for this, not at all. I do understand how frustrasting this all can be. I feel the way I do about it because he is only 13 and as I said before I don't think discussing money with kids is right. That is just my personal opinion though.
I'm sure your husband will understand.
I don't see anything wrong
I don't see anything wrong with this...sk's CONSTANTLY tell us "mommy has no money" - mommy is receiving CS for both of you...lives with a guy who pays for everything. SHE works. She's driving a brand new Suburban...she's got a HUGE honkin new tattoo on her arm...and ALWAYS her hair and nails done so if you're momma doesn't have money it's because she is spending it on herself...
"Well - Mom says Dad doesn't give her money..."
- We explained to the girls of course he does - why else would he be stuck living with grandma and pap? Why else can't be afford to get his truck fixed or get a nicer vehicle? Clearly half of his pay goes to YOUR MOM. We explained that she has a special card - and when daddy gets paid every two weeks - money from his pay automatically goes on this card...
I just don't understand how they can say she doesn't have money? They know the things she does costs money!!!!!!!! - She gets their nails done and gets massages? They DO know these things don't come free???