When did the ex flip out with you and your SO milestone?
Random thought:
At what major life event did your partner's ex flip out?
I've heard horror stories of when getting engaged, getting married, getting pregnant, moving in together, birth of a child, work promotion, moving, the ex for some reason flips out at each milestone,...
So, what's your story?
When DH & I got engaged we
When DH & I got engaged we posted it on FB & took off on a 5 day cruise. BM didn't know about the engagement but was pissed he went on a cruise (had to let her know he was going to be out of the country with no phone for 5 days & to call MIL in case of an emergency).
Then she found out about the engagement & told SD & made he cry about it.
Then she invited us to SD's 5th bday party & introduced me to everyone as "Sd's dad's GIRLfriend" while a huge rock is on my finger.
we ignored all behavior & blocked her from texting & I stopped engaging with her at all. It's been a great 2 years.
She will FLIP when she finds out about this baby. I'm loving it. We aren't going to tell SD until she is here for her extended break visit. SO no chance for BM to plant her insanity in little SD's head.
I didn't want to tell BM
I didn't want to tell BM about the baby...but she made SO angry so he just had to throw it in her face. IT was weird. She wasn't mad at the time he told her, but when she got mad at him over anything she would bring up that he was a shitty father and she can't believe he is bring another baby into this world. Well now she is 21 and having her second baby in a month and the babies dad doesn't want anything to do with BM.
OH almost forgot. She also
OH almost forgot. She also flipped BEFORE DH & i got engaged & were just dating when I went to Dh's hometown with him. He was going to pick SD up from visiting with MIL/FIL. It's about 14 hours away from our home.
she called MIL saying it wasn't fair that I was down there & everyone was trying to forget about her & replace her.
DH & BM never even dated. -rolls eyes-
MIL was like man that chick is insane. They have a nickname for her down in DH's hometown. Those people only met her once or twice & still talk about how crazy she is.
BM lost it when we were
BM lost it when we were taking her kids (my sk's) to my family's house for Christmas Eve, our first Christmas together. DH's parents were staying at our house for the holidays (which BM flipped out about too). She gave my MIL a guilt trip for staying at my place as if MIL would stay with her and not her own son? BM went psycho after DH told her we were going to my family's house for Christmas Eve and she whined him to death and drove over to my house and made a total scene in my front yard. Screaming, cursing, yelling. I was LIVID. it took everything in my power not to go out in the yard and beat the skank out of her. Her kids were humiliated. She was screaming that we were trying to take the kids from her on Christmas and that they are all she has, meanwhile her boyfriend and her other son from that relationship were sitting in the car like chopped liver. I will never forget that moment, we were all mortified.
^^^yep. hmmm, I guess I can
hmmm, I guess I can think of a few "reasons" though
-The day ends in a "y"
-The sun is shining, or it's raining, or snowing, or windy, we'll just say there is weather.
-It's a day DH works, or a day he's off
-Something happened or didn't happen
basically, she flips whenever she damn well pleases, however, milestones almost always lead to court where the other flip outs only involve withholding visitation and breaking the CO or thinking certain things only apply to her.
SO and I had been dating for
SO and I had been dating for a year and decided to move in together. We've known eachother for over 20 years but only got together in 2012. BM and SO were divorced for 6 years by then. BM came out as a lesbian and moved in with her lover after a couple of months of dating. SO supported her relationship and the kids adapted well because of this.
SO and I decided to move in together and BM lost her shit. She met up with SO and told him that he was being selfish in considering moving in with me. Told him that it would be detrimental to the kids, and they needed more time (meaning, SD12 at the time - SS10 was fine). BM used the kids as an excuse. SO pointed out to her that when she did the same thing with her lover, even though they'd only been dating for a couple of months. BM still insisted that he needed to give the kids (SD) "time".
SO told her it was none of her business what he decided and we were going to live together and that was that - she just had to handle it.
After a year of living together, SD has refused to visit since Sept 2013. SS still comes over on SO's allocated time. BM and SO used to share pick up and drop offs. She has since decided she wants nothing to do with it. SO received a message from her saying all pick ups and drop offs will be discussed between SO and SS, and to leave her out of it.
SO was in heaven - because it means we don't have to see her at all. We've been picking up SS and dropping him off on our allocated time and LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact that we don't ever set eyes on BM.
Mnd you, BM has tried to stop SS coming over, but he is a strong kid and refuses to listen to her - he still insists on coming over and I so appreciate him for that!
BM sent a very awesome text
BM sent a very awesome text message to SO when she found out that we were expecting. Granted, it was only about 4 months after she up and left him and took the kids. She basically told him she planned on coming back to him until she found out.
whatever bitch. we are happily engaged new parents. and she is probably still carrying the clap.
Moving in, getting engaged
Moving in, getting engaged and married all brought special minor storms (but it's always about SD and her concern about her). Humans and I have it better than some here, but she can pull a wack a doddle fast. She wanted our photographs from our wedding-for SD of course....
Heaven has no rage like love
Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned,
nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.
William Congreve, English.
It is intolerable to a woman that her ex get on with his life and any success he has - especially involving another woman is inconceivable. Exception: a promotion so she can get more child support.
Lol the moment I told him I
Lol the moment I told him I was done hanging out with him (we were divorced and still bung out as "friends" stupidity at its finest) exh flipped assumed I must be screwing someone and he blew a gasket 3 months later when I did start seeing someone got worse when he found out who (exh and SO have mutual friends) exh attempted to break us up aiming SO had slept with some of exh's mistresses. Got a big slap in the face when my response was "his past doesn't concern me just today" exh just yesterday revved his car at SO at the store in a threatening manner because I was at that same time refusing by text to engage in an argument.
Exh and I have been apart for 5 yrs SO and I together almost 3
Hmmm, first flip out was when
Hmmm, first flip out was when she found out we were dating.
OH had SD, it was a Saturday night. BM was at a party, and a mutual friend (who is no longer a friend of OH) told her that he was seeing someone....
BM starts with the texts demanding to know if it were true, he tried to brush her off, she escalated the crazy texts, he said he'd talk to her tomorrow. She calls him, so in the end (after 50+ texts of insanity) he tells her that he would have preferred to tell her himself, and in person. She loses it completely. Gets absolutely shit faced drunk. She was also unfortunately Des (designated driver)that night so her friend was plastered as well.
She ends up calling OH at about 3am to come and pick them up because they are stuck and can't get home. He gets sd(then8) out of bed, goes to pick them up, has to stop many times on the drive home as BM needs to puke in the gutter. When not puking she is screaming and crying about "how can he do this to her" "cheating on her" etc (NO cheating - they were well and truly separated at this stage!)
Classy lady.
Then when he wanted the skids to meet me, more flip outs and meltdowns... and her refusing to let him take them whenever she knew I was in town. So he did it on the sly and she found out about it AFTER... this was a month before we were due to move in together and I said No way am I moving in with you without having met your kids - months of her not allowing it to happen etc. OMG the meltdown that night was epic!
When we moved in together, another massive one.
When I fed her kids vegies for tea. When I gave them choc chip buns for tea the following week
My mere presence on this earth causes her to meltdown everytime she is reminded of it }:) }:)
^^^good one!^^^
^^^good one!^^^
Attack your little child!
Attack your little child! You win, hands down. I hope you have a RO.
I don't think BM has ever
I don't think BM has ever flipped out, she just makes it so my SS flips out. The first time was when my then boyfriend (now husband) and I decided to move in together. My SS called hysterical the first weekend he was supposed to stay with us. Once he got to our new place, he was fine, but the hours before that were a complete nightmare for my husband.
The next time was when we got engaged and not even when we first got engaged. We were engaged for almost 2 years and all of a sudden in the last 3 months before our wedding, supposedly, my SS was freaking out and wanted his parents to get back together. BM put him in counseling and coached him what to say to the counselor so she could take the counselor's advice to have my husbands parental rights taken away. My husband ended up finding out about the appointments before they started so he showed up to every appointment (BM was PISSED!), but basically the counselor said that since my SS was not even 1 year old when his parents were divorced that there is no way he wants his "parents back together" unless someone drilled that into his head. She also kicked him out of the appointments for saying things like, "I'm not supposed to talk about that." so she knew he was coached and she also said she would never ever recommend to any court that a parent's rights be taken away. BM pulled him from counseling before all 6 planned sessions were over.
Surprisingly, she didn't make SS flip out over us having a baby. He "hates babies" and never wanted siblings, but he never said anything about our son being born or anything. Maybe all that will change when my husband takes her to court soon.
Anytime anything good happens
Anytime anything good happens to us or we do anything particularly fun with the skids (like vacation).
LOL .. the first big "family"
LOL .. the first big "family" vacation we took was to Disneyworld. DH and I weren't married yet, but were engaged.
BM flipped her lid claiming that it's a "mother's right of passage to be the first to take her daughters to Disneworld and meet the princesses".
The FIRST time BM flipped out
The FIRST time BM flipped out was when DH and I were on our honeymoon and BM called to find out when we would be home. Oh, she acted all calm to DH but obviously she flipped because who calls and ask when you are coming home from your honeymoon? :?
There have been several occasions since then but that was the first. She has flipped several times because DH refuses to talk to her all the time about their grown son. Because you know they have a child together and MUST co-parent him.
Her biggest flip out was when she kept holding SS moving in with her over DH's head and DH finally told her "go ahead move him in with you maybe that is best". She freaked out and of course it was all MY fault that I had put him up to it.
Actually, I thought it was humourous because I told DH she would do exactly what she did if he called her bluff.
LOL the honeymoon thing is
LOL the honeymoon thing is funny.
Do you know that SD7's BM asked me if we were going to take SD7 WITH US on our honeymoon! LMAO
Pretty much every single
Pretty much every single major life event and even most of the mundane events:
1. The kids meeting me (that's how she found out I existed, lol)
2. Finding out that he and I were serious (duh, that's why I met the kids)
3. When he moved in with me (I will NEVER allow the kids to see you EVER again, DH!!! One week later: So do you think you can have a bedroom ready for kids this weekend?)
4. Finding out what I did for a living (I was independent and successful, she always leached off of DH)
5. Skid b-days landing on DH's time (that's my RIGHT as a MOTHER...ahem GU...to have them on their b-days no matter what our CO says)
6. Finding out we "go out" a lot (wahhahahaaa!!! I insisted on being the primary custodian and now I'm jealous that I don't have time or money to go out and I can't even date because princess daughter doesn't want me to!!!)
6. When we got married (she called him sobbing! wahahaaaa! you should have TOLD me first!)
7. Kids meetng my family
8. Going on vacation with skids (never again, ungrateful ill-mannered brats)
9. Letting his parents watch the kids one night so we could go on a date (that's THE KIDS time with YOU!!!! how dare you do anything except plant yourself up their asses the way I do all of the time!!!!)
That last one happened a few months ago. There have been so many more incidents since then. I've gotten so used to it that it's become white noise to me now.
HA HA HA number 8! I hear
HA HA HA number 8! I hear ya!!
^^^Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 ($), 8, 8
^^^Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 ($), 8, 8 again, to infinity and beyond….^^^ She broke into his last house and attacked a former girlfriend, but hasn't tried that with me … yet (9 years in).^^^
First big one when I met the
First big one when I met the kids. She knew I was with my fiance for a year, but when he introduced me to the kids she knew it was serious. They were already divorced for 2 years at that point. Kids went home told mommy about me, came back on the next visitation day, "mommy says your ugly, mommy says you do drugs, mommy says your gutter", My mommy hates you. I told them its not the christian thing to do and that I had never even met their mommy. Left it at that. From there, 2 public scenes at SS soccer games, Lawyer involved trying to stop family vacation, only letting one child come on court ordered birthday time,(judge upheld that), even with the birthday child crying for the siblings to celebrate. If we even got the child on his/her birthday, sometimes she wouldn't even let them out of the house. Police, Lawyers, Judges, slanders us all over town. Tells everyone that we bought our house and my new car with money he stole from her. I sold my house 2 years ago paid for my car, etc. We have countless hissy fits on video and voicemail,
Just about any excuse, there is a meltdown. Can't wait for the wedding
BM flipped out when she found
BM flipped out when she found out SO started dating me, then again when SO wanted to introduce me to his daughter a couple of months later. She then flipped out again when I was going to his house for Easter, and SD would be there. She flipped out when we moved in together, and after he served her papers for custody. Pretty sure she is going to flip out about everything.
When BM found out that fiancé
When BM found out that fiancé and I were friendly (not quite dating but almost there), she flipped out then. She sent me a long rambling FB message about how angry she was at my fiancé, how much she though the kids would like me, wished me a belated happy birthday (strange...), and then wished us luck with our relationship. She then told fiancé that dating was a bad idea because if SS/SD (then 2) became attached to a new person and it didn't work out, they would be "ruined".
She flipped out when we became engaged nearly three year later. We told our families and the twins before making it public on FB. We planned on telling BM once we had a chance to tell family, kids, and friends. BM heard about the engagement the day after it was posted through a mutual FB friend of fiancé's and became angry we didn't tell her before telling twins because it would help them if she could "help them through it". (Twins were with us that week, we have 50/50 custody.). She also sent fiancé a FB friend request the same day that he passed on that only made her more angry. Go figure...?
LOL crazy people LOVE
LOL crazy people LOVE facebook. BM sent MIL lots of FB requests & also sent one to DH. She has never been dumb enough to send me one.
MIL & DH ignored of course.
First flip out was about a
First flip out was about a year and a half in, we were going on vacation for a week. DH had planned well in advance and last minute BM made up BS about how he neglects SD, which she got SD to get all worked up about. BM decided I was no longer allowed around SD11(at the time)and screamed at him that she wouldn't allow SD to come over EVER. DH proposed to me on this trip...
Second flip out- a week after coming home, he sees SD and tells her. SD is happy for us until she talks to her mom. Then all hell broke loose.
Third time, 2 months after our wedding, BM went to my office, spewed venom to whoever would listen. I called police, they went to her house, warned her against ever coming near me again. BM then convinced SD I was trying to have her arrested and that would leave her homeless. Let's be clear- I didn't press charges. Dumb bitch was pregnant again and I had compassion.
BM's new BF, father of her other 2 kids, went off about how he was getting his lawyer after me. OK- I suppose he'd pay for that with the CS my husband pays since they have no money. It's been about a year now and she has been quiet more or less.
BM apparently flipped out
BM apparently flipped out when SO first told her about me, as he was thinking about me meeting the kids. Although he never exactly told me the full conversation (we hadn't been dating long and I think he was concerned about scaring me off) but he did tell me that BM demanded I told MY parents about her and the SKIDS (at the start my parents didn't know about him let alone the kids!!) I am younger than him so I guess she asked what my family thought of me taking on kids without having any of my own, he said they don't know yet and she said I had to tell them before I was allowed to meet HER kids. NO BM I don't have to tell my family anything, because YOU (a stranger) tells me I should, before I meet my BOYFRIEND'S kids.. loony.
Ohhh - there have been so
Ohhh - there have been so many...BUT lets see some highlights.
- When we moved to the same community
- When DH was supposed to have Easter 4 years ago
- When the judge didn't give her the hundreds of thousands she thought she was entitled to (yes actual hundreds of thousands)
- My new car (ok so its a convertible sports car)
- THIS YEAR Disneyland
Let's see, BM always looses
Let's see, BM always looses her shit when something doesn't go her way. When she found out that we were dating, she sent SO a letter saying how much she still loves him etc. When I visited him and we stayed at a hotel near the airport, she texted him, "I miss you." he asked her what her boyfriend at the time thought about the text. She said "I don't care. You will always be my best friend." When we moved in together, she didn't really loose her shit, but she texted SO and told him that "she wasn't ready". She has had a hard time accepting that SO doesn't care about her or her feelings. After a month or so after we moved in together, she sent him pics of her underwear that was a sports team that he liked. She also bought shoes of the team colors and texted him a pic of those, and always wears his favorite sports team sweatpants. She craves his attention. It's so pathetic.
She lost her shit when I bought SD a shirt that said "I'm cool like daddy", for fathers. She threw orange juice or soda all over SO's car, on him and on SD since he was holding her.
Hmmm...flip outs that
Hmmm...flip outs that coincide with milestones. Okay.....
1. She found out about me.
2. She found out I was still around (about a month later)
3. She found out it was the weekend I was supposed to meet the skids
4. She found out he moved in with me
5. When she found out I was a single mom with a son older than her kids
6. My first time going to an exchange
7. When she took the skids out of school for a month long vacation, coinciding with a CS review hearing and then she got home to find out that CS went DOWN (thanks to me reading the CS regulations for our state)
8. When DH took HER to court to get HIS rights spelled out in their court document that only discussed, until that point, how much money he was supposed to pay every month
9. When we got engaged (although she didn't know it, she happened to be at the same restaurant)
10. When we got married (we let them know afterwards)
11. When we bought a house together
12. SD had their first grandbaby and not only did DH have the audacity to bring ME along, he also told BM "No" when she wanted him to come into the NICU with her to have their grandparents bonding moment.
13. I got a sweet sports car
I can't even imagine what she would have acted like had we had a child together! Ugh.
OK, here's mine. BM offically
OK, here's mine. BM offically flipped out long before DH and I were able to have any milestones.
While DH and I were still dating (had been talking/going out for 18 months), DH found out that BM was slapping SD (then age 6 or maybe just turned 7) across the face for talking back, etc. DH disagreed with this form of discipline and told BM so. BM said it was the right thing to do in the situation. BM was dropping SD off at DH's house one day to me (DH must have been at school or work), I met her in the driveway and BM tried to convince ME to convince DH that it was A-OK for her to slap SD across the face. I disagreed and that's when BM wigged out. She has hated me ever since. Crazy lady.
BM flipped out when... She
BM flipped out when...
She "thought" we were getting engaged. We were planning a vacation with SD to visit DH's parents in another state so that I could meet them. DH had bought me a small gift online from Tiffany's to give me while on vacation. BM hacked into DH's email account & saw the online receipt from Tiffany's which she assumed was an engagement ring. She then, in her own mind, made up a scenario in which DH & I were flying away to an exotic location so that he could propose :? That was flip-out #1 & the first time I saw the true extent of her crazy.
She also flipped when she found out we were actually getting married. She only found out about 2 weeks ahead of time & only because she straight up asked DH & he refused to lie to her. Why do these women think they are entitled to know about their exes wedding plans?
She also flips out when "milestones" happen in her own life - she gets a DUI, breaks up with a boyfriend, declares bankruptcy, loses a job. All flip-out inducing behavior.
"Why do these women think
"Why do these women think they are entitled to know about their exes wedding plans?"
Either to feed their own misery or to fuck things up. BM had asked DH when we were getting married...her excuse was that if we needed "help" with SD. We hadn't even set a date or approached her about it. Nosy bitch. We eloped and she found our day of, when we were already well out of town. Her response? "SD is gonna be disappointed she was looking forward to being a flower girl." Here's an idea, BM,mif you're concerned about YOUR daughter being a flower girl, why don't you go get married? (Neither of our girls expressed disappointment and we took them out for a fancy dinner in the city at a fine dining establishment in one of the best hotels the week after we married.)
well this was all almost 20
well this was all almost 20 years ago but- The night before my wedding we had SD. Me and my FDH
went to pick up some last minute things and she came to the house where my family was watching her
and took her away. Big fight. Cops came. No cell phones back then so we came home to that. Cops
let her take SD because it was not a normal visitation day so we had no rights. We got her back
the next morning after her bf (my dhs ex best friend) talked her into it but she succeeded in ruining
that day.
Bringing my DD home from the hospital-she showed up at the house with SD to see the baby. In a moment
of insanity we let her in. We didnt fight with her but she took pics and when I look at those pics those old feelings still come back.
DD1 baptism-showed up at the church by "coincidence". DH told her to leave and my sisters told her to leave and she caused a scene. My eyes were red in those pictures from crying.
DD2 baptism-wanted my DH to leave party to bring SD home at 7pm because thats what court papers say instead 9pm when party was over. Called my inlaws and started a war at 7am the morning of the baptism.
DD2 communion- we now live out of state. SD was mad and BM caused a scene and called my inlaws so scream about us becasue we didnt arrange a ride for her to come out for the party. When we would ask SD she said no she didnt want to miss any school so we didnt make arrangements.
Im sure theres others but i look back sometimes and dont know how i dealt with it. We live 2 states away now but she still tries to harrass us but it doesnt have the same excitement to her over the phone I guess lol.
Oh and even after witnessing all that my inlaws take her side. They hated her when they were married but chose her and SD over their son and 2 more granddaughters. Theyre all nuts. :O
I think she was cheating on
I think she was cheating on hubby3 with the future hubby4 by that time. She was a busy skank.-
HAHAHAHAH that made me chuckle
The ex in our case cheated on him many times then finally with DH best friend of 30 years-wound
up marrying him and divorcing him in less than 3 year-Somehow even though she was a busy skank she
found time to do all the things I listed and more.
She must be a skank thats very good at multi-tasking.
We have had a few blow outs,
We have had a few blow outs, but I think one of the biggest blow outs was when she found out I was pregnant. BM loves to gossip, so when she found out that DH’s best friend’s EX was pregnant again she called to tell DH( as if DH cared) she was all giggly while spreading her juicy gossip. That changed real fast when DH laughed and played on to her gossip story, then he said you know who else I just heard is pregnant? now she was excited to hear who, DH told her I had just found out I was pregnant. Her Joy stopped instantly, I think I could hear her head explode across town. Ending the conversation quickly with oh I gotta go and hung up. She waited until the next morning to call with her melt down. She said every hateful thing in her vocabulary, (EVEN SAYING SHE HOPED ME AND MY BABY WOULD DIE) and that’s the exact moment I lost any respect for the women ( wasn’t much respect to begin with) all this was said while SD was in the house with her. She had already had another kid with some guy at the time so we had no idea why she had such a melt down. I guess she never really thought we would get as serious as we did since I was younger than him IDk…..
Surprisingly, BM hasn't had
Surprisingly, BM hasn't had any MAJOR meltdowns, but there have been a few instances that stand out that I'd like to share...
1. When she saw DH out with a mixed group of friends at a club during the first few months of our relationship (I was at work that night), she was crying and trying to cling to him and he was pushing her off...she then got mad and started sending awful, racist text messages to him that were directed at the women in his group, who she apparently thought he MUST be dating one of them.
2. When she supposedly "heard" that he was dating someone and making plans to get married.
3. Not a freak-out, but the day after she first saw the four of us in the car together (she had tried to show up to get something's that she suddenly needed RIGHT THEN, even though she had gone for nearly a year without), she called the cops the next day, told them that DH wasn't allowing her access to her belongings (again, she had been moved out nearly a year), and could they escort her to the house. Cops wouldn't let DH observe, and she proceeded to snoop through his closet also--a friendly cop tipped DH off about that.
4. The first time that boundary was enforced with her--she showed up at 7am, no phone call or txt beforehand, demanding she be able to pick up SD, who was still in bed. She was screaming "that's MY daughter" and banging on the door and ringing the doorbell like a maniac. We called the cops, they had a chat with her. No, BM, you can't show up unannounced and expect the whole house to jump out of bed and get SD ready for you.
5. Immediately following #4, she throws the "moving in" fit that is so common, as DH hadn't told her. "I can't believe she's leaving in my house!" Was the text...and the "leaving" part always cracks me up...no, bitch, I ain't leaving!! (She is seriously stupid...)
My ex (BD6's dad) had a complete meltdown the night before BD met DH. We had been dating officially for a full 6 months before intro, and 3 months prior to becoming official. I had brought it up a few weeks prior and my ex had nothing much to say about it. Well, the night before, he wigs out on me completely, threatening to withhold my BD from me, saying it was too soon, etc. I was at work (bar work) during this time. It fucked up my whole night and we text fought nearly all night. I called his mom and begged her to talk some sense into him. His texts included calling me a gold digger and my DH an "old man with money". This was all very weird, as my ex is extremely level headed and emotionally stable. The following day when he dropped my BD off, he gave me a tearful apology (again, weird), and told me that our daughter is the most important thing in his life and he had lost his head for a minute and got caught up being worried that my DH would somehow "steal" BD's affection. I let him have his moment, and things have been fine since that single episode 4 years ago.
BM is a drug addict and has
BM is a drug addict and has rarely been in a place to care or think about what goes on at our house..but there is one thing. We have had 2 babies in 2 years and even though BM was in jail for most of that, it must have been to much when she found out we were having baby number 2. She immediately starts planning her own pregnancy WHILE STILL IN JAIL. She gets out of jail and has a baby 9 months later. Oh, and the "baby daddy" is actually married with a family, or was..he left them for her..I bet he hits himself every day for that. They live with BM's mother..and I am almost positive that he isn't the father of the baby. The baby looks EXACTLY like the man that she was planning the pregnancy with from jail.
Oh, and then she named her baby the girl name that I had picked out for our new baby. The exact name. And she knew it was our favorite name and even knew that I didn't want her to use that name(which was just a joke because the name is not common enough that I would have even imagined that she would use it)..though I never told her these things. We do not speak, but of course, SD did.
That's the best I have.
When we got engaged, she went
When we got engaged, she went bloody buck daft. She went berserk. Asking who was paying for the wedding. Saying things like 'saving up for the next kids are we?!. And just generally being utterly nasty,
She needs to get the hell over it. She has someone else in her life. Never happy. Then bleating poor mouth asking for extra money but has just booked a cruise and a holiday to Europe. You could not make it up!!!!!!!
BM has not flipped out in an
BM has not flipped out in an obvious way, or as far as I can tell.
But she did recently post this on her FB page: "I never get jealous when I see my ex with another girl because my parents always taught me to give my used toys to the less fortunate."
I told you she has the intellect of a potato chip.
I think one of the key skills
I think one of the key skills in being one of these crazy BM's is to have the intellect of a potato chip hahah - made me laugh, might use that one in the future!
Hahaha love this The first
Hahaha love this The first time BM flipped out, was the day I was going to meet SD for the first time. DH talked to her about it and everything and she seemed to be okay with it(she doesn't know this but I was in the car when he was talking to her about it over bluetooth).
I had made dinner at home and almost right afterward, SD fell asleep. So they stayed alot longer than he had intended b/c he had to carry her to the car anyways. I think it was 10pm when BM ended up outside my house, in the rain, yelling obscenities, yelling at DH to get SD right now!! And oh no, the yelling didn't end after BM had SD in her arms, it continued. She made herself look like a psychotic, inbred fool that night. Woke up the whole neighborhood, including her kid and mine and the profanities kept going in front of SD.
After BM left, I told DH if she ever showed up like that again...I'd call the cops.
BM was "okay" until DH and I
BM was "okay" until DH and I got engaged and were buying our first home. At the same time she was breaking up with her loser boyfriend and moving into a new place. It was all downhill from there......
oh fun! I am going through
oh fun! I am going through this right now! FDH proposed 3 weeks ago (YAY!) and she just found out a few days ago. Since then it's been non stop texts about random stuff and making up a story about how she met a friend of mine at her work. Apparently my "friend" walked up to her and told her how my children are far more advanced than hers, that I told my friend we should have her child (my SD) full time because she's unfit, my "friend" told her that we were engaged, my "friend" told her that I said SD was a retard, etc.
This particular situation has been going on for days now. Meanwhile I have a no contact on her from about a year ago. She's a lunatic. LUNATIC! I think she may have met someone I KNOW at her work a former boss from about 10 years ago but I know this person wouldn't just start spreading drama nor have I talked to her in years.
I can't wait until the actual wedding which is coming much sooner than she thinks. I may have brought this on myself though because I made our engagement post on FB public. Oh and I made the post of the new car we bought on Friday public too. l