OMG!!! All weekend, SD15 has been going on and on and on to EVERYONE who will listen to her about the death of her boyfriend's hard it is on him!! SD15 never even met the uncle! She has been going on and on like it is her huge loss trying to get people to feel sorry for her, or feel sorry for her because she has to console her boyfriend! UGH!!!!!!!
The princess really needs to get over it!! Not everything is about her! It is nice that she put something on her Facebook asking everyone to pray for his family, but leave it at that! Don't go on and on and on to everyone you talk to about how hard this is on your boyfriend and how difficult it is for you to console him! All she is doing is generating more "Hey...look at me" drama. Between that and the color guard captain tryouts, I'm already done with the "look at me....look at me" attitude of hers the last few weeks. And if she finds out this week that she didn't make captain, it will be more drama, " was so was rigged....they were going to pick her all the time!" It will be everything BUT, "Maybe I just wasn't good enough this year...will try harder next year!" I wouldn't be surprised if she dramatically quits guard again...especially if the girl who was captain this year makes captain again! I mean, she is already dropping out of theater after this year, because I guess she really isn't the theater teacher's favorite after all (like she kept saying..."Oh, I think she loves me more than _____ (BS19)!"
I want to seriously find a hole to crawl in this week so I don't have to listen to any of it! Especially, since I know I will be made out to be the uncaring bitch through it all! I already got accused of that Friday when I didn't ask her a billion questions about captain tryouts the moment she walked in the door Friday. Why do I need to ask questions? I'm already going to hear more about it than I want to anyway!!
Ugh I hate people like this.
Ugh I hate people like this. Really I feel sorry for them. Using someone else's loss to get sympathy and attention.
She does it with EVERYTHING!
She does it with EVERYTHING! If she can find some way to get attention off of something, she will use it! Keep in mind, this is the girl that always having to be in SOMETHING that is performance centered, and she is often in more than one thing at any given time. She's been in cheerleading, choir, dance, theater, tried to be in orchestra (but no one wanted to pay an arm and a leg for a violin for fear she would flake and quit), tried to be in band (but band director made her go back to color guard), and color guard. She joined color guard when she moved in with us around this time last year, and found out that all the positions in the cheerleading squad and the drill team (dance) were already color guard was the only thing left. Last football season killed me! I went to the games to watch BS19 play. Every time I even tried to talk to him about the game in general (not just his performance, but maybe what was up with the offense, was coach crazy trying to play the same play over and over, etc.), SD15 would start butting in trying to talk about her 5 minutes on the field at half time! And next year, she is already thinking that we are going to travel to EVERY game (yes, away games, too) to watch her do the same color guard routine over, and over, and over...sorry, I'm not sitting in the freezing cold for that! I will join DH for home games, but I'm not hitting the road any more for football, unless it is to drive up to BS19's college to watch the occasional home game there.
But if you don't go to SD15's performances, she pouts...and that goes for everyone! Grandmas, aunts, uncles, family friends...she expects everyone to be there all the time! Only one who gets a pass is BM, because she apparently gets anxiety leaving the house these days (woman was a thin 105 lbs about 6 years ago before the birth of her son, and now is about the size of a house, because she basically stays on the couch or in bed all day eating whatever crap is around the house.
I seriously don't know what
I seriously don't know what is worse...SD15 doing this crap, or everyone who actually feeds into it! My SIL, MIL, DH...all, "We are so sorry he's going through this!" Me? When SD15 asked me (don't forget to add the "oh my gosh...this is so tragic" tone of voice to this), "Did you hear what happened to ______'s uncle?" I simply said, "Yes, I did" and walked away! This isn't our tragedy! SD15 and the boyfriend aren't married, and dating a few months does not equal automatic member of the family! She hasn't even KNOWN the guy more than a few months! I mean...for example...say BS19's best friend's uncle passed...that would be a bit different! BS19 and his friend have been close friends since 4th grade, and over the years, we have developed a friendship with the kid's parents. In THAT case, it may be of more concern for us...but even then, we wouldn't treat it as OUR loss! Yes, we would have huge concern for the family because we have been close for so many YEARS, but it wouldn't be OUR tragedy even still!
I often think I have to start
I often think I have to start walking around with headphones on like SD15 does most of the time, so I can't hear what spews from her mouth. The entire time in the car, and when DH insists that SD15 hang out with us in the TV room (I should not be required to hibernate in my own room) was constant! Just like leading up to color guard captain tryouts...blah, blah, the car, at church, constant! Ignoring her doesn't seem to work...guess she likes to hear herself talk.
I do Feel for you my SD16 was
I do Feel for you my SD16 was all how she made varsity and how good the coach had said she was and so on, come to find out (the truth is she got a note from the coach that stated she isn't any good at the game, no motivation, doesn't know anything about it, cant hit, or pitch, or anything) but she is such an exceptional player, well we went to one of her games she went to bat once struck out and never played again and mind you we were there for 4 hrs waiting to see her play what a waste of time when Dh questioned her about it she states its the coaches fault he doesn't like her and she hasn't done anything wrong, the way I ignore her is with ear plugs for me it helps especially when she tries to sing OMFG I swear its bad and she honestly thinks she is good and DH has already told her she is singing nasally but anyway I use ear plugs and BD8 and I have our own sign language so to speak that we use when she wants to talk. DH after awhile says she is getting so much better as far as singing but I know Im not deaf and blind, BM of course takes all credit, she can because SD sucks at singing and any sports she plays in, and she cant hold a job so I say let BM take all the credit for that. she constantly lies writes notes to boys saying shes not a virgin just so they would like her this kid is unreal needless to say DH and I have not spoken to each other for 5 days and I couldn't be more relaxed.
OMG! SD15 is always singing
OMG! SD15 is always singing all over the place! High, nasally, flat...UGH! I want to scream, "SHUT UP ALREADY!" All over the house, in the shower, while making a sandwich...sing, sing, sing! And she is the FIRST to critique someone else's singing! Like she is the expert vocalist!
MY SD15 too! All she does is
MY SD15 too! All she does is sing in this nasally voice that is like nails on a chalk board! In the car if she doesn't like what we are listening to she puts her headphones in and sings over it. Thankfully DH puts an end to that quickly.
She entered the talent show at her school and was confident she was going to win but didn't make it past the first round of try outs. She blamed the song (that she chose). Said she didn't know the words. So I asked why she picked a song she didn't know the words to? I was met with silence. Logic always confuses her.
Sorry cantkeepdoingthis I
Sorry cantkeepdoingthis I kept rambling on...
Oh - I can so relate to the
Oh - I can so relate to the "borrowing" of someone elses tragedy to be the centre of attention.
A few months ago here a little 11yo boy was murdered by his father (about 45 minutes away from where we live - close to where my dd's do dancing and about 30 minutes away from where bm, sd13 and ss10 used to live)
SD13 - "OMG did you hear about (boys name)? I KNEW him!!!!!!! It's so sad, he was so nice, he was my friends bf."
Ummmmm really? Your 13 (nearly 14) yo friend was going out with an 11yo - actually make that 11 nearly 12 and a 9yo because this was before bm moved them this time last year....
And you met him? And you were soooo close to him....
Total BS, but she went on and on and on and crocodile cried for a week about this kid. It was sad and tragic but to take it and use it to get attention sickened me.
SD15 is still going on and on
SD15 is still going on and on about it! She is posting on her Facebook how this is going to be such a long week, and talking about how sad both her boyfriend and his sister (who is supposedly now her best friend) are, and that she MUST console BOTH of them, etc. Come on already! These kids have parents! They have grandparents!
I also have to wonder what the hell SD15 is saying about me to her boyfriend's parents! The boyfriend's mom came to the Project Graduation meeting last night, so that we could induct the executive members for next school year (as SD15's boyfriend is currently a junior). The boyfriend's mom was there, and was giving me the stink eye the whole time and wouldn't say a word to me! She KNOWS who I am (I've been to her house before to pickup up SD15 or drop off the boyfriend). I do know that my MIL told us on Sunday that SD15 is always trying to give her, my SIL and my BIL these sob stories about how things are here every time she is spending the night over there, and my MIL always has to remind my SIL and BIL that they are only hearing one side...the teenager side...and that SD15 does tend to be a bit dramatic about things!
All for attention!!
Oh, the boyfriend's parents
Oh, the boyfriend's parents think that SD15 is a saint!!! I can tell by the boyfriend's mom's responses to SD15's Facebook posts all the time...always telling her how beautiful and sweet SD15 is, and how she is SOOOOOO happy that her son found a girl like her. I have to laugh to myself, "Is she talking about the same girl?"
But they always act different around other people...put on the charm! It helps them in the attention department..."Oh, feel sorry for me! I'm this sweet girl who's parents are dictators!" Wonder if the boyfriend's mom would feel the same if she knew about SD15's history with alcohol, smoking pot, skipping school, spending the night at boy's houses, etc.
But no, I will always be the evil stepmother...oh, who also doesn't want her son over at my house ever (which I never said...I simply want to be consulted before he is just allowed to hang out, because maybe I don't want ANY company). No, the boyfriend's mom will never get it, as she only works part time...she will never understand how one who works some 60 hours a week feels about their days off!
UGH! SD15 is STILL moping
UGH! SD15 is STILL moping around the house as if she is in the HUGE state of depression over the death of the boyfriend's uncle! NOW, she is trying to get DH to let her miss school tomorrow to go to the funeral because her boyfriend "really needs her right now"! Keep in mind, it would totally be an unexcused absence, because it is not immediate family, and it isn't a classmate (small town school, if a classmate dies, the school will make counseling available and actually make it so that any student who wants to go to the funeral can...has only happened once since any of my kids have been in the school). Oh, but she NEEDS to go to have closure! can stop now!
Can't freakin' believe DH let
Can't freakin' believe DH let SD15 miss a whole day of school for the boyfriend's uncle's funeral...a man SD15 NEVER MET! Total BS! I know one thing...hope it gives her "closure" so she can stop moping around the house like someone killed her dog! I'm so done with her making this whole thing out to be about her! Oh, but I'm sure the boyfriend's mom is going to be so happy that SD15 is there...UGH! The way that woman dotes all over she is the best person in the world! She doesn't get that it is all an act, and that is NOT the way that SD15 really is. Oh, SD15 is so concerned...nope, it is just another opportunity for drama that she can use to get attention!
Last night on my way home
Last night on my way home from the gym, I found myself thinking that SD15 would provably find some reason to not want to go to school today! The funeral was too much? Something! This was after I saw her Facebook and saw a bunch of selfies of her and the boyfriend having fun (yes, there was a funeral, but no need to miss a full day of school).
This morning, SD15 comes in our room complaining she doesn't feel well...nothing specific like a headache or upset stomach...she just feels blah and if she goes to school, she will just sit there and not do anything (her words)! Really? DH asks what he should do about a note, and SD15 tries to tell him, "Say I had to go to a stuff." Considering that they were interrupting my sleep over this crap, I had to say a few words! "So you want dad to lie is what you are saying? Because your boyfriend that you have only dated a few months is NOT family, and you didn't even know his uncle!" DH actually agreed with me on this one, and even said himself that he is about done with the whole world seemingly having to revolve around the boyfriend!
End result, SD15 is not going to school again, but she is not sitting in front of the TV at all or allowed on the internet...sick is sick! She is to stay in her room...and so sad for her that I work from home and she can't get away with doing what she wants! Not feeling well? Let me tell you, she really acted that one up trying to get DH to feel sorry for her!!! I mean over the top acting! Wouldn't be surprised if she calls BM and has her send the live in babysitter to come get her, because BM will always give in and baby the princess. Let's hope she does!
So, I have the TV remotes in
So, I have the TV remotes in my office, and we got a new router where I can lock down access on certain MAC addresses to our network. I've turned off all access to our wireless on all of SD15's devices. She finally crawled out of bed just now, and went straight to a bowl of sugary cereal (the last of a box that has been in there forever), and took it to her room. Will probably be the only thing she eats all day. Will probably never see that bowl again!
She knew she wouldn't get away with watching any TV, since I'm home...but I don't think she counted on her iPod being locked off the network! HA! She is probably in her room right now trying to figure out why it isn't working. She probably figured, "How would they know if I use my iPod?"
Wanted another free day off from school? Going to make sure she is so freakin' bored and that she gets absolutely no attention so that maybe she will think twice about "playing" sick again! Oh, I don't doubt that she doesn't feel a little out of sorts. That is what happens when you don't eat, and when you do eat, you don't eat anything with any kind of nutritional substance! DH did ask her what she ate yesterday. Her response was, "There was a lot of food." Okay, but that doesn't say what she ate! That probably means she didn't eat much of anything, and the only thing she did eat involved chocolate.
Oh my... deep breaths!!!
Oh my... deep breaths!!! Teenagers can be AWFUL about "The Drama". In some ways I can forgive them for it, since they don't have the same life experience to put things in perspective. It's still annoying though.
And damn straight she stays in her room! If she's "sick" that's where she should be.
Although I have been known to let an *actually* sick teenager hang on the couch and watch TV, ones who are "sick" do not get that privilege!
I wonder if DH even saw this
I wonder if DH even saw this coming! Last night, when I thought about it, I just KNEW she was going to have some reason to not go to school today. I almost brought it up to DH, "Watch, tomorrow...." I decided to leave it alone. I mean...a 4-day weekend would be nice, right?
You could tell even this morning that it was an act. When she was told no TV and no internet by DH, she got this look on her face like, "WHAT?" When DH asked her what she was going to do...go to school or go back to bed...she seriously struggled with it! With her arms crossed and her all balled up like she was freezing, and the super, over the top look of despair on her face, she kept saying, "I don't know what I'm going to do. I need to think about it." THAT right there told me it was all an act!!! I may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night! I've been a parent for 23 years now...raised two from birth through those teen years! Both BS19 and BD23, when REALLY sick, didn't have to "think about it"...they took their relieved butts to bed, and I seriously would not see them again until like noon when I would have to go in there and wake them up to eat something. If they weren't sick, they quickly figured out I had their number, and got their happy butts ready for school, because school was better than being holed up in their room all day!
Over the course of their teen years, BS19 and BD23 were hardly ever sick! Shoot, I don't think BS19 has missed a single day of high school outside of college visits. The only partial absences he has had have been for appointments. He would always tell me, coach is so strict on people who simply don't show up, that if he ever did get sick, he would go to school, puke on the field, and let the coach send him home! Don't get me wrong...he has had his days of feeling under the weather...he does suffer from a bit of allergies. But when he gets congested, he just takes some Dayquil and goes on with life. Same thing with BD23...I can count the days of high school she missed on one hand, and she spent some time getting terrible stomach aches until we figured out she was allergic to wheat, but she would say being around her friends helped take her mind off of her stomach, whereas if she just went home, she would just lie there and hurt.
OMG! She is still playing it
OMG! She is still playing it up!!! DH got off of work early because of the late night work he had to do this week. He decided he was going to go ahead and get SD15 to BM's for her visit (we have to drive back up to the college tonight for registration tomorrow, and DH insists he has to come). DH is ready to leave, and SD15 is taking forever to get to the car. When she finally emerges from her room, she is basically dragging her feet walking so slow, with her head hung and that total look of despair still on her face! Keep playing it still won't get that Oscar!
Come to think about it, the guard officer results were supposed to come out this week, and I haven't heard anything about it. Wonder if they were announced yesterday while she was out, it got to her that she didn't make it, and that is the reason for "not feeling well"! Hmmm...would make perfect sense, as I already know she will be overly dramatic if she didn't make it.