just found out my husband is an ass-hole
We got into a fight yesterday because his bitchy mother gave my step daughter a nice ipod. She is seven years old! I have a bio son 2 years old with my husband and my mother in law told everybody in the family that she prefers my step daughter over my son because she helped raising my step daughter! She will never love my son as much as my step daughter.
I told dear husband if his mother keeps on doing this favoritism bs, then she will no longer be welcomed in our house. Husband said,
"she is my mother, I cannot control her behavior. Plus, sd7 is my first born, I understand the bond. So I don't see what my mom does is so wrong. "
I then said, "well, my son is not your son? he is not your mother's grandson?"
My husband said, "well, don't be upset honey, but be honest with you. bio son 2 is a boy, and sd7 is always a daddy's little girl. You spoil him I spoil her, what is the big deal"
I have been emotional for the whole morning and I have lost respect toward this man completely.
His mother has constantly played favoritism ever since my dear son was born. My husband sees nothing wrong!!!!!
yep, he's an asshole.
yep, he's an asshole.
Wow. I don't even know how I
Wow. I don't even know how I would deal with this. Wow.
Yep. He is an asshole, and
Yep. He is an asshole, and MIL is a bitch. She wants to play favorites? Fine. Keep her out if bs life. Period. No holidays, no family photos, no bday invites. And if hubby doesn't like it, he can sit them out too. Get some photos made of u and bs, and then send then to mil, and hang them on the wall at home. Jackass.
>>>And it is true too. No
>>>And it is true too. No matter what SD scores from GMA in terms of love and material possessions, SD will never have united parents. That is a worth beyond words to have your parents together.<<<<
Just a question, but why should that make a difference? Yes, it'd be nice if parents never divorced. Just like I tell my kids it would be nice to never have parents die (like their father did). Maybe I'm interpreting your statement incorrectly, but SD never having united parents is a reason for favoritism?
i believe this is the same
i believe this is the same reasoning alot of the nc parents have for guilty parenting. and our response is that the world isn't going to care that a person grew up without an intact family and give them special treatment because of it. and, i don't believe it's ok for grandparents to do, either
I think you made couple of
I think you made couple of good point. It is important to understand the motive behind her behaviors so that I can better resolve the issues.
After many conversations I had with my MIL, I simply came up with this conclusion which is that she might have some sort of personality disorder prevent her from bonding with my son. I have a lovely sister in law whom my MIL absolytely hates. Her only love andjoy in life is my husband and my sd7. To her, it is either black or white. She loves you or she hates you. There is nothing in between.
So I guess at this point. analyzing her motive is an useless action. She needs to be kicked out of our house and at this point, I DO NOT want het to have a relationship with my son. Why bother fixing it when there is no relationship to begin with.
I had a conversation with my husband and told him that I can never stop him from "loving" his mother, but I can choose to limit her visitations. My husband basically said I have been overracting, but he said I am free to do what I feel good. And he begins to see why his mother's behaviors are so hateful and hurtful.
He called his mother and told her that it is unaccpetable to tell everybody that she does not love my son. It is very creepy and hurtful. His mother said, "Fine, then I will not say it anymore."
What a bitch!
Thank you Cheri for your
Thank you Cheri for your insight and advices.
To answer your question, No, she is not living with us full time. But she is like Marie on Everybody loves Raymond.
She shows up uninvited when sd7 is around, that is every other week, 7 days a week during that period.
she has a key to OUR house which I have never felt comfortable with.
I told my spineless husband that if he allows this to happen over and over again, I will leave with my son. He finally sees how serious this really is. No more good guys here on my part.
He asked his mother to give up the key, of course, there was drama involved (rolling my eyes) but she eventually gave up the key.
I also sent her an email and told her VEry POLItELY, please do not show up uninvited, for the safety of our housemembers (myself, my husband, my son, and step daughter 7), if we have uninvited member coming over (break into our house) , we are going to call the police officers.
She was shocked, I felt good, end of the story.
This is EXACTLY the excuse my
This is EXACTLY the excuse my MIL gave for treating 3 skids differently than the 3 kids DH & I have together. This is also EXACTLY why she has zero contact with my kids and zero contact with her own son.
I have come up with such a
I have come up with such a conclusion that
a. It is HER business to feel more "love" (eyes rolling) towards my sd7 but she should have kept her big fat mouth shut about my son. My son is her biological grandson, and it is her duty to protect him from potential emotional abuse. Yes, he is only 2 years old, he might not have noticed anything, but to say a baby couldn't have felt anything is a total bullcrap. Baby can feel the tension, the distance from every member in the family. So she is harming my son.
b. It is MY business to protect my son, so I forbid her from popping in and out of my house uninvited
c. If my husband allows this to happen over and over again, honestly speaking, I will lose him too. At this point, my son is way more important than my husband.
I hate my mil and I am working things out with my dh, thanks God he acnowledges this problem FINALLY 2 years too late.
I bet in a few years when
I bet in a few years when your SD wants nothing to do with grown ups, your MIL will take a sudden interest in your son. Ditto your husband. You just wait until your son is at the adorable Little League stage of life like my two are and his daughter will be hanging at the mall with her friends - then let's see who he favors.
Honestly, my ex-husband was NOT a baby person but once my boys got old enough to swing a bat or throw a football he is way more involved. The same might be true for your husband.
Also, my ex-MIL totally favored another set of grandkids (not mine), but when the set she liked got to the point of adolescence she became all about my kids.
I know that it sucks - especially the part of your husband not backing you up - but it seems like every kids kinda has their time in the limelight with different people. So until your MIL and DH come around, that limelight will have to come from you. I bet your BS is adorable right now, so it's really their loss.
Thank you all for your kind
Thank you all for your kind words and sound advices. Yes, my bs is adorable and he is a good boy. That is why it hurts so much my mother in law does not even acknowledge him. I know both mil and hubby felt guilty because step daughter does not have united parents. But she does have mom and dad and I adore her as well.
I wonder though how long will they use "she is a kid from a divorced parents" excuse to justify their own behavior. My son hasn't start talking, and he just turned 2. My mother in law told me, "My sd7 started talking when she was 1 and half year old." what a bitch! is she hinting my son is retarded? This statement hurts me to the core!
They'll do the comparisons as
They'll do the comparisons as a defense mechanisms. They realize your child is going to be well-behaved and probably pass SD on some other skills. I hate that she is intentionally hurting your feelings. I agree that being a child of divorce should not give her an excuse to be an idiot. Sad that they think your SD deserves a mother, a father, a grandmother and SM and your son only deserves you.
Next time she mentions something SD did earlier than your son, simply smile and say "yes, well I am a lot more interested in his character than his intellect at this age. At least he has manners." Then walk away.
I have found that a lot of
I have found that a lot of grandmothers favor grandkids over whom they have enjoyed more control. My parents have two grandkids. My niece and my son. They love my son, but my niece is their favorite. They've never voiced it, but it isn't a secret either. The answer to why is simple. They babysat her from infancy through toddlerhood. They have her over every weekend Friday to Sunday so her mother can live her life like a childless woman.
Same for my MIL. She has 7 grandkids. Her favorite happens to belong to the daughter her thinks partying is a priority and therefore needs MIL's services for babysitting.
My child will never be the favorite because I am raising him. I don't want someone else raising him. I don't want him to grow up with grandparents who don't think it is their job to parent. How the hell do they have them all the time and still think they shouldn't discipline? I want my child to have a normal child / grandparent relationship. Not one where his upbringing is skewed. So I accept that he will never be the favorite. As long as noone is openly mean to him or says openly hurtful things to him, I suck it up. I am prepared to explain to him that it is part of life whether it is fair or not.
I also think most dhs are idiots when it comes to infants. My dh got way more involved when ds started walking. He helped me before. He wasn't "uninvolved" but he is way more excited about it now. And he had a tough time balancing his other child at first. He felt sorry for her. It took many months of me reminding him that he wasn't doing her any favors by babying her. Coping skills are very necessary. I even had to put some of it in writing so my emotions wouldn't overshadow my message.
Your dh is an asshole for voicing that he'll spoil his daughter and you can spoil your son. Hopefully, he'll come to his senses.
Thank you so much for your
Thank you so much for your advices.
I started journaling so I don't completely "lose it". My MIL made no secrets to anybody that she favors my sd7. She said she couldn't wait for sd7 to become a teenager, so they can go shopping together.
I have once asked her to help me babysitting my son, so maybe my son and her can have some private time together. She said my son has been disrespectful!! At the time, My son was only 1 and half year old!!!!!
I have communicated with my mother in law so many times because I wanted to get the bottom of this bitterness. She said she had no problems with me and she just couldn't explain why she favors my sd7. She says she "likes" my son, but she doesn't love him.
I think she has some very weird personality disorder prevent her from bonding with her own bio grandson. Problem is her, obviously
My husband on the other hand is a jerk for justifying HER behaviors. I lost all my respect towards him. To me, favoring one child is not acceptable. All parents should feel ashamed of themselves if they favor one kid over the other. But then, that is just my opinion.
Time to ignore MIL. You've
Time to ignore MIL. You've voiced your concerns. You've made an effort. Just let her go. She is a lost cause. If she comes to your home, ignore her. Play with your son. Sadly, not much you can do about your dh not being on board. I woudln't go out of my way to make her feel welcome though. DOn't make meals. Don't wait on her. Your dh is ok with her shit, let him placate her needs.
I am more concerned about your dh's behavior. And unfortunately, from what I read here, you aren't alone. A lot of the men in these relationships just think that because their first kids are split they should be doted on. And they think because they're second kids have decent mothers that they (the dh) don't hate, that that is enough. SO they protect the first kids from not having a full life with two parents at the expense of giving the second child a part time parent. I had to explain this to my dh. His daughter is here 50% of the time. He wanted to "make up" time with her when she was here. Um, no, it gives her the impression she is more important than DS and she gets her other parent to herself the other 50% of the time, making her special there too. Meantime, our son gets only one parent 1/2 his life because he wants his daughter to feel better. Not on my watch. Fortunately, my dh is not an asshole and once I put it out there for him he realized how stupid he was being.
The comments made by your DH
I don't have any bios but I know when DH and I have a baby of our own, MIL will most likely be the same way. She spoils SD because she feels sorry for her that she doesn't have a "real" family. She isn't going to feel sorry for my bio because he/she will have the "real" family and I am just a much better person than BM (no, seriously- she doesn't work, doesn't take care of SD, bounces around homes depending on which guy she's screwing that week- it's disgusting). Maybe that is why your MIL is that way with your SD?
BS, at least so far, has the
BS, at least so far, has the far greater advantage in life because his parents are together, an
I see this totally different. SD is going to be loved by everyone involved and will be showered with adoration and will be secure in her life as a DD and grand daughter.
Poor BS will grow up knowing that his blood family loves his sister more, he will be ignored and disrespected by the very people that should love him. He is basically being punished because his parents stayed married!? What a mess.
I really feel that SD has the far greater advantage in life.
I agree...but it also sounds
I agree...but it also sounds like Daddy feels the same way as grandma.
My husband is an asshole too,
My husband is an asshole too, kind of the same way yours is, not really because he wants to be, but because he's just SHIT STUPID. Me and my DH have no bios together. His kid is autistic and there's no way in hell i'd EVER risk that biology happening with my DNA, no offense, but NOT! He has spoiled and babied his kid since birth, so did his parents. So, a few weeks before xmas, my DH bought, AFTER FUCKING UP THE BANK ACCOUNT AND US NOT HAVING ENOUGH RENT MONEY, bought himself a new IPHONE 5. I had to go to MY MOTHER to pay the rent. His old iphone is still a great piece of equipment. So, my oldest kid was begging him "can I have it"....No, you are 10 of course you can't have it, would have been my answer. His answer was "NO, NO KIDS ARE GETTING IT".....what happens a week later, he got pissed off at me for something and GAVE HIS FUCKIN KID the phone!!!!!!!!!!! OOOH, yes, yes he did.....I went apeshit. Even brought him in to my son's therapist so he could see why what he did was wrong on many, many levels. Skid was awful bad for me before school one morning, like off the hook being a fuckin little asshole. Dad gets home and skid cuddles up to him, ughhh....then had to go to phys therapy that night. he says 'daddy if i'm good at pt can i get a milkshake'....first let me tell you skid is a fat slob, he never exercises, and is awalys sitting on his fat ass....I say, IN FRONT OF SKID AND DH, "NO you cannot have a milkshake after how badly you behaved this morning".....what happened, AGAIN......he got the FUCKIN KID A FUCKIN MILKSHAKE!!!!!!!! I went off and told him that since he is teaching his motherless son that he doesn't have to listen to "me" as a mother figure, that he can go find a second job or something, other arrangements for his kid, cuz i'm not taking care of him anymore...........the tune changed VERRRRRRRYYY quickly......Oh, and the phone he gave his kid....about to mysteriously go "missing"...... }:)
Why would a ten year old even
Why would a ten year old even need an iphone 5?
I told my mother in law that when I grew up and I am only 30 years old now, I didn't have a phone, I didn't have a computer, and I turned out to be just fine. Now, parents and grandparents all over the world think giving their 3 year old a cell phone is somewhat necessary. It is so beyond me.
Why would anybody think an ipnone 5 for a 10 year old is more important than rent money? wow! amazing!
I have lost all my respect toward my asshole husband like I said. I don't even know why I am in the marriage to be completely honest with you.
When I was dating him, I was thinking, "what a responsible guy who loves his daughter so much." after I married, I realized, he is only responsible for his first born! what a fraud!
my son is 10, his is 9....he
my son is 10, his is 9....he has the iphone 5 for himself, and his old iphone went to HIS kid. A FUCKIN 9 YEAR OLD!!!!!!!!! We all live together, if we didn't and weren't married, then I don't give a fuck what you give your kid. I have lost a lot of respect for my DH too, I love him, but he needs a lot of 'life skills' and 'parenting skills'.
My kids have to play outside, they do not have phones or even a computer! don't need to sit i the house on your asses like FATASS SKID does, mine are athletic and social and learning life skills on how to play with others, etc. Skid learning how to be a LOAD!
If you get out, then you will get CS from him for your baby, let him have LESS to spend on his spawn daughter! Sounds like a spoiled rotten little shit! good luck!!!
I think it is so typical of
I think it is so typical of mother in laws to act this way because many of them actually helped to raise skid. My husband lived with his parents when SD7 was born and raised up to age 4. We also have a baby together and I know that she favors SD because she was like a mother to her. I can understand that. I just take joy in knowing that MY child will be raised with integrity and morals and a solid foundation where SD was raised to believe that she is the precious princess center of the freakin universe (she doesn't still act this way but a LOT of her personality tells you how she was raised.)
I think that is so tacky that your MIL would go around telling people that SD is her favorite, and yeah, your husband is an asshole for acting that way and not caring.
You know what makes me sad
You know what makes me sad about all of this? The idea that because she is a child of divorce she needs special attention. I think that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. She'd be way more well-adjusted if people would treat her as they normally would treat any child. All too often I read on here that the dad feels like "his kids feel left out" or "you don't treat them like they're your own". But at no point do these dads try to make their kids part of the new family dynamic. At all.
My dh told me once that his daughter just wants to feel like part of a family and since our son has that feeling he wants to give it to her. The problem was, she didn't really want to be a part of OUR family, she wanted US to be a part of hers. She expected dh, me and our son to revolve around her world. Once I was able to explain to dh that it can't work that way, he realized that she wasn't feeling like a part of our family because she was isolating herself with the intention of guilting him into spending time with her at the expense of us. He talked to her about it. Things have improved.
Making the skids feel special, more important, damaged, fragile, or overcompensating for what we perceive as a "wrong" done to them by divorce actually alienates them further from reality. Then the SM gets blamed for "not liking" said skid. Who the hell likes a kid who thinks the world revolves around them. Of course, the SM doesn't like the kid. The SM feels like she is constantly fighting for her kid. If these Bioparents can't manage to hold a relationship with another a adult and raise another child without feeling guilty to the point of spoiling their first children, they should stay single.
That "child of divorce" stuff
That "child of divorce" stuff is just utter bullshit.
Of course it is an adjustment and often a painful one when parents divorce. But shit get over it. If someone is hanging on to that as a permanent "excuse from life" they are pathetic.
I grew up with many kids who fathers never came home from WWII. Now that is a true forever change for a kid. Way worse than a divorce. But you know what - these people grew up to be normal functioning adults who did not have to whine and use excuses forever.
Bullshit. You obviously have
Bullshit. You obviously have never dealt with a young child who NEVER EVER EVER gets to see the parent again. Only a fucking idiot or a BM who wishes her husband dead would rather death over divorce for a kid.
Yes, thank you for writing
Yes, thank you for writing this. I had something else written to respond to this theory, but you said it better.
Wow :jawdrop:
My brother committed suicide.
My brother committed suicide. His daughter was 2. Some dumbass thought it was appropriate to tell her when she was 5 that he did it to himself. You don't think she feels rejected? And even if he had died in an accident or of natural causes, death is far worse than divorce. Try explaining to a 2 year old that she'll never see her dad again. Try explaining to her when she is 6 and there is daddy / daughter day that she can't go because she doesn't have her daddy anymore. We don't baby her. We don't coddle her. We don't allow her feelings to determine her behavior. She is surely my parents favorite but not having a father is not the reason. Their involvement in her life prior to his death is.
My SD gets to see BOTH her parents. Hell, she sees her dad more than I saw my dad growing up and he lived with us. It is a parents JOB to get their kids to a place where they understand the divorce is not about them. It is about two adults who couldn't get along. Babying them, coddling them, spoiling them, treating them like they're fragile does nothing to help them adjust. In fact, it continues to support their idea that something is wrong and needs to be fixed.
WRONG. And I'm speaking from
WRONG. And I'm speaking from raising 2 children on my own after their father died.
What about Father's Day?
What about projects at school talking about YOUR FAMILY
What about father/son things? Or Father/Daughter things?
My son never got the honor of having his dad see his first t-ball game.
My daughter will be walked down the aisle by.... I don't know, but it won't be her dad.
My DH said the same damned thing and I cut him off at the KNEES!
You may say divorce makes a kid feel rejected. But how "foreign" do you think kids feel (remember, mine were 3 and 5 at the time) when they see other kids' dads doing stuff with them, like attending ball games, taking them to school, program night, etc etc. Or when they're that young, having to do those family projects and having everyone else draw a cute little stick figure of Daddy, Mommy, Sissy, Me, Doggy... My kid drew a picture of Me, his sister, himself, AND HIS FATHER'S HEADSTONE.
I feel badly for children of divorce, just as I do children of deceased parents. But please DO NOT EVER say children of divorce are worse off.
~end vent~
^^^^Exactly. I lost my father
^^^^Exactly. I lost my father and can't imagine how anyone could think divorce is worse. When your parents are divorced, you (normally) still get to see both parents. If a divorced kid is with their mom and wants to talk to dad, all they have to do is pick up the phone. When I want to talk to my dad, I CAN'T because he's NOT HERE.
Bullshit. Are you a child of
Bullshit. Are you a child of divorce? How do YOU know??
My parents were divorced. I guess I should be upset they didn't just die. I had no idea I should have been so fucking traumatized. Thanks for the enlightenment.
I will now discount everything you ever say from now on.
Agree. I am so disgusted
Agree. I am so disgusted right now I can't put it into words.
what a world
For those of you raising
For those of you raising children with a deceased parent, I would be spitting nails right now. What an absolutely disgusting point of view. My kids dad hasnt seen them in years and they have their own issues about it but I have NEVER thought it would be better if he were dead, nor have they.
WTF kind of person thinks that, and thinks that kids think that? just because a poster is bitter as hell about their life experiences doesnt make it ok to paint everyone with the same bitter brush.
Fortunately for the boy his
Fortunately for the boy his "grandma's" behavoir can be explained "because she's older" "she's a girl". It's not fair but he'll buy it.
Grandma is taking out the dashing of her dreams for her son by doing her best to pretend the marriage never ended. She had all her hopes and dreams wrapped up in that one package as do most of the marital partners when a divorce occurs.
Dad's favoritism is showing also and this can happen when he's forced into having a second family. The forces may have been subtle but there none-the-less. I'll bet if asked to honestly answer he would say he didn't want more children.
So given the excuses I suggested above you'll have to carry on as best you can after having tied your tubes of course.
Forgive me if I am
Forgive me if I am misinterpreting, but I get the full sense that you think it is perfectly ok for the SD to be spoiled because a) she is the child of divorce and therefore has been traumatized and b) the son is too young to realize it. How does that make sense? Ok, he might not realize it, but it still isn't fair. And if the mom then goes out and buys him something and doesn't include SD that would be wrong because she is old enough to understand. So ultimately, SD should have the sun, the moon, an,d the stars, the love of her BM, her dad, MIL and SM, but this little boy should be happy with just his mother's love (which has to be publicly split with SD so noone gets their feelings hurt) because he has two parents in one home?
It is not ok for this dad to treat his son differently. It is not ok for SD to bring a bunch of stuff home from grandma's house and have this little boy be excluded. It is not ok to expect the OP to have to keep everything fair and equal for SD at the expense of her son.
Ok, I did misinterpret. I
Ok, I did misinterpret. I agree that intentionally hurting SD is not the answer.
That's hardly a productive
That's hardly a productive measure to take. Why would you put SD in the middle of something & set out to hurt HER feelings to get back at DH & MIL???
That's giving HER a does of THEIR medicine.
Thank you so much. I've read
Thank you so much. I've read your post twice, so that I don't miss anything. Everything you say makes total sense.
I honestly believe my mil has some kind of personality disorder to prevent her from bonding with my son. She hasn't tried to turn my sd against me yet, but I have seen it coming.
Again, thank you for sharing your wisdom with me. I appreciate that a lot.
I'm thinking he don't have a
I'm thinking he don't have a backbone with his mother. They both are way out of line IMO. Just remember that the apple doesn't fall from the tree.
What about all the people who
What about all the people who bring the argument "kids need to learn that life isn't fair & everything isn't always even" when it comes to steps complaining about not getting treated the same as bios get treated?
Your 2 year old has no idea what an Ipod is. Does a 7 year old need one? No, but her having one isn't affecting your 2 year old son.
Your DH can't control how his mother behaves, & trying to is pointless.
I'm not suggesting that your DH's attitude is right, but I guarantee YOU are more hurt by this than your son is. IMO, by being so dramatic about it, it kind of sounds like you're setting your son up to be a "victim".
I respectfully disagree with
I respectfully disagree with you. I don't think I am being "dramatic" about this My MIL broadcast her favoritism and this behavior will be ONGOING. My 2 year old might not notice or care about it now, but it is my duty as a loving mother to protect my son from any sort of potential emotional abuse.
She told me, "I like ds2, but I don't love him." You don't see this as a toxic person?
My son will never be a "victim" because I will teach him to be a man, but reality is reality. I am not going to invite his grandmother just to hear her says , 'guess what, I don't love you, and I never will"
it is all common sense.
Having been divorced twice
Having been divorced twice and having children from both marriages I'd like to chime in that in MY case I saw it like this.
Divorce #1 - hard on my boys. They were 8 and 5 at the time. ExH would call and say he was coming to get them, he wouldn't show. My boys would be left crying in their rooms.
I lied to my boys, told them that Daddy loved them very much but that he was really busy trying to piece his life together after we left. After a while, they stopped asking about him. 19 years have passed, they refer to him as the donor, and probably wouldn't know who he was if they tripped over him on the sidewalk. They are not miserable broken men with chips on their shoulders. Quite the contrary, they are happy, young men that quickly figured out that any man can be a father and that they didn't need him.
Divorce #2 - my son was only 2. Doesn't remember us ever being together anyway. He loves his father blindly. I don't point out the fact that he doesn't pay CS, nor do I point out the fact that he rarely sees him. His love for his dad is still there and I will never say or do anything to take that from him. They speak a few times a week, he sends him his birthday & Xmas presents and he spent Xmas Eve with all of us at my moms house. Not in the least bit awkward for any of us as I have maintained healthy boundaries that ExH respects.
If Dad #1 died, my boys might have been spared the pain of being abandoned by their Dad. I'll never know.
If Dad #2 died, my son would be crushed. It is a stupid comparison. And in no way is a divorce anywhere near close to death.
The people on my mother's
The people on my mother's side of the family play favorites like that. Neither my Grandmother nor my Mother are the maternal type but do like to play favorites and play us against each other. My mother used to complain about the games my Grandmother played on her, but turned right around and did the same thing to us kids and our children.
As a result, none of us siblings are close to them or to each other. They didn't want to be bothered with most of the Grandchildren (except for the favorites) and now that the Grandchildren are all grown, the GKs don't bother with these women. It's too bad, because now they want to have relationships with these grown children and the children are the ones who aren't interested. Karma.....
I was aware of this my whole life (I wasn't a golden child and neither were my bios). I purposely made sure I didn't behave that way and as a result my bio kids are close and we all enjoy each other's company. When I become a Grandmother, I will NOT be like my Mother/Grandmother. I will be involved and I won't play favorites. My Grandchildren (when I have some) will never doubt who their biggest fan is and that is how it should be. Kids need loving adults in their lives, not PAS/RA game players.
My 94 year old Grandmother never wanted to be called Grandma, and to this day, she still has to be called Mother. Pathetic.
Their current favorite for now is my unwed niece who lives with a doper. She has a child by this loser (can't hold a job and plays video games all day), but they think she and the baby are just the greatest.
Your child will grow up and leave the people who ignored/rejected him behind, as well they deserve. Detach from the toxic people and don't let them around your bios.
This post gives me hope.
This post gives me hope.
Thank you all for responding
Thank you all for responding my post! Only here can I find compassionate, lovely people who understand what I am going through. Thank you all