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What should we do? SS13 stopped calling his father.

Jerseymommy's picture

Does anybody have experience with this?
We are not sure what to do in this situation.
By court order SS13 have to call my husband daily. The reason my husband can't call BM, because BM filed restraining order against him years ago, so they don't communicate.
Suddenly SS13 stopped calling his father, he did not call for a week now. My husband called his ex, texted, that: please, let him call me, he did not call for a week. No answer. We should wait until next visitation to ask what's going on?

Jerseymommy's picture

Thanks! BM is a nightmare, we don't want to make her mad, last time she accused my husband of rape and strangulating her, so we better stay away.
SS13 not allowed to use his, only BM's phone to call his dad, when ever she let him. He might also just forgot to call, but my husband feel bad not to talk with him for days. I guess BM feels powerful in this situation.
If we call cops, next week CPS will show up in our place for revenge.
I don't miss SS13 calls, he is not the person you want around, just feel bad for my husband.
Probably there is no way to 'enforce' phone calls.

Rags's picture

File a motion of contempt for BM's failure to comply with the CO. If the CO says daily calls FROM SS-13 then as the CP BM should be held accountable for complying with the CO.

Throw her ass in jail.

Good luck.

Cocoa's picture

well, honey you guys have a decision to make. bm has way too much power because she keeps you cowered. this allows her to set the terms. if you want to fight it, you have to be prepared emotionally and financially for all the drama. there's going to be court, cps, threats, more false accusations, etc... I wouldn't blame you either way you decide. some people can't afford/tolerate the effects of a PASing custodial parent, even if it means they aren't involved with their child as much as they would like. but there's lots of damage being done fighting it, too. there are more lives involved than just the noncustodial parent and child. it's a terrible decision. these custodial parents just do not understand what they are doing to their kids.

Bojangles's picture

Stopping altogether is a problem, but IMO a daily phone call is expecting too much of a 13 year old boy. Boys that age dont go in for chatty phonecalls at the best of times. It's all texting, FB or IM. Either he has gone on strike because he objects to having to do it, he is reluctant and BM is allowing him not to bother any more, or BM is actively discouraging or preventing the calls.

If DH is unable to visit or call the house, BM does not respond to his text, and there is no contact from SS then I would write a letter to SS, and maybe type the envelope so BM doesn't recognise the handwriting. DH should explain that he is worried he hasn't heard from him, hopes everything is OK, that he loves him very much, and would he prefer to text/IM or email a couple of time a week instead of phoning every day, now that he is getting older. That way he counteracts any message BM may be putting over about DH not being bothered about him, or DH making him phone when he doesn't want to. If that doesn't work then he could file a motion for not following the court order, and/or file for a change to the CO to stipulate that there should be contact with SS x times a week using text, email, FB or messenger.

Jerseymommy's picture

Thanks for all the input! SS13 called last night. He said first that he was sick, than he said he forgot to call. He had a hard time to explain why.
He is socially disabled, so it would be more the mother's responsibility, but probably she decided not to encourage him.
My husband gets desperate when they can't communicate, that's what BM enjoys.
They separated nine years ago, but BM never gave up hate and creating problems.
We will keep trying to ignore her.