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Open declaration of WAR

BadNanny's picture

I spent a great day with SD11- she got her hair highlighted (very subtle, but sweet), eyebrows waxed, nails did, spent time talking over lunch and gym time, talked to her about her future dreams, DH spent time with her too, we made it clear we want her to move in with us and live a better life than her BM envisions for her. She can have her phone back if she does well, but I told her she gets all privileges when she moves in with us- and her mother is on her own- she can get her stuff on her own time. She needs to understand that a stable structured life has its rewards, and the mess her BM lives in is not something that brings any rewards. BM, you told her crap about me- you better Prove that you love her more than me! Bring it! Spend time, money and affection- because I DO!

BadNanny's picture

In my State, I'm a legal guardian. Tattoos and piercingings for minors are not ok. Cleaning up is.

Rags's picture

:jawdrop: That's odd. I never once was questioned when I took my Skid to get his hair cut including when he wanted it bleached white much less was I ever asked for a DNA test. Nor was I ever questioned when I enrolled him in school, picked him up from school or took him to the ER ..... Other than to prove my name matched the one on the authorized pickup form when I picked him up from the airport when he was traveling as an unaccompanied minor, never was I asked for my ID. Not once. In more than 16 years.

Rags's picture

Thanks for the clarification. I was shaking my head in confusion over the DNA test for a trip to the salon thing.

HRNYC is right as far as minors not requiring ID to fly in the US. My SS did not need ID when he was a minor. Interestingly when he was ~15 and 6'0" tall the TSA and airlines started asking him for ID. He would tell them he was only 15 and they would give him a hard time. We got him a passport so he would have ID to show for domestic travel.

So, even though minors don't require ID to fly unaccompanied sometimes the airlines and TSA cause problems for kids that look older than they may be.

Best regards,

BadNanny's picture

You get it! That is what my goal is, and I made it clear to all the kids that if the other parents mean it, they should Prove it! She has money and time for booze, BFs and pills/pot, but she doesn't have any for her kids? Fine! They can all live here with me! I teach them skills and love and maybe yes even spoil them a bit.

BadNanny's picture

She is my daughter too! I love her just the same- actually, more! I'm not gonna roll over and give up on my child because BMwants control. I want them to have a fight because I want SD to live with us. BM is nasty to her, alternates between abuse and neglect, drugs and drunken drama daily, trailer park life of "go run around and learn to cut yourself and have sex with boys", so a little clean bribery is a lot safer than what she has to offer. I decided to bring out all the big guns to have SD live with us, where she is loved, treated well, taught sports, reads and has conversations with us. Not a fake post.

BadNanny's picture

Actually, in my State, I am legally equal to her parents. And yes, if she decides to live here, which will give her safety, love and an education, she will be better off. A few treats here and there are just rewards for good grades and behavior. She did great this week and she gets rewards. Money is not a problem and she will know that being more like I am will give her a safe and secure life. Bribery is better than calling CPS on BM, don't you think?

BadNanny's picture

So, just because BM birthed her, but acts abusive and neglectful to the point where SD wants to kill herself and is failing in school because of the hard life she has over there, I should Respect this monster and teach my SD that its ok to act that way and spread her legs to get ahead in life??? Trust me, bribery is safer! I have a beautiful life because I work hard and make good choices, so why should kids learn different?

somedevilishbeauty's picture

I cant believe im saying this but i actually agree with HRNYC for once. :sick:
youre trying too hard to get her and all your going to do is give this child a complex and grow up expecting to get her "rewards"
Whats next a boob job, and and a BMW????

BadNanny's picture

No, boob job is not ok at any age. She is gorgeous, they all are. I'm just rewarding good behavior.

stepmonster_2011's picture

Maybe SD11 is a RAD kid????

cheese and crackers you are looney if you think this kid is going to make ADULT choices maturely. She is ELEVEN. You are screwing with her head. Dangling the great money stuffs because she had ONE good week?

AND explain why you'd have an prepubescent child's hair highlighted and eyebrows waxed??? Are you trying to make her marketable for a suitable marriage? You won't allow your sons to have girlfriends before marriage but you're going to sexify the child?

Please, oh please let this be a joke.

Bribing kids to come live with you... no wonder people think step mothers are whackadoo!

BadNanny's picture

My boys can get highlights if that's how they want to spend their money. And just because they are beautified doesn't mean they are allowed to have sex before marriage- all of them

BadNanny's picture

Haha awesome! Well, she wanted highlights, so I forfeited my appointment for her. She's been down, so if that makes her happy, it's all good.

BadNanny's picture

I'm not rewarding them for "get out of my hair" or bad decisions. I'm rewarding them for good grades, sports and good kind behavior, which is what our world does

Disneyfan's picture

None of the crazy crap she's posting is real.

Her son's can't date before marriage. (How in the hell are they going to pull that one off?)But she's slowly turning her11 year old SD into low key sex kitten.

If her son's are ever drafted(?????) they are NOT to kill the enemy. I guess her boys will be on the battle field passing out daisies, gummi bears and juice boxes. :sick:

BadNanny's picture

Yes. No dating or sex before marriage for any of them. Trust me, they are pulling it off. No killing because its against our religion. There is nothing wrong with beautifying- not to be mistaken for sexifying.

Journey1982's picture

Ok...I have to ask. How can someone get married if they never date? You have to date a person to get to know them. Do you plan to arrange a marriage for your kids?

momagainfor4's picture

that's disgusting. no one should be pimping up an 11 year old child to look like a movie star. Gross. Reward good behavior with a trip to Barnes and Nobles..that's a bookstore. Or maybe just a trip to the mall to get a new pair of shoes. A date just for lunch with ice cream is awesome too. But your bribes should be age appropriate.

If you took my 11 year old and colored her hair, waxed her brows and crap..well, let's just say daddy better get his balls out of your purse.

Not the mama. You are not the mama. Regardless of what a pos the bm is this is wrong.

You either screwed up or you stated your post in the wrong manner. Maybe it is a fake. Idk. I just know it's not right and you're teaching the child something altogether as crappy as her real mommy. Sad

BadNanny's picture

Looking sharp, feeling sharp and acting sharp is awesome. She looks sweet and polished. BM has her wear padded skanky bras and rights with heels. One is tasteful, the other one is wrong. A smart, polished girl with smarts is powerful. A skanky girl who is encouraged to be a teen pregnancy is not.

JustAgirl42's picture


BadNanny's picture

Btw- I got married at 23. A virgin. Because my parents explained to me what happens when you have random sex. And I got rewarded for good behavior. Worked. I'm now a doctor and support my family and all of the kids. And looking good is not a sin. I have we'll behaved loving kids, even the skids are turning around, staying home, playing board games, having quality time with family, respectful. And BM can bring her A Game, because I'm winning them over! She might want them to fail so it makes her feels better about herself, but they are getting what a well behaved life is about. We help others, they help us. Who is losing here? No one.

Journey1982's picture

Did you date your husband before you got married? Are you associating dating with sex? Both do not have to go hand in hand. If its your belief that there should be no sex before marriage that's fine; however, I don't know how you can find someone to marry if you never date to get to know a person. Unless you plan to arrange a marriage for your kids.

BadNanny's picture

Dating in college is ok. Dating means talks and coffee. Not sex in the cornfields. I'm setting the bar high. If they are independent, have a career, their own place, it's not up to me. But living at home and sneaking kids for sex is 0% ok. Oh, and I'm watching. If nothing else, I pay the money- I make the rules. They pay- they play.

arjuna79's picture

kss, and I'm stuck on this "doctor" thang. maybe the sd is the sister to the disabled twins that grandma was holding hostage. :?

BadNanny's picture

Btw- I buy kids books and journals all the time. Reading is a big thing in our house. The only thing BM reads is the label on a beer bottle.

BadNanny's picture

When she wrote her suicide letter, she stated that her mom was the problem. When I started therapy, I said "My problem is, I don't know what to do with a child who never knew love by her mother" and now I know: love her beyond anything she has known. I'm fighting for her and for her life. If her BM wants to win her over, she'll have to fight more than I do! If my kids had a SM that loved them more, I would have to fight harder too!

BadNanny's picture

Thank you. But so God loved us, even though we love the world. She knows who truly loves her and that's me. I have no gain in her love to me. That's what's even stronger. I love her Despite No Gain. She knows it.

doll faced sm's picture

As much as I hate to, I agree with HRNYC. All I see here is an invitation for crazy and BM drama, all of which will most profoundly and negatively impact the child in the situation.

doll faced sm's picture

As much as I hate to, I agree with HRNYC. All I see here is an invitation for crazy and BM drama, all of which will most profoundly and negatively impact the child in the situation.

Rags's picture


I am usually very supportive of quality SParents who are trying to protect their Skids from the shallow, toxic and polluted end of their gene pools. I also do completely agree that you are as much a Parent to your Skid(s) as their BM or Bio Dad is. We are not Step-blanks. We are Step-PARENTS. Key word is PARENT. However, we have no legal rights as SParents so tempering how you present the entire blended family dynamic to your Skid to get the results you want without putting the kid under undue tension would be advised. At least by me. I have found that I had every right I chose to take until someone with stroke told me I can't but that never happened while my Skid was a minor so I did what I wanted when I wanted regardless of what the Sperm Clan had to say about it.

However, I cringe when I hear how you are seemingly being far more toxic and manipulative than even the apparently alcoholic crack head BM in your life is.

You and your Skid would be far better served if you continued as an example, mentor, confidante, advocate and disciplinarian to your SD without the 'buy her loyalty and affection' campaign.

You can be all of these things for your SD and keep her fully aware of the facts about her BMs poor decisions and behaviors without the overt manipulation.

When my SS would come home from Sperm Land visitation with some drivel he was infected with by his Sperm Clan (usually Sperm grandma) we would counter the toxic splatherings with fact and we would walk him through the analysis of the situation while letting him know that even though the Sperm Clan was not acting acceptably he needed to be respectful of them. He aged out from under the 16+ years of the CO 3+ years ago and has little to do with his Sperm Clan. When he does interface with them he is respectful but he has no respect for them. That is why he has little time for them in his life as a viable adult.

Give it a try. You will undoubtedly find that filtering your support and desires for SD through a less toxic application filter will likely get SD to engage with you much more closely than the overt manipulations and attacks against her mother. She will get far more out of the example you set if it does not include overt manipulation to turn her against her mother. As toxic as the shallow and polluted end of a Skid's gene pool can be, direct manipulation by a SParent is far more visible to a child than even the worst imaginable crap from a BM. BM is mom and mom cannot be attacked, embarrassed or disparaged openly. As SParents we can lead our kid to clarity regarding a toxic Bio Parent but the process has to be fact based and delivered professionally and calmly.


Good luck.

arjuna79's picture

^^"However, I cringe when I hear how you are seemingly being far more toxic and manipulative than even the apparently alcoholic crack head BM in your life is.

You and your Skid would be far better served if you continued as an example, mentor, confidante, advocate and disciplinarian to your SD without the 'buy her loyalty and affection' campaign.

You can be all of these things for your SD and keep her fully aware of the facts about her BMs poor decisions and behaviors without the overt manipulation."

I love you, Rags Wink

This is fine, wise advice, unfortunately, probably wasted on what seems to be a new class of crew. No making sense of the senseless here!

(brittle, manic, shrieking, boastful, manipulative, proselytizing - FSMOTY. FAKE STEP MOTY. That must be it) }:)

BadNanny's picture

I'm not being manipulative- I'm making it clear that I want her to live with us because its better for her life, and thus I do the sand things I do with my own kids. So, is it find for BM to use me and laugh at me about it, but its not ok for me to say to my kid: you live here, you have all privileges- you go to BM, let her put her money where her mouth is. I teach her that if you work hard, you get privileges- BM teaches her to use people and laugh at their gullibility. Which one do you think is right?

Disneyfan's picture

Here you keep calling SD your kid. Yet on the blog about continuing visits after dad dies, you were quick to say no because that would be weird.

What's weird about maintaining contact with YOUR CHILD after your spouse dies?

Rags's picture


Maybe manipulative is not the word you like but telling a kid that if she comes to live with you she gets salon treatments and good things in life that she won't get with BM is manipulative IMHO.

I absolutely agree with the message you are trying to send. However, the way you are sending it may cause more problems than the ones you are attempting to solve.

My SS knew where his home was and knew which was the better place and family for him to be with. When he was in his later teens and we had to sit him down and give him the choice of complying with our family and household rules or go live with his Sperm Clan (we did not use that phrase when speaking about Bio Dad and his clan to the SKid).

Without hesitation he looked me straight in the eye and told me he knew where his home is and which family was better for him. He worked on the behavior and we had his back as he navigated through the challenges of being a young man working on becoming a viable adult while struggling with how to love and treat people who he did not respect with respect. Now that he is a viable adult we still have his back and he still struggles with how to deal with the Sperm Clan and their toxic manipulations of him.

Fortunately he learned from the example that his mom and I and our extended network of friends and family have been for him and he is implementing what he has seen and learned with us in his own life.

You may find that shifting the presentation of your message to SD may give you better results.

Good luck.

asnoraford's picture

I understand what you are trying to do. However, challenges to other parents should be made directly to those parents. You are using the daughter to get something, and that is never good, nor would you be ok if SD's BM did that. You want was is best for her, but are playing BM's games in order to get it (and the ends will not justify those means).

If BM is using booze, BF's and pills as her way of handling life, make the issue among the adults about that. You don't need to condone that behavior, but stooping to it also doesn't do any favors for your SD. Since you love her, know that an 11 year old should not have to choose between all of the adults she loves. It is not a fair choice for her to make. Let the adults handle adult situations.

And at 11, she is only in 5th grade. I, too, love to spoil and reward my children for good behavior sometimes. But think of what impact creating this habit of beauty care will have on her once she's in high school (which is when this usually starts for the majority of girls in the country).

BadNanny's picture

I call her out on her bad choices- openly- she is welcome to do the same. The kids need to be aware of those bad choices as to not repeat them. DH brought up the poor choices and BM just uses any occasion to belittle and abuse him too. She is vial. Just evil. It's just sad that SD is allowed to go there- they just go to their rooms and lock themselves away from her abuse, she doesn't hold them or talk to them, she just fights with her BF or party friends, she is the picture of white trash. She taught the girls that if you don't get your way, you threaten suicide- her BF was texting the kids to "take care of your mom, we broke up and she just took a bunch of pills to kill herself"... When we call her about it, she laughs like a hiyena and lies and denies. This is not a reasonable person and the kids are forced to live to see this? Trust me, no amount of bribery comes close to the toxicity of BM's household...

Bradymom's picture

I have got my 12 year old's eye brows waxed for over a year now. Her dad was shaving between her eyebrows! She's got one eyebrow that needs to be made into 2. Haha. As for as the 14 year old son, with the same eyebrow issue. He gets shaved & has since 11 months old!!! He looked like the baby Grinch. Big whoop. Now I see nothing wrong with highlights either. My 17 boy got highlights from age 8-13. He is very into fashion & likes the surfer look. He was not the only one in school doing it, by far. I have been trained in cosmetology, so it wasn't an issue of money. Again big whoop.

With my stepkids I don't do anything to their hair as far as cuts or highlights or waxing, etc. with the exception of cutting off a straggler. Bio mom would flip a bitch. In your case it doesn't appear that bio mom cares or would even notice. Ugh.

I hate how people on this site murder others for their posts. It's one thing to say "I don't agree" or "this is how I see it" but some take it to a new level, near abusive verbally, it's character assisination. Not everyone is the same. Sheesh.

In the original post I didn't take it as "bribing" but later in response to others you said yes it was. I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or if you just got pushed to place of brutle honesty. Can you tell me? I don't judge you either way. It's interesting to me. Of course the thought of bribing sounds harsh, but I think if we were all really honest with each other there are small scale bribes we fall into doing ourselves. Idk. It's a subject that makes me examine myself.

BadNanny's picture

Bribing is a negative term- I prefer rewarding. Hey- if BM and DH got me checkmated into allowing custody time for the worst BM ever, to the point where SD is suicidal about the way her mother mistreats and neglects her, I have no shame in trying to "bribe" SD into moving in with us. If your child was in danger, you would pull out the big guns too! Oh, btw- I think people on here are fine, most seem pretty caring, so not phased by any answers, but thanks for your support Wink

Frustr8d1's picture

Just curious....why would even want to be an "equal parent" to a stepchild?? I'd rather let the world know that I did NOT spawn this awful child!! Smile

SadFairy's picture

"She is my daughter too! I love her just the same- actually, more!"

More than BM or more than your biological children?

Either way, I really hope this is fake or else this woman is very unwell.

oncechoosetosmile's picture

Crewed maybe? If this poster is for real she needs to ask herself why she feels the need to be seen as so much better than the girls BM!!
Taking that kid out and treating her is a nice idea, but the way she is presenting herself as that perfect Christian mother figure with the high morals and the organised life comes across really weird.It screams "look at me how great I am" and sounds arrogant.
If you are real and such a great loving Christian, go and help BM , bet Jesus would have done that btw, instead of just trying to make her daughter your possession to show people how great you are.Sometimes people do that to present themselves in the best and better light.

Rags's picture

I wish my own Skid's Sperm Clan were worth saving but any effort to save them would be a waste of time and resources. So, we raised our son to value hard work and accountability and even at the young age of 21 he has succeeded beyond all of the combined preceding generations of the Sperm Clan combined.

Sometimes a SParent just is unequivocally better than the Bio counterpart in the blended family opposition. It is how we deal with the situation and present reality to the Skids and to the opposition that makes the difference IMHO. With the Skid we set the example, with the opposition we bring the pain when they get stupid. If they are reasonable, then we work with them reasonably. When they get stupid, we destroy them. They know this and still chose to be toxic upon occasion. They suffer the consequences of their behaviors. Maybe the issue is that I actually enjoy bringing the pain when they get stupid.

Our son knows that the choices that his mom and I have made are superior to the choices made by the Sperm Idiot and the Sperm Clan. He also knows who has his back and who wants to take advantage of him.

Though not a scripture, I truly believe that God helps those who help themselves. If someone will not make the effort to help themselves, they are not worth helping. This definitely applies to the Sperm Clan.

IMHO of course.