Tough Topic - BM's other child threatened should we talk about this with SS and should we be concerned..
First a little background:
BM has two kids and another on the way. None of them have the same fathers. Her oldest is ten (his father is actively in the picture), middle - five (which is DH's son) and she is about five months pregnant with her third and currently living with that baby’s father.
DH and I have no children yet and DH has no other children.
About a week and a half ago I was driving in the car with SS and he told me a story about how his brother grabbed a knife from the kitchen and threatened to kill himself. Now he is five and has been known to stretch the truth, but I did my best to talk to him about the situation and then told DH about it as well. Then the next day I was talking to BM and she did confirm the her oldest did do that and explained how she thought it was caused by the medication he was on for ADD, which I guess has been known to cause depression, etc. They have since taken him off that medication and are trying something new. Sounded to me like they are taking the correct steps to address the problem, so I didn’t dwell on it too much.
SS came back this week and was talking to DH and I about the situation and apparently he witnessed the entire show go down and it seems to be bothering him a lot because he has brought it up every day. He has asked us questions about why his brother would do that. He was also apparently told that if his brother doesn’t get better he will get locked away in a hospital forever and he will never see him again. Which understanably has SS upset because he absolutly adores his big brother.
Now unfortunately BM avoids serious conversations at all costs. She would rather lie to her children then have to have a tough conversation with them, which leaves DH trying to pick up the pieces, without all of the information. I usually let DH and BM talk to SS about topics that are tough or personal because I believe that it’s in SS’s best interest to hear it come from his mom and dad. But when DH brought it up to BM, she said there is nothing to worry about and that she didn't have time to deal with it.
My questions are:
What is the best way to handle this / explain and talk to a five year old about what he saw and how he’s feeling? I realize the SS could be making a bigger deal out of it than necessary to get our attention, I just don’t want to ignore something like this, or draw too much attention to it, so I’m a little lost.
Also, someone brought to my attention today that SS could also be at risk if his brother is having harmful thoughts, and that he could also try to harm SS as well. I'm not sure I believe that, but I really don't know enough about the topic or about his older brother to be sure. So I just need some advice. Being that SS is the only child in our household, we tend to focus most of our time and energy on him and it’s hard to tell when we are being overly protective and when we’re not being protective enough. If anyone has experienced this before or knows how we should handle this, please feel free to share your opinions. Even if you think we are worrying too much about it. Neither DH or I have ever had to experience anything like this so we need help! Thanks
First, what religion are
First, what religion are y'all?
BM and DH are both Lutheran
BM and DH are both Lutheran
I would recommend (and this
I would recommend (and this is just my thoughts) you, DH and SS sit down with a priest and discuss it. It’s hard to talk to a child so young about suicide. We are a Christian family and when serious topics like this arise you bring faith into. In the military we use the Chaplains to help those who have lost a friend or loved one to suicide. It’s a touchy subject.
The last thing any divorced
The last thing any divorced parent wants to delve into is something religious sounds like you guys have an OK relationship with bm dont bring anything to do with counselors or religious counselors into this.
All you can do in this situation is let ss know that you are there to talk if he needs to and what to do incase of an emergancy
Let BM get a chance to get her arms around this kids meds. I am sure SS is upset but he is 5 upset doesnt last long and isnt complex like you are thinking it is
However - Dad would need
However - Dad would need proof that his child is in danger. Right now, all he has is hearsay, an d apparently the situation is being handled. Custody is unlikely to be changed w/o Mom's consent.
Even at 5, kiddo can understand that sometimes, when people are hurt, angry, upset,scared - they say/do things that don't make sense, etc. Which is why it is so important to remember that there are always people to talk to about those feelings. That you are both safe people to do that with, and you will help him work through those scary feeling - or find someone else who can.