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Anybody here who's relationship didn't work?

Enigma's picture

My relationship with my partner (who has a SD15) didn't work out - he kicked me out under the premise that I was crazy and abusive and was getting in the way with his relationship with his daughter.

Anybody else have a similar ending? Or did YOU leave the situation?

Interested in hearing stories about people AFTER the situation.

oncechoosetosmile's picture

Yes, love.I decided to end with him- daughter(8) was a mini wife and I couldn't deal anymore.Still miss him but overjoyed to got rid off that brat.

anafiodorova's picture

6 months after I left he invited his 13 year old daughter in out apartment and praised her on facebook as the most beautiful girl in the world:). I guess that was his way of convincing himself that his daughter is an angel from heavens and not a product of lazy parenting. In his previous relationship the daughter has interfred a lot and with me he decided to see her as per his schedule but at his mother`s house. He was trying not to let his daughter interfere again. But I guess it was not just the daughter it was also HIM and mainly HIM that was the reason as to why the daughter interfered in his previous relationship( he claimed the woman was jealous of his daughter). Little did I know that he will also accuse me of being jealous of his daughter. That phrase a week before we get married became one of the reasons for me to stop and think whether I really want to marry him.
Now he has found a secretary woman that he sees every other weekend who lives 3 hours away from his job and an hour away from his mothers. Due to poor management of money , time and job plus 2 child support payments he has moved back to his mother`s basement. I guess also to be close to the secretary woman that he wants to propose to. Poor woman has no idea what she is getting into. Neither did I in the initial time when he used to see me every other weekend. But once we started living together, got engaged and the crazy in him and his daughter and mother showed then I knew that this is not for life and not for me at all. I wish I got out of all this when I saw the red flags. I should have been more quick to say bye and move on very fast.
He claims he likes the secretary woman and since she also comes from dysfunctional family - her brother have BMs and she has dealt with these women then she is qualified to marry him and take all of the responsibility for the crazy BMs and the children off him. Apparently she is also very jealous and possessive which he likes because it is good for his ego and again he has found someone to compete with his daughter.
Nothing has changed:
- he still lives in the basement with his mother. I took him out of the basement in hope he will grow up. No , he did not
- he is still dependent on his mother for shelter and emotionally
- he still gives his mother the primary responsibility to manage , talk and parent his daughter. He still counts on his mother`s opinion for life changing decisions like who to date, propose, marry
- His kids are 14 year old daughter and 16 year old boy. He claims he has moved back to his mother to be close to his children:). For that he will commute 2 hours back and forth.What dedication provided neither the boy or the girl live with him and he only sees them every other weekend.
- he claims he wants to be close to his family because his parents are getting old- his father works and is healthy strong guy. His mother is walking and enjoying life.
- he is still angry and blames the others instead of focusing on himself and his thought patterns, feelings and behaviors

The above are his excuses to stay closed off and not grow as person. In his rational mind - this is his new beginning. Being with the poor secretary woman is trying something new and different and he is at a new stage of his life. She lives an hour away from his home town:). How new and different is that? I guess for him it is. It is not like she is of a different, race, background or social status.

Anyway to your question - no nothing has changed for the 2 years since I left.He is back at the point where I met him in 2008 in his mother`s basement. Not that it was difficult to predict where he will end up when we were separating. He is trying to fool this poor secretary woman that is 37 years old and wants to marry desperately. I have tremendous compassion for him and what he is going through. If he stayed with me there would have been a chance for a real change. It would have been painful for him to go through it as it was painful for me. Now he will need more time and possibly a failed short term marriage to work on himself and the problems in his heart.
When we were separating he told me he understands the issues but I should not have been so straightforward with him and just presented him with the issues differently:). Well, I was about to marry him and that was also a sort of test from destiny to see how he will react. It was disappointing to see his reaction . But I am happy that I left . It was difficult to undo all the false and foggy thinking that he led me to believe. I am happy I am on a different path now and have grown tremendously. Have changed the country, the job , the people . But most importantly have changed the thinking patterns, feelings and I am working on myself daily to get back to the healthy , happy me. Bless him and thank him that he told you to leave. This is such a wonderful blessing to you so that you can start a wonderful life!
If there is one advice that I am grateful for after the break up it was - FOCUS ON YOU! Love yourself, nurture yourself , adore yourself and fill your day with loving, caring thoughts! Just love and let go as trivial as it may seem! JUST BE HAPPY AND HEALTHY! LOVE ALWAYS!

anafiodorova's picture

So happy that you got pregnant and you are happy! LOVE to you! Thank you , for sharing your story!

Enigma's picture

"he is still married to his daughter". Yes the same with my situation.

You can actually read my story under Teenage Stepchildren here... under "our relationship is breaking down". It's been an very painful, but eye opening experience for me... I think I will need counselling for a while.

I still can't quite fathom how I was just "thrown away" suddenly. Having said that, he has greater issues than just his issues with his daughter. He seems to have a fundamental hatred of women in general so I really did set myself up for a fall.

Sorry to hear what you went through.

anafiodorova's picture

So happy for you and the baby! Enjoy the beautiful angel you have! I am myself focusing on my health so that I can be the best me when I meet the person that is my destiny and start a family! Always happy to hear of a baby being born or a friend being pregnant! The most wonderful experience on earth! LOVE

AlreadyGone's picture

My marriage officially ended a year ago, although I knew it was over long before that. I left when it became clear that I would always be the low man on the totem pole. I compromised myself, my standards, and my integrity until I became someone I couldn't recognize anymore.

Today, I am happy to have gotten out without biting down on the barrel, if ya KWIM. I realized that those people were actively trying to destroy me, and all in a effort to keep living a seriously dysfunctional life together. Since I became invisible to my H, I decided that I'd do exactly that on MY terms.... for good.

It was hard b/c minus his adult children, the in-laws, and the crazy BM.... we got along supremely well. We shared many common interests. He admitted that he was locked in a pattern of behavior and didn't know how to change it. But, he was really good at telling me what he thought I wanted to hear and then never backing up those words with actions.

I do hear stories from friends of friends. The last time I saw him, he looked very haggard and unhappy. He attempted contact a few times, and I'll bet he would have promised me the world to come back if I had given him the chance. Of course there isn't enough money in the world that would send me back in to that insanity. I hear his ADULT D now lives with him and that SHE is trying to hook him up via dating sites. Good luck with that! lol. I can't imagine ANY woman worth her salt putting up with that level of crazy.

As for me, I have moved on. Not like there's much of a choice, lol. I am happy and regret that I didn't leave sooner. I'll probably always wonder what might have been but, I like who I am now, and I wouldn't change a thing.

amber3902's picture

I dated a man for two years that had a 7 year old son. From the beginning I saw that his son misbehaved a lot, but I was in denial. I was so in love with BF, I thought we could make it work.

BF’s son was spoiled. He didn’t want to share his toys, was a picky eater, was a smart a$$, did not listen to what he was told to do, and thought he was a little adult who constantly interrupted and tried to interject his way into adult conversations.

His father was the typical disney dad. I couldn't say anything to him about his son’s behavior without BF getting super defensive. He would say I was picking on his son or that I couldn't accept his son. I finally got tired of the situation and broke up with him.

A couple of months after our break up he invited me and my two daughters over for his son's birthday. Our kids are still friends, so we went. Well, exBF's son had a neat tricycle that the son and my D6 were taking turns riding. It was the kind that spun around in place. D6 patiently waited while the son rode the trike for a while and then it was her turn. D6 isn't on the trike for TWO seconds and the son is chasing D6 all over the street, "Can I ride now? Let me ride now" pestering her the whole time she was trying to ride!! He was following so close next to my D6 she couldn't spin the trike around like she wanted to or she would hit him.

Both me and ex-BF are in the yard, and I see what's happening. ExBF is standing right next to me, but he is completely oblivious to what his kid is doing!

Another time, I had to go over to his house to pick up some mail that had went to his house instead of mine. So I’m trying to have a conversation with exBF, but his son keeps interrupting us and trying to interject his little two cents into our adult conversation. And instead of telling his son to go play so we could talk, ex-BF lets him interrupt. I finally got fed up and said I had to go.

It just made me so glad I made the decision I did to break up with him. Not to mention he owes the IRS $70,000 in taxes. I found out recently he is getting married. He's posting all these things on facebook, how step parents are so great, how they decide to love your kids as their own, blah, blah, blah. Ugh, so glad I dodged that bullet.

Now I am with a man who has NO KIDS. We just moved in together two months ago, and everything is great. I don't have to worry about money because he pays the mortgage and household bills. All I have to do is pay for groceries and anything for myself and my girls.

I don't regret for a second breaking up with disney dad.

Enigma's picture

Thanks for sharing ladies. It's just so sad.

Quick update on my situation - it's beginning to look like my ex has undiagnosed Borderline Personality Disorder from the research I am doing. If you want my reasoning behind that suspicion please read my story under Teenage Step Children.

So I had it coming from several angles. *sigh*

Onwards and upwards.