Woke up this morning got my coffee and my bad habits (smokes) turned on the computer and opened up Steptalk. As I was sitting here looking at all these post's recalling a lot of them I have read I just thought how sad is this. The other day I said a few words about my stepmom, I feel for some reason to bring her up again today. My stepmom was a terrific Lady, we all new she loved us very much. If she were here today I would call her and tell her how much I love her and thank her for loving me and always for being so kind to all 5 of us kids. She didn't have to take on that role but she did. I recall a time they put her in the news paper because she looked so much like Betty White. When I became a stepmom I really thought this was going to be a breeze, I wasn't here to take anyone's place . It would have been nice to have just been excepted. I read on one of these post's someone had said there is a bond with the family that we come into and your right. I'm so glad that me or my brother's and sister's never made my stepmom feel this way. She got cancer us kids wanted to go see her when she was in the hospital but my dad wouldn't let us, that was my dad a jerk. When she died I recall all of us kids balling our heads off. We lost a very special person in our life. My heart goes out to all of you here on step talk. None of us should be having to have these type of problems. Life is to short. I'm very thankful to have step talk to be able to come and share my feelings and thought's and most of all for having some really great step mom's on this site. Like I said I just felt like putting this out here and wanted you to know how special my stepmom was and is to me. Thank you for being so good to me here on this site, you all are very special to me thank you.
Norastepmom, I'd be
Norastepmom, I'd be interested to hear if your relationship with your SM was ever rocky and it evolved into what it was when she died or if it was good from the start? My relationship with my SKs started out good and has turned to sh*t the past year and a half to the point of my complete disengagement due solely to my SD. I don't see things ever changing with her because she is a casebook narcissist, but part of me still has hope.
StepAside, You know before I
You know before I got married and became a stepmom I felt like I was a nice person and was told by a lot of people I was. But after dealing with the roller coaster rides I have changed. I don't even like myself, I feel I have anger in my heart, I have been trying to get rid of that. I feel bad because I'm tired of the BS and I get angry with the way his adult kids take advantage of him, but who's fault is this really. Like I have said before my husband has blinders on when it comes to his kids. So bid. I will not speak of them , When he asks me if I have seen them or heard from them its no. If any of my kids had ever done what his has to me I would have put them in there place. What's sad is they never even gave me a chance. My husband will be supporting his adult kids the rest of his life, not my problem.
I really like this post. I
I really like this post. I love my Step Mom very much and consider her a really good friend. When I look back at all the things that she had to put up with and the times that she stuck up for me I get a little teary eyed. I have no idea how she did it at times but she is an amazing lady with a fierce sense of humor. I look up to her everyday and I know that she will give me sound advice concerning my SD15. I wish everyone with step moms was blessed with what I have.
Whatamess, My stepmom was
My stepmom was wonderful, Like I said she took on 5 kids, She did everything as a mother would have. Sitting here typing this really makes me miss her I wish I could tell her how much I love and miss her. My stepmom excepted us from the very start if she had different feelings about it , it didn't show. I recall a few time's she was like our protector from my dad. My dad had money and figured he was hot stuff. But he wasn't. My real mom I love and miss her so much also. My mom taught us always to be respectful. We didn't have a lot growing up food was scarce. My dad only paid 50.00 a month for 5 kids. He owned company's, what he did was had it all put into his parents name. It got hard on my mom trying to take care of us 5 kids by herself. So there came a time we had to go live with my awful father and my stepmom. At night we would cry because we missed our mom. My dad would come down to the basement and tell us to shut up. My stepmom would come in later and comfort us, she has had a big impact on my life. She new we loved her she also loved us. When I became a stepmom I thought it was going to be the same, because of how she was with us. We didn't get everything handed to us. My dad treated us like crap. I don't even know what to say about some of the stepkids now days. It looks like to me from my point of view that a lot of fathers have guilt and bonds.
This was a great post. Thank
This was a great post. Thank you.
My SM was and still is a monster. I got the short end of the stick when it came to a mother, father, and stepmother. They all were abusive and cruel. My SM took out life insurance policies on my brother and I without either of my parents knowing (when my father found out, he didn't care). On my 18th birthday, my SM told me it was a shame that she didn't get to cash in on the policy.
Now she expects to be considered grandma to my kids. It's not happening.
I wish I had had a SM like yours. Being a SM myself, I don't understand why she was so cruel and hateful.